If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 43: birthday (on)


Zhong Yuan's birthday is rather sad. It is said that he was born at 11 o'clock in the evening on December 31st. As a result, within an hour after he was born, his parents threw him aside, and the two of them went to celebrate the New Year with each other. .

On December 31st, I had a full day of class, and there were still experiments to be done in the evening. Zhong Yuan was very dissatisfied with this, but there was nothing he could do.

During lunch, Zhong Yuan asked me very unsteadily, "What gift have you prepared for me?"

I was a little embarrassed, "Uh, can you do cross-stitch?" I promised to do cross-stitch for him during the summer vacation, and now I finally finished it.

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "You have already promised me that."

I'm ashamed, but I really don't know what to give him. So I had to ask, "Then what do you want?"

Zhong Yuan lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly looked at me maliciously, and said with a smile: "Give me the man."

I:"… "

Although Zhong Yuan is more rascal, but I still feel a little guilty, so I just kept doing nothing, "Okay, let's go to the night tonight, how about playing all night?"

Zhong Yuan smiled meaningfully, "Brush the night?"

I wiped my sweat, "You, don't think about it..."

Zhong Yuan looked at me with a smile, and asked, "Oh, how can it be considered random thinking?"

I lowered my head, feeling the heat on my face. I'm a little confused now, is it me who is wretched or is he wretched

I am even more confused about why I always blush in front of him, even though we are already in a relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend...

Experiments at night were a bit of a hassle.

I'm a laggard when it comes to experimentation. Under normal circumstances, I was the last one in the class to finish the experiment, and I made some sabotage every now and then. The beautiful teacher in the laboratory knew me, and she always showed a very headache expression when she saw me.

Normally, when I experimented until around nine o'clock, the work was almost finished, so I made an appointment with Zhong Yuan to meet at half past nine. Unexpectedly, this guy came to find me at eight o'clock. At that time, I was accused by the beautiful teacher's sad eyes because I broke a volumetric flask.

Although I'm not thick-skinned, but if I do this kind of thing too much, I will be very cheeky and take it calmly.

After the beautiful teacher left, I saw Zhong Yuan leaning against the door, looking at me with a smile. I ignored him, cleaned up the dead body of the volumetric flask, and continued with my experiments. After a while the teacher will give me a new volumetric flask. I have to show that I am working hard. Although we are stupid, our attitude is absolutely correct.

Zhong Yuan walked in as if no one else was there, and stood beside me. He looked at it for a while and said, "Is it that difficult?"

I glared at him, you are mocking my stupidity in a disguised form... although I am indeed stupid >_&l;

At this time, the teacher came over and put a new volumetric flask in front of me, her gaze stayed on Zhong Yuan for a few seconds, and then she looked at me, "Boyfriend?"

I am a little embarrassed, this topic seems not suitable for discussion in the laboratory.

Zhong Yuan, however, calmly put on an obedient and polite look, bent over to the teacher, and said with a smile, "Hello, teacher."

The teacher nodded very helpfully, "Since you have an appointment, let's do it quickly." After speaking, he glanced at Zhong Yuan again, and then drifted away.

I looked at the teacher's back and asked Zhong Yuan puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Zhong Yuan tapped my head, "Stupid, that means, you can release water today."

Although the teacher said that the water can be released, considering that I am a student with a correct attitude, I still have to go through the basic experimental process. I was confused about these at first, and if I didn't actually operate it again, I wouldn't understand anything.

Of course, there is a ready-made helper around me now, so it's not in vain. then-

"Zhong Yuan, take these test tubes and wash them, be careful to rinse them with deionized water."

Then Zhong Yuan obediently walked to the pool with the test tube rack in his hands.

"Zhong Yuan, go and weigh five grams of potassium permanganate, pay attention to read to four decimal places."

Then Zhong Yuan went to the medicine counter with a small beaker in his hands.

"Zhong Yuan..."

after awhile-

"Wood, you reversed the hydrochloric acid solution of 0.1 mole per milliliter and the hydrochloric acid solution of 1 mole per milliliter."

"Wood, that's an acid burette, and you put an alkaline solution in it."

"Wu Mu, the reaction time in that test tube hasn't expired yet, so don't move around."

"Idiot, how can you drip concentrated nitric acid on your hands!"

After a while—

Zhong Yuan stood proudly in front of the test bench, bossing me around.

"Wood, concentrated solution of ferric oxide."

"Wood, dilute nitric acid."

"Wood, go and make this centrifuge."

"Wood, go wash the test tube."

I grieved bitterly, and really couldn't understand how I, a group of chemistry majors, would do odd jobs for a guy who majored in finance in the chemistry lab.

I asked Zhong Yuan about this question, but he recorded the experimental phenomenon on the paper, and said disdainfully: "It's written in the experimental procedures, just follow it... Good boy, copy the experimental phenomenon in the report , and then ask the teacher to sign and the work will be completed.”

Holding the experiment report, I ran to the teacher's office with tears streaming down my face, but I still didn't understand why I couldn't do it well even though it was written in the experiment procedure. This kind of thing can't be explained with a single word "stupid"...

The teacher glanced at my lab report and signed at the end, "Well done."

I clutched the experiment report and looked at the teacher excitedly, beauty, this is the first time you praised me...

The teacher probably felt a little uncomfortable being watched by me. She turned her eyes away and said lightly, "You have good eyesight."

I didn't respond, "Huh?"

The teacher ignored me and started to read the reports of other students. I thought the teacher still didn't like me after all, so I took a desperate step to withdraw, but she stopped me from behind: "Come back."

I stood still and looked at her with fear, "Teacher..." You won't regret it, will you

The teacher knocked on the table, a little impatiently, "Losing money."

Khan, how could I forget this. I touched my pocket, oops, I forgot my wallet in the dormitory...

At this time, Zhong Yuan happened to be looking in at the door of the office, and seeing that I hadn't left for a long time, he simply walked in. I had no choice but to tug on his sleeve, "borrow some money."

Zhong Yuan smiled and took out his wallet, "How much?"

"Twenty one five." It was the teacher who answered.

Zhong Yuan handed over a red card of Grandpa Mao, the teacher frowned, "No change?"

"Let's deduct the rest of the money next time." Zhong Yuan said, pulling me out.

I didn't care about it either, I thought it would be fine to go back to the dormitory and get the money and pay him back. However, what I didn't expect was that such a small thing brought me great unhappiness.

Anyway, I'm going to celebrate Zhong Yuan's birthday.

Originally, the so-called brush night, I just wanted to sing with him or something, but unexpectedly, we brushed the night and went to the hotel.

This matter is more complicated to say.