If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 22: The hero saves the beauty


Since I put my head under the electric fan for a long time last night, when I woke up this morning, my mind was heavy and my whole body was hot. Simply put, I have a cold. It is really a shameful and sad thing to catch a cold in such a hot season.

So I had no choice but to stay at the base camp and watch helplessly as several other people floated away in their boats.

Zhong Yuan, like me, also stayed behind because he had to sort out the materials. I was forced to drink two bottles of Shuanghuanglian oral liquid by him. He said that this thing is really not for people to drink, but Zhong Yuan said that if I don’t drink it, I will not be allowed to eat watermelon. This person is too despicable. Things threaten me.

After drinking the medicine, with my heavy head on my head, I held half a watermelon and ate it with a small spoon, while watching Zhong Yuan sort out the materials. Eating by myself and watching others work, this feeling is so cool &g;_&l;

It's a pity that the fly in the ointment is that every time Zhong Yuan raises his head and opens his mouth, I have to dig a large piece of watermelon into his mouth wisely. Seeing how proud he is being served, I really want to snap the watermelon straight away. To his head, unfortunately I dare not.

The gold medal chef came to chat with us idly, looked at us for a long time, and finally said: "When will you get married?"

I choked on a mouthful of watermelon and almost died. This chef's thinking is too divergent. Where is this going...

Zhong Yuan raised his head calmly and smiled at the gold medal chef, and replied, "I don't plan to get married for the time being."

I have to sigh, Zhong Yuan's rank is higher than mine, and he can still be so calm after being misunderstood by others. Unfortunately, I really can't calm down, so I wiped the corners of my mouth and said to the gold medal chef resentfully: "We, cough cough , we are not the kind of relationship you imagined... "

The gold medal chef let out a very dismissive hey, as if he completely took what I said as a joke, so I was very sad and angry.

Zhong Yuan came close to my ear and said with a smile: "You know why I didn't explain?"

At this time, the gold medal chef coughed twice, said "I won't bother you" and left lightly, leaving me speechless and choked. At that moment, I found sadly that the matter between Zhong Yuan and I seemed to be unclear. Maybe the only way was for him to find a girlfriend or me to find a boyfriend.

I weighed these two methods, and found that it was easier for Zhong Yuan to find a girlfriend. After all, this kid is a scourge. There are too many people who like him, and even the little girls in the small shop miss him. But why doesn't Zhong Yuan have a girlfriend? Although he didn't say anything about it, the frequency of my contact with him can be described as "inseparable", so if he had a girlfriend, I should have found out a long time ago.

I suddenly thought of the embarrassing book "Love Psychology" that Zhong Yuan once read in the library, and then I thought of how he shyly invited the four girls to participate in the social practice through me indirectly before the social practice. then, then...

The answer came almost out of my mouth. I rubbed my chin and thought for a while, then said to Zhong Yuan seriously: "Zhong Yuan, why don't you help me chase Lu Zijian, and I help you chase Miss Fourth?"

Zhong Yuan's hands that were clattering on the keyboard stopped, he turned his face to face me, and squinted his eyes, apparently in disbelief, "What did you say?"

I read the danger signal from Zhong Yuan's eyes. I thought it was his anger caused by my accidental revelation of his privacy, so I patted him on the shoulder generously, and smiled boldly: "Actually, I know what you think about Miss Si, The fourth girl has a good impression of you too... whoever we are with, don't alienate me, haha... "

Zhong Yuan stared at me with an unfriendly expression, he suddenly pushed me to the floor, then leaned over to support my body, looked at me with twinkling eyes, lowered his head, and slowly approached me.

I was startled, I don't know what kind of moth this kid is going to do, isn't it just that his privacy is being pryed into, it's amazing, although I also think that the fourth girl may not like you, but I shouldn't be here when I'm furious. time...

I raised my arm to get up from the floor, but he pushed it back without hesitation. He held my shoulder with one hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "It's impossible for me and Fourth Miss, and it's impossible for you and Lu Zijian."

I don't know if I was frightened by his words, or shocked by his terrifying temperament at this time, anyway, I lost my mind and asked stupidly: "Why... why?"

At this moment, the door of the living room was swung open, and the gold medal chef leaned in and asked loudly, "Little Moore, what do you want to eat tonight—" He stopped suddenly at this point, and he quickly closed the door, Then he coughed dryly at the door twice, and said, "That... I'm sorry, you guys go on, go on..."

I just realized that the posture between Zhong Yuan and I was a bit ambiguous, so I pushed him away in embarrassment, got up from the floor, and then said with a wandering look in my eyes: "Please take care of yourself."

"Self-respect?" Zhong Yuan repeated the word, and suddenly laughed, he raised his index finger and poked it on my head, "Idiot."

I covered my head and looked at him inexplicably. Zhong Yuan's emotions are too unpredictable. One second, he was annoyed because his privacy was exposed, and the next second he smiled miraculously. I don't know why he is so happy when he sees others embarrassing. Are you happy? This man's conscience is really broken!

It was only after chatting with 124 before going to bed at night that the six of them didn't reassign ships when they went out today. That is to say, the four girls and Lu Zijian are alone on the same boat for a whole day!

I pulled the fourth girl's arm uneasily and asked, "Have you ever bullied Lu Zijian?"

The fourth girl shook off my hand impatiently, and replied in a muffled voice, "No."

