If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 34: I'm really into it


Zhong Yuan asked me: "Wu Mu, have you fallen in love with me?"

Without even thinking about it, I retorted: "Nonsense, I like you only because I torture myself."

At this time, the teacher on the podium suddenly said: "The two students behind, please pay attention to the occasion."

I feel even more ashamed.

When I went back at night, Zhong Yuan's words were over and over again in my mind, "Wu Mu, have you fallen in love with me?"

No, no, I really like him, right? This is horrible...

I was already oppressed when I was his sparring partner, if I fell in love with him again, then I would never be able to turn around... Besides, if I like him but he doesn't like me, then I will lose face&g;_&l;

The most important thing is that this guy has such peculiar taste and high-end vision. It is too late for him to despise me, so he will definitely not like me. If I really like him, then I can only fall into the fate of unrequited love.

I recalled the situation at that time again, and finally came to the conclusion: any girl would be shy when kissed by another boy, what does it matter whether she likes it or not

Thinking of this, the stone in my heart was put down, and I went to sleep peacefully.

Recently I encountered a rather troublesome thing.

My physical education class this semester is tennis, and as an ordinary person whose brain, cerebellum, and pituitary gland are not very developed, it is quite difficult for me to learn this thing. The key problem is that our physical education teacher is a very serious person. She will check the serve next week, and students who do not perform well will have their grades deducted.

I don't think about tea or food because of this, and I feel very melancholy. Later Zhong Yuan listened to my grievances, patted my shoulder and said calmly, "I'll teach you."

I suddenly remembered that when Zhong Yuan hired me as a sparring partner, one of the sparring events seemed to be tennis, but then I was taken out by him to run for self-study all day long, which made me very resentful, and he didn't ask me to practice. something else.

So I shook Zhong Yuan's arm excitedly, and smiled obsequiously, "Zhong Yuan, you are amazing!"

Zhong Yuan was praised by me, smiled triumphantly, and said, "How do you repay me?"

Hanzhi, I knew this guy was not that easy to talk to. Of course, as a person who knows how to reciprocate, I have nothing to say, "You can do whatever you say."

Zhong Yuan thought for a while, then waved his hand generously, "Forget it, accompany me to the picking garden on weekends."

I can't help but sigh, Zhong Yuan, you really know how to play. However, I scratched my head and asked him puzzled, "Aren't you going to make a film for the film club?"

Zhong Yuan replied casually: "Su Yan's face is not healed yet, so he can't take pictures for now."

Jiong, Zhong Yuan, you are too ruthless.

Zhong Yuan was wearing a flamboyant white sportswear and a light green wristband on his wrist, looking heroic. As soon as he stood on the tennis court, the eyes of the female creatures within the visible range all shot at him. Sure enough, all the girls these days are members of the Appearance Association. Well, I admit, I am actually too>_&l ;

With so many wolf-like eyes on his body, Zhong Yuan didn't feel any pressure at all. He held a racket calmly, demonstrated it slowly, and explained to me: "The body is about forty-five degrees to the rear, pay attention to maintain balance, extend the arms along the direction of the body's inclination, and the angle of the racket and the body is consistent. , and then swing the racket, pay attention to keeping the net surface forward, pay attention to using arm strength instead of wrist strength when swinging the racket, otherwise it is easy to get injured, do not brake suddenly after swinging, and master the inertia of the racket... Don't stand stupidly, try it .”

Zhong Yuan and the physical education teacher talked about the same thing. I could understand it, but I couldn't do it well. At this time, I was inexplicably a little nervous again. I grabbed a racket and found that I couldn't even hold it steadily.

Zhong Yuan shook his head bitterly, "I really admire you, after taking such a long class, how come you can't even hold a racket?"

I was ashamed, and I changed my posture to grab the racket, but it was awkward how I grabbed it.

Zhong Yuan sighed contemptuously, threw away the racket, came up to break my fingers, and helped me correct the posture of holding the racket. He broke it and said, "Why are your hands so small?"

I looked at his slender fingers and round nails, and I was a little distracted for a while.

I felt that my heart was inexplicably restless again, and I had some difficulty breathing. Zhong Yuan didn't seem to notice my strangeness, he helped me to put on a good posture, raised his hand and tapped my head, and said with a smile: "What are you thinking?"

"No, no." I shook my head in embarrassment, took a few steps back, and swung the racket indiscriminately.

Zhong Yuan stood there with his arms folded and looked at me. He waited until I couldn't move because of my sore hands, and then he said, "How is it?"

I drooped my head, out of breath, "Tired."

Zhong Yuan gloated, "Who told you not to follow my advice?"

With a sad face, I replied: "I can't learn it. It always sounds one thing, but when I do it, it's another thing."

Zhong Yuan came over, he grabbed my hand holding the racket, and suddenly pulled me into his arms!

I'm stupid, is this a crazy situation? !

There were bursts of screams from girls around me, I looked up at Zhong Yuan in panic, but he didn't lower his head at this time, I could only see his chin. I was so nervous that my legs went weak, I swallowed my saliva, and said, "You..."

