If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 48: Zhong Yuan


Zhong Yuan and I hugged each other like this, after ten minutes, Zhong Yuan let me go and said, "I should go."

"Go...?" So fast

Zhong Yuan scratched my nose and said with a smile, "Reluctance?"

I lowered my head and didn't speak.

"I don't want to leave either, but if I don't go back to the plane in the afternoon, the old man will kill me." After Zhong Yuan finished speaking, he kissed me lightly on the forehead.

The so-called old man is probably Zhong Yuan's grandfather, but I was a little puzzled and asked, "Did you go home before?"

Zhong Yuan: "I have been in France for the past few days, and I just got off the plane this morning."

Me: "Uh, then you came?"

Zhong Yuan smiled, "Yes."

Me: "You tossed back and forth for nearly ten hours just to meet me?"

Zhong Yuan smiled warmly: "Yes."

Suddenly my eyes became hot, I sniffed and said, "Zhong Yuan, you are so stupid."

Zhong Yuan hugged me, smiled sullenly and said, "I admit it."

I sent Zhong Yuan to the door, and at this time the group of frolicking children had dispersed. At the door is a black-painted off-road vehicle with a very serious shape, but the trunk is opened wide, which looks a bit funny.

I tapped on the window of the car and asked, "Where did you get the car?"

Zhong Yuan: "Borrowed."

My attention was attracted by the brand on the car again. I don’t know many car trademarks, and this one seems to have never been seen before, so I asked curiously: "What kind of car is this?"

Zhong Yuan: "Land Rover."

"Oh, I haven't heard of it," I scratched my head, and said again, "That... be careful on the road."

"Yeah." Zhong Yuan nodded, but didn't intend to move, just looked at me quietly.

I was a little embarrassed, and said with erratic eyes: "You still don't leave."

Zhong Yuan reached into his bosom and took out a small bottle, stuffing it into my hand.

The small bottle was still warm with body temperature. I held it tightly and asked, "What is this? Nail polish?"

Zhong Yuan smiled and replied, "Perfume."

I spread my hands and looked at the bottle of perfume carefully. The pink bottle was very delicate, and I didn't know any of the characters on it—it was all in French.

I pointed to the two biggest words on the bottle and asked, "What do you mean?"

Zhong Yuan gently rubbed my hair and replied, "First love."

I lowered my head in embarrassment, hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "Well... Although I don't like perfume very much, I like this very much."

Zhong Yuan hugged me, leaned into my ear and smiled softly, "Just like it."

Then Zhong Yuan left in a hurry, just as he came in a hurry, leaving me standing there alone, looking at the clouds in the sky.

The off-road vehicle of a different brand was dusting all the way, and soon disappeared from my sight. I stood at the door like a watchman, unwilling to go back for a long time.

The days that followed passed quickly, and apart from being asked by different kids every day, "When will Brother Atom come back?", I lived a fairly comfortable life. It's just that I can't see Zhong Yuan, and I always feel that something is missing. Although this guy often called me regardless of the time and place to tell each other the pain of lovesickness, although our phone calls always ended in his flirting with me, seeing people and hearing voices are different after all.

The days slipped by like this, and soon we will start school. At this time, my mood was very conflicted. On the one hand, I was very reluctant to leave home after school started, but on the other hand, I was very eager to go to school to meet Zhong Yuan.

Of course, no matter how contradictory it is, the beginning of school is the beginning of school, so I quickly said goodbye to my dad in tears and returned to school.

A few days after the start of school, the movie we made last semester was released in a low-key way. Not long after, the director Xiaojie was criticized by a bunch of hardcore rotten girls, and they also scolded me, an actor who disguised himself as a man up. However, due to the beautiful picture and beautiful characters of this movie, most people still like it very much. It is right to watch it as an eye-washing movie. Therefore, this movie has gradually spread among the colleges and universities in City B, and the reputation seems to be pretty good. . Later, when I was walking around the campus a few times, people came to ask me to sign autographs. I was terrified.

Of course, this matter is nothing, because soon, I will have something that I can really take advantage of.

One day, Zhong Yuan showed me a website. It was the official website of a financial trading competition. I didn't know anything about it, so I didn't read it carefully. I just asked casually, "Do you want to sign up?"

Zhong Yuan replied, "It's not me, it's us."

I scratched my head, a little strange, "Uh, I don't understand these things."

Zhong Yuan hooked my shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as I understand."

