If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 65: forced marriage


When Zhong Yuan's parents came to Shanghai, Shi Yunheng was madly chasing passer-by B, and my performance was acceptable, it could be seen that they were quite satisfied with me.

The next day, Mother Zhong pulled me and said to me very enthusiastically, "Don't worry, my son is so treacherous, he will definitely not let you be wronged", which is a recognition of me.

Although I am embarrassed, I finally feel relieved.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I will graduate.

I found a travel magazine in City B to do photography. Although the salary is not high, but fortunately, I can do what I like, and I can take advantage of the opportunity of photography to travel around and see the scenery, which is very enjoyable.

After the graduation ceremony, I walked out of the auditorium wearing a loose academic gown, chatting and laughing with 124. As soon as we walked out of the auditorium, we received a call from Zhong Yuan, asking where we were and telling us to stand where we were.

One Two Three Four was very strange, but he still stood there obediently and waited for him.

After a while, Zhong Yuan, Lu Renjia, and Lu Zijian rushed over vigorously, each holding a large bouquet of roses in their hands.

The three of them were handsome in the first place, although they were handsome in different ways, and with the bouquet of roses in their hands, they quickly attracted the attention of passers-by, and some girls who were not calm even screamed.

I stared at them blankly, as if I knew why they came, but I was a little nervous for a while. Look at the second and fourth girls, they are not much better than me, only the boss, with an expression of envy and hatred, said sadly and angrily: "My God, let single people live!"

At this time, passer-by B appeared out of nowhere, and said excitedly: "Is junior sister lonely, let's make a couple."

The boss suddenly grabbed passerby B's wrist quickly, and then shouted to the crowd not far away: "Shi Yunheng, I caught him for you!"

After passer-by B wailed for a while, he was escorted away by Shi Yunheng who rushed over in a hurry.

Those three people walked up to us, found their own girlfriends, then knelt down on one knee, held roses in their hands, and said in unison, "Marry me."

I was shocked. To be honest, I thought they came to congratulate us on our graduation, but unexpectedly... they came to propose, and it was a group proposal... &g;_&l;

The second girl and the fourth girl were also too surprised to speak, especially the fourth girl. Lu Zijian was originally abroad, but suddenly appeared and proposed to him with a rose in his hand. No matter how tough she is, it still takes a certain amount of time to react. of.

At this time, the onlookers were not calm. shouted: "Marry them, marry them..."

The flow of people coming out of the auditorium has reached its peak, and there is a dense circle of people around us. Everyone's voices are getting louder and louder, as if in a parade, as if if we don't marry them (this is really awkward), we will be heinous. attacked by the people.

In this sudden and high-profile marriage proposal, Xiao Er was the first to react. She smiled and blinked, forcing back the tears that had welled up in her eyes, and then took the rose in the hand of passer-by B. She hugged the rose, pursed her mouth, and said, "Do you have a ring?"

Passerby A was still half kneeling on the ground and didn't get up, but said with a smile: "Look carefully."

Xiao Er hugged the rose and checked it carefully, and finally found a sparkling ring inside. She covered her mouth and said in surprise, "It really is."

Passerby A took out the ring from the rose and put it on Xiao Er's finger, "You haven't promised me yet."

(Onlookers: It's insidious, you put a ring on someone if you didn't agree, now you have to agree if you don't agree...)

At this time, the onlookers became excited again, "Promise him! Promise him!"

Xiaoer grabbed passerby A's hand and said with a smile, "I promise you." As soon as he finished speaking, tears flowed down his face.

The pair of Passerby A and Xiaoer had been settled, and the eyes of the onlookers turned to Lu Zijian and Fourth Miss, because Fourth Miss was shocked for a long time, and the first sentence she spoke at this moment was: "Where did you come from?"

"Cut—" The onlookers were disdainful and dissatisfied, "Don't change the subject!"

Lu Zijian smiled gently, the light in his eyes was extremely firm, he didn't answer the fourth girl's question, but said: "Marry me."

The fourth girl looked at him and nodded, "OK."

Lu Zijian took out the ring from the rose and put it on for the fourth girl.

The crowd booed again, "Okay! Lang! Man! Ah!"

