
Chapter 31


It is usually difficult to come into contact with a student master who has a large circle but is quite stable. Sensing Singto's faint embarrassment under the dim light, Krist felt a pang of apology. Knowing that Singto doesn't like such a place, how can he be so willful

Krist tapped his head, trying to help Singto out, but overestimated his drinking capacity. The moment his feet hit the ground, Krist's knees went limp, and he fell straight to the ground, but the expected pain didn't come—he fell into someone's arms.

Is... is it him? Knowing that it was impossible, Krist still had a faint expectation.

"You... Drink so much and still move around, can't you save me some snacks?"

No, not his voice.

Krist raised her head and smiled blankly at God: "Brother God is really gentle, hehe."

"I know, I know, I'm not as considerate as Senior Sing, right?" God quarreled with Krist, while hugging Krist back to the chair. He looked at Krist lying on the table in a daze, and sighed softly, "Brother said he wouldn't sell you alcohol, but you drank it yourself. How can you trust me to hand you over to him?"

Kris was taken aback. He stretched out his finger and poked God's chest: "I'm not drinking for Senior Sing. I'm happy that the show was a success! Happy! Happy!!"

"Forget it, I don't know what you look like when you're happy?" God ignored Krist's reluctance to mention it. He tapped on Krist's forehead, "I don't know what you are upset about. You just need to know that brother will always be by your side."

"... Thank you, Brother God." Krist smiled softly. Looking past God to the back, Singto, who was there just now, has disappeared.

Finding that Krist had gone somewhere else, God sighed. He twisted Krist back and forth and was about to get off the table, and said a little worriedly, "You want to be here alone, right?"

Krist didn't know what he was thinking, and didn't answer for a long time, God could only rub his temples when he saw this, "Then brother will come to see you later." After speaking, he got up and took away all the wine that Krist hadn't finished drinking, Only then turned around and left.

There is something warm close to Krist. Unlike God, that person's warmth is like a beam of light. Not the sun, but the light of a lighthouse. A shallow beam, but it can make people find their way in the darkness.

Ah, it's him.

Krist closed his eyes, stretched out his hand but hooked the man's fingers accurately. He tried his best to open his eyes a little, and what caught his eyes was the man's concerned and worried eyes. The man's eyes were red, and he seemed to have drunk a lot.

It's all my own fault. Thinking of this, Krist couldn't help but want to act like a baby. His hand was weak, but he held on to the man tightly: "Senior Sing, where have you been?"

"I'm sorry." Singto moved closer to Krist. He touched Krist's forehead, "How much did you drink?"

"I'm the one who should say sorry Senior Sing, I'm drinking here and completely ruined Senior Sing's good intentions to block the drink for me." Krist wanted to sit up straight, but couldn't get up no matter what. He simply maintained the posture with his face pressed against the table, and smirked at Singto.

Singto shook his head. He rubbed Krist's fingers, and after a long silence, he asked, "Kit... aren't you happy?"

Why did everyone ask him if he was happy? He has nothing to hesitate or feel melancholy, if he speaks out the uneasiness lingering in his heart, he will despise himself for being hypocritical.

Everyone said that Krist was brave, but only Krist himself knew that he was an out-and-out coward. In the situation where he was so wronged and cried in front of Singto, he hoped that the only time was when he was on the Ferris wheel. Obviously after that, he really had the feeling of becoming Singto's lover. When he was sober, he simply didn't have the courage to break the status quo.

But... But, if you want to ask, maybe the only chance is now.

Krist grabbed Singto tightly. It seems that as long as this is the case, Singto will never run away. The smile on his face disappeared little by little, leaving only a heartbreaking daze: "Not happy... not happy at all."

"Is it because I'm unhappy?"

The light was too dim, and Krist couldn't see Singto's expression clearly. He vaguely realized that Singto was also drunk, otherwise he wouldn't have asked such a question.

Wrong, all wrong, this is not the right time, place and place to talk about this kind of topic. Krist knew it, knew it all, but couldn't control his throat: "What if... I say yes?"

"I want to see you happy. If there is someone who can make you laugh from the bottom of your heart..."

The temperature of the fingertips disappeared. Only bone-chilling cold remained.

This time, it wasn't Singto who let go, but Krist, one by one, pulling out his own fingers.

He thought that holding on to Singto would make Singto never leave him, but he didn't expect that it was himself who let go first. He thought that as long as he stared at the beam of light, he could find the way forward, but he didn't expect that he covered his eyes and let himself fall into the abyss of darkness.

Why? Why was he still so calm until this time? Is this really a relationship? Why can he give him up to others so easily? Is he nothing to him? Does he just want to take care of his younger brother until he finds a beautiful woman

Why on earth did he just not know? For him, he is the only one. There is no one else, there is no such person, there is only Singto, all the ups and downs are Singto, all the feelings and all the memories will eventually condense into the sweetest candy in his heart.

But when Krist turned the sugar bowl out, he found that all the sugar had gone bad. Not the taste he thought, not what he wanted.

Then, don't bother.

"Enough. Enough, Mr. Singto."

The table is so cold. He was really drunk, his eyes were blurred, he couldn't see Singto's expression, and he had no strength in the soles of his feet. But Krist still struggled to stand up.

He tried his best to raise the corners of his mouth and let himself smile—he hoped that Singto would like that smile. At least in the end, he hoped he was the Krist that Singto wanted to see.

"You are free. Singto Prachaya, you are free!" He opened his arms. He didn't know what he was doing, but he knew exactly what he was talking about. He raised his head, but tasted a bit of astringency in the strong taste of alcohol in his mouth, "You are no longer Krist's person! Are you happy Singto, you are free! Although... it seems, never was."

The last bit of strength was exhausted, he tilted his head, and fell straight down.

- Great, everyone is free.

With the last trace of sobriety, he thought quietly.


22.5 A sudden love story

*BGM: Kazumasa Oda-ラブ?ストーリーはSuddenlyに



If I hadn't met you in that place at that day and that moment


We'll still be strangers

He saw the man.

The one who is like light.

He stood a little far away and looked at the man's smiling face. The man faced the light and laughed with his friends around him. Everyone gathered him in the center, he looked like a little sun.

They came towards him, and he suddenly felt like the complete opposite of them. They are light, he is dark; they are cheerful, he is calm; they are frank, he is restrained. Like people from two worlds.

Why on earth did these two people walk side by side

He hasn't figured it out yet. The man was very close to him, but he still didn't cast his eyes on him. He froze for a moment, but the person had already passed him by. He saw the smile on that person's lips and the stars in his eyes.

That was obviously his favorite expression, the one he wanted to protect the most. But why, now that he finally saw it as he wished, he felt that smile was like a sharp sword, piercing straight into his heart. If you don't pull it out, you will die, but you can't live if you pull it out, it hurts all the time.

It's too hot. So was his blood, and so was the man's sword.

He just remembered that this place is not reality. In this world, he and that person are just strangers who have never met before.

But why? This pain is so real.

It's so close to reality here.

When you go to God's bar, you can find the figure of that person.

That's strange, he obviously wouldn't come to this kind of place alone. He tried to use reason to think about those unrealistic things, but his eyes still couldn't help being attracted by that person.

The guy was sitting at the bar, chatting with God who was the bartender. In fact, he has never met such a sober and shining person in the bar, it seems that every time, he is the one who makes that person get drunk and cry in the bar.

He sometimes wonders if that