I was even more puzzled, "If you understand, you can just participate." Why pull me

Zhong Yuan: "Our professor said that the team that won the first prize can give a speech at the summary meeting."

Me: "And then?"

Zhong Yuan: "Then I suddenly remembered a time when you were jealous."

Khan, he said so, I also remembered. It seems that I was jealous before because of a certain photo of Zhong Yuan and their courtyard flower dressed in elite clothes, but... I was a little embarrassed, and asked: "Are you sure you can win the first prize?"

Zhong Yuan rubbed my hair, said with a smile: "Is it possible, I will know after trying."

I leaned over again and carefully read the rules of the competition. To be honest, I am more interested in the prizes.

This competition was held by a certain financial company. It was open to the whole country and participated in teams. Each team consisted of one to five people. The competition lasted for two months. The competition set up first, second and third prizes as well as a number of excellence awards. The prize money was generous. , in addition to that, the winner of the first prize can also win a free seven-day trip to Singapore.

Since Zhong Yuan was so enthusiastic, I was ashamed to refuse. Besides, for those who study finance, it is of course a good thing to participate in more competitions like this. Anyway, with so many people participating and so few winners, I don't expect him to win the prize. And if he has such an idea, I'm already very happy.

A few days later, Zhong Yuan signed up. Since all the first-prize teams could get a seven-day tour to Singapore, he felt that the more we had, the more advantage we had, so he simply added the second-rounder A to the team. The strange thing is that besides Xiao Er and me, Passer-by A and Boss believe even more than Zhong Yuan that we can win the first prize.

I was puzzled, so I asked the boss, the boss smiled mysteriously, and replied: "I believe in my own vision, once Zhong Yuan comes out, who will fight, hahahaha..."

I went to ask passer-by A full of black lines, but he smiled inscrutablely, and replied: "Junior Sister, do you know what Zhong Yuan's source of income is?"

I said without thinking: "Didn't his family give it to him?"

"Wrong!" Passerby A waved a finger in front of me, mysteriously, "Didn't he tell you? This bully has long been freed by the family. When he went to France, his parents They didn’t even give him an air ticket.”

"Uh..." I wiped my sweat and couldn't figure out why. Could it be that teachers in France are not treated well

I thought about it, and felt something was wrong, "But, doesn't he still have a grandfather?" Maybe his grandfather holds the financial lifeline of his family

Passerby A sighed, and replied: "His grandfather still has the last mercy, and the air ticket can be reimbursed."

Me: "And then?"

Passerby A: "Then? There is no more."

Me: "But... where did Zhong Yuan get his money from?"

Passerby A shook his head and sighed, "He's speculating."

Me: "Fried... what?"

Passerby A: "Speculation in futures is speculation in futures. Damn, I lost money in stocks, but this kid didn't go bankrupt in speculation, and made like a nouveau riche. He threw a few hundred and two hundred thousand at once, just to play like a child."

I squeezed my fist, a little worried: "That's dangerous, right?"

Passerby A: "It's okay, high leverage, high risk and high return. Those who don't know how to play are just gambling to see luck. Those who know how to play like Zhong Yuan and the others are speculating."

Me: "Zhong Yuan can play?"

Passerby A smiled and shook his head, "Junior Sister, you can ask Zhong Yuan, at what age did he start trading in stocks... When he was trading in stocks, I still watched Calabash Baby."

I:"… "

According to passerby A, Zhong Yuan seems to have rich combat experience in financial transactions? But he is only in his early twenties, how rich can he be

With these questions in mind, I ran to ask Zhong Yuan again, "Zhong Yuan, when did you start trading in stocks?"

Zhong Yuan replied casually: "Seven or eight years old."


Zhong Yuan rubbed my hair and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." I came back to my senses, swallowed my saliva, and asked again, "Didn't you look at the gourd baby at that time?"

Zhong Yuan smiled lightly, and replied: "You can watch it only after you earn money."

I patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "Your family is so cruel, why do they force you to do this?"

Zhong Yuan hooked me into his arms and hugged me, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't mention the past, they are cruel to me, so you should be nicer to me."

I put my arms around him, patted his back, and said softly like a child, "Yeah, I will treat you well."

Zhong Yuan: "How good is it?"

I'm very good."

Zhong Yuan: "For example?"

Me: "Uh..."

"For example." Zhong Yuan said, lifting my chin, lowering his head and covering my lips.