Immortal Martial God

Chapter 28: Juyuan Dan


With Ye Feng's cultivation comparable to the third level of Yuanwu, with the help of Ye Ning and Chen Xiaobing, it was easy to deal with the remaining two people.

After killing all three gatekeepers, Ye Feng took Ye Ning and two people directly into the stone tower.

There were some luggage piled up in the stone tower. Ye Feng snorted coldly and took out his sword to tear through the luggage and found that it was full of supplies such as dry food and water bags.

"Those people in Ninghong obviously regard this stone tower as their base camp. They think that only three warriors at the first level of the Yuanwu Realm can protect these things. It is really ridiculous!"

Without saying a word, Ye Feng cut all the water bags, and finally lit a fire to burn all the dry food piled up by the Ning family.

Ye Ning had just killed someone, and her eyes were a little dull at the moment, while Chen Xiaobing was staring at Ye Feng's actions from the side, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Feng glanced at Ye Ning and thought to himself: "With Ning'er's nature, it may take some time to adapt to killing people. It seems that it is the right time to bring her here this time. After this experience and returning to the family, Ning'er will You will grow up a lot!"

After burning the luggage, Ye Feng cleaned up the remnants on the ground and searched carefully. With the help of his spiritual sense, he quickly discovered anomalies on the ground of the stone tower.

After simply washing it with water, a huge blue stone on the ground attracted the attention of the three people.

There are some strange-shaped characters carved on the stone. In the center of the stone, there is a slightly raised animal head. The animal head is carved from bronze and lifelike, resembling a lion or a tiger.

A handful of iron rings fit right into the open bloody mouth of the bronze beast's head.

Ye Feng thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to pull towards the iron ring.

"Boom!" Under Ye Feng's strength of 1,700 kilograms, the huge bluestone was slowly pulled up by him.

Under the bluestone is a cave entrance about one foot wide, with a spiral stone staircase winding down at the entrance.

"Although there are many dangers inside, you will be fine if you just follow me!" Ye Feng has the powerful sensing ability of an immortal cultivator, so he is not worried about the dangers that may exist in the ancient underground city.

The two girls nodded in unison and followed Ye Feng into the cave.

It was dark in front of them, and there was a putrid and unpleasant smell around them. Although Ye Ning and Chen Xiaobing had good cultivation, they were still underage girls after all, so they couldn't help but become afraid when faced with this environment.

"Don't be afraid!" Ye Feng's footsteps were low and powerful, and there was no look of fear on his face. In front of the immortal cultivator's sensing power, any danger in the darkness had nowhere to hide.

Ye Ning and Chen Xiaobing were influenced by Ye Feng and felt much more relaxed, and followed closely behind Ye Feng.

After a long time, Ye Feng's footsteps suddenly changed.

"Finally reached the ground!" Ye Ning and Chen Xiaobing breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Ye Feng channeled the spiritual power in his Dantian into his eyes. Under the shroud of darkness, his vision was not affected at all and he could easily grasp the surrounding environment.

The place they were in was an extremely desolate open area, with soft, wet soil under their feet and stone walls covered with green moss around them.

"Brother Ye Feng!" Ye Ning smelled Ye Feng's scent and leaned over obediently.

Chen Xiaobing took out a fire stick from his arms and lit it.

With the faint light of the fire, both women could clearly see their surroundings.

"Let's go. We should still be on the outskirts of the underground ancient city now. Once we enter the underground ancient city, there will definitely be many traps. If you follow me, nothing will happen to you!" Ye Feng turned around and warned the two of them before stepping forward. pace.

After walking for half an hour, the three of them came to a stand in front of a dark gray earth wall. There was no door in the earth wall, only a circular gap, about half a person high, as if it was broken open artificially.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, glanced at the sewage dripping from the gap, and got into the hole.

The two women covered their noses and followed in reluctantly.

"Whoosh!" Two sounds came from the front, and the two women suddenly became nervous. The cave was so narrow at this moment that there was no place to hide.

"Ding ding!" There were two more crisp sounds, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Brother Ye Feng!" Ye Ning exclaimed softly, thinking that there was some danger ahead.

"It's okay. I've broken this little trap. You guys come directly here, but don't enter the hall." Ye Feng's words came from the front, and the two of them felt relieved and quickly followed.

There were two sharp spears on the ground. Ye Feng stood in a spacious hall, looking down at the circular pattern on the ground, as if thinking about something.

"Yin Yang and Five Elements... Qimen Dunjia... How come these things exist in this continent? Don't they belong to immortal cultivators?" Ye Feng looked at the ground intently and said some words that Ye Ning and Chen Xiaobing couldn't understand.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ning stood outside the hall and asked quietly.

"It's nothing. There is no road ahead, but there is a mechanism here. I am trying to crack it. Don't come close, it may be dangerous!" Ye Feng said without looking back.

"Okay, then we'll wait for you at the door!" Ye Ning nodded obediently and agreed.

"Brother Ye seems to be familiar with this place. Have you been here before?" Chen Xiaobing stared blankly at Ye Feng in the distance and whispered to Ye Ning.

"How is that possible?" Ye Ning shook his head like a rattle and said seriously, "The Silver Moon Secret Realm was opened fifty years ago, when Brother Ye Feng was not born yet!"

Chen Xiaobing nodded and looked at Ye Feng, who had been muttering something in a low voice, without saying anything for a long time.

In two months, he grew from a broken-vessel waste at the fourth level of Liwu to a powerful and mysterious Yuanwu realm master. What happened during this

The mysterious aura around Ye Feng has an irresistible temptation for Chen Xiaobing.

