If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?

Chapter 8: The girl of my dreams


The mountain is on the outskirts of City B, with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. In the eyes of the professional mountaineering team, such a mountain is simply not a dish, but for us students, it is quite magnificent!

I got up from bed early in the morning, because I had to gather at six o'clock in the morning. I washed up hastily, and set off with the hiking bag packed last night. I borrowed this mountaineering bag from the fourth girl. There is a lot of space inside, and I put a lot of water and some clothes to change, because it is said that the night in the mountain is still very cold. In addition, there are small necessary items such as knives and whistles in the field. As for food and equipment, they are all distributed by the organization, and there are special boys who are responsible for carrying them. Girls just need to take their own things.

Because the distance is relatively long, it is too tortuous and time-consuming to take a bus, so the club rented a bus specially. It was still early when I came, and there were not many people in the car. I found a seat by the window and sat down, then took out a piece of bread and gnawed on it. It's so early now, and the cafeteria hasn't even opened yet, so everyone has been preparing breakfast since last night.

When it was almost six o'clock, Zhong Yuan and his boys arrived with the team's equipment and food on their backs. The bags on their backs are huge, which is amazing to see.

The boys put their things in the luggage compartment under the car and got in the car. Zhong Yuan held a plastic bag in his hand, and sat on the seat beside me as if nothing had happened under the attention of several girls. I moved my body aside and continued to eat my own bread. Although I don't like Zhong Yuan, and Zhong Yuan is unlikely to be interested in me, but looking at the eyes of those girls, I still feel a lot of pressure >_&l;

Zhong Yuan opened the plastic bag in his hand, inside was his breakfast, including bread, milk, eggs, sausage, beef jerky...

While staring straight at his various breakfasts, I bit my own dry bread and sighed angrily, what kind of world is this...

Zhong Yuan took out a box of milk and handed it to me, and said, "Let's eat together?"

I hesitated and shook my head. There is no pie in the sky, this guy definitely has no good intentions.

Zhong Yuan suddenly took the bread in my hand, stuffed it back into the bag, rolled it up twice and threw it aside, then put his pile of breakfast on my lap, and said with a smile: "Whatever you want." He said, Leave me alone, picked up a marinated egg and opened the package.

I looked down at the pile of tempting breakfast on my lap, and then I was surprised to find that those bread, milk, eggs, sausage and beef jerky were double servings...

So I stopped being polite, picked up a sausage, tore open the package and gnawed. While eating, I moved to Zhong Yuan and said, "Zhong Yuan, you are actually not that bad."

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, looked at me with a smile, and asked, "Am I bad?" Although he was smiling, I somehow felt a chill on my back.

So I giggled with a guilty conscience.

Zhong Yuan smiled slyly: "It's really boring to sell you for a little food."

With the sausage in my mouth, I was instantly speechless with grief and indignation.

By the time we finished our breakfast, the bus was already on its way. Our drive lasted about three or four hours. At the beginning, I could still cheer up and listen to their jokes, but later on, my eyelids became heavier and heavier. I don't want to sleep because I don't feel well. The seat of the car is very straight and higher than my head. When I lean it up to sleep, my head will swing from side to side. If I want not to fall down, I must stay awake. At the beginning, I almost fell asleep, but because the driver braked suddenly, my head hit the glass of the car, and I woke up in pain.

Zhong Yuan laughed at me when I woke up from the pain. At this time, he was leaning on his seat and listening to music. The ordinary white headphone cable was draped across his chest. It was in stark contrast to his black T-shirt, but it didn't conflict at all. The morning sun shines lightly on him through the car window. I squinted my eyes to look at his blurred eyes, and the corners of his lips slightly raised in the sun, and I had an illusion in my heart: Zhong Yuan is actually quite good-looking...

I think I was really stunned by the car window, very serious.

