Immortal Martial God

Chapter 165: lost track


Hawkeye is a communication facility modified based on signaling.

It can communicate in real time. If one person holds the Hawkeye and the other holds the corresponding Hawkeye, then the two Hawkeyes can communicate directly in text.

It is not necessary to store a piece of text or voice in like a signaling order, and release the signaling order, and the target task can only know the information in it after receiving the signaling order.

But Hawkeye is extremely expensive! And it's for the military!

Generally speaking, only military scouts who survey the terrain and the enemy's situation on the front line will use eagle eyes to convey information to their immediate officers.

Or during a war, the senior commander of the military can directly convey his orders to the frontline generals through eagle eyes.

This is called Eagle Eye! It is absolutely impossible to buy in the market, even in the military, it is a very precious resource, and ordinary soldiers cannot touch it.

Xiang Nan has already believed the words of the head of the mustache, stealing Hawkeye is tantamount to fighting against the military, how many lives does he have to dare to do such a thing

"I... I don't care, this matter has nothing to do with me." The mustache leader fled the scene in a panic.

Once the matter is involved with the military, the matter will become a big mess. How dare the little mustache head get involved

"It should not be a military operation." Xiang Nan rolled his eagle eyes, there was no number on it.

The person in charge of the auction house nodded thoughtfully: "There is no exclusive number on the Eagle Eye, which means it was taken away just after it was created, but..."

The person in charge didn't say what happened next, but Xiang Nan already guessed it.

But how many people have this energy? Can you secretly get Hawkeye

"Xiang Nan, if you don't have any special items in your storage ring, I advise you not to look for them." The person in charge said something very pertinent.

Xiang Nan shook his head, not only did he have his own saber in the Najie, but also the Sun God Kungfu and the Thunder Talisman of Baiyan Burning Thunder! These two things must never be lost.

"If you want to find it, you have to hurry up." The person in charge added: "Although the ring has a contract with the master, it cannot be easily opened, but if there are experts in refining weapons, they can find it within three days at the earliest." , open your Naring."

"Who is it!" Suddenly, Xiang Nan looked towards the southeast corner of the room.

And at the southeast corner of the roof, there was a shadow lying on its stomach, and that shadow flew out immediately.

Xiang Nan smashed through the roof and saw the shadow drifting towards the north quickly.

"Good skill!" Xiang Nan's eyes narrowed, he poked his right foot on the roof, and chased him out with a whoosh.

At this moment, Xiang Nan has proved with 100% certainty that this matter has nothing to do with the military, one is that Hawkeye does not have a serial number, and the other is that the martial arts used by the escaped man do not belong to the military either.

But the man's skill was excellent, bouncing back and forth between the towering buildings, turning into broken shadows.

People with this kind of skill, even if they are thieves, are the elite among thieves. It is impossible for the leader of the mustache himself to have such a skill.

Fortunately, Xiang Nan is not an ordinary person. He chased the shadow along the escape route, and the distance between the two sides was gradually narrowing.

The shadow looked back at Xiang Nan, apparently not expecting Xiang Nan's strength to be so high, but the next thing he did, angered Xiang Nan.

That shadow actually raised the ring in his hand! It is clearly provocative.

"My Najie." Xiang Nan recognized it at a glance. The shadow must have quietly killed the two children and got Najie.

Those two are just kids! Although they engaged in petty theft, in the final analysis, they had no father and no mother, and they were led astray by mustaches, so why were they stabbed to death!

Looking at the shadow again, he found that he was not as fast as Xiang Nan, so he threw the ring in his hand towards the northeast.

At the same time, the shadow quickly fled to the southeast by itself, and in the crowd below the northeast, there was a man in a black robe who silently reached out to catch Najie, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

"It's changed hands!" Xiang Nan has heard about the rules of thieves stealing things. Generally, after a thief steals something, he immediately hands it to other thieves, and then continues to change hands until he is out of danger.

If Xiang Nan went to chase the man in black in the crowd at this time, he might lose it after a few chases.

So he didn't care about his ring, and continued to chase the shadows jumping back and forth between the high-rise buildings.

The shadow was very clever, and never kept going in a straight line, but moved in a detour among the buildings, probably to prevent Xiang Nan from shooting him with a hidden weapon.

Although Xiang Nan was fast, he was not familiar with the terrain here, so he almost lost it several times.

Finally, when the two of them were on the same horizontal line, Xiang Nan let out a loud shout, and immediately cast a flash step.

He arrived directly in front of the shadow in an instant, and found that the shadow was a guy covering his mouth and nose with a black cloth.

The man was startled, and actually rushed directly into Xiang Nan's arms, holding a cold dagger in his hand, and the air filled it first.

Congenital ninefold, good skill, not high realm.

Xiang Nan shook the man's dagger away with one hand, and at the same time turned around and kicked the man's leg.

With this kick, Xiang Nan mercilessly smashed the man's knee on the spot! Even the calf bones were broken, and the thick white bones pierced the flesh.

The man was decisive, he turned around and slashed the dagger towards Xiang Nan's neck despite the severe pain.

Xiang Nan snapped off the man's left arm, turned his left hand into a knife, and then smashed off his right arm.

The man finally screamed out in pain.

Xiang Nan lifted the black cloth off his face, but was surprised to find that it was just a four or five-year-old child.

No wonder his physical skills are so good, but his realm is not enough.

"Who are you? Why did you steal my ring and why did you kill someone?" Xiang Nan asked in a cold voice.

Today's children are also ruthless enough. With a puff, the child spewed a mouthful of blood on Xiang Nan's face, but Xiang Nan dodged it.

Then, the child sneered: "You are finished, you are dead!"

"How dare you speak hard!" Xiang Nan exerted force on his hands, and the child screamed again.

"Quickly tell me, to whom did you give my ring, take me to find it!" Xiang Nan shouted.

Unexpectedly, a strange smirk appeared on the child's face: "I don't know the person who took over the precept. Even if I were willing to help you find him, I couldn't find him."

At this moment, a gloomy blade of light suddenly shot from the southwest.

Xiang Nan didn't have a weapon in his hand, so he couldn't block it, so he could only dodge it.

The light blade passed in front of Xiang Nan, but a small lancet branched out from under the light blade, and the lancet accurately hit the child's heart.

With a grin on his face, the child died just like that.

Xiang Nan took a deep breath, looked to the southwest with a shocked expression, and saw another shadow flash past.