
Chapter 6


Singto, who entered the photography, has a serious and persistent appearance that makes people's heart beat.

Hey, what are you thinking, Krist! Now you have to listen carefully to what Senior Sing has to say. If you ask three questions for a while, it will reduce your favorability! !

"... Got it Kit?"

It happened that Singto was finishing a commentary. Krist pouted and said coquettishly, "I don't understand senior, I want to try it out."

Singto nodded: "Well, that's okay." After speaking, he took a few steps away and looked around, as if looking for a target for Krist to shoot.

In fact, there is no need to look for it at all. The scenery that Krist wants to keep forever is simply close at hand.

The moon in the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is your sweetheart.

So I couldn't help but press the shutter again. Krist, who put down the camera, met Singto's searching eyes without any surprise. He grinned innocently, "There's no need to find anyone else, Senior Sing. If you're practicing portraits, I'll just shoot you."

Singto stared at Krist for a while, and then, as if there was nothing he could do about Krist, he curled his mouth and said, "Happy as you want. Then we can act according to our own wishes. If you don't understand, just ask me."


Krist also likes Singto's appearance, as if she is a spoiled child by him, as if she can do whatever she wants with him.

That kind of expression is reserved only for himself.

Krist has always thought of herself as daring. He knew he liked Singto, so he tried every means to get close and integrate himself into Singto's life. In fact he has already done so. But at the same time, he is timid. He dared not express his full love directly.

like now. His own camera was clearly only for Singto, but he didn't have the courage to point it at Singto all the time.

Krist snapped the shutter on wildflowers by the roadside. Examining the photo, even a beginner can easily see how terrible the photo is.

Kris was a little depressed. He turned to the previous photos and found Singto who was looking around for him. Singto, who was looking for the target, frowned slightly, blocking the sun with one hand and holding the camera in the other. Krist heard her own uncontrollable heartbeat.

Flip the fingers forward again. Singto who smiled helplessly at his camera, and Singto who lowered his head to eat, these moments belonged only to his senior Sing.

So cunning. Krist couldn't help thinking. Senior Sing's eyes are too cunning. Even if his mood is not loving, there is no one who will not fall in love as long as he looks seriously at someone with those eyes.

— click.

Kris looked up in surprise. Singto was standing not far away, just put down the camera and waved to Krist, before Krist could react, he raised the camera again.

Hmph, don't even want to take pictures of my ugly face when I'm in a daze! Competitiveness welled up, and Krist slapped Singto hard. Singto raised his eyebrows, and quickly moved his feet to look for Krist's flaws. Krist also counterattacked without showing weakness, knocking on the shutter, regardless of whether the photo was blurred or not.

Krist didn't expect that Singto, who has always been mature and stable, would play such a childish game with him, but he couldn't help but curl his mouth.

This time, he finally knew what kind of expression Singto had on his face when the model was himself.

It is brilliant, bright, lively smile not lost to the sun.

When both of them were tired from running, Singto unpacked the snacks that Krist had brought, and the two sat on the bench to share the food.

In fact, Singto hasn't eaten much yet, he has been checking the photos he just took, as if nothing can be more important than photography. Krist pursed her mouth, pulled out a piece of seaweed and brought it to Singto's mouth. Singto froze for a moment, but still opened his mouth and bit it.

Probably because I didn't want to get my camera dirty. Krist thought a little discouraged, biting the nori by himself.

Today was actually perfect. Even if you tell others that the two are a couple, the reaction of others is probably just a moment of surprise, and there will be no unnecessary doubts. But Krist knew otherwise.

It's just because Singto is a very gentle person. Really tender. So when you are with a cheerful person like Krist, you will smile a little more unconsciously, that's all.

Actually Krist knew. Such a person with restrained emotions will also have his eyes twinkle like stars because of one person's words. Krist knew the man was trying hard to hide the look, lest others find out.

Singto actually did a good job, no one would think too much about it... But it is impossible to hide it from Krist.

Because Krist always looks at Singto.

But as long as Krist doesn't say...

As long as you don't ask yourself...

"Does Senior Sing have that kind of person in his heart? Someone who wants to see him for the rest of his life."

Why did you ask, Krist

Krist didn't dare to turn her head to see Singto's expression. He didn't dare to figure out what Singto was thinking, just as he didn't dare to ask himself why he asked this question.

So he raised the corners of his mouth and tried to put on a normal look: "I'm not...Senior Sing, I'm just curious..." Krist lowered his head and explained in a panic, "Because the senior has photographed so many things, I'm a little concerned. If the senior doesn't If you want to say..."


As always, firm, deep, magnetic and nice voice. The man answered without the slightest hesitation.

Destroy without hesitation.

Kris opened his mouth.

Enough of Krist, just stop here, there is still time to shut up, you can still pretend you don't know anything, you can still continue with your plan. So what if Senior Sing has someone he likes, and he doesn’t have a lover, you can still infiltrate him little by little, turn his attention to you little by little...

"Brother Arthit?"


He clearly knew that if he asked, it would destroy everything.


He clearly knew that his answer was not what he wanted.

"...then why didn't you tell him?"

Enough of Krist, stop, do you have to be satisfied with him sticking knives on you piece by piece with his own hands

"Because he is my teacher." Singto's voice was calm, "If I tell him, my feelings will become his burden. As long as I can stay by his side, I am satisfied enough."

No, you don't like it at all! Liking is obviously greedy. When you are far away from him, you will feel that as long as you can know him, it will be fine. After getting to know him, I thought that I would be so lucky to be friends. After becoming friends, I can't help wanting more, wanting to be something more special than friends. When I really occupy that position, I will frantically want to touch him, his eyes, his nose, his lips, his ears, every inch of his skin, every smile and every expression of his, I can't help but want to touch him Possession—

Just like Krist did to Singto.

As if it had been a long time, and it seemed as if it had only passed for a moment, Krist felt the corner of his mouth curled up. He turned his head, and his voice was still slightly raised as before: "It seems that Senior Sing really likes Brother Arthit."

But, Krist also knows.

If you really like someone, you can't bear to see him in the slightest embarrassment.

Just like I did to Senior Sing.

Just like... Senior Sing did to Brother Arthit.


I feel that no one reads the sad article... It is impossible not to get lost, anyway, I will speed up the progress www

No matter what, please don't blame Sing, you can't help but be nice to the younger brother who is cherished by the person you like, this is natural. After all, Kit hasn't confessed his love yet, he doesn't know that Kit likes him, so he has no obligation to accept Kit's feelings. Similarly, Nuan Nuan has no obligation to be responsible for his feelings.

As always, please come to the comment area to chat with me, I love you mua mua mua and those who leave messages are all little angels! ! !

Remind everyone again that this is SK+KA, orthodox HE HE HE HE HE~


Boom, boom, boom.

Pounding the bass drum again and again, Krist held the sticks, but stared blankly at the ceiling.

The bright chandelier is so dazzling, as dazzling as the light in that person's eyes. The sound of the drum was so loud, it sounded like the beating of my heart when I saw him.

The drum sticks hit the snare drum, and the sound was more layered, but the smile of that person appeared in Krist's mind. That person really looks good when he smiles, very good-looking, especially when his eyes crookedly smile, the corners of his eyes seem to hold stars. The helpless smile makes Krist willing to be a child who doesn't understand anything, and grows under his wings like this...

Yes, that person will tolerate all his willfulness, not for anything else, just because he is Brother Arthit's most cherished cousin.

The drums are getting louder, faster, and messier. Krist did not