Zhong Yuan's voice came calmly, "I'll help you correct your movements, do you have any opinions?"

At this moment, my mind went blank, and I replied mechanically: "No, no objection."

Zhong Yuan grabbed my racket hand with one hand and held my shoulder with the other. He took my hand and spun me back on one side, and I took an involuntary step back, which he complimented, "That's right, that's it."

Then he pulled my arm away, "You don't need to straighten the arm, keep it at a certain angle, so that it will be elastic... Yes, that's it, you did a good job with wood."

I'm so embarrassing, it's because I did a good job, it's obviously you who did it from the beginning to the end.

Zhong Yuan grabbed my hand and swung the racket forward slowly, with smooth movements. After finishing this movement, he lowered his head and asked me, "Have you learned it yet?"

I:"… "

Zhong Yuan's breath sprayed onto my neck, and I immediately felt a little itchy and hot on my neck, and I flinched uncomfortably.

However, Zhong Yuan maintained the posture of finishing his swing and did not move for a long time. I was a little surprised and looked up at him. His eyes were terribly bright, with a penetrating sensitivity and a melting heat. I didn't dare to look directly at him, so I lowered my eyes not to look at him.

"Wood," Zhong Yuan called me softly, "You're not paying attention at all."

I hung my head low, not knowing how to answer.

"You don't really like me, do you?"

I:"… "

Zhong Yuan smiled softly, "If it's true, I won't mind."

An inexplicable irritability surged up in my heart, "Please, there must be a limit to your narcissism." As I said that, I struggled to escape, turned my head and walked away with the racket in my hand.

Zhong Yuan stepped forward to block me, and I almost bumped into his chest. He looked down at me, "Are you angry?"

I lowered my eyes, "Dare I?"

Zhong Yuan laughed, "It's as if I'm oppressing you."

I was dissatisfied, "You oppressed me."

Zhong Yuan patted my shoulder, "Okay, okay, I was joking."

I lowered my head and said sullenly, "It's okay."

I don't know why I was suddenly angry, and I don't understand why after Zhong Yuan explained, I felt a sense of loss in my heart.

In the evening, one, two, three, four were chatting in the dormitory, and I asked them, "Two people are talking well, but one suddenly becomes irritable. What is the reason?"

The fourth girl replied: "I was poked in a sore spot."

Xiaoer echoed, "My family's April 4th really hit the nail on the head."

I'm a little confused, pain, pain

At this time, the boss patted my head kindly and asked: "San Mutou, what kind of emotional problems have you encountered, please tell me and let us analyze it?"

I pretended to shake my head calmly, "No."

However, my heart is not calm. If—I mean if—if I got angry with Zhong Yuan today because he poked my, er, sore spot, then in other words, I really like... like him

What a creepy proposition this is...

If this is the case, then this can also explain why I felt lost when Zhong Yuan said that he was joking... Uh, I wouldn't really like him, would I

I thought of these days again, as soon as Zhong Yuan got close to me, my heart beat faster and my mind went blank. When I touched him, it seemed like I was burned by him... And I always seem to think of him, in various Sometimes... I have never had such a feeling. I always feel that my life seems to be full of the existence of a person. If he is not around, I will think of him inexplicably, think of what he is doing, think of his various deeds before, and think about it. So, time passed. I thought it was because I was always oppressed by Zhong Yuan and formed a conditioned reflex. Now it seems that I am thinking about spring, right>_&l;

There are various indications that I, Muer, seem to really like Zhong Yuan.

This conclusion left me at a loss. God, is it true that I, Mu Er, will lose my fame in the first life in the hands of Zhong Yuan

I thought about whether it is possible for Zhong Yuan to like me, and the answer is: N.

Zhong Yuan's vision is so high-end, and there are countless beauties chasing him. I am like a grass among thousands of flowers. Apart from being trampled and raped, I seem to have no other roles. Besides, the status of the two of us was unequal at the beginning, and I will always be the one who is oppressed. The contradiction between the two of us is a condensed class contradiction. Feelings... This, yes, no, can, can, yes!

But the problem now is that the proletariat has fallen in love with the bourgeoisie...

I literally wanted to gnash my teeth, hating myself for not living up to it. It's not good to like anyone, why do you like Zhong Yuan, a guy who takes exploiting others as his own responsibility

I conducted a deep self-reflection and self-criticism, trying to figure out what I liked about that guy. But in the end, I still didn't want to understand how I fell in love with him and why I fell in love with him. Zhong Yuan doesn't have any traits that I like - except that he looks more and more handsome. However, he is handsome but can't be eaten, and as we all know, the little boy is the most unsafe creature in the world >_&l;

I had no choice but to ask 124 feebly why they liked one person.

The boss replied, "Because he was kind to me."

Xiao Er replied, "Don't ask me, all I like is a computer."

The fourth girl replied, "Because I am unlucky."

After much deliberation, I found that what the fourth girl said was the most appropriate. why i like you Because I am unlucky to meet you and still pester you endlessly!

