
Chapter 17


Say, don't even eat eggs. He put down the chopsticks again, folded his hands and smiled at Arthit: "Are you jealous, senior?"

Don't miss any chance to be seductive! ! This kid is terrible! Arthit complained frantically in his heart, but he just muttered on his face: "I just find it strange."

Seeing Arthit's awkward and cute appearance, Kongphop didn't expose it, but obediently replied: "I met my younger brother on the road before, and I felt that he was very depressed. The senior also cares about him, right?"

Speaking of his younger brother, Arthit couldn't help but sighed, and stirred the noodles in front of him with chopsticks: "I thought it was because of a cold, but he looked listless when he recovered from the cold. He didn't say anything after asking. , and the senior who is close to him also said he didn't know. It's really a headache."

"A good senior..." Kongphop's eyes flashed, "Do you mean the student named Singto?"

"Hmm!" Arthit was taken aback, "How do you know?!" But after asking, he realized that this question was horribly stupid, Kongphop and Singto only appeared at one time at the same time. He widened his eyes, "Did you hear that that day?"

Kongphop smiled noncommittally: "Yeah. I'm sorry, I overheard it."

The guy's reaction was really off. He clearly said that he was chasing him, but after hearing Singto's confession, there was no response for such a long time.

Arthit pursed his lips, and just thinking about it, he heard Kongphop's voice with a smile: "It's not that I'm not jealous. Senior Arthit is so good, he should be popular. It's just that I said, no matter what genre you used to like, You will only see my type in the future."

Unable to stand Kongphop's love words, Arthit pointed at Kongphop viciously with his chopsticks, regardless of the ball still poking on his chopsticks: "Eat quickly, you!"

Seeing this, Kongphop immediately smiled: "Does Nuan Nuan want to feed me? Thank you."

"It's not that I told you to eat well... wait!" Arthit frowned, "Who is Nuan Nuan? Where did you hear that?!"

"Secret." Kongphop smiled mysteriously, "I'll tell you when you fall in love with me."

… There are so many things to tell when you fall in love with Kongphop. Arthit lowered his head as if giving up and continued to eat his own noodles, but a thought came to his mind.

Hmm, seems to work.

"So... what happened after that student confessed to you?" Meeting Arthit's puzzled gaze, Kongphop finally showed a hint of embarrassment, "Sorry, it's not that I want to gossip... You know, I still care about it. "

Hmph, it turns out that you can say anything and do everything with ease. Arthit thought quietly, but answered unexpectedly honestly: "It's still the same, teacher and student. You don't have to worry about anything. To put it bluntly, I never included him as a love object from the beginning, so I don't need to change What. He's a smart kid, and he'll let it go." After all, the deliberate, trouble-making behaviors of the past are gone now.

Kongphop's eyes lit up all of a sudden: "So are you afraid of what I'm worried about?"

... This ability to focus on key points may have to give him a full score to be worthy of him! Gritting his teeth, Arthit took out all the meatballs left in the soup and put them into the small bowl by Kongphop's hand: "I'll give you all, and I'll be quiet before you finish eating!"

Kongphop looked at Arthit with a smile, a little surprised. He pushed the bowl to Arthit with an obedient expression of "I won't talk, you eat". Arthit clicked his tongue lightly, picked up a ball and put it in his mouth.

He thought he might have a problem with his sense of taste. It is obviously the meatballs that I fished out of my own bowl, how could it be so delicious.

After eating, Kongphop dutifully drove Arthit home. Seeing his apartment in the distance, Arthit couldn't help but hesitate.

say? Do you want to say it? Feel ashamed to say it? But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing shameful. If saying that kind of thing is considered embarrassing, isn't the one driving the car already embarrassing and throwing it home

"Tell me about it." Before he had time to prepare himself mentally, Arthit heard his own voice, "Why do you know that I have a nickname called Nuan Nuan?"

"I've said it all." Arthit turned his head to look at Kongphop's profile. Under the flow of neon lights, the smile on the corner of Kongphop's lips became a bit more thought-provoking, "You can only tell you when you are in love with me."

