Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 116: Adventures Underground (1)


There are many tributaries of the underground river and the undercurrent is turbulent. After Xiao Chen fell down, he fell into a coma again. When he sank to the bottom, he didn't know where he was washed away.

Qinglong Cong Shui, Xiao Chen, who possesses the Qinglong Martial Spirit, can hold his breath underwater for a long time without breathing. But now Xiao Chen's martial spirit has been destroyed, and he is like an ordinary person without any special powers.

It stands to reason that if he sinks to the bottom of the river, he will be drowned two hours later, his abdomen will be swollen with water, and then he will refloat ten hours later and become a dead body.

But his current situation is extremely strange. It is clear that the Qinglong martial spirit has dissipated and his whole body is completely disabled, but he can still breathe in the water.

As the underground undercurrent rises and falls, it rushes to an unknown place. From time to time, it is entangled with various aquatic plants and duckweeds, rising and falling with fish and shrimp.

Two days later, Xiao Chen woke up from his sleep. He only felt a splitting headache and weakness. His body was swimming in the water. Under the impact of the rapid undercurrent, it was difficult to even turn around.

Feeling the condition of his body, Xiao Chen was also a little strange. He didn't understand why he could still breathe underwater when the Qinglong martial spirit had been dispersed.

Calm down, calm down, Xiao Chen kept saying to himself in the undulating river water. Although he can breathe underwater now, the situation is still very dangerous.

The attack from Song Que's Peak Martial King not only shattered his martial soul, but the spread of internal energy also caused great internal injuries to his body, with varying degrees of damage to his internal organs.

If Xiao Chen's physique hadn't been different from ordinary people and had been tempered seven times by the seven-leaf flower, he would have been shocked to death on the spot with his heart and lungs broken.

After drifting underwater for two days, the internal injuries were not treated, and coupled with not eating, Xiao Chen's current physical strength could be said to be extremely weak.

In the turbulent river, if you can't find a way to float up quickly, the problem of physical exhaustion will only become more and more serious, and there will be only a dead end.

After just thinking about it for a moment, Xiao Chen was already rushed several hundred meters away by the undercurrent. Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel more fearful of the ferocious undercurrent.

Facing the undercurrent, he tried to control his body to turn around. A turbulent undercurrent suddenly hit him, turning Xiao Chen's body upside down.

Mumble, grunt, grunt!

The sudden situation caused Xiao Chen to pour several mouthfuls of water into his mouth and nose. In the confusion, Xiao Chen grabbed a large handful of algae in the water and tried to stabilize his body.

The algae was still strong, so Xiao Chen wrapped it in his hand. Although the undercurrent was still fierce, it could no longer take it away. The algae as thick as an arm stabilized Xiao Chen's body.

Xiao Chen finally took a breath and looked up. Although the river was a little turbid and he couldn't see the surface clearly, the light was not dim, which meant that the river was not too deep.

In this case, he had to find a way to float up. The main thing that hindered him from floating up was the undercurrent at the bottom of the river. As long as he let go of the algae in his hands, he would be immediately washed down by the undercurrent.

The thickness of this undercurrent is only about five meters. At the deepest point of the river, as long as it passes these five meters, there will be no undercurrent, and it will be able to float up naturally.

If Xiao Chen's energy was still there before, he could easily jump out of this underground river with a quick breath and a slight jump. After landing, even the water on his body could be quickly evaporated.

But now he was not only seriously injured, but his martial soul was destroyed and he couldn't regain his strength. He hadn't eaten for two days. As long as he put down the algae in his hand, he would be immediately washed away by the raging undercurrent.

After resting for more than half an hour, Xiao Chen carefully observed the surrounding environment under the water. He slowly touched both sides of the river bed and found that the slope was covered with mud.

He stepped on it and immediately sank half a meter deep. Xiao Chen was delighted and thought of a way to get ashore. He only had to follow the slope, insert his arms into the mud, and slowly climb up.

To be on the safe side, Xiao Chen first found a ten-meter-long algae to wrap around his waist, and then started to implement his plan. The body is in the turbulent undercurrent, and every step it takes is extremely difficult.

When he came to the slope, Xiao Chen did not dare to be careless and climbed up step by step. The undercurrent kept hitting his body and almost washed him away several times.

He dug his palms deep into the mud and poured all the black mud into his fingernails, escaping with narrow escapes.

After trying so hard to avoid the undercurrent, Xiao Chen relaxed his body and removed the algae from his waist. He surfaced after a moment, took a big breath, and then hurriedly rowed towards the shore.

After landing, Xiao Chen was extremely tired and his dizziness became more intense. He tried to cheer up, controlled his desire to lie down, and took off all the wet clothes on his body.

He took out dry clothes from the Qiankun Ring, put them on, swallowed a blood-replenishing pill, and after doing all this, he dragged his body to a mountain wall on the shore, leaned on it and closed his eyes to rest.

