
Chapter 46


up. After finishing it, Singto smiled and pulled Krist up, "I should use the glove soaked in my body temperature to warm Kit's other hand." "

Krist touched the back of his neck, but Nunu remained silent. He really can't do anything with Singto's love words, every time he will be teased until his legs are weak.

But... Seriously, both hands became warm like this. Krist looked sideways at Singto who was walking beside him, with a smile on his face. He himself was thinking that if others saw him, they would probably say he was stupid again.

Singto also tilted his head slightly, meeting Krist's gaze. He smiled at Kris and squeezed Kris' fingers. It's like a code that only belongs to two people.

Krist has always felt that for this person, even if he is stupid, crazy, and insane, he is willing to do so.

"Kit, I forgot to ask before, how is your project doing?"

Krist pursed her lips. His boyfriend is sometimes too serious, and he seems a little puzzled. But he understood that Singto was only thinking of him, so he replied obediently: "It's okay, the teacher's requirements are more cumbersome, but they are all what Arthit and senior Sing have told me. If we work in a group and divide the labor, we can catch up with DDL." He paused Dun, "What about Senior Sing? You haven't told me yet, how is the development of the game you mentioned earlier?"

"There are still some problems. But it's not big, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go out to play with you on vacation." Singto cast his gaze forward. After being silent for a while, he said slowly, "What will Hongfeng in Lanshan look like? I always feel a little nervous."

Krist chuckled: "Senior Sing sometimes panics because of such strange things."

"Yeah." Singto didn't mind exposing his weakness to Krist. He hooked the corners of his lips, "When a dream is about to come true, it's always a little scary."

Krist recalled what Singto had said to him before—to take a photo with the red maple in Arashiyama as the background, and the person in the photo was the person he liked. He slightly raised his head to look at the somewhat dark sky. It was pitch black, and it looked like nothing was there. But Krist knew that behind the thick clouds were shining stars.

He let out a breath, and pinched Singto's face with his gloved hand: "Senior, sometimes you just think too much. Since you think about it, why don't you imagine what we are going to do later? Go back to the hotel and have a drink." Hot springs, changing into yukata, and enjoying the specially reserved high-end kaiseki cuisine, isn’t that what we should consider? As for tomorrow’s matter…” He paused, but couldn’t help laughing, “Tomorrow Go think about it!" He let go of Singto's face, and shook it in disgust, "Senior Sing, you're getting fat!"

Singto protested with a smile: "You can see Kit clearly, I am strong!"

Krist shook her head in disbelief. He let go of Singto's hand and motioned Singto to take a few steps forward. He took the opportunity to step back a lot, and the distance between Singto and Singto was getting farther and farther.

But, it's weird. When the distance was very close before, he didn't feel that he really touched Singto. But now, even though there has been a distance, he thinks that he and Singto have never been separated.

Because Singto's back looks so broad and stable, as if it can carry him for a long, long distance.

Krist swung the backpack from her shoulders and rushed towards the man. He jumped lightly, onto the man's back. As imagined, that person caught him firmly. The man's hands also firmly wrapped around his legs, as if he had expected Krist to do this.

Singto has always been able to read Krist's heart.

Krist hugged Singto's neck tightly, put his hands on Singto's chest, and touched it with a smile: "Oh, it seems that he is really serious about exercising~"

"Of course." Although Singto was helpless, he didn't have any extra hands to stop Krist. He looked around and found Krist's backpack left on the way, sighed softly, "Kit, you should leave the backpack here. Now I have to carry you back to pick it up..."

"Ah, yes."

Singto shook his head, but carried Krist's weight and walked step by step.

Krist nestled on Singto's back and rubbed the back of Singto's neck.

Look, this time it won't be his illusion. This person will really go far, far with him.

Now all he needs to think about is what he can do to help his cornerstone.

uh... for example...



Krist remembered the little wish she made at the Heian Shrine.

—I hope this kind of laughter can last until the last second of my life.


It’s over~ 11w, it’s been a long time since I’ve written so long, and it’s basically updated every day, applaud myself ヾ(?°?°?)

It's always like this, there is always a lot to say before the end, but after the end, I always feel that I don't know what to say.

Thank you to all the friends who gave me little red hearts and little blue hands, and even more thanks to the little angels who commented on me every time.

I am not a wife, and my writing is not good enough to conceive. I'm not a saint either. To be honest, I can't use love to generate electricity, but because of you, I can maintain this update speed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Saying thank you is not enough.

Tomorrow is the second year of maturity~ After that, I will focus on studying for a period of time and suspend updates. Some people may have seen the sneak run of the new meme yesterday, but it will take a month or two to write it out. Please don't have too much expectation because the three views are really wrong hhhhhh

Hmm~ I don’t know which little angels will leave me a message today, and will there be any little angels who will give me a long comment~ Hahahahaha Although this is not an article worthy of everyone’s time to write a long comment~

Finally, I wish you all the love you want.

Lychee Soda


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