If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 24: Our love history


In fact, my brother Zhang Xu and I are indeed childhood sweethearts. At any rate, we have been friends since we were young, went to school together and did homework together. Even if there is no deep love, there is always a revolutionary feeling. When I was in high school, I was just catching up with puberty, and my hormone secretion was strong, so it just depended on Zhang Xu's opinion and how pleasing to the eye. Thinking about it later, what I really longed for at that time might not be a person, but a relationship.

Later, the development of things was more disastrous. Originally, my brother Zhang Xu and I were childhood sweethearts who were in love with each other, so it's really unreasonable not to get together. But brother Zhang Xu has a weakness, and that is his mother. His mother's words are more effective than the teacher's. I think when we had a little ambiguity in school, the teacher persuaded us and said a bunch of messy truths, but he didn't take it to heart at all. It's a pity that after he went home and was taught a lesson by his mother, this kid shrank completely. At that time, I was just a reserved little girl who was about to fall in love, what else could I do.

So bear with it, and everyone will be relieved after the college entrance examination... These are the original words of brother Zhang Xu. When I heard him say this, I felt confident. I thought that after the college entrance examination, he would make a confession with me, how romantic it would be. It's a pity that on the night after the college entrance examination, what I waited for was a sentence.

"My mother won't let me be with you, she said we both go to different places."

This is considered a polite refusal. A few days later, my father heard the gossip from Mr. Zhang’s gossip group, which vaguely meant that Zhang Xu’s mother thought that my grades were not good, and that I was not at the same level as his son. She hoped that her son The daughter-in-law is a high-achieving student who can go to the same university as Zhang Xu, or something.

To sum it up in one sentence, I was disgusted.

I was furious at the time, so I found brother Zhang Xu and asked him face to face if this was the case. He hesitated for a long time, and finally said three words to me: I'm sorry.

Not long after, the principal and the village chief brought a group of people to my house to bring me big red flowers.

If it weren't for me, Zhang Xu's brother should be able to steadily become the number one student in our county's college entrance examination. His university is also in city B, but it is not as big as our school.

Later, when I was in City B, Brother Zhang Xu also contacted me to go out to play together, but I was so focused on Lu Zijian that I didn't care about it.

I briefly explained these things to Zhong Yuan, and finally said: "I didn't expect you to gossip like this."

But Zhong Yuan frowned and said: "It's nothing to do with it, but 'Brother Zhang Xu' kept calling before 'Brother Zhang Xu', why didn't you call me 'Brother Zhong Yuan'?"

I replied embarrassingly: "I have been calling this for more than ten years, and I can't change my words for a while."

Zhong Yuan: "You'd better change it, I have a toothache when I hear it."

I was embarrassed, and said again: "Zhong Yuan, look, I told you about my relationship with brother Zhang Xu... uh, everything between me and Zhang Xu, can you also tell me about your love history? I know you Zhong Yuan’s love history must be richer, so you just choose the important ones that you can remember the name and talk about.” I think Zhong Yuan’s love history is definitely more valuable than mine, and maybe it can be sold for money at critical moments.

Zhong Yuan pondered for a while, and replied: "I used to like one of my elder sisters. His father and my father are good friends. We can be regarded as childhood sweethearts."

I nodded, "What happened next?"

Zhong Yuan sighed for a long time, "Since she broke my bones, I don't have any thoughts about her anymore."

I:"… "

I wiped off my sweat, and patted his shoulder sympathetically, but my heart was terribly happy, Zhong Yuan, did you also get abused? God is not blind.

Zhong Yuan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at me with a half-smile, "You're actually very happy, aren't you?"

I waved my hands in a hurry, "How is it possible, do I look like such an unjust person? Let's not mention such unpleasant memories, let's talk about something happy, such as when was your first love? What about the second spring? Three, four, five What about six or seven?"

Zhong Yuan smiled helplessly, "Am I so fickle?"

"Of course there is... ah no, I mean, you... you are more attractive, hehehehe..."

"Really?" Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, and smiled even more, "But, I don't seem to have a first love."

I swallowed, and asked in disbelief, "No, no?"

Zhong Yuan: "No, it's the same as you."

Such a scourge on earth has never been in love? This world is magical again...

Zhong Yuan stayed at my house for a few days, and I didn't see him go sightseeing. I thought it was strange, so I asked him. As a result, he replied: "I rested a few days ago. It's just right, you can accompany me to watch the sunrise tomorrow."

I'm really free and looking for something to do.

Early the next morning, Zhong Yuan knocked on my door. I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. It was only four o'clock, so I ignored him and continued to sleep.

Who knew that this kid shouted at the door: "If you don't get up again, I will come in, and I will help you get up."

I grabbed my inch-long hair and wailed helplessly: "Don't come in, I'm not wearing any clothes."

It's hot these days, so I just take off my clothes when I go to bed at night, and I feel more comfortable. At this time, with a drowsy head on my head, I grabbed my clothes, dressed indiscriminately, and went to open the door resentfully.

Zhong Yuan stood at the door, his eyes misty and thoughtful.

I stretched out my hand and shook it in front of him, "What are you thinking?"

Zhong Yuan's face was slightly pale pink, he retracted his eyes and looked at me, "It's nothing, it's just... your clothes seem to be worn backwards."

I closed the door very calmly and changed my clothes. In other words, the embarrassing things I did in front of Zhong Yuan are not just one or two things. The relatively low level of embarrassing incidents like the present one are no longer embarrassing to me.

After washing up, I complained to Zhong Yuan that I hadn't eaten yet, but this fellow peeled off a huge lollipop and stuffed it into my mouth. I'm still surprised, why does this guy have everything in his suitcase, which is more sci-fi than Doraemon's pocket.

