If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 19: Zhong Yuan was shy


At this moment Zhong Yuan was looking down at me with the corners of his mouth raised, his dark eyes filled with malicious smiles.

My head exploded with a bang, what... what's going on

I got out of Zhong Yuan's arms in a panic, jumped off the bed, and then stammered and asked him: "You, you, you, why are you here? What did you do to me?!"

Zhong Yuan lay leisurely on his side, with his head propped on one hand, in that posture, he looked like a mermaid. He looked at me, smiled faintly, and replied, "Please find out which room this is."

I looked around, and suddenly felt ashamed. This room is very similar to ours, but there is Zhong Yuan and his luggage in the corner, which means nothing.

Am I in the wrong room? I suddenly thought of the vague bathroom visit in the early morning. At that time, I groped into the room in a daze, and I didn't see clearly who was lying on the bed... So, since then, I have been sleeping in this room. in the room? Not only that, but Zhong Yuan and I slept so ambiguously. More importantly, the other three must have seen it, especially Lu Zijian...

I am crying now.

Zhong Yuan stared at my helpless expression with great interest for a while, then suddenly said: "Why, afraid that Lu Zijian will see it?"

I nodded, thought about it, and felt embarrassed again, so I shook my head again.

Zhong Yuan smiled comfortably, "Unfortunately, Lu Zijian has already seen it."

I can only express my strong condemnation and contempt for Zhong Yuan's bad behavior that harms others and benefits himself, "Then why didn't you wake me up?"

Zhong Yuan: "I called, but you didn't wake up, not only that." He looked at me meaningfully, and smiled triumphantly, "You even threw yourself into my arms."

Hanzhi, can I do such a shameful thing? I really wish that a lightning bolt would come down from the sky and kill me.

For what happened last night, I only know that I went to the bathroom halfway and then walked into this room. As for what happened afterwards, I don't remember at all. Although what Zhong Yuan said is doubtful, but when I think of the scene of me voluntarily throwing myself into his arms, I still feel chills. God, don't play like this...

Just as I was about to speak, I heard a rustling sound outside the door, as if someone was still whispering. I walked to the door holding my breath, and opened the door with a "swipe".

Three men and three women crowded together at the door, each with more wretched expressions. What I can't stand the most is that even Lu Zijian joins in the fun with them!

Considering that this eavesdropping group has a lot of people, I don't dare to do anything to them, and I'm afraid that Zhong Yuan's will will say something more shocking, so I can only take a cool look at them, and then Almost fled out of the room.

So this social practice, which I was looking forward to, kicked off with such an embarrassing morning.

After breakfast, the eight of us rowed two boats into the Baiyangdian Lake. Our task today is to get acquainted with the general situation of Baiyangdian first.

The boat is an ordinary wooden boat rented from a nearby farmhouse. It has two oars and needs to be rowed manually. We were divided into two groups. I, Siguniang, Lu Zijian, and Zhong Yuan were in one boat, and the others were in another boat. Only Lu Zijian and Passerby A are the only ones who are more professional in rowing, and of course the others make trouble occasionally.

Today's weather is very sunny. Although it is summer, the lake is breezy and not too hot. The sky is very blue, and the reflection of the lake is so blue that it makes people feel very good. The lake is wide and calm, and the breeze pushes the thin waves to hit the boat, rolling up piles of fine foam, like naughty children. The oars slapped the water lightly, and the rhythmic rushing sound made people feel peaceful.

The scenery here is not glamorous, but it is very pleasant, like a beautiful girl in an ordinary family, kind and refreshing.

I couldn't help being intoxicated by the pleasant scenery, so I took off my sandals and swung my feet into the water. The water was cool and soft, refreshing. So I closed my eyes comfortably, enjoying the comfort that penetrated into my soul.

There was a familiar "click" in my ear, and I knew that Zhong Yuan must be taking pictures again. This guy is very strange. He has his own camera, but he has never seen him use it. Every time he holds up his mobile phone to take pictures.

I opened my eyes and glanced at him boredly, only to see that he was staring at the surface of the water motionless at this moment, with his eyes straight. I found it strange that I followed his gaze, but saw a pair of white feet.

At this time, those feet were swinging in the water with great interest, stirring up cool water splashes, which were particularly dazzling in the sun. Both feet were soaked and shiny, with slender ankle bones, plump muscles, and round nails... Those feet belonged to no one else, they belonged to someone else.

I coughed dryly, put my feet together in embarrassment, and put them neatly on the side of the boat. The small wooden boat moved gently on the water surface, so my feet were immersed in the water, and two ripples were drawn, rippling at the stern.

Zhong Yuan seemed to be possessed by a demon, his eyes were straightened, I saw his lips dry up, and his throat moved slightly. So I started to worry if this guy had a heat stroke. Although there is a cool breeze on the lake and it is not hot, the power of Father Sun should not be underestimated, especially the deadly ultraviolet rays, which made me dare not even open my eyes too much.

I lightly poked Zhong Yuan's arm friendly and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhong Yuan came back to his senses, he shifted his gaze, glanced at me, then turned his face and looked into the distance.

However, what surprised me was that an imperceptible pink had crept up on his cheeks, which was faintly smoky. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, and looked again, there was still. Uh, this world is fantasy again.

But I soon understood. Zhong Yuan's skin is thicker than a city wall, and the only reason why he can blush is because he is sick. It seemed that this kid really suffered from heat stroke, so I picked up the backpack casually, took Huoxiang Zhengqi water from it, and gave it to him, "Drink this?"

Zhong Yuan didn't even look at what was in my hand. He took it and unscrewed the cap and drank it straight away. After drinking, he remembered to frown, "What are you giving me to drink?"

If such a dumb reaction happened to Zhong Yuan, it would be too bizarre. Has this kid lost his soul

At this time, Zhong Yuan held the empty vial and looked at it for a while, then handed it to me, and said "thank you" indifferently. He looked up at me, his eyes sweeping over my feet vaguely.

I shrank my feet, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while. This feeling of embarrassment was not felt by me, but brought to me by Zhong Yuan. I don’t know what he was thinking at this time, but I always felt that his expression was a little weird, so I followed the embarrassment for no reason. stand up. I really don't know why Zhong Yuan's emotions are so contagious.

At this time, Zhong Yuan's eyes still seemed to be entangled with my feet, so I coughed dryly, and said without words: "That...my feet look good? Hehe..." Actually, I am not myself. Lian, when I compete with others, I sometimes lose the wind, but in comparison with others, I have basically never lost. Many people have praised my beautiful feet. Although I also admit that good-looking feet are useless, but good-looking feet are better than bad-looking.

Zhong Yuan raised the corners of his mouth shallowly, and smiled vividly and enchantingly. I even suspected that this guy was not suffering from heatstroke, but from an evil spirit. He looked at my feet generously, nodded slightly and replied, "It's really pretty."

Although the atmosphere was still weird, it was not easy to be praised by Zhong Yuan, so my mood improved.

At this time, Zhong Yuan's gaze flickered on and off, which was completely a symptom of a deep evil. Anyway, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water could not save him.

After a long time, when I was pushed to the ground by someone and he kissed my toes one by one, I realized that good-looking feet are not completely useless. Just a pair of feet can turn some men on," and it's not entirely unreasonable.

Because there is a disease in this world called foot fetishism. And Zhong Yuan is a mild patient of the disease.

The author has something to say: I also crazily like beautiful hands and feet on the seventh day, covering my face, I am always perverted...