If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 21: chapters + 23 chapters


God, I am guilty!

So I grabbed the fourth girl's sleeve, tears were about to fall, "I'm sorry to all of you."

The fourth girl shook off my hand impatiently, and continued to peel the lotus seeds to eat, "Go, go, don't you know who you should apologize to, stay away from me!"

After being rejected by the fourth girl, I stood up and moved towards Zhong Yuan step by step with a guilty conscience.

The author has something to say: Zhong Yuan, a pervert, will accept the apology in the shrimp way... Scratching your head, I don't think you can guess, smile with your arms akimbo~~~

Randomly push an article, the sister-brother love of an older woman with a v-bellied black man: "Twenty-nine Sorrowful Marriage"

I walked to the stern and sat carefully beside Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan was sitting cross-legged at this time, staring at the water with a straight face in a daze. The clothes on us had been dried by the sun, but the cool wind blew, and I still sneezed in a very ugly way.

Zhong Yuan moved a bit, but didn't speak.

I rubbed my nose, then smiled giggly, poked his arm, and said, "That... I'm sorry..."

Zhong Yuan still had a straight face, didn't speak, and didn't look at me. I knew that I really hurt his heart this time, so I said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I know you are doing it for my own good, I'm too ignorant, I... I won't be like this in the future, don't be angry Ok?"

Zhong Yuan gently clasped the side of the boat with his fingertips, but still did not speak.

I gritted my teeth and said cruelly, "Why don't you deduct my salary!"

Zhong Yuan suddenly turned his face away from me, and I saw his shoulders tremble slightly... He must be suppressing the anger in his heart now, his back is so decisive, it makes me tremble with fear. This time I really offended him, and I guess the deduction of salary is not enough to appease his anger, God, what should I do...

The boat moved forward slowly, and I looked at the lotus pod stretching out beside me, and picked it up. Who knew that the root of the lotus pod was very strong, I didn't pull it off, but was pushed forward by it, the boat was rowing backward again, and I was about to fall into the water again.

Zhong Yuan stretched out his arm at the right time and pulled me back with the lotus pod.

I sat down again and smiled obsequiously at him, "Thank you, hehehehe..."

Zhong Yuan coolly didn't say anything, leaving me with a lofty and aloof side face. Not to mention, his stern face looks quite handsome &g;_&l;

Of course, now is not the time to admire handsome guys. Holding the lotus pod, I asked Zhong Yuan flatteringly, "Do you eat lotus seeds?"

As expected, there was no answer.

I peeled off a lotus seed, removed the green core in the middle, and brought it to his mouth, "Eat it, eat it?"

The arrogant Zhong Yuan finally couldn't resist the temptation of fresh lotus seeds, he opened his mouth to hold it, and chewed it a few times. As if I had been pardoned, I was overjoyed, so I peeled another one, removed the core and sent it to his mouth. He unceremoniously stretched out the tip of his tongue and rolled the lotus seeds into his mouth, but his face was still gloomy.

Khan, this guy is really hard to coax.

I carefully peeled the lotus seeds for him, and I really hope that he will calm down for the sake of my meticulous service. It's a pity that this guy is like a rock, except for his mouth moving a few times when eating lotus seeds, the expression on his face basically doesn't change, and he still cherishes his words like gold, and doesn't say a word. I gradually became a little discouraged and wondered if I should try other methods.

At this time, Xiaoer and his boat gradually rowed over, very close to us. Xiaoer stood at the bow of the boat, looked at Zhong Yuan and me, and shouted loudly: "Haha, I've seen it all!"

I shook my hand, and a lotus seed fell into the water.

Xiao Er then shouted excitedly: "You two are interesting enough, but Mu Mu, you should also pay attention to the influence, Lu Xiaogong is watching you!"

I immediately felt awkward, and my face burned. It seems... It seems that the two of us are really getting too close by doing this...

Just when I was hesitating, Zhong Yuan glanced at Xiao Er lightly, and said nonchalantly: "Don't pay attention to her, let's continue."

I:"… "

Good job Xiao Er, Zhong Yuan is finally willing to speak >_&l;

So I didn't care about anything else, and quickly gathered up my emotions to serve this uncle. While peeling the lotus seeds, I smiled obsequiously and said, "Zhong Yuan, are you not angry?"

Zhong Yuan remained expressionless, "What are you talking about?"

I stuffed a lotus seed into his mouth, "I think so, you are so generous, hehe, hehehe..."

Zhong Yuan was not humble at all, he accepted my praise, and then he said: "Considering that I am more generous, I will not be angry if you do one thing."

I asked cautiously, "What, what?"