I leaned on the seat and continued to close my eyes to meditate. The painful feeling of wanting to sleep but not being able to sleep was finally conquered by my continuous drowsiness. I was so sleepy that I almost lost my mind, and I fell crookedly to one side. The last sliver of rationality in my mind told me what I was doing, but I couldn't control it anymore, Duke Zhou's lethality was too powerful.

My head touched an object, a bit hard, but not painful, and the object seemed solid. I subconsciously adjusted my body and leaned against it in a more comfortable position.

In the haze, something was stuffed into one of my ears, and then a strange but soothing music floated to my ears. I seem to be in a piece of pure white feathers, soft and comfortable.

Then I completely lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

The bus stopped at the foot of the mountain. After we got out of the car, we straightened up and were ready to go. Before departure, I was given two cameras to take pictures of everyone.

Like photographer Chen, I am crazy about photography, but due to economic backwardness, I do not have a camera of my own, and even my mobile phone does not support the camera function. In this event, I applied to be the photography committee member of the third team, and spent a long time with a few other people before I finally conquered the team members with technology and became one of the two photography committee members of the third team (you have to swear ==).

The discipline of this activity is very strict, and the team members are not allowed to take pictures without permission. As a photography committee member who has the right to take pictures, I feel that my duty is honorable and sacred (then I must be so ==).

Because it cannot be charged, we prepared a few more cameras, and each photography committee distributed two. What I got was a Sony fiery red normal camera, and the other one was a Canon E5DrII...

When I saw that Canon, my eyes were straightened, and I looked through it decisively for a long time. After ruling out the possibility of "this camera is a copycat", I couldn't help but sighed to the sky, God, I always thought I can only touch this camera in my dreams, but now... the happiness came so suddenly, I was about to cry with joy...

I don't know which rich society borrowed this camera from. I suddenly wanted to know which society is so loving.

I hugged this SLR camera with more than 20 million pixels tightly, and excitedly asked Senior Sister Lingling: "Sister Lingling, where did you borrow this Canon?"

Senior sister Lingling gave me a very hostile look, and said angrily: "Isn't this Zhong Yuan's, do you really not know or pretend not to know?"

Chung... Chung Yuan's

I froze for a moment, and then ran to Zhong Yuan's side under Lingling's contemptuous eyes, held up the camera and asked, "This... yours?"

Zhong Yuan nodded and asked back, "Is there a problem?"

I smiled obsequiously and said nothing. Although I despise Zhong Yuan very much, I have to admit that he is quite discerning at certain times. Of course, if you want to buy a Canon E5DrII, vision alone is not enough. The most important thing is to have financial strength. I remember one time when I went to the digital mall with Siguniang. At that time, I stared at the various parameters and product descriptions of this camera, staring at my eyes, but when I saw its price, I burst into tears again.

The price of this camera at that time was RMB 19,900. Yes, you are not mistaken and I am not wrong. The price of this camera is five figures, nearly 20,000 yuan. The damn thing is, those people at that time claimed that it was a special price!

So you can imagine, when I really hold this baby in my arms, what kind of satisfaction it is!

At this time, Zhong Yuan saw my expression approaching dementia, and said with a faint smile, "Mu Mu, if you behave well, I can borrow the camera from you in the future."

I nodded with bright eyes, and I was a little puzzled: "But how do you behave well?"

Zhong Yuan thought about it for a while, and said solemnly: "You have to think about this question yourself, and I am only responsible for evaluation."

Damn, that doesn't mean you didn't say anything! I was very angry at his words, but also very helpless. At this time, Zhong Yuan added with a smile: "Anyway, I just want to find a way to make me feel better, at least not to make me angry."

Well, I seem to understand a little bit... The big deal is to please him, for the sake of my Canon baby, let's bear it!

The mountain is a national forest park that has been developed. If you climb the mountain here, there are steps that have been repaired under the normal route. However, considering the difficulty of the mountain road, the steps in some places are really different.

The altitude of the main peak of the mountain is more than 1,500 meters. Our plan for this march is to climb a few hills today to reach the middle of the main peak, continue climbing the next day until we reach the main peak, and then return to the foot of the mountain along another road.

