Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 108: Great Exorcism Seal


Leng Yue looked back at the scarred man who slowly walked out of the ruins, his expression not changing much. [First published on Wandou Literature Network★ ..]

In the inner circle of the battlefield, Xiao Chen often encountered some teams of unsighted warriors who wanted to take advantage of him. After crippling these people, Xiao Chen still handed them over to Leng Yue.

After absorbing many warriors, Yang Yuan and Leng Yue's strength have recovered a little. They won't lose their fighting power after their charming skills are broken like they did when they met the middle-aged swordsman.


Suddenly sensing the aura of the demon soul on the scarred man, Leng Yue let out a light sigh and murmured: "He turns out to be a member of the Nether Sect."

The scarred man looked at Leng Yue. He didn't pay much attention at first, but when he saw the thin tail behind him, he couldn't help but frown. There was a succubus beside this boy.

The Nether Religion was established by relying on demons, and naturally worshiped the Abyss Demon God. Even now, it is still the same.

Everyone who joins the religion must project the mark of his or her mind onto the statue of the devil, and swear by the devil in his heart to be loyal to the devil throughout his life.

Only in this way can the martial soul be transformed into a demon soul, gain powerful strength, and at the same time be able to learn demonic martial arts skills. Of course, those warriors who naturally mutate their martial souls do not count.

But Scar Man is not, so his mark of mind is also projected on the statue of the Demon God, and he must be loyal to the Demon God. One of them is that you are not allowed to kill the devil. If you kill the devil, you are disloyal to the devil and will be counterattacked by the inner demon.

When he swore an oath to his inner demon, the scarred man didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the demonic calamity had passed for many years, and the demons were far away from him. Such rules were almost useless to him.

But I didn't expect that today, the person the deputy headmaster wanted to kill would have a succubus beside him.

After thinking about it for a long time, the scarred man looked at Leng Yue and said expressionlessly: "Go away and stay out of my way. Although I can't kill you, I can still seriously injure you."

He has no real loyalty to the Demon God, it is just a coping act to gain strength, and he has no respect for the Demon God, and he just finds it troublesome.

Leng Yue smiled softly and said softly: "No."

Three simple words, but in Leng Yue's mouth, they were so charming that even the determined scarred man felt a little dazed.

The scarred man strengthened his will in his heart, got rid of the trance, and said coldly: "Okay, if you dare to use the charm technique on me, you are the one who made the move first. I killed you by mistake. You are nothing big." It’s in the way.”

He has the body of a demon soul and is extremely powerful. He is also a half-step Martial Emperor, but with the body of a demon soul, he can rival human Heavenly Martial Warriors. The average half-step Martial Emperor is no match for him.

So he thought highly of himself and didn't take Xiao Chen seriously at all, and the succubus didn't care even more.

The corners of Leng Yue's mouth were slightly raised, and she looked at the wooden coffin behind him. The expression on her face looked very amused, and she said with a smile: "I don't know how far you have practiced this coffin escape technique. I hope you can still return." Gotta come.”

After speaking, her hands began to change into extremely complex and ancient handprints, her face became extremely solemn, the purple mark on her forehead shone brightly, and an ancient and distant aura spread from her body.

The scarred man felt an inexplicable dangerous aura in his heart. He quickly took three steps back and began to form seals with his hands. Eight wooden coffins slowly rose in the courtyard.

The wooden coffin contains a fourth-grade demon zombie specially refined by the Nether Sect. A fourth-grade demon zombie is strong enough to compete with a top-grade top martial arts king. Moreover, the corpse has been specially tempered, making it difficult for ordinary martial arts to defeat the demon zombie. cause some damages.

The eight-headed demon zombies appeared together, and even the half-step Martial Emperor and the scarred man could kill them.

Leng Yue's hand seal was completed first in front of the scarred man, a dazzling purple seal formed between her palms, and she pushed forward suddenly.

The purple seals exploded, forming a formation with many complex lines in the air of the courtyard. Purple light shone above the formation, shrouding the scarred man and the eight wooden coffins.

