If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 59: close


The second day after I quarreled with Zhong Yuan, I came to the company with two dark circles under my eyes and staggered like stepping on cotton.

My mind is full of the smile and back view when Zhong Yuan left yesterday, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel. Last night, I kept thinking about all kinds of things between us, thinking about Shi Yunheng, thinking about the marriage contract ordered by Zhong Yuan's parents, and finally, I realized that we are really over.

We are like countless vulgar TV dramas, falling in love but not getting the blessing of our parents, such people are doomed to be separated in reality. What's more, now it's hard to say whether Zhong Yuan loves me or not.

At dawn, I came to this conclusion sadly, and encouraged myself to look forward. I, Muer, am not someone no one wants, so why hang myself on a tree.

In the morning, he smiled at the mirror very smartly, and said to himself: "Isn't he just a man, without him, can the world still fall down?"

However, I smiled and burst into tears, because I found that without Zhong Yuan, my world would really collapse.

I felt like a lost soul all day long. The supervisor who took care of me was very kind. Seeing me like this, he arranged for me to rest in the office for a day. Anyway, I'm just an intern, and there's not much I can do.

When I got off work in the evening, it started to rain outside, which was very heavy.

I was too anxious to go out and forgot to bring my umbrella, so I had to stand at the door of the company's office building, planning to leave after the rain stopped. There were a few people in the company who didn't bring umbrellas like me, and they also stood at the door, and some even started calling to find someone to pick them up.

Someone opened an umbrella and offered to see me off very friendly. I shook my head expressionlessly.

I haven't slept all day and night, my feet are sluggish now, my mind is so heavy that I am about to lose consciousness, so at this time, hallucinations appeared in front of my eyes.

I saw Zhong Yuan holding a dark blue umbrella and walking towards me with a smile.

Sure enough, it's a demon, I smiled helplessly and rubbed my eyes. However, when I looked up and looked in that direction again, the illusion remained.

Zhong Yuan put away his umbrella, walked in front of me, took my hand, smiled as if nothing had happened, and said, "Let's go, follow me back."

I took two steps back and looked at him surprised and somewhat annoyed. Why, why did he come again

Zhong Yuan took a step forward, raised his hand and pinched my cheek, and said with a smile, "Follow me."

I turned my face away from him and said in a deep voice, "Go away."

Zhong Yuan didn't walk away, he put his hands on my shoulders, raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled coldly, "Should we go or not?"

I shook my head virtuously, "Don't go!"

Next, Zhong Yuan's actions left me dumbfounded.

He bent suddenly, and his hands slid down my shoulders. When he slid to my waist, he hugged my waist and tightened it. Lily carried me on her shoulders.

I didn't wake up for a while, and when I realized what was going on, Zhong Yuan had already carried me, opened the umbrella and walked into the rain.

Zhong Yuan tilted the entire umbrella to his side, covering me tightly. I seemed to be trapped in a small space. Apart from the blue umbrella top, all I could see was Zhong Yuan's back and legs.

At this time, my stomach was resting on Zhong Yuan's shoulders, and my breathing was a bit difficult. My head was hanging down, and the blood kept rushing to my forehead. I was already dizzy, but now it was even more difficult. I wanted to struggle to get off his shoulder, but Zhong Yuan's arm clasped my calf forcefully, making my lower body almost unable to move. I grabbed the clothes on his back and tried to straighten up my front body, but whenever I was about to succeed, Zhong Yuan would easily toss it, making all my previous efforts in vain, and I slumped behind him again.

In desperation, I had no choice but to clenched my fist and beat Zhong Yuan's back hard, shouting loudly while beating: "Zhong Yuan, put me down! Let me down!"

There was the sound of crackling raindrops hitting the umbrella cloth on the umbrella above his head. Amidst this annoying sound, Zhong Yuan's muffled laughter came faintly, making it even more annoying.

Zhong Yuan said happily: "Don't let go."

I was angry, I beat Zhong Yuan's back indiscriminately, accidentally moved my hand down, and hit a place that shouldn't be touched.

So Zhong Yuan smiled even more cheerfully, "Wu Mu, you are really unrestrained."

I:"… "

Zhong Yuan carried me to a car, he opened the door and pushed me into the driver's seat, then put away his umbrella and got in by himself. I just got up, but he pressed me back to the seat, and then my lips were blocked by two soft and cool lips.

Zhong Yuan bent one leg and knelt down on my legs, then grabbed my two wrists with one hand and turned his back to me, and the other hand clasped the back of my head to prevent me from moving... I am now like a The fish on the chopping board is powerless to resist, and only has to be slaughtered.