At the beginning of the climb, we were full of energy and didn't feel tired. We turned over a small hill and then had lunch at a resting place. Lunch is very simple, only steamed buns, pickles, fermented bean curd, and a small sausage for everyone. I was thinking about my Canon baby, so I was cruel and gave Zhong Yuan my sausage to eat. This guy was not polite at all, and ate my sausage completely with a smile.

After lunch, proceed to march. The next thing is a bit boring, it is nothing more than a level of mountain road. There are clumps of unnamed purple flowers growing on the hillside, blooming very prosperously, especially among the green mountains that are full of enthusiasm and detachment. All kinds of bird calls came from the mountains and forests, some were very thin and joyful, like a cheerful young girl in a boudoir, and some were very deep, like an old monk struggling with life and death. From time to time, one or two small streams with very thin water will appear under the mountain road, and some of them have even dried up, because the rainy season has not yet come.

Mountain climbing is physical work. Although the scenery here is very beautiful, when we are so tired that we are sweating profusely and even breathing unevenly, how can we enjoy the beautiful scenery here leisurely

The hateful thing is that I am still a photography committee member, and I have to run back and forth to take pictures for everyone.

What's even worse is that when I stop panting to breathe heavily, Zhong Yuan always captures my frustration in time, and he holds up his mobile phone and says to me: "Mu Mu, you look like a little bird. Dog." I was so sad and angry at the time, I really wanted to grab his mobile phone and throw it on the ground and stomp it hard... Of course, I just thought about it.

The worst thing is, for such an evil person, I have to try my best to please him. When he sweats too much, I have to serve him with paper towels, and when he is thirsty, I have to give him water. On, when he said "Wood, you walk too slowly", I had to hurry up and keep up...

I T is a human tragedy.

Molesting is a technical activity

Twenty of us trekked for a long time, and finally arrived at a relatively flat place on the mountainside before the sun went down. This will be our camping place.

After resting for a while, the captain distributed tents, moisture-proof pads and sleeping bags, and showed us how to set up tents. Zhong Yuan and I set up the tent, threw our things in, and then sat at the door of the tent and took a photo together as a souvenir. To be honest, I still have a bit of resentment about sharing a tent with a boy, especially a boy I don't like very much. Fortunately, when the time comes, everyone will get into their sleeping bags, and Qiu will do nothing wrong. Now that everyone is doing group activities, I can't be too unreasonable.

After setting up the tent, everyone gathered around to cook dinner.

Although this is a forest park that has been developed, except for some places selling water and food near the foot of the mountain, the rest is still uninhabited. Our food and cooking utensils have to be carried up by our own manpower. Because there are too many things to carry, the food cooking utensils are basically relatively simple. In terms of cooking utensils, there are only a few gas stoves and cooking pots, and barbecue utensils are rejected. And in the mountains, fire prevention is the first thing to pay attention to, so we are very strict about those few gas stoves. Everyone prepares their own tableware and does not manage it uniformly. As for the food, I only brought some boiled meat, fish balls and shrimp balls, vegetables, soy products, a lot of noodles, and some seasonings... Although these are simple, they are in this barren mountain with no villages and no shops behind. , it is quite rich.

Holding the lunch box, I squatted beside the cooking pot drooling, took out some mutton and a few slices of vegetables from the boiling soup, then ran to the side and carefully poured the seasonings on it, and finally... I held these things up with a flattering smile Zhong Yuan...

There was a disdainful snort all around.

Zhong Yuan took it unceremoniously, took a sip, nodded and said, "Not bad."

Looking at his face like a capitalist, I really want to grab the lunch box in his hand and put it on his head... But I have to bear it, for my Canon baby, I will bear it!

Except for noodles, other things to be cooked are rare resources and are allocated rations, that is to say, if Zhong Yuan eats my share, I will have nothing to eat.

