If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 49: cold joke


Since signing up and being signed up for that financial trading competition, no one in our team has paid attention to this matter except Zhong Yuan, so what should we do

More than two months later, I received a notice that I would speak with Zhong Yuan at the summary meeting of the competition.

To be honest, I'm a little timid. In our team, the more elite people are Zhong Yuan and the boss, and they are perfect for speaking. Taking a step back, although passer-by A doesn’t know much about finance, he has a flexible mind, quick response, and can adapt to various emergencies, so he is also suitable. The worst thing is Xiaoer, a pen-playing person like her is the best at making up random things, and it is not difficult to pretend to be an elite in the industry.

And me…

At first, I thought that even though Zhong Yuan has more than ten years of stock experience, there is only one team in the country that won the first prize, so I didn't think it was easy for us to win the first prize, so we dressed very solemnly on stage together Talking and so on have always been just my imagination when I was bored, and I didn't really take it seriously.

Moreover, this guy didn't make any movement at all in the month before the start of the game, and made a total of five transactions before and after, so I am more sure that he himself is not sure, and he has even given up.

However, what I didn't expect was that starting from the fifth week, he started to fight back, pinching his phone to watch all day long. It was also from the fifth week that our team's rate of return began to rise crazily, and in the last week, with a frightening momentum, it jumped to the championship position.

On the last day of the competition, Xiao Er was in the dormitory looking at the revenue rankings on the official website of the competition, while pounding on the keyboard with tears streaming down his face, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Monster, monster! This NND is a monster!"

I looked at the beating rate of return behind Zhong Yuan's name, and I was also very excited. It would be great if all of this could be exchanged for real money...

In short, this matter can be summed up in one sentence, I neither guessed the process nor the result correctly. Therefore, it was all a matter of fantasizing, but it suddenly became a fact, which made me feel at a loss.

I pinched the manuscript that Zhong Yuan had prepared for me in advance, and said in embarrassment: "This...is it okay to change people?"

Zhong Yuan replied very simply: "No."

"Uh, but..." I was helpless, even though I had a thick skin, I couldn't afford to lose this person. And I heard that someone will communicate with us on the spot, on the spot! Especially this meeting seems to be broadcast live by a certain TV station, if it's really embarrassing...

Zhong Yuan rubbed my head and coaxed me, "It's okay, I'm here."

I'm still worried, but when I think about it, the old and the small and the second passers-by have probably been bought by Zhong Yuan, so it's useless for me to resist alone at this time.

Forget it, anyway, the knife has already reached the neck, so let's resign ourselves to fate.

The summary meeting of the competition happened to be held in our school, during which award-winning contestants from all over the country and some industry elites came to join in the fun.

The meeting starts at seven o'clock in the evening. In the afternoon of the same day, I was locked in the dormitory early on the 1st, 24th, and after two hours of failure, I finally succeeded in putting on my makeup.

I looked at my prettier self in the mirror, feeling a little embarrassed. At this time, my eyeliner is stretched, the corners of the eyes are slightly turned up, and the eyelashes are thicker, so that the eyes appear bigger. In addition, the upturned corners of the eyes echoed the slender and slanted eyebrows, adding a mature and restrained charm. My hair has grown enough to be coiled up, and the high coiled hair makes the person in the mirror look more capable and free.

Yujie, just like a Yujie.

Well, this look is my favorite.

Wearing a serious suit and black high-heeled shoes, I stood in front of Zhong Yuan as if offering a treasure.

Zhong Yuan looked at me without saying a word, with a dazed expression on his face.

I raised my hand and shook it in front of him, "How is it?"

Zhong Yuan grabbed my hand and said with a smile, "Very good."

I was a little happy and a little embarrassed, so I lowered my head, but when I saw the manuscript in my hand, I frowned again.

Zhong Yuan grabbed the crumpled manuscript in my hand and threw it into a distant trash can. The trash can was several meters away from him, but the ball of paper was just thrown into it impartially.

"You..." I was angry, not knowing what he was going to do.

After Zhong Yuan finished his bad deeds, he looked at me calmly and smiled, "Tie me a tie."

I was a little baffled, and angrily grabbed the tie and put it around his neck with great force.

Zhong Yuan leaned his body and let me torture him. After a while, he suddenly said: "Passerby A and the others will send over a folder in a while, which contains our official manuscript, which is no different from that one."

I frowned, "I know, but what should I do now?" There is more than half an hour before the official start of the conference, so I can take this time to review.

Zhong Yuan smiled deeply, kissed me lightly on the forehead, and replied: "Now let's tell a joke."

I:"… "

So I got cranky. please! In another thirty-eight minutes and forty-six seconds, I will go to the guillotine, so are you sure you want to tell me a joke now

Zhong Yuan completely ignored my dissatisfaction, pulled me to sit in the corner of the study room, and began to tell me soft jokes.

