If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 6: Forum gossip


I was visited by passerby A and passerby B like a monkey for a long time, and finally they concluded: "Not bad, it looks better than the picture."

photo? ?

I looked at Zhong Yuan angrily: "You, show them my photo?" It was the frustrating one!

Zhong Yuan stared at the group of passers-by innocently, and said, "Where did you see the photo?"

Passerby A: "Recently, someone posted a photo of you eating together on the school forum, and that post was very hot... Zhong Yuan, you don't know about it, do you? Hey, don't you know about it, Junior Sister Muer?"

I shook my head, looked at Zhong Yuan who also looked blank, and asked, "What post?"

Passer-by B replied: "Look online and you'll know. It's been floating on the homepage of the forum. It's been floating for several days." ... Zhong Yuan turned around and showed me the exclusive photos of you and junior sister, the ones that are too big are unnecessary." After he finished speaking, the two sneaked away, just like they came here.

I blushed, stared at Zhong Yuan and said, "Well... don't show them my photo!"

The corners of Zhong Yuan's mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smile: "That depends on whether you are obedient or not."

Damn, so Zhong Yuan came up with another excuse to threaten me.

As soon as the group of passers-by left, a figure floated over quickly and sat beside me. I looked sideways, and it turned out to be the vice president of our environmental protection agency, a junior senior sister, very tough.

As soon as I saw the Vice President, my flattering smile immediately crawled onto my face: "Senior Sister Lingling, what a coincidence!"

Senior sister Lingling first smiled sweetly at Zhong Yuan, and then turned her head to say hello to me.

I don't know what to say next. Although I admire the president very much, I haven't really talked to her face to face a few times, and we don't know her well at all.

Senior sister Lingling touched my bald head very familiarly, and praised my new hairstyle. When I was so embarrassed by her, she finally brought me good news. This good news made me so excited that I didn't even feel like eating.

She told me I had won the lottery.

The Environmental Protection Agency recently organized a field camping activity with the theme of experiencing nature and getting close to nature. I really wanted to participate, but the students who participated had to pay various expenses such as tent rental fees and food expenses. At that time, I was short of money, so I had to Stay away. Later, in order to expand the publicity, the Environmental Protection Agency held a lottery activity in the whole school. As long as you sign up, you will have the opportunity to participate in this camp for free. Although there are very few places, I still signed up with a glimmer of hope. Because the hope was too slim, I was so excited for two days that I forgot about it. Unexpectedly, today, this good news suddenly hit my head, and I suddenly felt dizzy with happiness.

Senior Sister Lingling patted my shoulder and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Muer, you will participate in our training camp from today, and you must have physical strength for camping."

I stared at her with staring eyes and nodded desperately.

Senior Sister Lingling smiled coquettishly at Zhong Yuan: "Zhong Yuan, we still have a free quota here, do you want to come?"

I tugged Senior Sister Lingling's arm and looked at her in disbelief. Isn't the free quota drawn by lottery, senior sister, are you out of your mind

At this time, Zhong Yuan smiled politely at Senior Sister Lingling and said, "Thank you, no need."

I quietly breathed a sigh of relief, what a wonderful thing it was not to see Zhong Yuan's figure, and I began to look forward to this camping even more.

Zhong Yuan suddenly asked: "Wu Mu, you don't want me to go, do you?"

At this time, I was still in the surprise of Zhong Yuan rejecting Senior Sister Lingling, I didn't realize it for a moment, I nodded unconsciously and replied: "Of course."

Zhong Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and said, "Then I'd better go."

I:"… "

Senior Sister Lingling hugged me and said excitedly, "You did a good job, Junior Sister!"

Let go of me, I'm not your junior sister&g;_&l;

As soon as I got back to the dormitory, I turned on the computer and went to the school forum. By the way, the laptop I am using now is a reward from my alma mater high school. Although it occasionally appears in a state of suspended animation, it is basically loyal to me.

Sure enough, there was a post with a high hit rate floating around on the homepage of the forum. The title of the post was impressively: Is this Zhong Yuan's girlfriend? Is this Zhong Yuan's girlfriend? Is this Zhong Yuan's girlfriend? ?