I was thinking about how to protect my own mutton without making Zhong Yuan angry. At this time, Senior Sister Lingling handed her share of meat to Zhong Yuan and said, "Zhong Yuan, I don't like meat. Give you."

I secretly watched them happily, Senior Sister Lingling, you did a good job!

However, Zhong Yuan didn't take Senior Sister Lingling's lunch box. He smiled at her very gently and replied, "No need, I'll just eat Muer's share."

Listen, listen, what is this called! Obviously he is an exploiter and a predator, why is he so arrogant when he says these words? Sure enough, people's skin needs to be cultivated. Sure enough, although my skin is thick, compared with Zhong Yuan, the thickness is not even as thick as his!

I turned my face in grief and anger, scooped out the meat, added seasonings, and immediately ate it without waiting for Zhong Yuan to speak. It's a pity that because I was too anxious, I was so hot that my eyes were staring, and tears were about to come down. I huffed and gasped with the flesh in my mouth, reluctant to spit it out, but dared not swallow it.

Zhong Yuan quickly caught my embarrassing appearance. He was quite conscientious, and immediately poured me a glass of water, then looked at me with a smile, and said, "Just for a few pieces of meat, why don't you?"

I took a gulp of water, which was very effective in cooling down, and accidentally swallowed the mass like a pill. But I don't want to accept Zhong Yuan's love. After all, he didn't blame me for my appearance, and his current expression is really a bit malicious, so he almost put the words "gloating" on his forehead.

The clock was half lying on the moisture-proof mat, looking very comfortable. He told me like an uncle: "Wood, go, get the meat."

I gave him a sad and angry look, and then obediently went to get the meat...

After dinner, everyone gathers together to play games. Play the "touch people" game at the beginning. The rules of the game are: blindfold a person, and let everyone stand still, let him touch her, and only by calling out the other person's name can they touch it. Then the person who is touched continues to proceed to the next round with his eyes blindfolded. If you don't touch it out within a certain period of time, the blindfolded person will be punished. Of course, if the person being touched makes a sound and reveals his feet or something, both of them will be punished together. The literary and art committee specially prepared a big box, which contained various punishment methods, which made people feel terrified... I don’t know where the literary and art committee found this game. Personally, I think it’s simply too unfair. You know, although I have grown a little bit of hair at this time, I am still the shortest in the team...

Sure enough, as I expected, with a half-shaven head on my head, I was recruited in the first round.

The captain, who is very self-sacrificing, volunteered to be the first to be blindfolded. Then he turned around a few times on the spot, probably almost fainted, and came straight to me. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, just being gently touched by him like a ghost. When he touched my bald head, he grinned, patted the top of my head very kindly, and then said, "Muer?"

I was embarrassed, took off the black cloth on his face, covered my eyes, ran to the middle and turned a few times, then stopped, and walked in a random direction.

Soon I bumped into a person, and after that person was hit by me, he stood there as firmly as a mountain, motionless. Because I was afraid that the other party was a girl and accidentally hit my chest, I groped to find his/her arm, and then moved up along the arm. This person's arms are thicker than mine, and they are very hard. There are no such strong girls in our team, so it should be a boy. I touched his shoulder again, and his shoulder seemed to be as high as my head, so he should be as tall as 178 cm to 187 cm. I thought about how many of the thirteen boys with me were of the same height, It's like... there are five? In this way, I have excluded 14 people.

Then I groped up his shoulders and lingered on his neck for a while, there was an Adam's apple, well, I reconfirmed that it was a boy. And this person is very interesting, his Adam's apple seems to be able to move.

Then go up the neck and touch the chin, nothing special. Go back along the neck and touch the earlobe. I remember that there was a boy in the team who wore earrings... this guy didn't have earrings, and another one was excluded. Then come back and touch your face. His face is a bit hard, not soft and baby fat like mine, but his skin looks good, no acne. I thought about the remaining four suspects who didn't have acne, well, two more were ruled out.

