Immortal Martial God

Chapter 138: feel the sun


The current situation is really weird. Xiang Nan has not yet made a clear judgment. At this time, the evil sect is very powerful.

But at least he knew that the task he took must be beyond the scope of first-class tasks.

However, with Xiang Nan's character, it is impossible to return to the Haoran School. He must find out the situation.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xiang Nan standing motionless on the roof, Sun Chun asked strangely.

"Oh, it's nothing." Xiang Nan jumped down and said, "I've seen the situation, let's go back first."

After all, the two rode on fast horses and returned to the state capital.

Xiang Nan didn't tell Sun Chun what he saw with his own eyes, because now he doesn't believe anyone.

Based on what Xiang Nan saw and heard in Linhai Town, he speculated that it might not be monsters that plundered humans, or it wasn't just monsters.

The reason why the entire townspeople in Linhai Town were able to disappear at the same time without causing a huge panic was because someone instantly took away the souls of all the people in the town.

In this way, there will naturally be no traces of fighting and fleeing.

"Okay, Xiang Nan, you've been exhausted all the way, you should rest early, this task can't be completed in a day or two." Sun Chun arranged the guest room for Xiang Nan, and was about to leave.

When Sun Chun was about to close the door, Xiang Nan suddenly raised his head and asked, "General Sun, was your last search done before or after the collective disappearance of the citizens of Linhai Town?"

Sun Chun said: "Before."

"Understood." Xiang Nan nodded.

This is committing a crime against the wind. Just after the army searched, the secret enemy immediately captured all the people in Linhai Town.

And according to the souls of those townspeople, it took less than seven days for the townspeople in Linhai to disappear, because human souls would dissipate within seven days after leaving their bodies.

"Why?" Xiang Nan tapped the table with his right hand, thinking over and over again.

If the enemy dared to make such a big commotion at this time, there were only three possibilities.

First, the enemy really doesn't take Haotian military seriously, but this possibility is the least.

Second, the enemy may be someone from the military, or in other words, Sun Chun himself! This possibility is not high, but just in case, Xiang Nan still didn't tell Sun Chun what he had seen and heard.

The third possibility is the greatest, that is, the enemy is carrying out some kind of plan, and it has reached the final stage, so they will choose to commit crimes against the wind and arrest tens of thousands of people at once.

Xiang Nan poured himself a glass of wine, drank it slowly, and muttered to himself, "No matter what the possibility is, whether it's an enemy or a monster, it's definitely not something easy to deal with."

"They can take away the souls of the entire town in an instant. It must be related to evil ways. I have to be fully prepared before I can do it."

As he spoke, he pushed the wine glass away, spread out the exercises of the Taiyang Shengong on the table, and continued to study the formulas.

At this time, he does not have the power of Bai Yan Ran Lei to defend himself. If he encounters a big monster, he may not be able to deal with it.

The Sun Divine Art is the purest yang art, this kind of art should be the biggest nemesis of any evil things in the world.

Xiang Nan flicked through the pages while gesticulating with his hands, but no matter how hard he practiced, he couldn't seem to find the way of the sun magic skill.

Gradually it was dawn, Xiang Nan simply washed up and went to the yard.

He squinted his eyes and raised his head to look at Chenyang, feeling the temperature of the sun with his body, and thought: "The first time I saw Master practicing the sun magic skill that day, it was at night, and there was no sunlight at that time."

"But she still attracted a beam of sunlight to cover her body, which shows that what the Sun Divine Art absorbs is not the real sunlight in the traditional sense."

It's as if the aura of heaven and earth absorbed by warriors comes from the air, but it is not real air, but the essence of the heaven and earth.

Calculated in this way, what the Sun God Art absorbs is not pure sunlight, but the essence of light condensed by the sunlight shining on the world. This essence will remain in the world, so it can also be absorbed at night.

"Then what I should do most now is to sense the essence of light? Living is called the aura of light."

When Xiang Nan closed his eyes, he first sensed the abundant spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth. To perceive the spiritual energy, the first thing a warrior should learn is "Spiritual Energy Sensing Chapter".

But there is no sun induction chapter in the Sun Divine Art, which shows that the process of sensing sunlight is different for everyone, so it cannot be written as a formula.

Xiang Nan simply sat cross-legged, quietly bathed in the sunlight, as if in a trance, motionless.

From the morning light in the morning, to the scorching sun in the afternoon, to the red glow in the evening.

During this period, Sun Chun came twice. When he saw that Xiang Nan was practicing, he didn't bother to bother him, so he walked away tactfully.

Then at night, Xiang Nan was still sensing. The difference between day and night with or without sunlight made Xiang Nan discover some small differences in perception.

This difference is a fleeting inspiration. Xiang Nan tried his best to catch this inspiration. He knew that he was not far away from sensing the aura of light.

It's like catching a small tail of something, but that thing is very naughty and keeps running away.

The little bird was chirping on the branch, and the gold and silver jewelry it stole from no one knew where was hanging on the treetop, and it was singing happily.

Xiang Nan sat from night to late night, and from late night to dawn.

When dawn came and the first ray of sunlight shone on Xiang Nan's body, Xiang Nan was shocked!

A feeling that was about to move took root in his heart, and he seemed to be about to catch the aura of light!

But at this moment, a person suddenly walked in from outside the courtyard, and the sound of footsteps interrupted Xiang Nan at the most critical moment.

Xiang Nan was angry and helpless, he could only open his eyes and said, "General Sun, what's the matter?"

Sun Chun spread his hands apologetically, and said, "It's not because I insisted on interrupting you, but I really have something important to talk to you about."

"The disciples of Qing Yunzong have already gone to Qingshui Forest. In fact, I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I didn't have the heart to interrupt your cultivation."

"But they didn't return all night yesterday, so I can only bite the bullet and come to you."

Xiang Nan was startled, and shouted: "What? They entered the Qingshui Forest? What nonsense! General Sun, you have seen their strength, why don't you stop them."

The thirty or so Qingyun disciples were not strong enough, at best they were ordinary disciples of the Qingyun sect, not the core disciples of the second-class sect like Wang Xiaoyun.

Wouldn't a guy of this strength go to Qingshui Forest to die

Sun Chun said helplessly: "There is no way, they keep saying that they want to complete the task before you, to prove that they are better than you."

"What's more, like you, they accepted the mission openly, and I have no right to stop them."

"Otherwise, Qing Yunzong will blame me, and I will not be able to explain it."

Xiang Nan didn't listen so much anymore, he set off immediately and said, "I'm going to Qingshui Forest now, my griffin is inconvenient to move in the forest, please General Sun prepare a fast horse for me!"