If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 63: Zhong Yuan's grandfather


In order to surprise Zhong Yuan's grandfather, Zhong Yuan and I quietly fled from City B to Shanghai without letting out any news.

It is said that Zhong Yuan's grandfather has already retired, and now lives in an ordinary community to enjoy his life, idles around all day, bickers and plays chess with the old men nearby, or just brags to each other How about my son, how about my grandson, very leisurely. The so-called big hermit hidden in the city is probably like this.

When Zhong Yuan and I arrived at his grandfather's residence, unfortunately the old man had gone out, and there was only one aunt in the house who took care of the old man's food and daily life. Zhong Yuan called her Aunt Yang. Aunt Yang said, the old man took your Uncle Yang to play chess in a nearby gazebo, and today he wants to seek revenge from Lao Zhao.

Zhong Yuan pinched his forehead and said helplessly, "The grievances between him and Grandpa Zhao are not over yet."

Aunt Yang grabbed my hand and said with a smile: "What is the end, there is no end. Today you win a game with me tomorrow, and tomorrow I win a game with you. If you lose, you will go home and throw things. A few days ago he just put a Qianlong year His five-color bucket basin fell, and he regretted it very much, and then your Uncle Yang got him a Wanli year red underglaze peony plate with broken branches, and it stopped."

I shrank my neck, this old man seems to have a bad temper.

Seeing this, Aunt Yang smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, although the old man threw things, he didn't scold anyone, except for scolding the young master for not coming back to see him."

Zhong Yuan: "..."

Aunt Yang exchanged pleasantries with us for a while, then went out to buy vegetables. Zhong Yuan and I stayed at his house for a while and felt bored, so we decided to go out and look for his grandfather.

In the gazebo mentioned by Zhong Yuan, a group of old people played chess around, but they did not see the legendary Grandpa Zhong. After questioning, we found out that Grandpa Zhong had lost the game and had left with Uncle Yang angrily. An old man raised his head and looked at Zhong Yuan with a smile, and said to him in a calm manner: "Your grandfather is getting more and more useless, and he threw away his helmet and armor in less than half an hour."

It is estimated that this is the grandfather Zhao. At this moment, that Grandpa Zhao was holding the black car, and slapped a cannon majestically. I was very curious about this master, so I pulled Zhong Yuan to stop and carefully watched the chess situation. I saw that Grandpa Zhao's black chess has already taken a great advantage. The two rooks, one cannon and one horse, are all staring at the opponent's camp. In comparison, the red side is a bit miserable. It has just been eaten by a cannon. Now he has only one cart and two horses left, and the cart is still stuck behind, unable to cross the river.

The grandfather holding the red chess stared at the chessboard motionlessly, and the atmosphere felt a little tense for a while.

Zhong Yuan didn't seem to be interested in these things, he just smiled and said: "Grandpa Zhao, you are becoming more and more prestigious."

After hearing this, Grandpa Zhao looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, which was very arrogant.

I watched the chess game carefully for a while, then squeezed Zhong Yuan's hand, and secretly said to him: "In this chess, the red chess seems to have a greater chance of winning than the black chess."

Unexpectedly, that Grandpa Zhao not only broke out in character today, but also in hearing. He lowered his face and looked at me very unhappy, "Little girl, what are you talking about?"

"I... uh..." I dragged Zhong Yuan, wanting to retreat.

However, just after I took two steps, I was stopped by that grandpa Zhao, "Come here, I want to see where the chances of winning the red chess are."

I didn't leave or stay, I really regret that extra word.

Zhong Yuan took my hand, smiled at Grandpa Zhao, and said, "Grandpa Zhao, my wife is young and naive, so don't argue with her."

Unexpectedly, Grandpa Zhao raised his eyebrows and said solemnly: "Why did I argue with her? I just want to know where the chances of winning the red chess are."

At this time, the grandfather who was holding the red chess also stood up, gave up his seat, and then smiled at me: "Little girl, don't be afraid, come here, I also want to see where the red chess can win."

I had no choice but to walk over, not daring to sit down, just pointing to the chessboard and said: "Although the black chess is approaching the city, it has not yet become a force. The red chess has a car and two soldiers guarding the rear, and it can last for a while."

After hearing this, Grandpa Zhao smiled disdainfully and said, "What do you mean you can last for a while? What about after a while? Won't you still be eaten by me?"

I shook my head and replied: "It won't take so long, the two knights of the red chess can drive the black chess to a dead end."

A person next to him questioned: "Can two horses be stronger than two chariots? Besides, one horse and one cannon are spared."

I shook my head again, "No, no, there is a saying in the Chess Classics, 'The chariots and guns in front of the formation, the four directions are rampant, and the first horse takes the lead, and the eight sides are majestic'." It can be seen how great the horse's potential is, especially when two horses are used together. Can defend, can fight and escape. Looking at the situation again, there are only two bishops and one soldier left behind the black chess, and there is not even a stone that can block the hoof of the horse. This makes the double horses of the red chess have more room to play. Looking back at the red chess In the rear, although the black chess has a large number of soldiers, but because it is too crowded, the horse cannot kick it away, and it is almost useless. There are two rooks, and the red rook obstructs, and the black cannon is useless. Therefore, the black chess can really play a role Yes, it seems that there are only two rooks, and the remaining one knight and one cannon are held back by one's own or the opponent's pieces. In terms of offense and defense, the red side has to attack with two knights, and it has to defend a cart with two soldiers. There is another saying, 'Two rooks are no match for two soldiers', which shows that the red side's defense is very strong. However, the black side has a fair front and an empty rear camp, which is much more dangerous than the red side."