Zhong Yuan didn't speak, but raised the corners of his mouth, and a smile that captivated all sentient beings appeared on his face.

five minutes later.

There was a huge crooked lotus leaf on my head, a lotus pod with long branches in my mouth, my hands were hanging on my chest like a puppy, and I was looking at a cell phone camera with no expression on my face.

Zhong Yuan held up his mobile phone and looked at me with a smile, "Mu Mu, smile."

So I grinned, and at the same time I didn't forget to bite the bunch of lotus pods, and then smiled miserably.

With a click, Zhong Yuan's mobile phone recorded my historic moment. I have done countless embarrassing things since I grew up, and every time I recorded my embarrassing moments in my brain, only this time, I was recorded in my mobile phone. So, this time is a leap, a breakthrough, and a qualitative change in my shameful history.

I looked at the embarrassing photo on Zhong Yuan's phone that made me almost cry, and I was completely messed up.

Later, after I married this guy, he inhumanely developed this photo of my puppy with a lotus in it and put it in a photo frame, and then put the photo frame on the bedside, and he would pay his respects every day before going to sleep.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, I finally believed what Lu Zijian once said, that his roommates are really good people. Not to mention Lu Zijian and Zhong Yuan, just talking about the two senior brothers, Passerby A and Passerby B, really impressed me.

Passerby A and Passerby B are both seniors from the School of Computer Science, but they have gone to two extremes. Passerby A is a genius hacker. I don’t know how hacked he is. In short, Zhong Yuan admired him when he said he was a hacker, so I believed it. Although Zhong Yuan is a bad person, what he said is authoritative, because this person's vision has always been high-end, and things that can be praised by him must be good things. By the way, Zhong Yuan is actually a hacker himself, he can hack his account and intrude. It is said that passer-by A once tried to steal his account, but the result seemed unsuccessful, and it is also said that he was forced to learn by his father before. There are a lot of miscellaneous things, including the computer. From this point of view, Zhong Yuan can be regarded as erudite, and of course he is equally erudite and knowledgeable, and there is also our passerby brother Yi.

If Passerby A is a genius, then Passerby B is a genius. Apart from being not interested in computer-related industries, this person has been involved in many other fields, from astronomy and geography to the Renaissance, from entertainment gossip to international affairs, and every place has been baptized by his clutches. He is not only erudite, but also literary. As a result of his literary arts, he created a booklet. In this booklet, he blinded his eyes with his research spirit of excellence and creative spirit.

The title of this booklet is "Complete Packing Manual".

In this "Complete Equipment Handbook", passer-by B divides equipment into four levels, which are primary, intermediate, advanced and hardcore. The one-sentence summary of the basic equipment is "pretend to be stupid", the one-sentence summary of the intermediate equipment is "pretend for the sake of pretending", the one-sentence summary of the advanced equipment is "pretending not to look at it from a distance", and the ashes A summary of one sentence is "Others are pretending to do what they do, but they are not pretending to do what they do"...

Next, he demonstrated the four levels of pretense from the aspects of behavior, psychology, influence, appreciation, etc., and finally came to the conclusion that it is not shameful to pretend, but it is shameful not to pretend well.

I'm completely messed up.

So I began to worship the two brothers, passerby A and passerby B, they are indeed talents.

At this time, Zhong Yuan was slowly eating watermelon, he asked casually: "Wu Mu, don't you worship me?"

I turned my face away with contempt, "Why should I worship you?"

Zhong Yuan smiled: "You will know why in the future."

Later, I learned from unrelated people that Zhong Yuan's mixed dormitory is based on the survival principle. This principle has only four sentences:

1. Don't compete with Lu Zijian in basketball.

2. Do not compare the computer with passer-by A.

3. Don't compete with passer-by B.

4. Don't compare with Zhong Yuan... don't compare with him in anything!

In the evening, the gold medal chef said that we ran out of soy sauce, so he sent Zhong Yuan to make soy sauce. As someone who has been oppressed and bullied by this guy for a long time, he took me with him as a matter of course.

It takes about fifteen minutes to walk from our residence to the nearest small shop, passing through a small forest. Although there is moonlight today, the woods are still blustery and windy, I have goosebumps, and I followed closely behind Zhong Yuan. Zhong Yuan walked for a while, stopped and turned to look at me, "Afraid?"

I almost bumped into his chest, so I staggered and replied, "No... no..."

Zhong Yuan couldn't help but take my hand, "Let's go."

Zhong Yuan's hand was clenched tightly, and I couldn't pull it back, so I had no choice but to let him hold it and follow him. Strangely enough, I wasn't that scared anymore.