Zhong Yuan kissed very eagerly and forcefully. He took my lips and sucked heavily, his tongue quickly pried open my teeth, fucked, playing with my tongue. He let out a low laugh from his throat as he kissed me, still exasperatingly pleasant.

It's really weird, since seeing Zhong Yuan today, he has been laughing all the time, what a joke! I suddenly felt an unknown fire in my heart, so I bit his lip without thinking, and bit it hard for three seconds, then I rubbed his lip with my teeth again, and then I let go.

Zhong Yuan let go of me and stared at my face with heavy eyes. His brows were raised slightly, the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and his soft and plump lips were even more crimson and moist because of the kiss, which made people swallow their saliva. Coupled with the fact that there were little drops of blood oozing from his lower lip, like the letter of a poisonous snake, it was so flirtatious that people were fascinated and sinking.

I suddenly realized that I was really worthless, and because of his delicious appearance, most of my anger disappeared.

Zhong Yuan let go of the hands that were holding me, and turned to hold my face with both hands, with his forehead against mine, his eyes staring at mine. Then, he said softly: "Wu Mu, let's stop making trouble, okay?"

I felt guilty when he looked at me, so I lowered my eyes, but said angrily, "Who is making trouble with you?"

Zhong Yuan lightly rubbed my forehead and said with a smile: "It's my fault that you didn't fight with me. I was too impulsive yesterday and made trouble out of no reason."

What Zhong Yuan said made the guilt in my heart swell rapidly. I found that Zhong Yuan always has this ability. When he is strong, you can't resist him. When he makes a small fuss with you, no matter how much anger you have, it will disappear immediately. In short, when you are with him, you have the initiative Always in his hands, you can only become the one controlled.

Although I am not reconciled, I have to accept my fate. I admit that I have really fallen into the hands of this evildoer, and I will never be able to turn over, nor can I get out.

At this time, Zhong Yuan gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb, sighed helplessly, and said, "Mu, I found that since I fell in love with you, my IQ has directly changed from three digits to Double digits."


Zhong Yuan said: "Wood, I found that since I fell in love with you, my IQ has directly changed from three digits to two digits."

I was a little embarrassed, and comforted him: "Uh, each other, I am the same."

Zhong Yuan raised his eyes and smiled at me, "You have always been in double digits."


Hey, anyway, my high school physics teacher once said that my IQ is more than 130, okay, even if I get a 20% discount, it’s not just double digits, right

Zhong Yuan carried me to the co-pilot and sat in the driver's seat by himself.

Only then did I realize that Zhong Yuan's hair was wet, some water remained on his face, and most of his clothes were wet, only the shoulder that was carrying me was still dry. I remembered that he just covered my whole body with the umbrella. Now, except for some rain on my trousers, everything else is well protected. So I was a little moved and apologetic, and I took out the tissue and handed it to him.

Zhong Yuan didn't answer, and put his face in front of me with a smile.

I had no choice but to help him wipe the rain off his face, and when he was finished, he still stretched his neck and looked at me with twinkling eyes, with an ambiguous expression on his face.

I blushed and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Zhong Yuan sat back satisfied and started the car.

The two of us had such a big quarrel yesterday, but today it ended in such a gentle atmosphere. To be honest, I am still a little embarrassed at this time, and I don't know what to say to Zhong Yuan. So I had no choice but to lower my head and play with the corner of my clothes without speaking.

While driving the car, Zhong Yuan freed up a hand to grab mine, squeezed it, and then squeezed it tightly. Then, he said seriously: "Mu Mu, I really have nothing to do with Shi Yunheng."

"I know, in fact, I have nothing to do with Su Yan." I suddenly realized why I had been thinking about Zhong Yuan, not only because I love him, but also because I have always believed in him, no matter how doubtful I am Always believe that we are in love.

"I know too, but I... I was too impulsive yesterday," Zhong Yuan said, and smiled again, "You know, you were always lazy and indifferent to me a while ago. I thought... I thought you didn't like me anymore. I told you about the engagement yesterday, and I wanted to know whether you still cared about me, but I didn't expect that there would be a quarrel. After I went back last night, I suddenly understood that you didn't pay attention Me, you are arguing with me, you are obviously jealous of Shi Yunheng, I am so stupid."

I widened my eyes and looked at Zhong Yuan in disbelief, this classmate, you are too imaginative...

Zhong Yuan felt a little embarrassed when I saw him. He drove the car without looking sideways, and some light pink color quietly crept up on his cheeks, which was very light and difficult to detect, but I still saw it.