"This picture is like the prototype of the Tai Chi Bagua formation, but it only shows the principle of the mutual restraint of the five elements, and does not involve the mutual development of the five elements. It is extremely simple to decipher. I thought too much before and regarded it as a certain cultivator. The maze laid out!"

Ye Feng studied for a long time and finally breathed out. He felt a strong sense of familiarity in this hall as soon as he entered. It was only after he walked a few steps and touched some simple mechanisms hidden underground that he realized that he seemed to have intruded. In some kind of maze.

However, compared to the powerful magic circles in the world of immortal cultivators, this kind of maze is really simple and crude to the extreme. Ye Feng thought too much at first and thought that the maze in the hall was playing tricks.

The ring is divided into five areas. There are a large number of weird words in the center of each area, and an extremely abstract picture is drawn.

In the area that symbolizes "fire", the picture is a burning bonfire.

The area symbolizing "earth" turned into a towering mountain.

According to the principle of the restraint of the five elements, Ye Feng suddenly stood up and took seven simple steps in the circle.

In just seven steps, Ye Feng easily cracked the maze.

The floor of the hall suddenly shook. Immediately afterwards, the middle part of the ring sunk, and a stone pillar stretched out from the depression.

"The formation diagram is poorly made, but the mechanism is pretty good. I don't know what it is powered by!" Ye Feng pursed his lips with some disdain and focused his eyes on a red wooden box on the stone pillar.

"Come in!" Ye Feng shouted to the two women outside the hall, and took the wooden box into his hands without ceremony!

The two girls had already been deeply shocked by the scene that appeared in front of them. When they heard Ye Feng's call, they hurried over.

"What was it just now, brother, did you break any mechanism again?" Ye Ning looked curiously at the wooden box in Ye Feng's hand.

"Well, it's just a very simple mechanism. I didn't expect there to be a reward!" Ye Feng nodded with a smile and opened the wooden box in his hand.

A refreshing medicinal fragrance enveloped the entire hall. Chen Xiaobing was shocked and looked at the wooden box in Ye Feng's hand with a look of disbelief.

"Ju... Juyuan Dan, it's actually Juyuan Dan!"

There are ten red pills in the wooden box!

"Ten Yuan Gathering Pills!" Ye Ningye said in a trembling voice with a slightly changed face.

"Is it really Ju Yuan Dan?" Ye Feng asked with some excitement and some doubt. He had always used Yuan Condensing Dan before and had never seen the appearance of Ju Yuan Dan.

"It's unmistakable, it's the Yuan-Judging Pill that warriors in the Yuanwu Realm dream of!" Chen Xiaobing nodded repeatedly and said, "When I broke through to the Yuanwu Realm, my grandfather gave me a Yuan-Juning Pill as a reward. This Yuan-Juning Pill I have saved the pill now, but I can’t bear to use it!”

After saying that, Chen Xiaobing took out a small jade bottle from his arms and poured out a red pill.

The shape, fragrance, and color are almost exactly the same as the Juyuan Dan in Ye Feng's hand.

"I didn't expect it to be the Yuan Ju Dan. I am now at the first level of the Yuanwu Realm. The ordinary Yuan Yuan Dan is of no help to my practice. Only the Ju Yuan Dan can allow me to break through to the second level!" Ye Feng was overjoyed. These ten A Yuan Ju Dan is exactly the treasure he urgently needs now.

"Miss Chen, since you have so many Juyuan Pills in your hand, you will not be reluctant to use them. I will give you two first. If they are not enough, you can continue to ask me for them!" Ye Feng took out two more. A piece of Juyuan Dan was handed over directly.

"This... I'm afraid this is not good. You saved my life, but you must have done nothing to help me until now!" Chen Xiaobing's pretty face was slightly red, and her black pupils were shrouded in mist.

Ye Feng's generosity moved her again.

Ye Feng smiled, put the Juyuan Pill directly into Chen Xiaobing's hand, and said sincerely: "When we were in the ruins just now, if it weren't for your help, we wouldn't have been able to get to this place so smoothly, and it would be even less possible for me to get this. Ten Yuan Gathering Pills!"

"Yes, sister Xiaobing, just accept it!" Ye Ning also interjected.

The warm feeling coming from Ye Feng's hand made Chen Xiaobing's face turn as red as an apple. Fortunately, it was covered by the firelight on the fire folding paper, so Ye Feng and Ye Ning did not notice the change in her expression.

"Without further ado, let's practice here!" Ye Feng walked slowly to the previous earth wall and suddenly blasted out a wave of clapping hands.

"Bang bang bang!" The earth wall collapsed with a sound, completely blocking the entrance to the hall.

"Ning'er, you are responsible for guarding. If there is any trouble outside, be sure to wake us up!" Ye Feng whispered to Ye Ning.

Ye Ning naturally agreed without hesitation. She had just made a breakthrough and was still consolidating her cultivation, so there was no need to continue practicing. Moreover, the power of Juyuan Dan was not something that the meridians of a Liwu realm warrior could withstand.

There were several oil lamps on the wall of the hall. Chen Xiaobing lit the oil lamp carefully, said hello to Ye Feng and Ye Ning, and found a relatively clean corner first, and started practicing cross-legged.

Ye Feng sat directly among the stone pillars, calmed down, and placed the wooden box he had just obtained in front of him.

"There are also eight Yuan Gathering Pills. I don't know how many I need to break through to the second level of Yuanwu Realm, but the number is definitely more than ordinary people!"

But he didn't know that for ordinary people who break through from the first level of Yuanwu realm to the second level, one Yuan Judan is more than enough, and even a bit wasteful. The reason why Chen Xiaobing has been reluctant to swallow the Yuan Judan is because he can't bear to waste the Yuan Judan. of medicinal power.