If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 50: Tanabata


Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, Zhong Yuan will be graduating.

That night, the 1234 joint invited the people in Zhong Yuan's dormitory to have a meal, calling it a farewell to the four scourges. In fact, if you want to say farewell, it's just a farewell to Lu Zijian, because he is going abroad. The others, Zhong Yuan and passer-by A stayed in city B to work after graduation, while passer-by B was admitted to the graduate school of the philosophy department of the school. Passer-by B is a godly brother. It is said that during the interview, he discussed "Book of Changes" with the professor, and the professor was stunned. It is also said that his goal is to become a successful philosopher even if he cannot be a successful philosopher. Feng Shui Master.

At that farewell party, everyone in Zhong Yuan's dormitory drank too much. Even Lu Zijian, who is usually the most stable, kept pulling Miss Si and repeating, "Wait for me, wait for me to come back."

The fourth girl rubbed her eyes and said, "Of course I'll wait for you, but if you dare to provoke others, I'll tear your bones apart!"

After listening to their conversation, everyone sighed. In fact, if Lu Zijian provokes others, Miss Si really overestimated him...

Among the four of them, the most drunk one should be Passerby A. His face was red and he couldn't open his eyes. Mouth has been muttering incomprehensible. When we left, this brother couldn't stand up anymore, Zhong Yuan lifted him from his seat with a smile, and the two staggered out of the restaurant. Zhong Yuan was also drunk today. I found that he laughed more than usual when he was drunk, and he always smiled with malicious intentions. However, this guy drinks a lot, so even if he is drunk, he should still be able to retain a semblance of reason.

Several people came out of the restaurant, passer-by B walked in the front. He opened his hands, snaked crookedly in front of him, and shouted loudly as he walked: "Ahaha, you all have wives, but I don't want anyone. Philosophers are lonely... I am independent, I Feeling ecstatic...what are you looking at!"

My little second boss and I walked behind, watching him go crazy with black lines all over his head. Brothers and sisters often say that there are many mischiefs after graduation, and it is true.

At this time, passerby A who was walking in front supported by Zhong Yuan suddenly pushed Zhong Yuan away, turned around and ran towards us like crazy. Before the three of us realized what was going on, he hugged Xiao Er and kissed her head and face.

Although I have long noticed that there is a JQ between Xiaoer and passerby, but such a gorgeous scene suddenly appeared in front of me, I was really a little dazed. Looking at the boss, she was also stunned.

Xiaoer is a little short. At this moment, she was hugged by Passerby A, her feet had already left the ground. She beat Passerby A in a panic, but Passerby A was indifferent, and kept kissing the back of her head...

I was staring dumbfounded at the somewhat large-scale picture in front of me, but a hand suddenly covered my eyes.

Zhong Yuan covered my eyes with one hand, hooked my shoulder with the other, and pulled me away. After walking for a while, he put down his hand and whispered in my ear, "What are you looking at, it's not like I haven't done it before."

I lowered my head in embarrassment, and was a little worried in my heart, so I asked: "Xiao Er... Will he be killed by him..." The image of Xiao Er being strangled to the point where he left the ground just now appeared in my mind , uh, a bit dangerous...

Zhong Yuan brushed the broken hair on my forehead, then slid his hand down, gently stroking my cheek with his fingertips, he looked at me with a smile, his eyes were a little blurred, "You will know if you try it?"

I didn't react for a while, "Huh?"

Zhong Yuan suddenly lowered his head, put his mouth in his mouth, and sucked it hard. He clasped the back of my head with one hand, slipped his other hand to my waist, and held me tightly. I was dizzy from the sudden breath of alcohol, and I leaned against his arms weakly, letting him do whatever he wanted.

Zhong Yuan straightened his waist suddenly, and the arms around my waist began to tighten in an upward direction, and my body was pulled upward by him like this. Soon, I couldn't find any point of strength on my feet. …

Without a fulcrum on my feet, a feeling of insecurity suddenly surged in my heart, so my arms involuntarily hugged Zhong Yuan's neck and hooked it tightly.

Zhong Yuan smiled vaguely, and continued to deepen the kiss...

After a while, Zhong Yuan let go of me, tapped my lips, and said with a smile, "Alive?"

My legs were a little weak, and I leaned against his arms, turning my face away from him.

Zhong Yuan smiled happily and dragged me around the campus. He walked very slowly, and every time he went to a place, he recalled to me what happened to us here. He spoke in a very calm voice and laughed, but I suddenly felt a little sad.

When Zhong Yuan sent me downstairs in the dormitory, he suddenly hugged me in his arms, buried his face in my neck, and breathed heavily. After a while, he raised his head and whispered in my ear: "There is still one year."

I buried my face in his arms, puzzled, "What?"

Zhong Yuan smiled lowly, "We will get married in one year."

Khan, this big brother, what we should express now seems to be the sadness of parting or something. As for marriage... Well, I admit, I have never seriously thought about the issue of getting married after graduation. Isn't marriage the grave of love...

At this time, seeing that I was silent, Zhong Yuan suddenly said coldly: "Wu Mu, you have already promised me to get married after graduation. If you dare to go back on your word, hum..."

The word "hum hum" successfully broke out my whole body in a cold sweat. I said Zhong Yuan, don't be so frightening at every turn, okay? &g;_&l;

When I returned to the dormitory at night, 124 had already gone back. I saw that Xiaoer was squatting in the corner of the balcony, with his back to the boss and fourth girl, and the boss and fourth girl surrounded her, as if they were questioning something.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard Xiaoer say: "Damn it, I'm so shy, okay?"

