If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 67: Zhong Yuan is a beast


When he woke up the next morning, he met Zhong Yuan's ambiguous eyes. I was startled, shrunk my neck, and said, "Well... good morning."

Zhong Yuan hooked the corner of his mouth, "Morning."

The atmosphere was a bit weird. To be honest, I was still a little uncomfortable with the fact that Zhong Yuan and I were already in a relationship, so I lowered my eyes and said awkwardly, "Hehe, why didn't you go to morning exercise today?"

"Morning exercise?" Zhong Yuan repeated the word, and suddenly laughed wretchedly.

I don't know why, but he must have thought of something good, so I buried my face in the quilt and ignored him.

"Wood, wood." Zhong Yuan gently pulled me.

I looked up and asked awkwardly, "What are you doing?"

Zhong Yuan raised his chin, "Give me a good morning kiss."

I had no choice but to nibble on his chin.

Zhong Yuan turned over suddenly and pressed me under him, raised his fingers to stroke my lips, his eyes became more and more serious.

I felt that this guy was abnormal, so I pushed him, "What are you doing?"

Zhong Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and sent a smile that turned all living beings upside down, "Morning, practice."

I:"… "

Zhong Yuan's hand stuck into my clothes along my waist, walking up and down. I hurriedly grabbed his hand, frowned and said, "No, you hurt me yesterday."

Zhong Yuan's other hand was lingering around my ear, he pinched my earlobe, and whispered as if comforting and seductive: "This time it won't hurt."

I turned my face away, not believing his nonsense.

Zhong Yuan gently rubbed against my body, gasped and said: "Wood, I actually hurt too."

I'm angry, this guy has learned to beat back, I've only heard that a woman's penis hurts, but I've never heard that a man's penis hurts too, "Nonsense, where does it hurt you?"

"Here." Zhong Yuan said, he took my hand and moved towards his lower body.

I withdrew my hand violently, embarrassed and angry, "You you you you... beast!"

Zhong Yuan smiled and hugged me, "It's only natural for animals to eat people." After speaking, he began to pick off my clothes.

I moved my body and found that my whole body was limp and weak, so I could only sigh: "Zhong Yuan, I'm so tired, I don't have the strength to move."

Zhong Yuan untied his pajamas and threw it aside, smiling lewdly, "It's okay, you just need to be responsible and enjoy."

I:"… "

Zhong Yuan and I did "morning exercises" for a while (cover your face!), and this guy finally let me get up and eat. After breakfast, I was so weak that I was tired even from sitting, so I had to lie down on the bed again and fall asleep with my head covered.

When I woke up, it was dark. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Zhong Yuan squinting at me with two ambiguous eyes.

Frightened again, I patted my chest and said resentfully, "You're so fucking crazy, you look like a ghost."

Zhong Yuan smiled softly and did not speak.

I was a little surprised and asked, "You lie in bed all day?"

Zhong Yuan nodded.

Me: "You've been staring at me?"

Zhong Yuan nodded again.

When I think of me sleeping soundly, there is a person staring straight at me... No matter how I think about this scene, it gives people a creepy feeling.

I was embarrassed, and raised my voice to hide my guilty conscience, "Then what, I'm so thirsty, please pour me a glass of water."

Zhong Yuan was very obedient and got out of bed to pour water.

I took out my phone and looked, there was a text message from Xiaoer: Sanmu, has Zhong Xiaoshou been squeezed dry by you

When I saw this text message, I was so angry. It is said that on the day before the wedding, Xiaoer vividly told me the things that men and women need to pay attention to in the bridal chamber. Although I probably forgot all these words at the moment of the bridal chamber, there is one sentence that I remember very clearly. People are full of energy and live like dragons and tigers, all men are paper tigers, and they also said that with your three-wood charm, Zhong Yuan will definitely be squeezed to the point of exhaustion...

But now, his mother, I suddenly found that what she said about Zhong Yuan seemed to be talking about me...