Now there are only two suspects, Zhong Yuan and a sophomore senior, let's call him senior A. The hairstyles of those two people are almost the same, you probably can't tell the difference by touch. I recalled the difference in facial features between Zhong Yuan and senior A, but my mind was very vague and I couldn't figure it out. It is only my fault that I am not in the habit of carefully observing other people's faces. While trying to dig deep in my brain, I touched his facial features inadvertently. Eyebrow? Well, very strong. Eye? The eyelashes are so long that my fingertips are itchy when I brush them. nose? Very pretty. lips? ... lips!

I suddenly found that the other party's lips were slightly hooked up at this time, and a malicious smile suddenly appeared in my mind. If I guessed correctly, this person should be...

I was just about to speak, when a familiar voice sounded in front of me, he said with some difficulty: "Wood, have you touched enough?"

"Zhong Yuan!" I blurted out.

However, I was still a step late, because Zhong Yuan spoke one step ahead of me, so everyone believed that it was because Zhong Yuan cheated that I guessed who he was. I felt wronged and argued with everyone, but unfortunately no one believed me.

The literary and art committee held up the punishment box and forced us to take one with a smirk. I looked at Zhong Yuan, he didn't intend to do anything at all. OK, I'll do it.

I bit the bullet and pulled out a note from the box and unfolded it. There are two methods written in a very humane way on the note, and the punished can choose one of them.

The first is dancing, which is a must. And the second one is... molesting at a 30-degree angle, the person being molested must be a boy. This... what does it mean? ?

The word "molested" is already scary, not to mention that the person being molested is a boy. But the question is, what does this "thirty degrees" mean? I asked the art committee member puzzledly.

The literary and art committee members answered me very enthusiastically. Turns out the idea was a parody of a movie where a man leans forward and lifts a woman's chin, which is hilarious, and the man in the show leans forward at a very wide angle.

I'm wiping my sweat to tease Zhong Yuan? And lift his chin? Isn't this action too challenging... Besides, you have to lean forward thirty degrees very technically? Also let people live!

I held the note and frowned in embarrassment. Under the urging of the art committee, I had no choice but to give Zhong Yuan a resentful look: "It's all because of you!"

Zhong Yuan looked at me innocently, expressionless: "You smoked it yourself."

I was choked by him, and I rolled up the wicked note in anger, and then said fiercely: "Come here!" Come here and tease me!

Zhong Yuan walked in front of me cooperatively, bent his waist slightly in a very considerate manner, raised his chin and brought it in front of me.

At this time, the literary and art committee corrected him very professionally: "This is not good, you have to cooperate with Muer and lean back thirty degrees."

I looked at Zhong Yuan gloatingly, leaned forward slightly, and raised my hand to pick his chin.

Zhong Yuan leaned back slightly, looking at me with a half-smile.

My fingers trembled a bit, but they remained on his chin.

At this time, the people around started booing, and another photography committee seized every opportunity to take pictures.

"No, not enough angle!"

"Mu'er, you have to lean forward, yes, you have to lean forward!"

"Zhong Yuan leaned back, or Muer would have fallen into your arms."

"Don't pretend to be shy with your brother."

"Expression, pay attention to the expression! Mu Er, don't you have to be so entangled?"

"Zhong Yuan, are you still so happy to be molested?"

I was very uncomfortable amidst their booing, peeking at Zhong Yuan, this guy was as contented as a normal person, with a smile on his lips all the time. I was angry from the heart, and I simply leaned forward vigorously, intending to come to thirty degrees for an instant and then retreat. However, Zhong Yuan didn't cooperate with me. When I was leaning forward, I accidentally bumped into him. He was unstable when he was leaning back. When I bumped him, he fell straight backward.

The terrible thing is that he even pulled me and fell with him. When he was dying, he was buried with him. You said that this person was insidious or not.

So the two of us fell to the ground gorgeously.

Zhong Yuan was lying on the ground with his arms spread out, looking very innocent. He blinked, raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "Mu, you are so enthusiastic."