However, after figuring this out, I was even more depressed. Because the issue of "unlucky" is beyond my control, in other words, whether I like Zhong Yuan or not is beyond my control... What a sad conclusion.

I struggled again in my heart, the core issue of the struggle was whether or not to let Zhong Yuan know that I liked him. I think he would be terrified when he found out about this, and maybe he would make fun of me; or because of the embarrassment, the distance between the two of them became farther and farther from now on, and I could only stand silently. Looking at his back from a distance... Neither of these two situations is what I want to see, forget it, let him know for now, I'll just pretend like nothing happened.

Anyway, I feel like if he knew I liked him, I'd be so stressed...

Summary: I did like Zhong Yuan, and I fell in love with it somehow. Although I don't know how to recover it now, I will stick to my secret and won't let him know.

After thinking about this, I tremblingly crawled to sleep.

In this season, there are probably only apples left in all the picking gardens. Zhong Yuan and I took a taxi for more than an hour in the morning before arriving at the destination, the Green Garden Picking Garden.

The Green Garden Picking Garden is a picking garden that integrates sightseeing, vacation and picking. It is said that there is an experimental garden here, where red Fuji is planted, and advanced Japanese technology is introduced, and all of them are organically planted, without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Of course, the price is also frighteningly expensive, but there are always some people who are willing to be fooled, such as Zhong Yuan.

When we came to this experimental garden, I was stunned by the sight in front of me. A tree of flame-like red apples is densely packed on the branches, like little red lanterns. Due to too many fruits, the fruit trees are overwhelmed, so they have to rely on artificial support.

Standing on a high place and looking around, all you see are the patches of red, which makes you feel as if you are in a sea of fire, so magnificent.

I screamed strangely, and ran into the apple orchard. Touch this one, pat that one, and circle around a certain tree for a while, feeling very happy.

Zhong Yuan is not as crazy as I am, he just stands not far from me, taking random pictures with his mobile phone.

After venting for a while, I carried a basket on my arm and picked apples in earnest. Fresh apples are different, each one is full of vitality, which makes people feel better after seeing it for no reason. I picked a basket, but I couldn't lift it anymore, so I just sat under the apple tree and ate it. Fortunately, Zhong Yuan was thoughtful and even brought a fruit knife.

The first apple was snatched by Zhong Yuan before it was ready to be peeled. Considering that he was the sponsor of the picking tour, I was embarrassed to say anything.

Zhong Yuan ate half an apple slowly, then threw it away, and then lay down on the grass under the tree with his eyes closed.

So I gnawed on an apple while admiring the picture of a beautiful boy sleeping in autumn.

The grass under Zhong Yuan's body grew very densely, and some of them were already withered and yellow. The jagged blades of grass covered part of his face. From my angle, I could only vaguely see his forehead and straight nose. Well, how to say that sentence, there is a kind of hazy beauty.

The autumn sunlight sprinkled on his body through the apple tree, mottled, as if covering him with a thin layer of broken gold, gorgeous but not vulgar, just like such a high-end aesthetic.

The ups and downs of Zhong Yuan's chest gradually became slow and even, which is the sign of falling asleep.

So I swallowed my saliva and crawled towards him eeriely...

I didn't understand why Zhong Yuan became more and more handsome in my eyes before, but now I know, because I like this kid, and Xi Shi is in the eye of a beholder, that's probably what it means. I tried to compare Lu Zijian with Zhong Yuan a few days ago, hoping to save my sad soul, but I found out tragically that I think Zhong Yuan is more handsome than Lu Zijian... It turns out that Zhong Yuan not only oppressed me body, he also distorted my aesthetics &g;_&l;

So at this moment, facing a beautiful man whom I have coveted for an unknown amount of time, I could no longer control myself, and moved closer to him bit by bit.

Zhong Yuan's face was serene, his breathing was even, and he seemed to have entered a state of deep sleep. I lay down next to him, gently stroked his long eyelashes with my index finger, and said to myself, "Longer than mine."

I nodded his eyebrows again and said, "Actually, if these eyebrows are not wrinkled, they still look pretty."

Then I evaluated his facial features for a while, and saw his lips... An evil thought suddenly rose in my heart.

It is said that when a person is asleep, it is possible to secretly kiss...

I was taken aback by the thought that popped up in my mind, as if... not so good

But people really like this scum...

But it's always kind of sneaky...

It's okay, it's always like that on TV...

That's not fair enough...

Honestly, I dare not...

Seems to make sense...

And my first kiss was ruined by this beast, now it's time for me to take revenge...


I pushed Zhong Yuan and called him softly, "Zhong Yuan? Zhong Yuan?"

Zhong Yuan moved his body impatiently, but did not wake up.

So I held my breath, and gently brought my face closer, like a thief. At this time, my heart was beating like a drum, as if it could collapse at any time.

I moved my lips a little closer, and a little closer, and I was about to kiss Zhong Yuan's lips...

However, at this moment, an accident happened.
