
Chapter 1


"Illusion" Author: Lychee Soda

·Singto x Krist, there will also be Kongphop x Arthit

· Overhead campus, dog blood, abuse, thunder, OOC, be careful

·The ending must be HE, please rest assured

Tags: Doujin "One Year"



How long does it take to fall in love

Krist couldn't look away.

He stared blankly at the person not far away. The man was fiddling with the DSLR with his head down, not noticing Krist's peeping at all. The sunlight shone on the man's body, smudged the man's outline, and coated the man's eyelashes with an itchy gold layer. Krist thought, such a handsome and charming person probably does not belong to the world—maybe everything is just his own illusion, if he closes his eyes and opens them again, that person will disappear.

So Kris reached out and rubbed his eyes. When he raised his head, he faced the camera in the man's hand unpreparedly. While Krist was in a daze, the man seemed to have pressed the shutter and put down the camera. The man smiled at Kris a little embarrassedly, and shook the camera, Krist looked away, but the man had disappeared.

Only Krist blushed half of her face in the sun, and she couldn't help lamenting that the sun in Bangkok was too harsh, and she almost burned herself in the sun. Be it the body or the heart.

Krist thought, it turns out that she fell in love so quickly. There was no time to prepare, no time to react, that kind of feeling suddenly planted in my heart. All it takes is a casual glance, the arc of a smile, and you can't help yourself.

Krist will probably never forget the figure of that man in his life.

"...But I don't know his name." Krist lay on the table, looking at Gun opposite him with a look of lovelessness, "He laughed at me, why am I in a daze? Aw... Gun, what do you say?" Am I an idiot?"

A big idiot indeed. Gun quietly rolled his eyes, but couldn't bear to see his friend so depressed. He let go of the straw that had been ravaged by him for a long time, and comforted him: "Look at Krist, think about it, maybe that person is also interested in you? Otherwise, why would he shoot you for no reason? And you are in school If you met him inside, maybe he is also a student of our school?"

"You're right...but the university is so big, how could I meet him if I didn't do anything?" Krist wailed, "Ah, why did this damned love come so suddenly?"

Gun kindly continued: "Oh, if there is a destiny, we will definitely meet."

"What if there is no fate, Gun! I want to know him even if there is no fate!!"

It's hopeless, isn't my friend a fool? Gun gave Krist a look of disgust, and chose to change the subject: "By the way, didn't your mother tell you to bring something for your cousin? Be careful not to be scolded if you go late."

"You're talking nonsense, my cousin is very gentle." That's what she said, but thinking of Arthit's terrifying look of seriousness, Krist couldn't help but tremble. He grabbed his schoolbag, said hello to Gun, and hurried away.

Krist's cousin Arthit is a teacher in this school, which is one of the reasons why Krist chose this school. He and Arthit are not very common, but he admires his cousin a lot, so he chose the same major as his cousin... Although he feels a little scared when he thinks that he will be directly disciplined by his cousin.

Arthit is handsome and mature, and he is strict with his juniors, but no one can compare to him when it comes to protecting his shortcomings. Krist hasn't seen his cousin for a long time, just thinking that he will see his cousin soon, he walks so lightly that he seems to fly.

It should be this office. Krist let out a breath, knocked on the door a few times before slowly pushing it open.

However, the first thing he saw was not his cousin.

The man moved a chair and sat next to the teacher's seat, and was carefully flipping through the thick book, which looked like a professional book. He was earnestly calculating aside with a pen, his brows were slightly frowned, wondering if he had encountered any difficulties. Hearing the sound of the door opening, the man's eyes lit up slightly, he suddenly got up and turned around, but was slightly stunned when he saw Krist.

Ah... it's the one, the one who's been bathed in the sun. Krist thought dazedly, it turns out that he and this person still have some fate, so it turns out that this person is so hard to move away from the sun. Krist felt that at this moment, time seemed to stop. The world is so small that only this classroom is left, and only the two of them are left.

If only time could stop forever.

"Oh Kit, what are you doing at the door?" The book slammed on his head. Krist covered her head, and looked at Arthit who was standing behind with aggrieved lips.

This is the first time he doesn't like his cousin. He handed the bag to Arthit, but didn't look up at Arthit: "Brother, my mother asked me to give it to you."

Arthit didn't understand why Krist was making trouble. He glanced at Krist inexplicably, and took the bag: "Thanks." He nudged Krist's shoulder to let him into the office. Only then did Arthit see the person sitting in the office. He froze for a moment, then hooked the corner of his mouth: "Singto, what's the problem?"

The smile on Arthit's face belonged to a teacher, and this smile was quite new to Krist, but at the moment Krist didn't have the energy to think about it. He stared blankly at the figure in front of him that made him dizzy. The man smiled at Arthit: "Yes." His gaze paused politely on Krist, "Who is this?"

"Ah, he's my cousin, his name is Krist." Arthit patted Krist on the back and half-jokingly said, "Singto, help me keep an eye on him, for example, to supervise his study progress or something, it's nothing in the first year I can’t keep looking at him in the professional class. This way I feel at ease.” Arthit leaned into Krist’s ear and introduced softly, “This is Singto, a junior in your major. But you are only one year older, and he jumped level one."

Excellent as expected. Krist looked at Singto, and couldn't help but feel his light getting stronger.

Singto also looked Kris up and down. This scrutiny didn't make Krist feel uncomfortable, but made his cheeks flush. He scratched his cheek and muttered, "Brother, you care too much."

Singto nodded seriously: "Okay, teacher, I will take care of Krist."

"Oh, I'm joking." Arthit raised his eyebrows in surprise. He motioned for Krist to come in before walking up to Singto, "Which question do you want to ask?"

While Arthit was explaining to Singto, Krist sat down on the sofa not far away. With a little distance to hide, he dared to observe Singto undisguised. Before meeting Singto, Krist didn't know that someone's eyes could be so bright, as if they filled the entire starry sky, shining naturally. He was concentrating on listening to Arthit's lecture, and from time to time his eyes would leave the textbook and move to Arthit, letting people know that he was listening to Arthit's speech seriously.

Krist actually developed a strange feeling of jealousy towards his cousin at this moment. He was thinking... how nice it would be to let Singto look at him like this - for whatever reason.

"What are you thinking?" The kind of eyes that made Krist secretly feel emotionally enlarged in front of Krist's eyes. Krist was startled, and couldn't help but shrink back a bit. Singto was bending over to look at him with a soft smile on his lips.

This is too beautiful... Krist calmed down and replied confidently: "In a daze."

"Why are you in a daze, class is about to start." Arthit walked to Singto's side, "Kit, your next class is in building A, right? It's quite far from here, so you'll be late."

Before Krist could respond, Singto replied, "Teacher, I happened to drive here, and there will be no class in the next session. I'll take Kris to the teaching building."

"Oh, this is too much trouble for you..."

"No." Singto replied firmly. He paused, then turned his gaze to Krist, "I'm afraid that my junior won't agree."

agree! How could you disagree! ! ! Krist stared at Singto, and nodded frantically in his heart long ago, but became stiff because of being too excited, unable to say a word.

Luckily, Arthit answered instead of Krist: "Then I'll leave my troublesome brother to you."

Aw, brother I love you! ! ! A bright smile spread across Krist's face. He looked at Singto with burning eyes. And Singto just turned his attention to Krist. He froze for a moment, then smiled lightly at Krist.

Sure enough... it was as bright as the sun.

The ride was a little awkward. This is also as it should be, after all, they are seniors and juniors who are not familiar with each other.

Krist can't help but congratulate herself for being an extrovert at heart

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