
Chapter 2


people. He took a breath, pretended to be natural and casually asked: "Does Senior Singto like photography?"

Singto raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Yes. How do you know?"

"Oh, senior, did you forget? I met the senior at Huxin Lake before." Krist was a little disappointed. Sure enough, for Singto, was that encounter just passing by strangers? "You even took a picture of me."

Singto was silent for a while. Krist couldn't help looking at Singto, only to see Singto holding the steering wheel tightly, his lips pursed into a line, as if he was holding back something. After a while, he replied: "Yes, I remembered. I'm sorry, I took a picture of you without your permission that day."

Krist waved her hand quickly: "No, I'm honored to be the senior's model."

Krist, don't be cowardly, come on, keep talking! ! Silently cheering herself up, Krist grinned, her smile was full of vigor and a bit playful and cute: "I don't know if you can pass the photo to me after the senior?"

"...why would you want to?"

Deliberately ignoring Singto's resistance, Krist pinched himself, and finished the line he had thought up: "Because... if the senior wants to take pictures, there should be a reason for the senior. The senior will not take pictures that are not very good, yes Right? If that’s the case, I’d like to see it too.”

Singto sighed lightly, but Krist didn't know why he sighed. But Singto was still distracted and took out the phone and handed it to Krist: "There is no password. You open the notepad and give me your email address, and I will send it to you." After a pause, Singto added, "line number Let's give it together too. Teacher Arthit told me to take care of you."

No matter what, if the result is good, there is no problem! ! ! And brother I love you! Krist cheered silently in her heart, and quickly gave Singto her email address and line number with her fingers. Then he obediently locked Singto's screen without any curiosity, and put the phone back.

Just kidding, you can't leave any bad impression on Singto at this time!

Singto glanced at Krist: "You really look like Teacher Arthit."

"Yes, my mother and Brother Arthit's mother are sisters, but my brother is ten years older than me." Krist replied with a smile. He has been asked this question many times, "Everyone says that my brother and I are the same. carved out of a mould."

"... Mmm." Singto murmured softly after hearing this, "Indeed, very similar."



Not yet, not yet, why not yet... Come on, come on, come on...

Krist rolled around on the bed with her phone in her arms, not even noticing that the phone's charging cable was already wrapped around her body. He pouted, swiped to the line interface for a while, and swiped to the mailbox interface for a while, but there was no news that could make him happy.

Oh, Krist, why are you so stupid, you should take the initiative to ask for contact information instead of passively waiting for him to contact you! ! Although she blamed herself so much in her heart, Krist was helpless. He could only continue to stare at the phone, secretly swearing that as long as the message from that person did not come, he would not sleep.


Just as he made up his mind, the phone rang suddenly. Krist sat up with a bullet, and even pulled out the charging cable with too much force.

But now is not the time to care about that! ! ! Krist immediately focused on the phone interface—

Gun: Did your senior come to see you

... I don't need your concern at this time, Gun! Krist slammed her phone angrily, and happily treated her friend coldly.

But after losing his temper, he still had to pick up the phone by himself, otherwise what would he do if he missed the news from the senior? Krist pouted, obediently climbed out of bed and picked up the phone.

Press to turn on the screen—but there is a new email notification unexpectedly. Krist felt his heart start beating wildly. Before he had time to click on the email, there was a red circle on the new friend.

Are you coming? This is him, right? This is him, right? Krist could only feel his fingers trembling. He didn't even see how he pressed "Agree", and then the words of that person appeared on the blank interface.


Singto: Is it Krist

Calm down, calm down Krist. Krist took a deep breath.

Krist: Wow Senior Singto, I have been waiting for you for a long time :)

Ahhh, won't this seem very unrestrained? Others will know that you have been waiting at a glance. It's just a photo. It's very suspicious if you keep waiting! ! ! Krist just pressed send and started to regret it, but at this time, if he withdraws it, it will be obvious, so Krist can only hold the phone, regard the sound of thundering heartbeat as the background music, and wait eagerly for Singto's reply.

Singto: The photos have been sent to your email, you can take a look for yourself

Singto: Haven't slept yet

How can you sleep if you can't get in touch... Krist couldn't help but curled up his mouth, licked his lips, and quickly typed out the words he had thought about earlier. He might not be able to speak directly to Singto's face, but now he is separated by a screen.

Krist: Thank you Senior Singto!

Krist: Will seniors skip grades and study hard

Singto: No, I skipped the grade in junior high school, and after that I learned according to the progress

Krist: The seniors are amazing... I think it's hard for me just to keep up with the class

Singto: Don't underestimate yourself, you have already proved your strength in this school

Singto: Krist must have a good brain

Krist: Because I'm Brother Arthit's younger brother? 5555555

Singto: In short, if you don’t understand something, just ask

Singto: What you are learning now is the most basic, don’t bother the teacher, just ask me

Krist: Oh, thank you senior, the senior is so gentle! !

I always feel that I have taken advantage of Brother Arthit... But to chase someone is to make use of all the relationships around you! Krist's mind was racing.

Krist: Speaking of seniors, I want to learn photography. May I ask you which camera and lens are better for beginners? Thank you senior! ! !

It is basic to attack from partner's favorite topic! Krist rolled over and lay on his back on the bed. Just staring at the line interface of chatting with Singto, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. After all, not everyone is as lucky as him, and the person who fell in love at first sight happened to be a senior of the same major.

See, like right now, the tactile sensation of a phone vibrating is simply the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Singto: There are many suitable for getting started, it depends on your own preferences

Singto: I'm going to buy lenses this weekend, can Krist come with me if it's convenient? Let me help you out

Singto: The premise is that you have the consent of Mr. Arthit

etc! What did Senior Singto say? ! He took the initiative to invite me to buy lenses together! !

Krist jumped up excitedly. Even if Singto didn't say so, he still planned to ask Singto to buy it with him on the grounds that he didn't understand... Does this mean that he has something to play? Does it mean that Singto actually wants to see him too? Oh, no matter what, it must be so! ! ! Krist thought happily while replying quickly.

Krist: Oh, okay, senior! Will it trouble you!

Singto: No, me too by the way

Krist: Then it's settled, Senior Singto!

Singto: Well, it’s settled, I’ll tell you the exact time and place later

Singto: Go to bed early, the teacher will worry about you if he finds out

Krist: Alright, senior Singto also go to bed early, good night (′▽`)

Krist turned off the screen first, calming himself down. Opening his eyes again, he grabbed his phone and made a call: "Hey, brother Arthit, are you asleep?"

"... Wait until next year and you will know that people who study our major cannot sleep at this time." Arthit's voice was a little tired, "What's the matter with you, Kit? Staying up so late is not good for your health. If you don't Sleep more now..."

"Wait a minute, Brother Arthit!" Why is it the same as Senior Singto said... Krist coughed lightly, obviously excited, "Can I learn photography from Senior Singto?!"

"Oh... photography is very expensive, you have to ask your mother about this kind of thing, why ask me." Arthit was a little puzzled. But when the topic changed, he continued softly, "But it's not a bad thing to cultivate another interest. What's more, you learned from Singto. His photos have won many awards. I'm more surprised that he is willing to teach you, after all, he is a People who like to be alone.”

After listening to Arthit's words, Krist felt a little embarrassed. His fingers drew circles on the bed sheet: "Then brother agrees?"
