
Chapter 75: Rush into battle


With Zhong Shan's current conditions, it is a dream to find the Nine Dragon Fang Tianyu, but with them, it will be different. As long as you follow them, you may be able to find it. WWw!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!cOM

However, now that the sky is not dark yet, Hidden Body is not convenient to follow it at this moment, it has to wait.

Today is the day of the same attack. As long as the full moon appears in the evening, they will surely attack.

Before the eight sects, people of different powers had already stood in them. Mr. Shui Jing has left with all his subordinates and Heavenly Killer and others.

On the mountain where Zhongshan is located, there are Zhongshan, Tianlinger, Yinglan, Beiqingsi, Princess Qianyou, Gu Lin, and ten subordinates of Princess Qianyou.

Of course, there are other forces around the wounded door, but they didn't see Princess Qianyou in the eyes.

Princess Qianyou stared at the wounded door, then turned to look at Zhong Shan and said: "It's dangerous to run into the formation, you can stay here and not go."

Princess Qianyou is also a subconscious advice, because the last time he besieged Haosan, Zhong Shan'died his life' to save Tian Linger, shocked Princess Qianyou too much, and had a three-point favor with Zhong Shan. At the same time, during the past few days In the middle, she unexpectedly discovered that the black-robed woman who understood the eight-door golden lock formation was Zhong Shan's granddaughter, which also surprised Princess Qianyou for a while.

Looking at Princess Qianyou, Zhong Shan knew that the gap between him and her was still the difference between heaven and earth. When others asked, it was only in enthusiasm.

"Thank you princess for your concern, we are still going to go to the Eight Gate Golden Lock Array with the princess." Zhong Shan said softly.

On the one hand, Zhong Shan wants to enter and have a look, on the other hand, it is not necessarily safe to enter it, not to mention the Princess Qianyou, at least there is a blue silk around him, although the friendship with the blue silk is normal, but Zhong Shan can Certainly, Bei Qingsi would not die when seeing the three of her in danger.

"Cut, your cultivation base, the idea of fighting the soul?" Gu Lin said with contempt.

Zhong Shan was not angry. Instead of attacking Zhong Shan, Gu Lin's words gave Zhong Shan an excuse.

"Yes, as the princess said before, finding the soul of the formation depends on luck." Zhong Shan replied.

"Heh" Gu Lin showed a sneer.

With the wisdom of Princess Qianyou, Ma Xia thought of the reason, and naturally did not believe that Zhong Shan was a soul. Nod.

"Ada, take the three of them." Princess Qianyou said to the person behind her. Obviously knowing that Zhong Shan can't fly, let Ah Da help.

"Yes" the sword-holding man who had been following Princess Qianyou immediately responded.

"Thank you." Zhong Shan said solemnly.

"Yeah" Princess Qianyou just nodded, did not say more, and there was no need to say more, and then looked at the wound door in front.

In the distance, before the dead door. Mr. Corpse frowned slightly as he looked at the large array in front of him.

"Mr. Corpse, why do you want to break through the dead door?" asked a person beside Mr. Corpse.

"Death and resurrection, birth and death, if your majesty is for the soul, naturally you can't go through the gate of death, but if you are for the Nine Dragons Fang Tianyu, you must enter the gate of death. Only in the gate of death can there be a ray of life. With this vitality , Groping to the specific place of Fang Tianyu in Nine Dragons." Mr. Shi gently rubbed the mustache on Lu's chin and said.

"Then we won't take the soul?" the man asked again.

"Listen to Mr.," said another man of more dignity.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The man said respectfully.

Mr. Corpse looked at the man, a confident look flashed in his eyes, his cultivation base was not as good as them, but what he knew was not something they could touch.

The sky was getting dark, the sun went down, and a full moon in the east slowly showed his head.

Before hurting the door, Mr. Shui Jing kept pinching his fingers, constantly calculating the time. Behind him were more than a dozen subordinates and godslayer and others.

Halfway through the calculation, Mr. Shui Jing squinted his eyes, stopped his hand movements, and stared at the big formation in front of him. Shake the feather fan lightly, just as he was about to give an order.


Amidst the high altitude, suddenly there was a pleasant sound that pierced through the clouds and broke the fog.

This sound made people suddenly feel at ease. Hearing this sound, almost everyone had a meal on hand.

Whether it was the group of Mr. Corpse, Mr. Shuijing, Princess Qianyou, or the Quartet group, almost everyone frowned and looked into the sky.

Zhong Shan looked up and saw that there was a big bird in the sky at this moment. The big bird was flying very high, even higher than the sandstorm. It hovered for a while in the distant high altitude.

