
Chapter 33


Affection. The man was smiling with tears, and he was embracing something with open arms, declaring his freedom with his mouth.

Why is that man laughing? He thought he could understand that that person wanted to hide his grievances until the end so that he wouldn't worry. That smile was actually not pretty at all, he had never seen such a bitter smile on that person.

He was so stupid, he clearly said that he didn't want to make that person cry again.

If only he hadn't said something so stupid. If he had reached out right then and there.

But if you can't catch that person.

Singto opened his eyes suddenly, and what he saw was the ceiling of the dormitory. He was lying on the bed upright, and the bedding around him was not messy. He took a good shower and changed into pajamas. The clothes that were stained with alcohol were lying in the laundry basket, the schoolbag was hanging on the shelf, and the SLR he took out last night was on the desk. The anti-alcoholic medicines that have been taken have been put back into the medicine cabinet, and the water cups used to drink the medicines have been washed and placed on the shelf. There was even a school uniform he was going to wear tomorrow hanging on a hook outside the closet, and the school uniform was ironed without a single wrinkle.

Even though such a big thing happened last night, he is still the calm, restrained and restrained Singto Prachaya.

He sat up slowly from the bed. Getting out of bed, he turned on the computer. After skillfully connecting the hard drive, he clicked on the folder at the top. That folder is named after "☆", just like the eyes of that person, bright and shining. Its content is much richer than the folder that was the first one. It was put together one by one, all of them are their daily life. Singto couldn't help but raise his mouth when he saw it.

Still, they're all still there. Singto turned over one by one, but silently stopped at a certain one.

The man hooked God's neck, smiling with his eyes wide open. The stars turned into crescents, but they still shone brightly. It's so strange, obviously the moon can't shine, but why its light is still brighter than the sun.

Not reconciled. Really not reconciled. Why isn't he the one who can make that person shine so brightly

His vision gradually became blurred, Singto dropped the mouse and raised his head. But his reaction was too slow, he tasted salty in his mouth. He took a deep breath, trying to suppress the pain that surged up in his heart, but only heard his own sobs.

He doesn't need to be free. He has long been a prisoner who was firmly tied up, and even if that person let go of that rope, he would no longer be able to escape.

It's too ugly. But finally, there is something about falling in love.


won't give you up to anyone


What is sing thinking? That's all he's thinking about.

I never tried to excuse sing, his flaws are too obvious. I just wanted to say before, don't ignore it, kit also has a lot of emotions hidden in his heart.

twenty three.

I'm quitting drinking.

That's the first thing Krist thinks of when he wakes up from his bed.

He turned over and suddenly remembered that something similar had happened a long time ago. If he followed the routine last time, he got out of bed, opened the door, walked to the kitchen, and he could see his senior Sing. Singto would turn his head and smile at him, telling him to wash up quickly.

However, this time there is no need to confirm, there will be no Singto anywhere.

It was he who pushed Singto out the door.

It's strange, my heart is hurting so much that I'm about to die, but there's a corner thinking vaguely—isn't this inevitable? Didn't you already expect it

Krist recalled that in high school, in order to take the software major of this university, he went to cram school. When the teacher in the cram school explained the equivalence class, he smiled and asked everyone whether the relationship of "like" is equivalent.

"To become an equivalence relationship, three conditions need to be met—reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive." Krist still remembers the teacher's answer, "and 'like' is not symmetrical. It's not that if you like someone, that person Will like you; not how much you like a person, that person will treat you with the same love. Remember, 'like' is not equivalent."

Not equivalent. So you shouldn't have too strong expectations for unequal love, and turn yourself into an appearance that even you hate yourself.

Krist thought, covering his eyes with his arms.

However... I always feel that some part of my heart has quietly died. Is this really freedom

"Break up?!" Opposite Gun slapped the table and stood up, his eyes widened, as if he was shocked when he suddenly found out that the world had been destroyed.

Krist didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you so surprised?"

"Well, not really." Gun frowned. He sat down slowly, staring at Krist, "I guess you dumped Senior Singto, right?"

This time, it was Krist who stared at Gun in bewilderment: "It's not considered dumping, but I did mention it... how do you know?"

"No matter how you look at it, Senior Singto will never take the initiative to break up with you." Gun sighed. He pouted his head and looked at Krist helplessly, "It was assigned last night? Senior, did he react?"

"I... don't remember, I passed out afterward." Krist paused, "When I got up this morning, I deleted his line number, blocked his email and phone number."

"So amazing?" Gun was speechless. He lay on the table, his transparent eyes seemed to be able to see through Krist's heart, "Are you afraid that you will go back on your own?"

Kris pursed her lips and said nothing. Rather than being afraid of his repentance, he was afraid of Singto's response. He was afraid of what Singto would say to shake his determination, but even more afraid of Singto's calm and indifferent gentleness, which made him look humble and pathetic when he was deeply involved in this love.

Gun observed Krist's expression, and hooked the corners of his mouth playfully: "Why do I feel that the senior is a bit pitiful? Uh, but don't worry, who called you my stupid son, I will always stand by your side."

Krist rolled his eyes, his face looked disgusted, but the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily. He could feel the thoughtfulness that only belonged to Gun. He thought for a while before continuing, "Actually, it's nothing, at least I've tried my best. There's nothing wrong with the senior, he's still the excellent Singto senior."

"All right, all right, as long as you don't regret it." Gun answered, looking down at his watch, "It's almost time for class, the next class is the thread, so it's bad if you're late."

"Yeah." Krist smiled at Gun and stood up, so even Gun, who was always watching carefully, didn't notice the trembling of Krist's fingers.

Because in fact, no matter how painful or disappointed, it is very sad to give up the person you like the most.

Not to mention, seeing that person the next day.

It's not good that the predecessor is a senior from the same school. When Singto walked towards him, Krist didn't expect her mood to be unexpectedly calm, and she even had the thought to joke with herself.

Singto was still the same as before. Apart from looking a little tired on the outside, the whole person still looks meticulous. Neat school uniforms, neat hairstyles, straight backs, and no wrinkled textbooks in hand. So easy to handle, people can't imagine how he lost control of his emotions.

Krist thinks there is nothing wrong with this, after all, this is the Singto he likes, and it is a beacon in itself. It's just that the light of this tower can no longer continue to pull him. Nothing to lose.

The smile that Singto likes should be able to put it on, right? He raised the corner of his mouth, it was not as difficult as expected. He clasped his hands together and bowed politely to Singto: "Good morning, Senior Singto."

"... good morning." Singto nodded in response.

I don't know if it was his own illusion, but Krist always felt that he saw the panic flashing across Singto's face for a moment. He didn't pay much attention, just tilted his head and smiled: "Senior Singto, I still have lessons with Gun, so let's go first?"

After speaking, he bowed slightly and wanted to walk past Singto, but he didn't expect Singto to reach out and grab Krist's arm. Singto used too much force, as if if he let go, Krist would disappear from this world. Singto's fingers were trembling slightly, which made Krist tremble slightly.

But how is this possible? Singto has always been self-denying. He has already shown his favorite smile as he wished, what else does he want? Thinking about it, Krist couldn't help but feel a little sore.

Gun standing aside frowned. He resolutely stepped forward and pulled Singto's hand away, half-blocking Krist in a protective posture, and then smiled at Singto, "Is there anything else you want?"

Singto was silent for a moment. After a long while, Singto finally spoke again with a hoarse voice: "Kit, can we talk?"

Gun was about to say something, but was stopped by Krist. Krist smiled at Gun, shook his head slightly,