Anyway, I have already spoken, so there is nothing to be afraid of. No matter how bad it is, it's just being tricked, dumped and lost in love. If you cry a lot, you'll be a hero again. Why bother

"Hmm." So Arthit's voice was firm. He calmed down and looked straight at Kongphop, "Now you can talk."

The car stopped slowly, and the surrounding scenery was already the parking lot of Arthit's apartment. Kongphop tilted his head, Arthit couldn't see Kongphop's expression clearly due to the dim light. Kongphop approached Arthit slowly, the distance that Arthit could touch the tip of his nose when he raised his head slightly. His eyes are beautiful, shining like stars: "Do you understand what you mean?"

Hey, this guy is really not as easy as he looks, and he has a chance to win back.

Arthit felt the corner of his mouth slightly raised. He is not Teacher Arthit at the moment, so he doesn't think there is anything wrong with his behavior. He glanced at Kongphop, then put his arms around Kongphop's neck, and moved closer to him.

It's not just lip to lip contact, the two go deep into each other's mouth tacitly. Intertwining the tips of tongues, exchanging saliva, and swallowing the moans that could not be uttered back into the mouth, the half hour of separation was just for better penetration later.

After fighting for several times, the two people who finally let go of each other looked at the silver thread between their lips, and couldn't help laughing slightly. Arthit's arm still wrapped around Kongphop's neck. Unlike the incongruous mouth during the day, the dark armor at night made him more indulgent: "Aren't you going to go upstairs and sit down, Mr. Kongphop?"

Grown-ups always know what it means to be dignified. The two people who got out of the car seemed very calm, as if the heat that had just risen in the car was just a dream. Without even meeting their eyes, the two walking side by side just moved forward in silence. However, anyone who looks from behind can feel the inextricable connection between the two of them.

I didn't want to see him, not because I didn't want to see him, but after seeing him, all the pretense would fall short in an instant. As long as you see the same starlight in the other person's eyes as your own, you want that person to belong to you even more.

But in the end, nothing happened.

Because after opening the elevator door, both of them saw the figure squatting in front of Arthit's house.

"Kit?" Arthit opened his mouth in surprise, "Why didn't you say hello when you came here?"

"My phone is out of battery." Krist smiled, and anyone could see the force of his smile. He turned his gaze to Kongphop behind him, "I... am I bothering you?"

"...You go in first." Arthit quickly opened the door and pushed Krist in. "You're covered in sweat. How long have you been outside? Go take a shower, I'll come in right away." After finishing speaking, he closed the door without any explanation, and opened the hallway The space left for him and Kongphop.

Arthit took a deep breath, and was about to turn around and say something to Kongphop when he felt the heat coming from behind. Kongphop wrapped his arms around his waist, and rested his head on his shoulder, his voice was much lower than usual, but it was as pleasant as ever—as always, itching: "I can do it again, right?"

No matter how you listen, how wronged you are. Arthit was a little amused, but he still couldn't help reaching out and rubbing Kongphop's head that was rubbing against his neck. The gesture was unbelievably gentle: "Yeah." He added half-jokingly, "I suddenly remembered my There is nothing at home. So..." He turned around and touched Kongphop's forehead with his forehead, "I'll go to your house next time. Get everything ready."

"Yes." Kongphop smiled, lowered his head and pecked Arthit's lips lightly, "You are not allowed to play tricks."

When Arthit sent Kongphop away before entering the room, Krist had already showered and sat obediently on the bed. He glanced at Arthit, lowered his head and said softly, "I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for." Arthit sat next to Krist, "Today you are the same as usual, you just don't want to sleep alone and want to chat with someone. And none of your friends have time, so you came to my place. Yes What's wrong? You don't need to apologize." He turned off the light, and lay down on the bed with Krist in his arms, "Okay, do you need me to tell you a story before going to bed?"

Krist smiled lowly: "No, I don't like being alone, but I'm not a little kid.