An ominous feeling suddenly rose in my heart, and I went in to look tremblingly.

The photo was taken secretly, the technology is not very good, and it is a bit blurry. The main characters in the shoot were me and Zhong Yuan. There were many scenes, including the cafeteria, the downstairs of the dormitory, and when we were riding bicycles on the road. The host didn’t go into too much detail, he just claimed to have followed us for several days, and this was the result, and then he posted it up for everyone to see, and asked if it might be Zhong Yuan’s girlfriend.

Although the host is a bit gossip, he is still calm, but after reading the reply below, I am a little dumbfounded.

Netizen A: LZ, stop being funny, is this a girl? Is this a girl? Is this a girl

Netizen B: Such a gorgeous bald head, it blinded my dog eyes!

Netizen C: Zhong Yuan used to have a heavy taste, but sure enough, the vision of a good person is quite different.

Netizen D: Come on, let's put a fairy grass on the dog dung, and post it in anger!

Netizen E: She is not Zhong Yuan's girlfriend, I am me, I am me...

Netizen F: To be honest, if you put on hair, you will be quite a baby.

Netizen G: Zhong Yuan, why do men make things difficult for themselves...

The following messages were more similar, mostly repeating the voices of the above-mentioned netizens, laughing at my bald head, saying that I am not good enough for Zhong Yuan Yunyun. The more I watched, the angrier I became. Are you making an international joke, Zhong Yuan? That scumbag and insidious guy with a little white face and a ghostly upper body? How can I accept this kind of person, my idol is Lu Zijian, okay

Looking further down, there was a big debate about "Is this woman pretty or not?" The reasons for both sides were dazzling. With such a hairstyle, it is already very good to be accepted by others.

After that, I felt chills down my spine, these crazy people, they actually fleshed me out...

Although human flesh is a technical job, it is actually not difficult for a person with a big B to have a human flesh with a person with a big B. The efficiency of those people is really high. The second day after this post was posted, someone came to upload my detailed information, yes, they even knew that I don’t eat spicy food &g;_&l;

The more I watched the atmosphere, the more I called 124 to come over and watch, and find some comfort by the way. Unexpectedly, 124 ran over and glanced at my computer screen, then "cut" and dispersed.

The boss is kind, she patted me on the shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "You only know now about wood, it really is wood."

I said frustratedly: "You know it too, I don't go to forums much... But since you all know, why didn't you tell me?"

The fourth girl replied at this time: "It's useless if you know it, it will only increase your troubles."

I slapped my hand on the table in grief and anger: "But I still know now, what should I do!"

Fourth girl: "Clarify or ignore, what else can I do."

Miss Si, you are really insightful, you never talk nonsense.

I leaned on my chin and began to think about clarifying or ignoring the question.

If the hero of this post is Lu Zijian, I will not clarify; if those people don’t say that I am ugly, I will not clarify; if they don’t say that I am not worthy of Zhong Yuan, I still will not clarify...

In summary, I still clarified ==

Considering the popularity and influence of Zhong Yuan and me, it is better for him to do this matter.

I held my phone, hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed Zhong Yuan's number, and then tried my best to explain the whole incident clearly, and then emphasized the harm that would be caused if I didn't explain the matter clearly. Finally, I said solemnly: "It must be clarified, and it must be clarified with righteous words!"

Zhong Yuan readily agreed, and at that moment I even had a new view on his character.

Zhong Yuan's work efficiency is really fast. After a while, I saw a post by a person whose ID is "I am Zhong Yuan".

The content of the post is very simple: I am Zhong Yuan, and Mu Er and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend, so I would like to clarify. In addition, even if you want to gossip, you have to wait for that girl to grow her hair before gossiping, right

I read this post and was shaking with anger. Immediately sent a text message to Zhong Yuan: You are mocking me in disguise!

After a while, Zhong Yuan replied: Yes.

Me: Go to hell, suffer!

Zhong Yuan: The last word, don't let me see it a second time, otherwise I won't promise to make anything.

This is a threat, a naked/naked/naked threat... this subject!

The author has something to say: I don’t know if you can imagine the slightly raised corners of the mouth of a certain man hiding behind the computer screen...