
Chapter 7


He didn't think about the order in which he was playing the drums, but he just relied on his instinct to vent the gloom that had accumulated in his heart and had nowhere to speak.

Many of the previous things were just my own illusions. The cheerful smile is just infected by himself, and the meticulous care is just because he is his junior. what else? I have a very special place in his heart? Oh, this is not an illusion, after all, he is the younger brother of the person he likes, of course it is important, of course he must take good care of him...

But why? Why is it Brother Arthit? If it's Arthit brother, jealousy and resentment are not allowed, because no one knows better than Krist what a lovable person Arthit is, after all his brother is a person like the sun. He knew that Arthit was always strict with others, and he also knew how gentle Arthit was in private. Had Arthit penetrated that person's heart with his warmth before he knew that person

Krist's drum sticks are no longer music, and he doesn't want to call those broken notes music. That was his unwillingness, his grievance, his unattainable love before it even started.

I want to question, I want to blame... But, I also want to see his sincere smile. I was reluctant to persecute him, but I was still sad.

He knew Brother Arthit was good, but he felt that he was not bad either. Why can't that person just see him as "Krist"? He is not just "Mr. Arthit's younger brother". Why is that person unwilling to give himself even a little bit of attention

Krist dropped the drumsticks and lay down on the drum, panting lightly. Sweat covered his cheeks, but his eye sockets were still dry. Kris touched his eyelids and smiled slightly.

It's okay, that's okay, those excess fluids turned into sweat and ran out, and I was still the cheerful, smiling, and invulnerable Krist. There was only one good thing about him - the one good thing that allowed Singto to escape from sadness and laugh without hesitation.

"Krist, you've had too much to drink."

A pair of long legs stopped in front of Krist. Krist raised his head and stared blankly at that person, before he smirked for a long time: "I didn't drink too much, Brother God, I'm refreshed."

God sighed. He knelt down so that his eyes were on par with Krist, slowed down his speech and tried to reason with Krist: "Yes, you didn't drink too much. But it's getting late now, can I take you home?"

"No! I finally came to brother's bar once, how could I go back so early!" Krist pouted and acted like a spoiled child to God. He stood up, at least he was walking steadily, "I want to go back and continue drinking!"

"Wait a minute...Krist!" Looking at the back of Krist who couldn't scream at all, God sighed heavily, and had to turn off the lights in the music room specially prepared for Krist, and hurried to chase after Krist.

He has no contact with Krist at all, and Krist only comes here to drink and play drums to vent his emotions when he is in a bad mood. Judging by Krist's mental state today, the alcohol probably can't be stopped, he must at least watch the kid to avoid any problems.

However, when God rushed to Krist's side, Krist had already started drinking again. The bartender stood in front of Krist with a wry smile, and looked very embarrassed when he saw God.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you not to give him high-grade alcohol?" Seeing the alcohol Krist was drinking, God frowned and asked the bartender.

However, before the bartender could explain, Krist reached out and grabbed God's arm and shook it lightly: "Brother, don't blame him, I want to drink it myself."

God and Krist looked at each other for a while, before losing the fight. He sat next to Krist, and asked the bartender to pour him a drink: "Aren't you afraid that Teacher Arthit will get angry if you drink like this?"

"Brother Arthit doesn't care about everything... Anyway, he doesn't know everything." Krist paused, lowered his head and chuckled, "That's right, such a powerful Brother Arthit doesn't know everything..."

Probably because he had a quarrel with his brother Arthit. God speculated, and didn't say anything more. After asking the bartender to avoid him, he took the bottle and filled Krist's glass by himself: "Uh, I won't persuade you anymore. It's the same as before. If you have anything you can't tell your family and friends, you want to tell me about it. Just say, if you don’t want to talk, I’ll drink with you. Anyway, brother will be responsible for taking you home.”

"Hey," Krist stared blankly at God for a while before smirking, "Brother God, you are so considerate, just like Senior Sing... No, no, Senior Sing is more gentle..."

Speaking of that name, Krist was a little dazed. He chuckled, and didn't care whether God responded at all, all he needed was a window to vent, an audience. He drank the wine in the glass and wiped his mouth.

God silently gave Krist a break. Krist turned her head and smiled at God, then said: "Brother, you don't know, that person is really, really slow. Does he think I'm really a kid who doesn't understand? I'm obviously only one year younger than him... Pretend to know nothing, just to create a reason to approach him, just hope he cares about me a little more... "

Krist shook the glass, there was nothing in it, only the ice cubes made a crackling sound: "Really, I don't need to have an important position in his heart right now... Even, even if he has someone else he likes good… "

Krist couldn't continue. The sweat has evaporated, and the fluid has flooded into the eye sockets again. Don't cry, Krist, that person will dislike you even more if you cry. Krist took a deep breath, closed his eyes and raised his head, trying to hold back his tears with this movement.

"Is it really okay?" God finally said, "It doesn't matter if he likes someone else?"

Krist didn't answer.

How could it be okay... But, he also liked the look in that person's eyes when he talked about Brother Arthit. Shiny, as if pouring out his whole world.

No matter how much I tell myself, as long as that person is happy... there will always be a corner of my heart daydreaming wildly.

It would be fine if those eyes were on her.

God didn't know when he had already left, as if he wanted to leave Krist room to think for himself. Krist's eyes are a little blurred. He felt dizzy in his head, a jumble of endless thoughts. The little angel inside seemed to be drunk with alcohol, and only the selfish little man was left whispering in Krist's ear.

—Tell him, everything has been destroyed anyway. It couldn't be worse.

Yeah, it can't get any worse, why not just tell him? You see, he has confessed his love so simply.

Krist didn't know what he was doing, he just took out his phone. That person's number has always been placed at the top of the address book, and every time his number is broadcast, I can't help being happy.

"Hello? What's the matter with Kit, it's already very late." Every time I heard his reply, my heart couldn't help but twitch.

"Senior Sing, I like you."

Maybe from now on, the heart will stop beating directly.

"...Kit, you're drunk."

"Senior Sing, I like you."

"Which bar are you at? I'll pick you up."

"Do you know, Senior Sing, I've been thinking since the first time I saw you, love at first sight really exists in this world, and with just one glance, I can never take my eyes off you again." As if there was no Hearing the rejection in Singto's subtext, Krist murmured, "Every time I see you, I like you more than the last time. What kind of spell did you put on me, Senior Sing... Not hearing Singto's response, Krist smiled softly, "But when you took a picture of me for the first time, you actually took me for Brother Arthit, right?"

"Kit, I'm sorry, I apologize if I've misunderstood you, but..."

"But I'm just a younger brother, right?" Krist interrupted Singto. He lightly touched the wine glass with his finger, and the side of the glass was cool.

Shouldn't have said it. Those discouraging words hidden in the deepest part of my heart, those words that hurt Senior Sing, can't be said.

But Krist couldn't control his brain at all: "What do you like about Brother Arthit? If it's just the face, I look so similar to Brother... Can you just think of me as Brother Arthit?"

Shut up, Krist! How can you say such a thing! you clearly know...

"...Am I so superficial in your heart? Or do you think the relationship between you and me is so cheap?"

See, you know how he's going to respond, you know he's going to be angry.

Krist buried her face in her elbows. With all his strength, he said from the depths of his throat: "I'm sorry."

He didn't know if he hung up the phone, or even forgot where he was. body only