Qingluan, is Qingluan

Although Zhong Shan hadn't seen Qingluan, he still recognized it at a glance, because above the mortal totem, he had clearly seen Qingluan, the divine bird? A kind of phoenix

Zhong Shan even saw that there seemed to be a figure on Qingluan's back, but it was too far away to see clearly.

Qing Luan hovered over the big formation for a while, then suddenly turned his head and flew away again toward the northwest. It seemed that I was just passing by just now, and I just felt curiosity stayed there for a while. In a blink of an eye, Piercing Clouds and Fog disappeared in front of everyone.

Qingluan flew away, towards the northwest.

"Zhong Shan, the direction Qingluan is going is like our Kaiyang Sect, isn't it going to Kaiyang Sect?" Tian Ling'er said with curiosity from the side.

"Uh, can you still know which direction Kaiyang Sect is in?" Zhong Shan looked at Tian Ling'er somewhat unexpectedly.

"Of course, I won't confuse my direction." Tian Ling'er said with a self-confidence.

Princess Qianyou condensed her eyebrows and looked up, her eyes flashed with doubt, but she quickly turned to the big formation in front of her and said, "The hour is almost here, we are ready to set off right away."

"Yes" everyone responded.


In the distance, Mr. Shui Jing's feather fan pointed at him in a big array, and everyone followed Mr. Shui Jing's first wave, or Yufeng, or Imperial Treasure toward the big array. And below, there are also some innate people running towards the big formation.

The departure of Mr. Shui Jing and the others also seemed to form a chain reaction. The people in the four directions, all in front of them, were not willing to be left behind, and they all headed towards the doors one after another.

Zhong Shan stood behind Princess Qianyou, waiting patiently. Princess Qianyou did not go first, but waited patiently. Many people who broke the door had already entered, but Princess Qianyou was still waiting, as if Waiting for some kind of timing is normal.

Zhong Shan's figure receded slightly, and at the foot of the mountain where Zhong Shan was, a shadow suddenly appeared, and the shadow was very inconspicuous in the dark environment.

Hidden Body, Hidden Body has already moved towards the gate of death, where Mr. Corpse is.

The speed of the hidden body is terrifying, like a sharp arrow, disappearing in the same place in a blink of an eye, even when encountering a mountain block, the hidden body can still pass through the mountain, as long as there is a gap between the soil, the hidden body can pass through , Like Mr. Corpse's golden corpse and silver corpse.

In the distance, Mr. Corpse didn't rush in either, leading the crowd, waiting carefully.

It didn't take long for Hidden Body to arrive not far away, hibernating far away, waiting patiently, waiting to find Nine Dragon Fang Tianyu with this group of people.

The army entered a large formation like a sandstorm, and the sandstorm of the whole formation seemed to suddenly roll over frantically. The sandstorm erupted from the inside, as if it had expanded the whole formation, and the formation began.

In a blink of an eye, the people outside the battlefield were almost gone, and only a few forces remained able to stand on the sidelines.

Zhong Shan stood behind Princess Qianyou, waiting patiently.

"Go, join the battle." Princess Qianyou suddenly said.

"Yes" everyone responded at the same time.

Then, Qianyou stepped on her feet, and the wind rose, and the person who was previously called Ada by Princess Qianyou, also turned his hand to call out a white cloud, holding up Zhongshan, Yinglan and Tian Ling'er.

There was another person flying in Yufeng, who had been guarding Princess Qianyou all the time. The person carried Gu Lin with white clouds and headed towards the front of the large array together, and slowly flew to the ground of the large array. The others are all stepping on flying swords.

Princess Qianyou didn't choose to fly into the big formation, but went under the sandstorm-like formation, leading everyone into it step by step.

When I walked closer, I felt a large amount of wind and dust swept in. Everyone released their true essence to form a scorpion. Naturally, they couldn't hurt them. Even if Zhong Shan used his true energy to form a layer of evil energy outside of his body, it could also stop these winds. Sand and dust.

The gust of wind and dust did not pose much threat. Although Yinglan could not release her true energy, she was wrapped in a black robe and could withstand it.

Zhong Shan looked at the harsh environment, gently holding Yinglan with one hand, and Tian Ling'er with the other, and walked quickly with Princess Qianyou.

Holding the hands of the two women was not to separate, because the inside of the violent wind and dust was not highly visible, Zhong Shan didn't want the three of them to get separated.

However, when Tian Ling'er was grasped by Zhong Shan again, her whole body trembled, her face turned slightly red, and she did not struggle, letting Zhong Shan pull in. Yinglan was wrapped in a black robe, and she couldn't see any expression on her.

Bei Qingsi frowned slightly when she saw Zhong Shan's movements, but she still followed Zhong Shan's side, as if protecting Zhong Shan's safety.

A group of people, mighty, followed Princess Qianyou towards the inside of the big formation.