For half an hour, for a full half hour, our Master Zhong kept a sullen face and told me cold jokes for half an hour very seriously. What is "a person who is on an IV in the hospital and then looks at the infusion bottle and laughs non-stop because he has a low laugh point", what is "there used to be a hide-and-seek club whose leader has not been found until now", what is "Xiaobai The rabbit went out to play and met the big bad wolf. The big bad wolf said I want to eat you, but the little white rabbit was eaten"...

Well, I admit that I am worthless, although I don't think these jokes are funny, but I think the way Zhong Yuan tells jokes is a joke in itself, not to mention that he tells bad jokes... So I was amused by his appearance Laughing, clutching my stomach and opening my mouth wide and twitching, but not daring to make too much noise, that pain, I laughed so hard that tears flowed out.

Zhong Yuan wiped my tears with a paper towel expressionlessly, and said, "Let's talk about another one. There used to be a..."

Zhong Yuan talked for half an hour, and I also laughed for half an hour. In the end, I lost my strength from laughing, and Zhong Yuan took me to the summary meeting in a hurry.

Sitting in the solemn meeting place, Zhong Yuan asked me if I was still nervous, I fell on his shoulder and shook my head lazily, and couldn't help laughing again. Tortured by him today, the nerve that controls the tension in my brain was completely broken, and I was still nervous.

When it was my turn to speak on stage with Zhong Yuan, he took my hand and walked steadily towards the stage. I don't think it's appropriate for us to show our hot side in this situation. We want to break away from him, but how can I break away...

The main content of what Zhong Yuan and I talked about is displayed on the website. There are a total of fifteen pages with substantive content, Zhong Yuan is in charge of ten pages, and I am in charge of five pages. After Zhong Yuan finished speaking, I cooperated with the speech script and explained the remaining five pages clearly and logically... Actually, I didn't understand at all, it was all rehearsed. &g;_&l;

What made me most nervous was the next link, the on-site communication...

But the situation is better than I imagined, the audience did not specify that I should answer, so all the questions they asked were taken over by Zhong Yuan, of course I basically didn't understand, but Zhong Yuan's confident look, It's enough to turn me off.

Just as I was standing on the stage staring at Zhong Yuan with staring eyes, in a nympho, Zhong Yuan suddenly handed me the microphone.

I was dumbfounded and didn't know what was going on.

At this time, a guest in the audience coughed lightly, and repeated the question just now, "I would like to ask this female classmate, what do you think is the key factor for your success?"

I really haven't thought about such a narcissistic problem, not only me, but also others. I squeezed the microphone and glanced at Zhong Yuan nervously, not knowing how to answer.

Zhong Yuan secretly squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

I coughed dryly, cleaned up my mood, and searched for suitable words in my mind. Suddenly, the words that passer-by A once said popped up in his brain: When he was trading in stocks, I was still playing with gourd babies...

So I smiled politely at the audience, and replied: "It's hard work, and you are familiar with your hands. Our captain is more than ten years old, and he is nothing special. It’s all used in stock speculation.”

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, even if this problem was solved in this way. Although the answer I gave is not the most accurate, it may be the most suitable one. The most inspirational thing is that hard work can make up for one's weakness, and that hard work always pays off.

Walking off the stage, my palms were sweaty and my fingers were cold.

Zhong Yuan took out a tissue to help me wipe it carefully, and while I was not paying attention, kissed my fingertips lightly, then looked at me with raised eyebrows and a smile, "That's a good answer."

Guiltily, I turned my face and looked around, and when I confirmed that no one had noticed us, I calmed down and replied, "Thank you." Although I was calm on the surface, I was actually quite proud of myself. Well, let me be a good-for-nothing... &g;_&l;

A few days later, I saw a video of that conference on the Internet. When the video was put on for me to answer the questions, I saw Zhong Yuan tilting his head slightly and smiling at me. This scene made me feel warm in my heart.

I always feel that Zhong Yuan's smile is a little different from the smile he had when he faced that courtyard flower. But what is the difference

I took a screenshot of this moment, called up the photo that made me jealous, and compared it.

After observing for a long time, I finally came to the conclusion that when Zhong Yuan faced the garden flower, he smiled very politely, but when he faced me, he smiled very...cough cough...

Thinking of this, I giggled smugly.

Regarding the seven-day tour in Singapore, me, Zhong Yuan and the boss, all three of us did not go because of business, only Xiaoer and Passerby A went. In the past few days, Xiaoer has been wailing in front of me and the boss, saying that she doesn't want to go on a trip alone with a pervert, but she still couldn't bear the opportunity to go out to play, so she went with a very conflicted mood.

Later, when Xiaoer came back, he told us what happened to her. According to him, her trip was extremely dangerous and she almost lost her virginity... This is a later story.