Unknowingly, Xiao Chen fell asleep directly. He was too tired.

When he woke up again, Xiao Chen's spirit had recovered a bit, and with the help of the blood-replenishing pill, the injuries in his body had healed a little.

He took out the dry food and water from the Qiankun Ring. After eating, his physical strength slowly recovered. He finished the dry food like a wolf and drank a large mouthful of water.

Xiao Chen then stood up and looked at the surrounding environment, which was surrounded by a relatively dark cave. Xiao Chen subconsciously wanted to release his spiritual consciousness, but found that there was no response, and the spiritual consciousness that he had used so easily in the past did not appear.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that he really turned into a useless person and slowly walked to the river. The calm river water reflected Xiao Chen's pale face.

Because he had been soaked in the river for too long, the skin all over his body was frighteningly white, and even peeled in some places.

The appearance changed by the technique of transformation has returned to its original state, but Xiao Chen is too lazy to care about it now, after cleaning the mud from his nails.

Walk forward along the direction of the river flow. No matter what, you must find the exit first.

Tick tock!

Water droplets fell from time to time above the head. When the water droplets fell, Xiao Chen's body instinctively moved back. The water droplets touched the tip of Xiao Chen's nose and quickly fell to the ground.

"It seems that the strength of my body is still there, and the fighting instinct has not disappeared. Even if I have no vitality, I can easily sense the direction of the falling water droplets." Xiao Chen clenched his fists and said with a look of surprise on his face.

Under the gravity of the earth, the water droplets fell very quickly. Xiao Chen could only rely on his body's instinct to sense the direction in which the water droplets fell, and then easily avoid them.

The body's reaction speed was no worse than that of an ordinary great martial artist, which allowed Xiao Chen to regain his confidence.

Even if I don't have a martial spirit, I can still become a saint with my physical body. I can do what my predecessors have been able to do. A ray of perseverance flashed through Xiao Chen's eyes.

After walking for a long time, the light in front slowly brightened. Xiao Chen couldn't help but speed up his pace. After a while, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear.

A vast world below appeared in Xiao Chen's eyes, hundreds of meters high and an unknown distance in length and width.

There are trees, plants, flowers, and rivers. The light above the head doesn't know where it comes from, and it looks a bit weird.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, then stepped in, as if passing through a barrier in a trance, and there was a brief pause in time, which was almost negligible.

Fearing that something would go wrong, Xiao Chen walked back and forth several times, and found that it was safe to go back, so he didn't care anymore.


Several birds suddenly flew through the woods ahead. Xiao Chen was slightly shocked. There were actually living creatures here, so be careful. If there were any ferocious beasts, you would be in trouble.

Bang bang!

Just as he was heading like this, a huge spiritual beast came flying out of the woods. This was a red flame bear, standing upright as tall as two adults. Its red eyes looked at Xiao Chen with evil aura.

The Red Flame Bear is a second-level spiritual beast, equivalent to the level of a martial artist. Xiao Chen has seen it outside Qijiao Mountain. It looks very powerful, but in fact there is nothing special about it.

But it is a bit difficult for Xiao Chen to deal with it now.

Plop! While Xiao Chen was thinking, the red flame bear got down on all fours and flew over. Soon it came to Xiao Chen and slapped it hard with a palm that weighed hundreds of kilograms.

Xiao Chen didn't panic. Before the Red Flame Bear's forelimb struck, he sensed the direction of the wind and calmly took a step to the left to avoid the blow.

With a soft drink, all the strength of his body surged into the fist of his right hand, and the muscles of his entire right arm jumped tightly. Xiao Chen seemed to feel the infinite power, and punched the Red Flame Bear in the chest with a lightning-like punch.

next moment!

The red flame bear's strong body was directly knocked away with a bang. There was a sound of broken internal organs in the body. After falling to the ground, he could not get up.

Xiao Chen looked at all this with some astonishment. After waiting for a moment and seeing that the red flame bear was really dead, he murmured: "How is it possible? The strength of my punch at its peak was only three thousand kilograms. Now The spirit of martial arts is broken, and the injuries on the body are not completely healed. It stands to reason that being able to perform half of it is an extraordinary performance. "

The weight of the Red Flame Bear has reached a thousand kilograms. To knock it away with one punch and shatter its internal organs, it would take at least four thousand pounds of strength.

Xiao Chen looked at his fist in confusion and couldn't believe it, "I seemed to feel that the strength of that punch just now was not exhausted yet. Why is my strength now even stronger than before?"

Puzzled, Xiao Chen walked into the woods and found a red flame bear on the edge. When it was about to approach, he punched it again.

Just like before, this red flame bear weighing a thousand kilograms was directly blown away, its internal organs were shattered, and it died!

Only then did Xiao Chen believe that everything was true and that his strength was stronger than before. "Has my realm not disappeared?"