As soon as I finished speaking, no one spoke all around. I suddenly felt a little guilty, thinking that I might be too reckless. Chess is very shallow and deep. It doesn’t matter if I lose my two brushes. Anyway, I am young, and people will not care about me. But if Zhong Yuan’s grandfather finds out...

While wiping my sweat, I thought to myself, Zhong Yuan's grandfather wouldn't dislike me because of this...

Zhong Yuan patted my shoulder and asked me in a low voice: "Who did you learn from?"

I stared at the chessboard and replied, "My dad."

My dad likes to play chess very much. There are only two people in my family, so he often forces me to compete with him. Of course, every time I compete with him, I almost end in failure. The only time I win him is because I stole his chess pieces. . Later, he felt that it was boring, so he asked me to ride a car, a horse, a gun, and then follow me...

At this time, that Grandpa Zhao was silent for a while, and asked: "According to what you said, black chess is sure to die?"

"Where, the black chess attack is very fierce. As long as the game is resolved quickly, the result is hard to say."

"On paper." Grandpa Zhao's tone was still disdainful, but his confidence was not so strong.

"Yeah, I'm actually talking nonsense." While laughing with me, I pulled Zhong Yuan to try to escape again.

However, I was stopped again by that eccentric Grandpa Zhao, who held a chess piece and knocked on the board, saying: "Play this game with me, if you can't win, you are not allowed to go home."

I just sighed and sat down. Playing chess, winning or losing is so easy to determine. I was talking nonsense just now. After all, I haven’t played chess with anyone except my dad and the computer, and those chess classics and chess records are all in I wrote it down under the influence of my dad. I'm a stupid person, and I don't know how to think deeply. Except for my good memory, I have a lot of experience and chess records in my mind. Other than that, I really have no advantages.

Fortunately, I was lucky, and before Grandpa Zhao killed me, I successfully drove his poor handsome to a dead end.

Grandpa Zhao finally straightened up, and said sullenly: "I lost, little girl, you played well."

"Where is it, it's just opportunistic." Being a junior in front of the elders should never be too arrogant, this is what my dad taught me repeatedly.

At this moment, a very unrestrained laughter suddenly sounded, which scared me almost to fall under the stool. The man laughed for a while, and said: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you also have today, hahahahahaha, you actually fell on a little baby, and you will have no face in the future!"

While wiping my sweat, I turned my head and saw that the person speaking was an old man with gray hair and a ruddy complexion. Behind him stood a middle-aged man who was looking at us with a very... er, surprise

At this time, Grandpa Zhao said angrily: "You can try, I don't believe you can beat her."

The old man laughed arrogantly again: "She is my granddaughter-in-law, if I let her lose, she will definitely lose!"

Onlookers: "..."


Before coming to Shanghai, I had thought countless times what Zhong Yuan's grandfather would look like, but I really didn't expect him to be so... er, unique...

Because he lost chess, he took Uncle Yang for a walk in the community to vent his anger, and when he came back, he happened to find that I had accidentally won Grandpa Zhao, so he scolded Old Zhao happily for a while, and separately learned from chess skills. I made a comparison with Lao Zhao in three aspects: grandson, grandson, and grandson-in-law, and finally came to the conclusion: Lao Zhao, you should be trampled under my feet obediently, ah ha ha ha ha ha...

Poor old Zhao's grandson is only 10 years old this year... &g;_&l;

Then, this divine man led me and Zhong Yuan home majestically.

When I got home, Aunt Yang was cooking. Influenced by various TV dramas, I feel that it is necessary for me to help cook a few dishes at this time to prove that I am actually a seedling of a good wife and mother. However, Grandpa Zhong sternly rejected my request. In the end, I had no choice but to respectfully hand him a cup of tea as a courtesy.

After Grandpa Zhong took my tea, he smiled and took out a shiny green bracelet from the drawer for me, and I solemnly accepted it. I found out later that the jade bracelet is more than a thousand years older than me... &g;_&l;

After dinner, several people sat and chatted together. I found that Grandpa Zhong was really talkative. Basically, when we were together, he was talking alone. His eyes stared at the TV screen without blinking, not cooperating at all.

I secretly asked Zhong Yuan: "Why are you ignoring Grandpa?"

Zhong Yuan replied: "Try to listen to these words for twenty years, and you will know."

At this time, Grandpa Zhong excitedly placed a green glaze jar on the coffee table, intending to show me his new cricket. He might have used too much force when he put down the jar, the bottom of the ceramic jar collided with the glass coffee table and made a crisp sound. Seeing this, Aunt Yang hurriedly said: "Master, please be gentle, this jar is more precious than your cricket."

I was puzzled and asked, "Why is this jar expensive?"

Aunt Yang smiled and said, "This is an official kiln from the Song Dynasty."

I was taken aback, and immediately looked at the jar in awe.

Aunt Yang secretly said to me again: "Son, don't mind these things too much. The old man's house is full of antiques. The bowls we used for dinner today are from the Ming Dynasty, and the one next to the TV is a fake one. Tang Sancai, the old man usually drinks tea with a Ru Kiln lotus cup from the Song Dynasty, and this one in your hand seems to be a crystal cup that was tribute from the Ming Dynasty..."

Although I am timid, I am calm when I am scared. Anyway, as a rich man, it is normal for this old man to collect some antiques. It's just that what I don't understand is that he puts so many antiques in the house casually, isn't he afraid of bumping into them? Even if the family is careful and won't break it, what if a thief enters the house

I told Aunt Yang my question, and Aunt Yang waved her hand and said confidently, "Don't worry, as long as the thief is not mentally ill, he would never have thought that someone would put a Tang Sancai next to the TV."