So I angrily dialed Xiao Er's phone. The guy took it leisurely, and asked me with a smile: "San Mutou, how was the battle last night?"

I said angrily: "What you said doesn't work at all, I was almost tortured to death!"

Xiao Er praised, "So Zhong Xiaoshou is still very vigorous."

Me: "Nonsense, he's not aggressive at all, otherwise he wouldn't hurt me so much."

The little second thief said with a smile: "What kind of logic is this? Are you saying it the other way around?"

I scratched my head and didn't know how to explain it, so I just said: "Anyway, he has a problem! He also said that he didn't hurt today, but it still hurt a little. What do you think is going on? Will his penis grow longer? Stabbed?"

"Haha, hahahaha..." Xiao Er burst out laughing.

I was so disturbed by her laughter that I took the phone away, a little inexplicably. What are you laughing at, I'm serious!

At this time, I saw a man standing at the door of the bedroom, he was holding a glass of water, his face turned green.


I felt guilty for a while, and called out cautiously: "Zhong Yuan."

Zhong Yuan walked in with a blank face, put the water glass on the table, and then he raised his eyes and gave me a deep look.

I grabbed my phone, momentarily at a loss.

Zhong Yuan walked up to me, took the mobile phone from my hand, and said eight words to the mobile phone: "*** time, please do not disturb." After speaking, he hung up.

I:"… "


Today is a rather important day.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, Zhong Yuan and I have been married for six years. We have a five-year-old son, his name is Zhong Jun, and his nickname is Jun Jun. Junjun mostly inherited my looks, but his eyes are more like Zhong Yuan, and when he squints, it always makes people think that he has malicious intentions. But Junjun is young and innocent now, so when he squints, he doesn't have Zhong Yuan's naughty temperament, but it makes people laugh more, and always makes people want to poke his face.

Our neighbors are a family of three living treasures. This man is an Internet cafe owner who also specializes in computers. In our area, anyone who has a problem with their computer will call him. Of course, he is actually a hacker, one of the kind that people like to talk about in legends that come and go without a trace on the Internet, leaving only a few words. The woman of this family is a mysterious housewife writer. It is said that whenever she stares at his husband with those faint green eyes, claiming to be looking for inspiration, his husband can't help shivering. The mysterious couple had a sturdy baby. His doll is called Diandian, who is one year younger than my Junjun. He bullies my Junjun to play with him, breaks his toys, spends his New Year’s money, and draws puppies, ducks and pandas on his pictures and words... But to this The behavior of Junjun is completely submissive and willing, and I, a mother, can't blame it for seeing it.

Well, when it comes to this, everyone must know who the living treasure couple are. They are the combination of Passerby A and Xiao Er. It is said that although his doll is naughty, she is super cute. This child is too good at selecting genes. Regarding the characteristics of her parents' appearance, she completely takes the essence and discards the dross, and she looks like a water spirit. Whenever she makes a mistake, she will stare at you innocently with her big watery eyes, making you just want to kiss her, hug her and comfort her, and you don’t even remember being angry.

Uh, I seem to be pulling away...

Well, as I said before, today is an important day, because Zhong Yuan is going to participate in a talk show on TV. That talk show specially invited some popular celebrities, covering various fields, and the ratings were very high. Well, in fact, Zhong Yuan can be regarded as a relatively popular celebrity now. This matter starts from an awards ceremony a few days ago.

It was still the same TV station, it was really boring to be idle, so an award ceremony for Chinese business leaders was held, and Zhong Yuan was awarded the "Most Potential Business Leader" award. This concept is probably equivalent to the best newcomer award. Poor guy Seeing that it's almost three years, and the best newcomer award, I'm so embarrassed.

Zhong Yuan didn't mention anything about the awards ceremony until that night when he came back with a trophy, he handed it to Junjun as soon as he entered the door, said "Take it and play", and then sat on the sofa and handed me Pulled into his arms and held. That trophy is quite heavy, and poor Jun Jun has to hold it with both hands to hold it.

