If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 15: Fiery Kiss


Zhong Yuan is hard&g;_&l;

Unfortunately, my thigh was pressed between his legs. At this time, the hard thing on my leg, the burning sensation was so clearly transmitted to my leg through the heat exchange through the clothes, and then It was transmitted to my brain through reflex nerves, so I, I was messed up...

If a person encounters an extremely embarrassing thing, the most common first reaction is to stay dumb. At this time, I was no exception, my brain seemed to be frozen, all my attention was attracted by the heat source, so I lay on Zhong Yuan's body in a daze, without moving.

Zhong Yuan lay on the ground without moving, his body seemed a little stiff. Probably because I was crushing him so badly, his breathing was a little difficult. At this moment, he breathed heavily and said with difficulty: "Mu, Mu, you don't intend to moleste me here, do you..."

After hearing what he said, my nerves returned to normal. I quickly got up from him, not daring to look down at him. At this time, my face seemed to be covered with a layer of pepper, which was hot and uncomfortable. God, what a shame! No, it's Zhong Yuan, shame on Zhong Yuan!

Zhong Yuan sat up from the ground, propped his hands back on the ground, "Wu Mu, you are really enthusiastic."

I glared at him angrily, but met his eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, so I became even more angry. He is the one who is obviously ashamed, so why is he the one who gloats!

At this time, Zhong Yuan said awkwardly: "But no matter how enthusiastic you are, you still have to divide it into an occasion, right?"

I squeezed my fist and let it go again. Forget it, this was an accident, we won't discuss the details too much, especially not with guys like Zhong Yuan!

On the way back, in the car, someone asked Zhong Yuan if he felt it was all right. Zhong Yuan shook his head calmly, "It's okay."

So people began to make jokes, saying that this kind of thing might affect your happy life for the rest of your life, why don't you go to the hospital for a check-up

Zhong Yuan still shook his head calmly, and added: "It's really all right, Muer can testify."

At that moment, there was a deathly silence around...

I sat next to Zhong Yuan, closed my eyes and pretended to be dead. By the way, I had this guy over and over again in my brain.

When I went back at night, I received a call from Xiaojie. She told me with great regret that the 200 yuan I put on Senior Sister Lingling was in vain.

I didn't believe it, "Isn't it? Although Senior Sister Lingling was injured, I didn't hit it. This should be considered cheating."

Xiaojie sighed, and said: "Whether this counts as cheating or not is up to the president to decide, who made him the referee."

I was dissatisfied: "Even if he is a referee, he can't turn black and white..." This matter involves economic issues, and it is very serious!

Xiaojie replied: "The president said that when the two of you were in a state of life and death, you didn't say that others were not allowed to help."

Khan, is this okay? Has the chairman's head been bitten by a dog? ?

Xiaojie continued: "Actually, the key issue is that the one hundred yuan that the president bet on is for you to win."

I:"… "

It turns out that the president is also a sinister star, despise him!

Recently I got a fun thing, which is a seal. Well, of course the seal is not the point, the point is the shape of the seal—the image of a normal person's lips. In other words, if this thing is printed on the face, it is like someone kissing you. I tried it on my notebook with this seal, and it was quite interesting. It's a pity that they didn't let me try it on their faces, because of this, I was almost besieged by them.

There was no class in the afternoon, so Zhong Yuan dragged him to the library for self-study. Originally, I thought it was not within the scope of my work to accompany him in self-study, but unfortunately Zhong Yuan said that accompanying him was also a kind of accompanying practice... go to his uncle's accompanying study>_&l;

I spread out the textbook of advanced mathematics and looked at it decently while dozing off. Zhong Yuan was sitting next to me, flipping through an idle book. I turned my face and took a sneak peek at what book he was reading... "The Psychology of Love"

Khan, Zhong Yuan, Zhong Yuan, if I don't despise you this time, I'm sorry for the title of this book.

So I gave a very obvious sneer, and looked down at my advanced mathematics with disdain. See it, this is the gap!

After Zhong Yuan was despised by me, he was not angry either. He took my notebook and flipped through it. After flipping through it, I turned to the page where I did the seal test, which was the seal of the flaming lips. That page was full of red lip prints, which was shocking.

Zhong Yuan's eyes stayed on those lip prints, he looked at them for a while, then suddenly turned his face to look at me maliciously, his lips slightly raised, his eyes shone slightly. He said, "Wood, are you that hungry?"

I:"… "

I snatched the notebook angrily, and ignored his venomous tongue... I had no choice but to ignore it. I'm not very good at arguing with people. If our boss was here, I would block him, hehe !

Zhong Yuan didn't appreciate my patience at all. He smiled and said: "If you really want to find someone to kiss, then..."

"Shut up!" I glared at him viciously, I was so impulsive that I wanted to take out the seal to show off to prove my innocence, but suddenly I had another idea...

Well, Zhong Yuan, you forced me to...

So I suppressed the anger in my heart and read the book calmly for a while. Zhong Yuanyuan looked at his book "Psychology of Love" with interest, not knowing whose little girl this boy was going to plot against again, so he mourned in silence for that unlucky child.

After a while, I touched Zhong Yuan's arm and whispered, "Aren't you sleepy?"

Zhong Yuan looked at me inexplicably, but said nothing.

I said again: "You must be very sleepy reading this kind of book, right? You must be very sleepy, so don't pretend to be like me."

Zhong Yuan didn't even bother to lift his eyelids this time, he stared intently at the book in his hand, raised his other hand to hold down my head, and forcibly turned my face away.

I slapped his hand away angrily, silently expecting Zhong Yuan's sleepiness.

Probably God heard my prayer. After a while, Zhong Yuan really fell asleep... You know, this kid always looks like he has been pumped out when he is in self-study, this time it is really rare.

"I'll take a nap." Zhong Yuan yawned after finishing speaking, and lay down on the table.

I read the book half-heartedly for a while, guessing that this guy was asleep, so I touched him lightly, and called "Zhong Yuan" twice in a low voice, but he didn't respond.

It seemed that he was really asleep. I was delighted, and gently took out my seal. Zhong Yuan is lying on the table right now, with his face sideways, his skin is so good, it's too hateful >_&l;

I opened the seal and approached him quietly. This guy slept so intently that he didn't notice the approaching danger at all. I sniggered triumphantly, held up my seal and gently covered his face...

Everything went so smoothly. However, at this moment, when my seal was still stuck on Zhong Yuan's face and before I could get it back, this guy, he unexpectedly, slowly opened his eyes...

The author has something to say: I don't think you can guess what Zhong Yuan will do next, right? Akimbo laugh~~~

What’s inside, it’s said that today is the birthday of a certain child’s shoe, happy birthday~ I can’t satisfy your request, because I think this chapter has a lot of feeling here.