If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 5: Passerby A passerby B


Zhong Yuan helped my bicycle up and sat on the seat with his long legs. Then he pointed to the back seat of the bicycle and said to me, "Come on."

I lay on the lawn and glared at him, but I couldn't get up.

Zhong Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Don't tell me you want me to carry you up?"

Depend on!

I quickly got up from the grass, patted the dirt on my body, and then sat on the bicycle. The passers-by around kept looking at us, what are they looking at!

Zhong Yuan tiptoed smartly, like riding a little sheep, and rode my bicycle that rang everywhere except the bell, leisurely heading towards the dormitory building.

I sat depressed on the back seat of the car, unnaturally greeted all kinds of eyes from all directions.

Zhong Yuan, while riding his bicycle with great ease, tilted his head slightly and called me: "Junior Sister Mu Mu."

I said angrily, "Don't call me Junior Sister Mu Mu!"

Zhong Yuan: "Alright then, Wood."

I:"… "

Zhong Yuan: "Wu Mu, my car was really stolen."

When I heard him say this, I felt a little awkward, and then put on a fierce expression again, and said, "Do you want to explain to me?"

Zhong Yuan: "No. I just want to say that I will probably need to borrow your car until I get a new one."

I was angry: "Just kidding, what should I use?"

Zhong Yuan: "Anyway, let's have dinner together. If you don't want to drive me, I will drive you."

Nonsense, of course I don't want to carry you! But I don't want to be hindered by you...

I just wanted to reject him, but another thought suddenly flashed in my mind. So I said seriously, "Okay, but you have to pay the usage fee." Wahahaha, I sure have a business sense.

Zhong Yuan, who was taken advantage of, immediately nodded in agreement, and then said, "How about it, you can swipe my meal card at the supermarket until I buy a new bicycle."

Meal cards these days are all-in-one. You can eat, spend in campus supermarkets, enter the library, and...

So when Zhong Yuan promised me that I could swipe his meal card in the supermarket, I suddenly hoped that he would not buy a new car so soon. This is really a sinful idea >_&l;

But I quickly thought of another question: "I'm holding your meal card, so what do you do when you go to the library? You can't always borrow someone else's, right?" A little bit of concern. Of course, if he says it's really inconvenient, I will defend to the death my right to control his meal card. Turn your face, I'm such a hypocrite &g;_&l;

Zhong Yuan replied nonchalantly: "It's okay, I will take you with me when I want to go."

I:"… "

I resisted the urge to beat him up and argued, "But it's so inconvenient..."

Zhong Yuan: "That's right, then return the meal card to me."

I can not!"

Zhong Yuan laughed sinisterly and said: "Actually, I can use your card. In other words, you are really a piece of wood."

My embarrassment, why didn't I think of this method, self-review...

Zhong Yuan sent me to the door of our dormitory building, and then rode away on my bicycle without seeing anything. I looked at his back, gritted my teeth and complained, I don't know who said it just now, I am not used to riding other people's bikes, you are used to riding such a broken bike!

I went back to the dormitory, reported today's whereabouts to 124, and told them with great regret that I will not be able to eat with them for a month, Third Master.

One, two and four were busy with their heads down, nothing strange at all.

I had a feeling of being ignored, so I stood at the door and shouted loudly: "Hey, can you give me some feedback!"

At this time, the three women raised their heads in unison, and six shining eyes shot at me, and I almost couldn't hold back for a moment.

The fourth girl looked me up and down strangely, and said, "Zhong Yuan has his eyes on you. I don't know if this is your misfortune or his misfortune."

I was a little scared by what she said, and asked stammeringly: "What... what do you mean?"

At this time, Xiaoer patted the table and said sadly: "San Mutou, you can't do this. My family's clock originally belonged to Lu Zijian, and no one can steal it, especially women..."

The second child was talking happily, but was slapped on the head by the boss. The boss stroked Xiao Er's hair, smiled modestly, and said, "San Mutou, you are not in the same class as Zhong Yuan, so stay away from him as soon as possible."

As soon as the boss said this, I thought of what Zhong Yuan had done to me, so I immediately became sad and angry. Boss, I also know that I am not in the same level as him, but please don’t say so directly, okay>_&l;

Wait, no, what are the three of them discussing? The focus doesn't seem to be Zhong Yuan...

In order to turn the topic back to the normal track, I wailed at the top of my voice: "What I want to say is that I want to leave you, don't you plan to show a little bit of reluctance..."