Later, Junjun didn't know how to play with this thing, so he went to discuss it.

Later, the crystal trophy was pasted with a lot of colored paper and plush, dressed up as a doll, don’t tell me, it looks quite similar... &g;_&l;

I asked Zhong Yuan why he didn't tell me about this. Zhong Yuan replied, "I'm afraid you're worried."

I smiled and exposed him: "Actually, you are afraid that you won't win the prize and lose yourself in front of me, right?"

Zhong Yuan rubbed my head, "To be honest, I don't care if I win or not, but I'm afraid that if you find out, you will be sad if I don't win."

I hate it, with my son present, what kind of sweet talk... &g;_&l;

In other words, it was because of this awards ceremony that Zhong Yuan received attention from a small area and rose to the attention of the people of the whole country. Originally, no one who participated in the award ceremony had two talents, and Zhong Yuan could only be regarded as a junior in it. However, the problem is that when most people in front of the TV watched this program, they did not delve into the difference between this awards ceremony and the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers. Therefore, the achievements of those forty or fifty-year-old uncles were ignored, and Zhong Yuan as One of the most destructive young talents in this award ceremony has received a lot of unexpected attention, especially from some pure nympho girls.

So far, Zhong Yuan's image has tilted a little towards the direction of the vase.

Of course, the TV station doesn't care about this, they only know that Zhong Yuan has become famous, and they don't have to worry about the ratings of this episode...

Zhong Yuan and the TV station made an appointment to record this program on Saturday afternoon, because everyone is free on this day, and his relatives and friends will be more powerful. Of course, he didn't expect that many of the audience on the show were actually his relatives and friends.

After lunch, our family of three and Xiao Er's family of three got into Zhong Yuan's luxury business car. Considering that Zhong Yuan is the protagonist today, Passerby A decided to be his driver himself. So the Internet cafe owner and top hacker scolded Zhong Yuan while driving, calling him a prodigal, "Your car is enough to buy me an Internet cafe."

Zhong Yuan smiled, "Don't think your wife didn't tell my wife how much money you have in your passbook."

Passerby A refused to accept it, "Don't pretend to be me, you boy, all my assets combined are not enough for a fraction of yours."

Zhong Yuan: "As long as you have enough money to spend, the key is to be comfortable with yourself. If you want money, you must have more than that."

Passerby A rolled his eyes, "Don't think that you can avoid the fate of being exploited by just complimenting me. Tonight, if you treat me to dinner, I won't go to anyone below the five-star rating."

When we arrived at the TV station, the boss and the others were already waiting for us. The boss has been rather haggard recently, because there are too many people chasing her, and she has been guilty of peach blossoms for several years. Sometimes we advised her to get married early, and she would always answer melancholy, "I want to marry too, but the question is, I have to marry willingly, right?"

So we asked her what kind of person would make her marry willingly.

The boss replied: "I like housewives."

Uh... Well, the boss is an elite, and most of the men around her are also elites. It is really not easy to find a housewife.

The fourth girl and Lu Zijian are also here, and they plan to get married this year. Lu Zijian received a post-doctoral degree from a famous school abroad, and he finished his studies ahead of schedule. It is said that he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to come back early to arrange the marriage. So he came back to contribute to the modernization of the motherland... It is also said that his welfare is outrageously good. In short, the country has thought of every aspect of his life, and maybe even the money to buy diapers for his children Arrived, keep him for as long as you can. I also heard that people like them will be monitored within a reasonable range by special personnel sent by the state, because they are afraid that they will be poached...

Talent, this is talent!

Another talent in the mixed dormitory, Passerby B, was also present. Passerby B originally finished his master's degree and didn't want to study anymore, but his tutor did everything possible to keep him. It is said that he almost used a beauty trick for this. Of course, as long as Shi Yunheng is around, Passerby B has no chance to enjoy this benefit. . Anyway, he finished his Ph.D., and then stayed in school to become an ordinary people's teacher. I also went to listen to his class specifically, but there were so many people attending the class that I was almost squeezed to death.