The scarred man's face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "This is the Great Exorcism Seal, a high-level martial arts of the demon clan. How can you, a little succubus, master it..."

Before he finished speaking, the light above the formation became more and more dazzling, when the light was extremely bright.

The eight wooden coffins that had just come out were all pushed back. A huge suction force also rose in the scarred man's own wooden coffin, trying to suck his body back in again.

The suction force was so huge that it could be compared to a tenth-level wind. The scarred man looked unwilling and squatted on the ground, with five fingers firmly inserted into the ground.


But he still couldn't resist the suction. His ten fingers scratched long traces on the ground, and the expression on his face became more and more frightened. The exorcism technique could bring the demon back to his original state. In the devil world.

There are eighteen levels in the demon world. No matter which level you break into, the scarred man will have a difficult life in the future.

Although he joined the Nether Cult, he is still essentially a human being and wants to enjoy the colorful world of humans. How could he get used to it after going to the demon world

Moreover, every level of the demon world is full of dangers. It is a big problem for him to gain a foothold as a human being.

But no matter how much he resisted, it was all to no avail. The light above the formation became even more dazzling. In the end, he couldn't resist it at all and was pulled back into the wooden coffin.


The coffin board on the ground closed instantly. Leng Yueqiao pointed towards the void, and the purple exorcism formation immediately pressed towards the wooden coffin. The formation pressed the wooden coffin and disappeared into the ruins of the courtyard.

After doing all this, Leng Yue looked at the ten finger marks on the ground, rolled her eyes, and then smoothed the finger marks, leaving everything in the courtyard exactly the same as when it was turned into ruins.

Three days later, Xiao Chen, who was lying on the ground, finally woke up leisurely.


He opened his eyes weakly, Xiao Chen coughed violently a few times, and struggled to sit up from the ground.

His mind turned around in his body, and a wry smile appeared on his pale face.

Although most of the spiritual energy that day had been released from the twenty-four dragon caves, the huge spiritual energy remaining in the body still caused huge damage to him.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, large and small intestines, as well as the stomach and gallbladder, all the internal organs were seriously injured. The slightest movement at this moment was extremely painful.

Fortunately, there was not much damage to the meridians. His meridians were specially tempered twice by the Dragon Tiger Body Tempering Technique and the Cang Ming Body Tempering Technique.

It is already as hard as cold iron, as hard as mountain rocks, and at the same time as soft as autumn water. It has been continuous for a long time. It has been hard and soft at the same time, and it is difficult to be really hurt.

But what frustrated him the most was that the vitality in his body had been exhausted. It was so completely exhausted that there was nothing left. He couldn't even use his vitality to alleviate the pain a little bit.

No matter how fierce the battle is, the warrior will leave a trace of vitality for himself, because only with the existence of vitality can he complete the cycle of repairing and replenishing his vitality quickly.

If the vitality is completely depleted, it will be very difficult to recover. No matter how powerful the elixir is, it will have no effect. It can only have an effect after a ray of vitality is naturally generated in the Dantian.

This time, he really made himself crippled. Xiao Chen sighed silently in his heart. After all, cultivation cannot be done recklessly.

He looked at Leng Yue, who was looking at the sky with a calm face, seemingly not noticing Xiao Chen who had woken up.

"By the way, isn't the sky beautiful? I woke up and didn't even want to take a good look at it."

Leng Yue withdrew her gaze and said with a pleasant smile, "How could it be possible? I didn't notice it."

Then he ran over and helped Xiao Chen up. Xiao Chen really couldn't stand up. Leng Yue could clearly feel the pain on Xiao Chen's face when he helped him up.

"You were so seriously injured, I'm afraid this trial will end here."

Xiao Chen smiled slightly when he heard this, let go of Leng Yue's hand, and said: "It's over? You underestimate me too much. This internal injury is still within the range that can be consumed. Don't think about it."

Leng Yue murmured slightly in her heart, she had good intentions and showed concern, but this guy still didn't understand anything.