Xiao Er rolled her eyes, and was the first to express her contempt: "Forget it, you'd better go with Zhong Xiaoshou... Which time you were not the slowest to eat? He is obviously a rough person, but he likes to pretend to be quiet when eating." .”

"Eat food slowly, this is basic common sense..." As I spoke, I glanced at the boss and the fourth girl, hoping they would support me.

As a result, the boss and the fourth girl looked at Xiao Er with admiration, as if Xiao Er was their spokesperson.

Yes, I was abandoned by this world.

Early the next morning, I met Zhong Yuan downstairs in the dormitory. He was sitting on my bike with one leg on the ground, and he looked impatient.

I walked up to him and greeted him politely.

Zhong Yuan said expressionlessly: "Next time, come here on time at seven o'clock, don't make me wait."

I frowned: "Why should I listen to you?" It's seven o'clock, I just opened my sleepy eyes at seven o'clock, okay

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and presented a signature treacherous smile. He said slowly: "Whatever you want, if you don't come, I'll sell your car." After a pause, he continued, "Anyway, your car is worth a pile of scrap iron money, and I will sell it to you when the time comes." You don’t need to pay too much.”

Depend on!

Although I despise his behavior, I have to admit that his threat is very convincing. Even if he sells my car, he won't be able to compensate me a lot, but then I will have to spend more money to buy a new one...

Zhong Yuan, can you be more shameless&g;_&l;

Thinking of this, I clamped my schoolbag in desperation, and sat weakly on the back seat of the bicycle that belonged to me with my head drooped.

I T is a human tragedy.

In the cafeteria. Zhong Yuan cracked open an egg, peeled it carefully, and asked me while peeling: "Wu Mu, do you have any opinion on me?"

Khan, you are the one who has an opinion, okay? I rolled my eyes and said with a sneer, "It's nothing, it's just not pleasing to the eye."

Zhong Yuan was not angry, but said: "Actually, I think you are quite pleasing to the eye."

I looked at him in surprise, this guy is haunted again

Zhong Yuan raised his eyes to face me, smiled slightly, and said, "As soon as I saw your tangled expression, I wanted to make it more tangled."

Damn, Zhong Yuan, you are a pervert, the best of all perverts, the best pervert!

On this day, Zhong Yuan and I were eating in the cafeteria. I always feel that people around me are looking at us vaguely, but when I look up to look for those eyes, I find nothing. Weird, too weird.

I told Zhong Yuan my thoughts, but Zhong Yuan concentrated on eating his lunch, and said without raising his eyelids: "Wu Mu, you have already passed the age where you feel that others are looking at you wherever you go."

I glared at him without retorting. At this time, two boys behind Zhong Yuan suddenly stood up and walked quickly to us, and then sat on both sides of Zhong Yuan, hooking his shoulders, as if they were very familiar with him.

I bit my chopsticks and stared at the two men in surprise.

The two boys smiled at me friendly, and one of them said, "Hello, Junior Sister, I am Passerby A, and he is Passerby B."

I almost bit off my chopsticks, what is this all about, and lead passers-by A, B, and C

At this time, Zhong Yuan, who had been silent all this time, finally shifted his gaze from the lunch to the people around him. He shook the hands of the two people away, and said to me expressionlessly: "My roommates, one is named Lu, and the other is named Ren."

Passerby B added: "So we are a passerby combination."

Jiw, Zhong Yuan, your roommate is colder than you &g;_&l;

Although it was rather weird, but at least I was a senior brother, so I greeted them with a smile: "Hello Senior Brother Lu, Hello Senior Brother Ren."

Those two seemed happy with me calling them that. Passer-by A lit the table with a chopstick, and said with a smile: "Junior sister is so good. Don't worry, junior sister. If Zhong Yuan dares to bully you, I will make the decision for you!"

I looked at him gratefully, really...really

At this time, passer-by B seized the opportunity to expose him: "The master? Are you still being abused by him!"

Passerby A knocked Passerby B on the head, and said unconvinced: "We are torturing each other, okay?"

I silently bit the rice, thinking that it would be wonderful if my second child heard this...

Although it seems that this passer-by may not be able to make decisions for me, I am still quite relieved, at least I know that I am not the only person who was raped by Zhong Yuan in this world...

Turn your face, I'm so evil &g;_&l;