Sigh again, this is talent!

As for the matter between Passerby B and Shi Yunheng, it was always unclear at the beginning, but later Shi Yunheng got angry and went on a blind date, but Passerby B ran to the blind date impatiently to watch, of course the crowd was just an excuse, because he later Bring Shi Yunheng home...

Now the two are married, and Shi Yunheng's belly is very big, it seems that it has been seven months.

Alright alright, enough gossip, the show is about to start.

The scene was very hot, and everyone was very excited. When Zhong Yuan came out, there was very warm applause from the auditorium. When he bowed to the audience, and then smiled at everyone... I heard a lot of people screaming.

Jun Jun didn't seem to like such a loud voice, frowning and covering his ears. So Diandian quickly went to pull him, criticizing him childishly while pulling: "The teacher said that applauding means welcome, you see everyone is welcoming us, you are very rude!"

"I know." Junjun moved a little, but put down his hand.

Across Jun Jun, I patted Dian Dian's head and said with a smile, "This ghost girl."

Xiao Er reached out and pinched Jun Jun's face, comforting him: "Jun Jun, don't worry about it, this girl is sick."

The boss laughed and said: "Who would say that about his own child, only a little bit."

Xiao Er said seriously, "It's true, she has ADHD, and she doesn't have a moment of peace. Her kindergarten teacher complains to me every day. You see how quiet she is. It would be great if the two of them can get an average."

I rolled my eyes and replied: "Forget it, Junjun's teacher said that this kid is not talkative, but he is also very dishonest. Many of the troubles that the kindergarten children caused were his ideas." , There are all kinds of things, and they are hard to guard against."

So the two little guys suddenly quieted down and lowered their heads in aggrieved manner. I couldn't bear to look at it. Looking at Xiao Er, she was also struggling. Alas, children act cute, we adults really can't stand it.

So everyone began to concentrate on watching the interview. In fact, the interview is just such a small content. I am too familiar with Zhong Yuan, so I am not interested in the content of the interview at all, I just stare at him intently. After a while, the boss patted me on the shoulder, shook his head and sighed: "I'm convinced, Sanmutou, you two have been married for six years, yet you are still crazy about Zhong Yuan."


Junjun and Diandian didn't seem to have much interest in this show either. Diandian concocted a piece of wool out of nowhere, and he and Junjun began to play with the woolen yarn in their hands to play various graphic tricks. I have to admit that Diandian is really good at playing, which is a bit like the fourth girl. So I grabbed Miss Si's clothes and said, "Miss Si, she doesn't look like her father or mother at all, but more like you."

The fourth girl gave me a cool look and replied, "Nonsense, I'm her godmother."

Uh... what kind of logic is this...

The few of us chatted and started whispering in the relatives and friends seat. Anyway, this seat is specially set up for relatives and friends, and there are only a few of us, so we are not afraid of affecting others. On the other hand, Zhong Yuan was completely left out by us.

Cover your face, Zhong Yuan, I'm sorry...

(Passerby A: Sorry Zhong Yuan +1

Passerby B: Sorry Zhong Yuan +2

Lu Zijian: Sorry Zhong Yuan +3

One Two Four: Sorry Zhong Yuan +10086)

Although a few of us deserted, the audience cooperated well, and there were applause and screams from time to time. Later, after the show was broadcast, the audience responded very strongly, so I watched it curiously, and then I was embarrassed.

Zhong Yuan portrayed himself as a very dedicated and infatuated person in this program, much like the leading male character in Qiong Yao's novel. In fact, judging from the way I get along with Zhong Yuan, what he said is very false. It's not that we don't have a good relationship, but that we almost never express our feelings intentionally, as long as we know it in our hearts.