So, next, everyone's attention turned to me and Zhong Yuan, "There is another pair!"

"Promise him, promise him!"

"Brother Zhong, you're not strong enough!"

Zhong Yuan looked around, finally his eyes stopped on my face, and he said with a wry smile: "Mu, promise me one more time, I said I will give you a marriage proposal."

Uh, that seems to be the case.

I bent down and took the rose in Zhong Yuan's hand. However, he held on to the bouquet of flowers and didn't let go. What do you mean

Zhong Yuan stared deeply into my eyes and said in a low voice, "Marry me tomorrow."

At this time, the voices of the people around were getting louder and louder, and even the security guards were summoned, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod, and took the rose in his hand.

I rummaged among the roses for a while and asked, "Why is there no ring?"

Zhong Yuan smiled and said, "Isn't it in your hands?"

So we successfully received the contempt of the people around us.

Next, we were forced by the onlookers to pose in various poses to take pictures. We played for a long time, and later we even recruited people from the TV station. For a long time afterwards, this marriage proposal was circulated in various versions in B University, and was talked about by the students.

After breakfast the next day, I was about to go to work when Zhong Yuan hugged me from behind. He stroked my neck with his chin, kissed my earlobe, and whispered with a smile: "Mu, do you remember what we are going to do today?"

I patted the back of his hand and replied: "Go to work, hurry up, or you'll be late."

The hand around my waist suddenly tightened, and Zhong Yuan's displeased voice came, "What job do you have, we are getting married today!"


Zhong Yuan felt aggrieved again, "Didn't you promise me yesterday?"

Khan, I thought he was just joking yesterday, and the situation at that time, I couldn't help but agree. But now... I turned around and pushed him away, wondering: "My household registration book is still at home."

Zhong Yuan smiled treacherously, "My dad already gave it to me."

I:"… "

I would like to express my strong indignation for my father's act of selling his daughter for glory!

I persuaded Zhong Yuan with a glimmer of hope, "Zhong Yuan, marriage is the tomb of love, and you don't want our love to become a tomb, do you?"

Zhong Yuan: "A lover who cannot get married is a lonely ghost. It is better to have a grave than to be a lonely ghost."

I scratched my head and said again: "Zhong Yuan, give me more freedom before marriage."

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it free to be married? After you get married, you happen to have multiple husbands to use."

Well, I admit that in terms of eloquence, I'm not good enough to carry Zhong Yuan's shoes, so I don't mess around with him at this time, twisted my neck, and said forcefully: "I, no, go!"

Zhong Yuan lifted my chin with his fingertips, curled the corners of his mouth, and said coolly: "Really not going? I have many ways to deal with you, which one do you want?"

I shivered, took a step back, and looked at him in bewilderment. Zhong Yuan smiled softly and bewitchingly at this time, I couldn't help swallowing. But getting married... It is said that it is difficult for married people to enjoy the nourishment of love. I looked at the delicious Zhong Yuan in front of me, and imagined how he would treat me indifferently after marriage, er...

So the belief in my heart that I must not marry too early became a little stronger.

I stepped forward to hug Zhong Yuan, hugged him, and said softly: "Zhong Yuan, I don't want to get married now."

Zhong Yuan: "But I think, I'm crazy."

Continue acting like a baby, I found that acting like a baby to Zhong Yuan is a very effective thing, although I don't like it very much, but now is the time to use this trick. So I buried my face in Zhong Yuan's arms, and said infinitely coquettishly: "Zhong Yuan, can you think about it for a while? Can you..."

Zhong Yuan's body froze, then he smiled wryly and said, "Okay, how long will it take?"

Me: "Hmm...how was a year?"

Zhong Yuan: "You should wait for me to die."

Me: "Ahem, what half a year?"

Zhong Yuan: "Why don't I punish you right now?"

I shivered, "A month?"

Zhong Yuan: "We can actually do the bridal chamber first and then get married."

Me: "Half a month, no less..."

Zhong Yuan: "Okay, one week. We will get married in one week, and you are not allowed to have a second choice."

I:"… "

So, I acted coquettishly for a long time, and what I got in exchange was a week of freedom before the execution