It seems that Zhong Yuan also has the effect of exorcising evil spirits &g;_&l;

In response to the concept of cost saving and recycling of gold medal chefs, the soy sauce we make is bulk soy sauce. A chubby girl was on duty in the small shop. When she saw Zhong Yuan, she smiled shyly, and then stood in front of the huge soy sauce bucket with a soy sauce bottle, pouring soy sauce. The girl was pouring soy sauce in her hand, and she glanced towards us from time to time. Zhong Yuan reminded her with a blank face: "You spilled soy sauce."

The girl's face turned red in an instant, she quickly covered the lid and handed us the soy sauce, she didn't care that the soy sauce was still on her hands, she smiled foolishly at Zhong Yuan.

I took the heavy soy sauce, and my heart was full of joy. This boy Zhong Yuan is indeed a scourge in the world, he can take advantage of other little girls with just a little soy sauce, and now we actually spend two catties of soy sauce for the price of one catty of soy sauce, oh my god, it feels so cool to take advantage...

When we went back, the girl making soy sauce reluctantly sent us to the door, and we stood for a long time before going back. I held the soy sauce bottle in one hand, and covered my stomach with the other hand, and I was overjoyed, "Zhong Yuan, I've really taken a fancy to you."

Zhong Yuan remained expressionless and did not speak.

I became more arrogant, poked his arm, and said with a smile: "Why don't you just marry her, seeing how kind the girl is, she gave us two catties of soy sauce!"

Zhong Yuan patted my hand away, displeased: "Sell you for two catties of soy sauce?"

I smiled and replied: "No, I am doing this for your own good..."

Zhong Yuan suddenly grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly, which hurt me so much that I had no choice but to beg for mercy in an unscrupulous way.

Zhong Yuan grabbed my arm and pulled me back, pulling me a little closer. He looked down at me sullenly, and said, "Of course I will marry my wife."

I think the content of what he said doesn't match his expression at all. It's obviously just a nonsense declarative sentence. Why did he look at me so strangely when he said it? What are you planning on me again.

I coughed dryly, lowered my head, and tried to pull my hand back.

Zhong Yuan's palm slid down my wrist, directly grabbed my hand, and squeezed it.

I didn't resist this time, because I found that we were walking back to the gloomy grove again.

The moonlight shines through in bits and pieces, accompanied by the mottled shadows of the branches, which looks a bit hideous. I shrank my shoulders and was about to say something, but suddenly I seemed to hear a strange sound coming from the depths of the woods not far away.

It seems to be two people, a man and a woman, they seem to be injured and in pain, moaning/groaning.

I was curious, and stretched my neck to find out, but Zhong Yuan took my hand, and the pace of my feet accelerated a lot. I was almost dragged forward by him, with my short legs upside down.

The intermittent groans/groans gradually moved away from us, and we quickly walked out of the woods. The moment I walked out of the woods, I suddenly realized that the voice just now... Ahem, no one is fighting in the woods, right? Oh cakes, the folk customs here are really unrestrained...

To be honest, it was the first time I heard this kind of live version of the sound, so I reacted a bit belatedly. At this moment, when I realized the truth deep in the woods, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks burn... In fact, I'm also quite pure...

While pulling me, Zhong Yuan said condescendingly: "Why, do you know how to be shy now?"

Sure enough, my guess was right. At this moment, I lowered my head and didn't know what to say. My mind was filled with the voice of "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This guy has been cultivating for a long time, and it is not as educational as listening to the live version of the voice at this time. Sure enough, what Uncle Ma said is right, true knowledge comes from practice.

I was just thinking wildly while being dragged back to our residence by Zhong Yuan.

A group of people were enjoying the shade in the yard. When they saw us coming back, everyone's expressions were a little ambiguous. I was wondering, but I heard Xiaoer say: "Hehe, the little hands are all closed? Why is your face so red, San Mutou?"

Only then did I realize that my hand was still being held by Zhong Yuan, so I quickly pulled it back.

At this time, the boss agreed with a smile: "Hey, what's the point of holding a small hand, everyone is throwing themselves into his arms."

Passer-by A picked up a chopstick on the table and said to the chopstick: "Student Zhong Yuan, let me interview you. How does it feel to be thrown into your arms?" Then he handed the chopstick to Zhong Yuan.

I thought that Zhong Yuan would push his chopsticks away expressionlessly, but I didn't expect him to face the chopsticks, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said maliciously: "It's very soft and comfortable."

I got angry, my brain got hot, and I blurted out without going through my brain: "It's very soft and comfortable? Do you think I'm a sanitary napkin?!"

everyone:"… "