Although this seems fake to me, it seems to others that it is very real, touching and able to buy people's hearts.

So I pulled Xiao Er from the next door, pointed to the computer screen and asked her, "Tell me, is this fake?"

However, Xiaoer chased me and knocked on my head, scolding me: "San Mutou, are you really stupid or fake!"

Khan, I originally thought that since Xiao Er is a writer and a very popular writer, she should be quite insightful, but I didn't expect her to go crazy again and again.

Okay, didn't you hit me? If you dare to hit me, I dare to run away...

Then I ran away with my head in my arms.

It was almost evening when we came out of the TV station, and a group of us rushed to the restaurant. The service attitude of a five-star hotel is good, and of course the price is also very attractive...

Everyone is very familiar with people, and they didn't say any polite words, they should eat and drink. The two children Junjun and Diandian formed a small circle and played very well, ignoring us adults at all.

I suddenly had a serious sense of frustration.

The men in their thirties in the mixed dormitory let go of their arms and drank hard, and everyone drank a little too much. Especially Passerby A, this guy can't hold a lot of alcohol, of course, the wine quality is okay, better than me. At this time, his face was red, and he leaned sideways on Xiao Er, looking at her with a smirk.

Xiaoer frivolously lifted passerby A's chin, and said with a smile, "Honey, you can easily inspire me with your appearance."

Even though he was drunk, Passerby A still trembled.

From this we can see how serious the crimes of Xiaoer are. Here is a passer-by, amen, alas.

After dinner, everyone decided to sing nursery rhymes. Considering that there are children who need to be taken care of, and a place like TV is not suitable for our pure little and Junjun to come and go, so we plan to go home and sing. Zhong Yuan bought a villa in District C shortly after we got married, and there was a singing room specially equipped in it, and the sound insulation effect was super good. But we thought the house was too small, so we didn't move in. Now the house there is increasing in value, so that when passer-by A mentions that house, he will scold Zhong Yuan as a profiteer.

Because Junjun and Diandian are pure children, a group of us adults are too embarrassed to sing songs that are too sensual, so...a group of old guys in their thirties sang nursery rhymes for an hour... &g;_&l;

Then the two children went to bed, and the rest of the pack began to howl.

This guy Zhong Yuan's singing skills, how should I put it, in the words of Passerby A and the others, it is very painful. His singing is no longer just out of tune to explain the problem, he always feels that all the tunes are turning in one direction. At the same time, however, his voice was deep and pleasant, almost a natural voice. In short, those who have heard him sing will basically sigh with regret, what a waste of a good voice...

Considering that this guy is rather arrogant, he rarely sings in front of others. But today he was a little abnormal, because he became a Maiba, singing love songs to me with a microphone on his shoulders, which made my little heart jump around, and the boss and the others also booed.

Everyone played until very late, and I couldn't open my eyes when it was so late, I fell on the carpet in the karaoke room and didn't want to get up. Then I was gently picked up by Zhong Yuan and walked into the bedroom.

Zhong Yuan smelled of alcohol, I don't like the smell of alcohol very much, but I don't find this smell annoying on Zhong Yuan at all.

Zhong Yuan put me in bed, kissed my forehead, and whispered in my ear: "Wu Mu, do you want to take a bath?"

"Well, sleepy." I moved my body and chose a comfortable position to lie down.

So Zhong Yuan helped me take off my clothes and shoes, then lay down himself, and pulled me into his arms to hold me.

I was so sleepy at this time that I was a little delirious, and I let him fiddle with it.

Zhong Yuan rubbed his chin against my neck, and said in a low voice, "Wu Mu, what I said today is all true."


"I've wanted to say it for a long time."


"Wood, I love you."


In a daze, I felt that my eyes were covered with two soft things, as soft and comfortable as feathers. I turned sideways and joined forces with Duke Zhou Shengli.

(The online version is officially over, and the story is uncertain.)

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