Immortal Martial God

Chapter 103: Nobody cares


After thinking about it, Mo Haisi finally chose the iron cavalry gate.

The other four sect envoys all shook their heads and sighed, as if a piece of meat had been taken away in their hearts, what a pity, what a pity.

"Xiang Nan." Mo Hai stepped forward and stretched out his right hand: "There is no deep hatred between you and me, I have said this more than once."

"From now on, I'm going to the Iron Horse Gate. Maybe in the future, you and I will have a chance to meet each other, or maybe we will never meet again in this life."

"But after going out, you and I are both from Qingshi, so why not shake hands and make peace."

Xiang Nan smiled, shook hands with Na Mo Hai, and smiled away all grievances.

After Mo Hai was selected by the iron cavalry sect, Elder Yue and Elder Yu Zeran were all flushed and very happy.

Next was Li Qingchuan. The impression he left on everyone was actually not good. Everyone thought he was just Mo Hai's lackey.

But at the end of the city election, Li Qingchuan's heartfelt words to Xiang Nan infected many people.

In the end, Li Qingchuan was selected by the third-class sect, Bai Jianmen. This was the only sect that was comparable to Li Qingchuan, and Li Qingchuan was also good at using swords.

"Brother Hai, thank you for your care and cultivation over the years." Li Qingchuan expected to leave soon, so he expressed his feelings, knelt down on one knee in front of Mo Hai, clasped his fists and said, "In the future, we will be separated from each other, and I will never forget you as a brother in my heart." .”

Mo Hai laughed loudly, and patted Li Qingchuan on the shoulder: "You and I will always be brothers! I wish you a bright future for my brother!"

Li Qingchuan walked towards Xiang Nan again, and said: "I admit that I was jealous of you and resented you before, I don't ask you to forgive me for what I did, but as Brother Hai said, after we go out, you and I are both Qingshi people. "

Xiang Nan interrupted Li Qingchuan with a smile, and said: "Needless to say, I still want to thank you for your mercy in the end. Let's cancel all the previous grievances."

When everyone saw this scene, they all smiled in relief.

Especially Elder Yue, who admired Xiang Nan more and more, but the more so, the deeper the sadness on Elder Yue's face.

Except for Mo Hai and Li Qingchuan, all the strong men who followed Cai Jianyun were also selected by various sects.

The rest of the Xiang family, without exception, failed collectively. As for Mo Hai's younger brother, Mo Qi, he went to Menghumen.

When everyone was selected one after another, the contestants without exception began to shake hands and make peace. Before the city selection, they regarded each other as opponents.

But once the city election is over, they will go their separate ways in the future, and the feeling of parting will become more and more intense.

Because they all have the same hometown, which is Qingshi.

In the end, excluding the players who died in Heifeng Yaosen, a total of 20 or so players were selected out of the 300 players. This elimination rate is already very high.

And in the end, there was only one person left on the scene, who hadn't been selected yet, and that was Xiang Nan.

Countless pairs of eyes fell on Xiang Nan in unison, and they all looked forward to which sect Xiang Nan would enter.

But at this time, everyone's mood is complicated again, because Blazing Fire Sect, the strongest second-class sect, has never selected anyone! This sect is the most worthy of Xiangnan.

However, Wang Xiaoyun of Blazing Fire Sect is Xiang Nan's biggest enemy at the same time!

More people's eyes fell on Wang Xiaoyun. Is this Wang Xiaoyun focusing on the overall situation and adding an outstanding warrior disciple to the Blazing Fire Sect, or is he focusing on selfishness and ignoring Xiang Nan

Everyone was waiting quietly, but after five long minutes, Wang Xiaoyun remained unmoved. He just stared at Xiang Nan with a meaningful smile on his face.

Xiang Nan didn't intend to join the Blazing Fire Sect at all, even if the Blazing Fire Sect chose him, he would not go.

But what's weird is that not only the Blazing Fire Sect didn't express anything, even the other five sects were indifferent!

At first everyone thought that those five sects did not dare to compete with the Blazing Fire Sect for Xiang Nan, but after ten minutes passed, no one spoke!

City Lord Hong Zhen couldn't stand it any longer, and hurriedly asked: "Everyone, what conditions did you not mention? Why did you leave Xiang Nan alone?"

The envoys of the five sects all had distressed expressions, and they all had a look of unspeakable suffering.

" is this..." City Lord Hong Zhen was shocked, how could such a thing happen

Could it be that another new record in the Qingshi Martial Arts City election is about to be born? That is, Xiang Nan won all the votes alone, but ended up with a result that no one cares about

The other contestants were also stunned. That Xiang Nan's performance was so dazzling, he should be the most fierce contestant in the competition. Why did the result turn out to be the opposite

Xiang Nan himself didn't expect this scene to happen, his face was blank at first, and then he looked at Wang Xiaoyun suddenly realized.

At this time, Wang Xiaoyun also looked at Xiang Nan, and the two looked at each other. Wang Xiaoyun smiled mockingly and said, "Everyone, but everyone has been selected? No one wants to continue to choose?"

The five third-class sects were all silent.

Xiang Nan... unexpectedly lost

"What the hell is going on!" City Lord Hong Zhen was furious, and shouted: "The first place in the city election, did you not want it? According to the rules of the competition, Xiang Nan is the one who got all the famous cards!"

If Xiang Nan really loses the election, then the Xiang family will suffer.

The Xiang family is not just the only enemy of the Wang family! The reason why the Wang family bullies the Xiang family again and again is because besides the Wang family, there are also the Mo family and the Li family!

What's more, now there is another Cai family from Qingshi City!

Once Xiang Nan loses the election, these four families will probably eat up the Xiang family! These four families have a total of four Tianyuan Realm masters!

"Everyone, don't be dazed, choose quickly." Xiang Fei was in a hurry, and hurriedly begged: "Xiao Nan is the first winner, don't you want to vote him away?"

At this time, Xiang Nan smiled and shook his head at Xiang Fei: "Sister Fei, you must have a backbone. Since they don't choose, we don't have to beg hard."

"Don't worry about it!" Suddenly, the Iron Cavalry Elder Menyue gritted his teeth and shouted, "Xiang Nan, you can come into me if you want..."

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and Mo Hai and Li Qingchuan also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Yu Zeran suddenly grabbed Elder Yue's wrist, and said in a low voice, "Junior Sister, don't be reckless."

Elder Yue's anxious eyes were red: "Brother! Xiang Nan is a top candidate in terms of character and talent. Are we going to let such a good seed go!"

Yu Zeran's hand holding Elder Yue also began to tremble, but he just uttered four words with restraint: "The overall situation is the most important thing!"

These four words made Elder Yue lose his mind all of a sudden, as if his backbone had been taken away.

And two days ago, Wang Xiaoyun's conspiracy words on the airship reverberated again in Elder Yue's mind.

"I, Wang Xiaoyun, don't ask everyone to break the city selection rules for me, but I only have one request, that is, no one is allowed to choose the selection family!"

"If anyone dares to disobey my order, then don't blame me, Blazing Fire Sect, for being cruel to him."