Zhong Yuan is... shy? It's rare to see him like this. Although I know I'm not kind, I still can't help laughing.

Zhong Yuan also smiled helplessly, and said: "You see, people who fall in love can easily become so stupid, and worry about gains and losses."

I smiled and held Zhong Yuan's hand back, and said, "Don't worry, I only love you."

Zhong Yuan's eyes were still staring at the front, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Me too, I only love you, Wood."

Suddenly, I completely understood the quarrel yesterday. I was impulsive because I was jealous of Shi Yunheng, but why Zhong Yuan was also impulsive. It turned out that his thoughts... were so miraculous. Once a person falls in love, it's really easy to worry about gains and losses. He was worried that I didn't like him, but last night he saw me and Su Yan, so he didn't think much about it. Zhong Yuan really became stupid, even more stupid than me.

However, I suddenly thought of another question, even if Zhong Yuan doesn't like Shi Yunheng, what about his parents

At this time, Zhong Yuan grabbed my hand and raised it in front of him, looked carefully, then frowned and said, "Where's the ring?"

"I..." When I think of rings, I think of engagement, and when I think of engagement, I get a headache. Alas, why do parents have to get involved in the marriage of their children

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, his gaze was dangerous, "Did you lose it? Or did you throw it away?"

"Zhong Yuan," I plucked up my courage, and asked him, "About the engagement, you..." What do you do

Zhong Yuan rubbed my head and said with a smile, "Are you worried about this?"

I nodded, a little nervous about how he would answer. No matter how strong he is, the conflict with his parents is not so easy to talk about, and he may even be unable to disobey his parents at all.

Zhong Yuan patted my shoulder and comforted me: "Don't worry, my parents are quite enlightened. If it doesn't work, I'll ask the old man to make the decision for me."

I nodded, but my heart was still knotted. How should I put it, the daughter-in-law recognized by Zhong Yuan's parents is Shi Yunheng, even if the two of them are not together in the end, will the relationship between me and those parents become a little... er, delicate

At this time, Zhong Yuan added: "Of course, cutting the grass is the best way to get rid of the roots."

I was surprised, "Cut... cut the weeds and root them out? Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Zhong Yuan what are you going to do..." You don't want to kill Shi Yunheng, do you? !

Zhong Yuan laughed out loud. He scratched my nose and said while laughing, "My wood is so stupid."

I embarrassedly turned my face and looked out the car window. Doesn’t cutting weeds and rooting out the roots on TV mean killing people, not only killing people, but also killing everyone…

At this time, Zhong Yuan didn't bring up this topic any more, but said, "Where's the ring?"

I took out the ring in the bag. Fortunately, I didn't lose my mind completely yesterday, otherwise Zhong Yuan would definitely go crazy now, and he might even eat people.

Zhong Yuan parked the car by the side of the road, took the ring from my hand, and carefully put it back on my middle finger. After putting it on, he grabbed my hand and smiled softly, "Don't take it off."

"Yeah." I nodded, feeling a little at a loss under his fiery gaze.

Zhong Yuan turned around and took the briefcase on the car, took out a small pink bottle from it, and handed it to me.

When I saw it, it was the bottle of perfume called "First Love". I took the perfume and was very moved, but when I thought of Zhong Yuan looking through the trash can, I wanted to laugh again.

Zhong Yuan seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, he pinched my face and said, "I didn't throw it away at all."

That's fine, we didn't throw it away. It is estimated that Zhong Yuan's mood at that time was similar to my mood of wanting to throw the ring. Although everyone was very angry, there was something called "care" in their hearts, which prevented us from doing stupid things.

Zhong Yuan took a deep look at me, and said: "Wu Mu, you are my first love, always have been. Although I once liked Shi Yunheng, I was not sensible at that time, it was just a hazy feeling, completely puberty. Normal psychology. At that time, I didn’t know what sex was. But now, I understand.”

I clenched the perfume tightly and said with a smile, "Then what do you think is love?"

Zhong Yuan: "Love is, wishing to become one with you."

I can't wait to become one with you... I nodded and felt the same way. Love is so easy to make people crazy. I had a fight yesterday, and today I feel like a disabled person who can’t do anything. Now that I’m together, it’s like being resurrected. It’s more energetic than taking Dali pills. Two in one? If two people can really become one person, then everyone doesn't have to worry about not being able to see each other all the time, and don't have to worry about missing each other all the time.

Later, I told Xiao Er about Zhong Yuan's understanding of love, and wanted to give her some writing inspiration by the way. As a result, Xiao Er repeated Zhong Yuan's words while laughing meaningfully, and finally said: "This guy Zhong Yuan is too slutty!"
