If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 37: Jealous


Xiaoer helped me convey Zhong Yuan's hunger, but I didn't go downstairs to find him. I really want to see him, but I'm afraid to see him. That mood is as contradictory as possible.

Anyway, Zhong Yuan is a smart person, and he definitely wouldn't hang himself on a meal card.

I'm stuck in the dormitory this weekend, living on a few bags of instant noodles that are about to expire. By the way, I haven’t eaten instant noodles for a long time. Zhong Yuan is very demanding about food and never eats junk food, so I eat with him on time all day long. Instant noodles are a long time ago for me.

I poked the steaming instant noodles in front of me, and sighed, why do I always think of Zhong Yuan when I do everything.

Bored and bored, I climbed onto the campus forum and typed the word "Zhong Yuan" into the search box, and this fellow did not disappoint me. Ninety percent of the relevant content on several pages was gossip about him. And every one of his gossips must involve a girl. I was also fortunate to be a member of this mighty gossip heroine. I remember that I asked him to clarify seriously at that time. It would be great if you could follow me smoothly...

While thinking wildly, I clicked on a recent related gossip post.

The gossip heroine this time is Zhong Yuan's classmate, and it is said that she often does homework with Zhong Yuan in the same group, the two of them cultivated a revolutionary relationship, and then escalated from the revolutionary relationship to an improper relationship between men and women.

It is also said that this girl is the beauty of Zhong Yuan’s college. There are several photos of this girl posted on the forum. The flowers are just not here.

Well I know this idea is narcissistic, but in this case I need to boost my fighting spirit. &g;_&l;

Looking down, I actually saw the photo of this courtyard flower and Zhong Yuan. The two of them seemed to be in a more formal occasion, both wearing suits, the girls dressed up very nicely, Zhong Yuan's clothes fit well, it seemed that his figure was particularly slender and well-proportioned, it made me drool. Love is really a perverted thing. Not only can it make people stop eating instant noodles for nearly half a year, but it can also make us see how the other person looks and looks pleasing to the eye, and even a sneeze is handsome...

Well, I'm going to be blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

More importantly, Zhong Yuan still smiled at him! At this moment, the two people looked at each other and smiled, Zhong Yuan had that soft smile on his face, I rarely saw him smile like this when I was with him. Sure enough, boys are all lecherous guys! But if I wear makeup, I won't necessarily be uglier than her...

After all, don’t I just have no chest muscles?&g;_&l;

I turned off the webpage depressedly, feeling sad no matter how I thought about it. I know that my emotions are too affected by Zhong Yuan, but I can't control it, I can't stop thinking about him, and I can't stop caring about his every move.

I found that the relationship between me and Zhong Yuan is like the relationship between a chicken and a hen. A hen can have many chicks, but a chick has only one hen.

Uh, this analogy seems inappropriate. We are actually more like the relationship between the stars and the moon, he is the moon and I am the star. The moon is always the most unique and attractive in everyone's eyes, and we who are stars can only be reduced to a foil.

I told myself over and over again that Zhong Yuan had so many gossips, and that courtyard flower was just one of many stars, but a voice kept popping up from the bottom of my heart: What if it is true

Just because of this idea of spoiling my own prestige, I was depressed all afternoon.

At night, I found that I had been living in a cave for two days, and I really needed to go out for a walk, and longing also required strength. What's more, after eating instant noodles for two days, this can be regarded as a blow from body to heart for a person who eats three meals a day normally. I need a little comfort.

I plan to go to the supermarket and use Zhong Yuan's card to comfort the hurt I caused because of missing him.

However, in the supermarket, I saw the person I was most afraid of seeing at this time, as well as the gossip heroine who lingered.

The two were chatting and laughing while queuing up in front of the cash register, the courtyard flower laughed so hard that her teeth were almost drooling.

A sense of irritability surged in my heart, and I was not in the mood to buy anything, so I turned around and left the supermarket quickly.

Out of the supermarket, I walked aimlessly on the road, kicking the snow under my feet while walking. My mind is full of the scene just now, and the photo in the forum, the clothes they wear are so similar, like a couple outfit...

The more I think about it, the more frustrated I become. I was thinking wildly, and bumped into someone unexpectedly, I raised my head and wanted to apologize, but when I saw that person's face, I couldn't say "I'm sorry" anyway, what was left was at a loss, And a little bit of... anger.

I collected myself and sneered, "Why are you alone, where are the courtyard flowers?"

Zhong Yuan looked into my eyes quietly, then suddenly curled up the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile, "Are you jealous?"

I was exposed by him, and immediately became angry, "You... nonsense!"

However, just as I finished speaking, I suddenly fell into an embrace. A firm and wide embrace that is familiar.

Zhong Yuan's chin rested on the top of my head, and his arms wrapped around me tightly, hugging me like a rabbit. He sighed, and said softly helplessly: "My internal organs are about to shatter, why don't you understand."


The author has something to say: Folks, please strangle me, I really can’t figure it out, just a little bit of everyone’s opinion and it’s fine...

Whispering quietly, actually I think Zhong Yuan’s last sentence is quite cute, hehe (saliva-like)