One three four: -_-|||||

I leaned over and asked the boss, "What's wrong with her?"

At this time, the boss was holding a chopstick in his hand, and while beating the second boy on the head, he said in a ruffian way: "Come on, when did you and passer-by A get in trouble together? All day long, besides listening to you scolding him, he still listens to you." Scolding him, today we were given a 18 ban, my sister can't accept it..."

Xiao Er squatted in the corner, looking like a doormat, "Pervert! Drunk! Ruin my reputation!"

At this time, the fourth girl revealed unceremoniously: "Your reputation is already bad enough, it doesn't matter whether it is ruined or not."

The boss winked at me, so I patted Xiao Er on the shoulder, and said with great regret: "Well... Xiao Er, those nasty jokes you wrote, passer-by..."

Xiao Er suddenly turned his face to look at me, with a worried look on his face, "He he he he he saw it?"

Seeing that Xiaoer's face turned red with anxiety, one three four laughed unkindly, the boss knocked her on the head, and said with a smile: "You still say you don't like him? And you say you don't care about him? If you don't care, why? Did he watch it in such a hurry?"

The fourth girl gently grabbed Xiao Er's ear, and said with a smile: "Admit it obediently, don't force me to communicate with you with body language."

Xiao Er turned her face away again, looked very shy, and said angrily: "I hate it! Don't you know I'm very reserved?!"

One Three Four was once again by Reggio. Just imagine, the wretched star in the 1111 dormitory claims to be "shy" and "reserved", what a magical sight it is.

But this kind of mistress is really interesting, one three four became addicted to playing, and molested around her for a while before going to bed. As a result, when I just fell asleep in a daze, Xiao Er suddenly climbed onto my bed like a ghost and quietly, and then grabbed me and asked me clearly, did passer-by A see the meat she wrote? Jokes.

I closed my eyes and murmured, "I'll see it later."

Xiaoer immediately hugged me across the quilt, and whispered excitedly: "Sanmu, I love you!"

I frowned and kicked her away.

A week later, Passerby A invited two people from the dormitory to have a meal in the name of Xiao Er's boyfriend.

Zhong Yuan quickly moved out of the school and lived in a community not far from our school. It is said that his father bought the house for him to marry his wife. That day, Zhong Yuan and I were busy all day before we packed up the house. That night Zhong Yuan stood on the balcony, hugged me from behind, and hugged me for a long time. Later, he whispered in my ear, "When we get married, this will be our home."

When I looked at the night of this bright city that day, my heart was so warm that I almost burst into tears.

When the summer vacation came, I found an internship in a pharmaceutical factory and worked from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I would help the kid from Uncle Zhong Yuan’s family with some homework, and I lived a fulfilling life, but the work in the pharmaceutical factory really didn’t make me enthusiastic.

The child of Zhong Yuan's uncle's family is Shi Jing, a very quiet boy. He is only nine years old this year. He is very smart, but he doesn't like to talk very much. He has a variety of summer tutoring classes all day from Monday to Friday, and I accompany him to review his homework for a week on Saturday and Sunday, which is a little more time. Therefore, after we finish our homework on weekends, I often take him to play for a while, play chess, draw a picture, watch cartoons and so on. At this time, his face really shows the expression that a child should have. Innocence, curiosity, surprise. At this time, I can't help but sigh, are the childhoods of children these days so boring? I think when I was young, I followed a group of children up the tree and down the river all day long, or played billiards, played games, went to school, and so on. That's really a floating cloud, a floating cloud...

The days passed so slowly, and in a blink of an eye, Qixi Festival arrived.

Because Zhong Yuan and I have to go to work on Qixi Festival, our date is relatively simple. Originally, the two of us discussed going to the movies, but later Zhong Yuan said that watching in the movie theater would be boring, and he recently bought a good disc, so we agreed to watch it at his house.

The movie is from the United States. It tells a sadomasochistic love story. It is very touching. I cried when I watched it at the end. It's just that in the back of this movie, after the reunion of the male and female protagonists, they are a bit bold and unrestrained, and the scale is a bit... cough cough...

So when I saw those more spicy scenes on TV, I immediately forgot to cry, and looked at Zhong Yuan secretly with a little embarrassment. Fortunately, all the lights in the room were turned off at this time, and the room was very dark, so I guess he couldn't see how red my face was.

When I watched Zhong Yuan, I found that he was not watching the TV, but tilted his head and looked at me quietly, his eyes were very bright, like black pearls under the night sky.

I was even more embarrassed, I lowered my head and dared not look at him, nor did I dare to watch TV.

However, Zhong Yuan suddenly threw me down on the sofa, and almost half of his body weight fell on me. I was very nervous and stammered and asked, "What do you want to do..."

Zhong Yuan suddenly grabbed my lips and kissed them delicately. At the beginning it was very light and soft, but the more he kissed, the harder it became. Gradually, he seemed to lose control, sucking heavily, sometimes grinding and biting. my lips. My lips and tongue were sore and numb by him, my lungs were compressed, and my breathing was difficult, so that my head became dizzy due to lack of oxygen, and my limbs were too weak to move under the pressure of Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan let go of my mouth, and kissed my neck and collarbone instead. The hot breath hovered around my neck, I seemed to grasp something, and it seemed that I didn't know anything...

Zhong Yuan suddenly put his hand into my clothes, rubbed his fiery palm on my waist for a while, then went all the way up, covering my chest.

I understood what he was going to do, and stopped him panting heavily, "Zhong Yuan..."

"Wood," Zhong Yuan looked at me with fiery eyes, his breathing was messy, "I can't wait any longer."