Xiaoer smiled and said: "Of course not, Lu Zijian picked lotus pods for her to eat. When we came back, we met a big dog that wanted to bite Fourth Miss. Lu Zijian stood in front of Fourth Miss very domineeringly, and then put the The dog ran away, tsk tsk, save the beauty, a hero!"

The more I listened, the less calm I became. Being alone with Lu Zijian and being rescued by the hero Lu Zijian is something I dream of. How could such a good thing happen to the fourth girl... It's too wasteful. With the fourth girl's Skills, how can I need Lu Zijian to save her, she can kick any creature to death with one kick. In other words, the one who really needs to be saved by a hero is me, Senior Brother Lu...

At this time, the boss saw what I was thinking, she patted my head, and said kindly: "San Mutou, don't think about Lu Zijian, you will be planted in Zhong Yuan's hands for the rest of your life." .”

I:"… "

So I was even more depressed.

The next day all rest. Those boys went to buy train tickets to go home, and 124 and I were idle and bored, so we came up with the idea of the walnut tree behind the yard.

It is said that there is a big walnut tree behind the yard of Lu Zijian's house, which is full of round walnuts like small eggs. Because when walnuts grow on trees, they are covered with a thick layer of turquoise peel. The walnuts we usually eat are actually the core of this green fruit. Coincidentally, one, two and four guys who have never seen the world are all from the city and have never seen a walnut growing on a tree with their own eyes, so when I told them that this thing is actually a walnut, they all expressed great concern. Suspect. Especially the fourth girl, she didn't believe it at all, and said that I don't mind Sanmu, you are an idiot.

So in a fit of anger, I planned to pick a few walnuts and peel off the green peels to show them.

This walnut tree is very tall, and I can't reach the walnuts when standing below, so I had to rub my hands and climbed up the tree. I am best at climbing trees and over walls. Although the tree is tall and slippery at this time, it is not that hard for me to climb up.

When the fourth girl saw me climbing a tree, she regained her spirits, hugging the tree trunk and rubbing against it. This guy looks inexperienced at first glance, but fortunately, she is very skilled, so she can barely come up. I sat on the tree and looked at her struggling with a smile, feeling very fulfilled. To be honest, the fourth girl is smart and good at fighting. There are not many times when I can compare her to her. Of course, I should be proud of her at this time.

The fourth girl grabbed the branch in disbelief and glared at me viciously.

At this time, someone under the tree suddenly shouted: "What are you doing, come down!"

I leaned out and looked down, and it turned out that the people who bought the tickets had returned, and it was Zhong Yuan who spoke just now.

The fourth girl was struggling to climb the tree, but at this time someone was talking below, she was distracted, her feet stepped on the air, and she fell from the tree immediately, and my heart sank at the same time. The fourth girl had already climbed a few meters high at this time. Although she had learned kung fu, it would be very dangerous to suddenly fall like this. Maybe her leg bones, femurs, and vertebrae would have to be repaired.

However, at this critical moment, a person stepped forward. He opened his arms and firmly caught the fourth girl. The fourth girl came back to her senses from the fright, and looked at the person who rescued her steadfastly, with her eyes facing each other, burning with inexplicable emotions...

I sat on the tree and wept silently, because the person who stepped forward was Lu Zijian. God, such a classic and bloody plot, why didn't it happen to me, why did the hero save the beauty in my dream happen again and again, but the heroine was the fourth girl again and again...

I was heartbroken on the tree, when suddenly I heard Zhong Yuan shouting loudly from below: "You still don't come down from the wood!"

I was startled, one of them lost my grip and almost fell like Miss Four. Seeing me making a fool of myself, Zhong Yuan felt a lot happier, "Fool, you want to jump right off?"

I glared at Zhong Yuan, and then swiftly slid down from the tree. When he turned around, he saw Lu Zijian put the fourth girl down, and then patted her on the shoulder comfortingly. What a beautiful picture, but unfortunately I was a bystander.

Zhong Yuan poked my head and said, "Climbing trees, how old are you?"

I patted his hand away, and said to Lu Zijian: "Senior Brother Lu, please tell Fourth Miss that this is actually a walnut tree."

Lu Zijian took a careful look at Miss Si, only to see that she stared at me dissatisfied and pouted. Therefore, Senior Brother Lu, who is known for his honesty, kindness, and good character, turned his face away and said unkindly: "This... I don't know what this is."

I burst into tears, brother, who are you fooling, you have lived here for at least ten years, you don’t know what kind of tree this is? Even if you want to protect the fourth girl, you don't have to do this... just pretending to be a horse! Collusion! Be embarrassed!

Under Lu Zijian's distorted facts, the fourth girl saved face. She glanced at me triumphantly, turned and left, Lu Zijian looked at me apologetically, and said to me in a low voice: "Excuse me, this is indeed a walnut tree." After speaking, she hurriedly followed Miss Si.

I’m sweating, big brother, you’re telling me this is so stupid &g;_&l;

The boss squeezed my face, the second hooked my chin, passer-by A and passer-by B sighed for a while, and they all dispersed.

Zhong Yuan and I walked behind side by side. Zhong Yuan looked at the two figures in front and said to me: "Don't you think they are a good match?"

I'm angry, it's none of your business whether they match well or not.

Zhong Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Even if you don't think so, the two of them are still a good match."

I want to cry but have no tears.