But don't tell me, this sugar tastes really good.

Zhong Yuan and I strolled towards the field. The air in the morning is very fresh, and all kinds of birds are also getting up, chirping. The leaves of the plants are covered with crystal dewdrops, and when you touch them, they will fall down. The narrow grass beside the road is dotted with small wild flowers of various colors, which is elegant and wild.

Zhong Yuan took a deep breath and said with satisfaction: "It's really good."

"Of course." I raised my head proudly, it is not so easy to be praised by Zhong Yuan.

At this time, Xiaoman, the village flower of our village, passed by on a bicycle. She was holding the handrail of the bicycle with one hand and carrying a hoe in the other, apparently to weed. Xiaoman has always been a hardworking person. My dad often praised her, saying that he didn't know which boy was lucky enough to marry her.

I looked at Xiaoman's back and said to Zhong Yuan: "That's the village flower of our village, how is it?"

Zhong Yuan looked at her from a distance, nodded and said, "Yes, you are more handsome than me."

I wiped off my sweat and said, "You don't understand the beauty of the healthy and original ecology, do you? People like you have been poisoned by those sick aesthetics." Xiaoman is indeed tall and round, and our village Most people just like that kind of healthy and plump beauty. People like me were also shortlisted for the village flower candidate list, but they were eliminated because they were too thin.

At this time, Zhong Yuan heard my sarcasm, miraculously did not refute, but said: "My aesthetics is really abnormal, otherwise I wouldn't..."


"It's nothing." Zhong Yuan suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "It suddenly occurred to me that you like Lu Zijian, is it because he looks healthier and more original?"

I hesitated and nodded. Although I'm not very used to discussing relationship issues with others, it doesn't seem to matter to discuss with Zhong Yuan, anyway, we even exchanged love history.

Zhong Yuan said again: "Now that Lu Zijian belongs to someone else, are you sad?"

I nodded, shook my head again, and finally said: "At the beginning, there must have been sadness, but it was too sad to be called. I thought about it these days, and I feel that my feelings for Lu Zijian are actually not love, at most It’s a kind of yearning, er, that is, he is my idol. Normal people want to get in touch with idols, and if they can’t, it doesn’t matter. I haven’t heard of anyone who can’t think about it because they don’t have much with their idols. Anyway, it’s like this, anyway, Lu Zijian belongs to the fourth daughter of my family now, so the fat will not flow to outsiders.”

Zhong Yuan let out a long breath and said, "I see, so my worries are unnecessary."

I looked at him sideways and said with a smile, "What are you worried about?"

Zhong Yuan smiled lightly, "I'm worried that you won't think about it for a while and will do something stupid."

I shook my head and laughed, "Do I look like someone who does stupid things?"

Zhong Yuan: "You do stupid things every day."

I:"… "

At this time, the two of us were sitting on a high mound, behind us was a ridge of sweet potatoes, and the thick and lush sweet potatoes spread all over the land. In front of him is an endless field with various crops planted in the field. At the end of the field, a red sun is rising.

I remember when we were young, our Chinese teacher often asked us to describe the scenery of the sunrise. Every time I write, the sun is like the yolk of a red-hearted salted duck egg, rising again...

The clouds around the sun are painted with a layer of gold, and with its own strange shape, it is exciting to see. Looking at the sunrise in front of me, my mind was filled with dark thoughts, and finally I couldn't help being impulsive, and asked Zhong Yuan, "You have been at my house for so many days, why don't you ask me why I don't have a mother?"

Zhong Yuan looked at me quietly for a while, then lowered his head and said, "Uncle told me everything."

I sighed and said helplessly, "My dad really doesn't treat you as an outsider."

Zhong Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slowly, "Yes."

So continue to watch the sunrise. Zhong Yuan patted my shoulder lightly and said nothing. I pursed my lips and said nothing.

In fact, it doesn't matter if I have a mother or not. I have such a good father.

Today we have a high school reunion. I told Zhong Yuan to stay at home and not make trouble, so I went out alone. Unfortunately, I ran into Zhang Xu at the station... Uh, Zhang Xu. It is said that the bus from our village to the county only runs every hour, so it is normal for everyone to accidentally take the same bus. So Zhang Xu and I sat together again like childhood sweethearts, and the two of us talked about some unnutritious gossip.

By the way, Zhang Xu and I should be able to meet each other now and smile away our grievances. I really didn't feel any discomfort when I stayed with him, but he, who has been expecting Ai Ai, is like an abused little daughter-in-law. I'm really surprised, I was deceived by something before, why did I fall in love with him, now I open my eyes and take a good look, in fact, he is not as good as Zhong Yuan, although that kid Zhong Yuan Bad, but after all, he is straightforward in speaking and doing things.

Sure enough, people are better than others, Zhong Yuan, you can rest in peace. It turns out that among your lackluster shortcomings, there are also one or two advantages that can shine...

Strange, why when I think of Zhong Yuan, some bad premonitions pop up in my mind. Could it be that I have been abused by him and developed persecution paranoia

Class reunions are nothing more than drinking, eating, drinking and having fun. During the winter vacation reunion, I was sick and did not come. This is the first time I have reunited with my high school classmates since I entered university. Several teachers from our high school were also invited, and Zhang Xu and I were arranged to sit at the same table with the teachers as the teacher's "favorite students". Of course, I suddenly became one of the "favorite students" after the college entrance examination.

The place where we have dinner is in a large hall without private rooms. When I was biting a chicken wing in my mouth, I suddenly raised my head and saw a familiar figure not far away, and I was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

That malicious smile, that cold gaze...

I looked up to the sky with the chicken wings in my mouth and sighed, Zhong Yuan, you are still haunted.