Immortal Mortal

Chapter 12: You are the one


After signing the contract with Lu Jiujun, Mo Wuji didn't stay in Danhan's medicine refining laboratory for long. He just took a brief look at the machine here for refining medicinal materials and had a general understanding in his mind.

Although Lu Jiujun has a lot of machines and they are well preserved, in fact these machines are far inferior to his laboratory on Earth. In the laboratory on Earth, he can directly extract genes and combine and condense them, but this is obviously not possible here.

Mo Wuji didn't care. In his previous life, he was able to extract the medicinal liquid that expanded his veins. It was a complete chance. Even without a machine, he could refine that liquid medicine again with his proficiency thousands of times. Now with these machines, he is even more confident.

No matter what the reason was for plotting against him, the woman was unable to obtain the extraction method for this drug. Because his medicinal solution pays more attention not to the genetic combination, but to the extraction method. What he recorded was also missing a lot of key data, and even missing some of the essences of several plants, all of which were recorded in his brain.

Before adding some of the essences of these plants, the medicinal solution was very ordinary. After adding the essence of these plants, the molecular structure of the entire liquid medicine has completely deteriorated. Even if it is tested using DNA, it is messy and the results are even different every time.

But it can achieve the effect of expanding the meridians. Mo Wuji hasn't figured this out yet. This made Mo Wuji believe that science is amazing and there are more things in the world that cannot be explained by science.

Mo Wuji knew very well that whether he was plotted against by his girlfriend or Yan'er was taken away by someone. Until he has no strength, there is no way to find the answer. If he is destined to be unable to practice even if he lives another life, he will accept his fate.

Before he was sure whether he could practice, he would not let it go even if there was a chance.

After signing the contract with Lu Jiujun, Mo Wuji began to wander around Raozhou City. Before starting to choose a research direction, he must do a market survey. What medicine can make money, what can't make money, and what is most urgently needed here.

From morning to evening, Mo Wuji's initial enthusiasm had slowly cooled down. He thought that the technological level of this world was not as good as that of Earth, and since he was a super biologist, it would be easy to come up with one or two profitable products.

However, the results of the investigation made Mo Wuji clearly understand the fact that the technology here may not be as good as Earth's, and the pharmaceutical level is definitely not half as bad as Earth's. There are even as many types of beauty products and body-building products as there are Western medicines on the planet. Mo Wuji didn't test the effects of these medicines. They could sell them openly. It would be strange if the effects were poor.

Without products, no matter how much promotion he uses, he cannot save Danhan Lianyao. It was a fool's dream to refine medicine to save Dan Han. He wanted to research the medicine that would allow him to practice and would be needed for future practice.

After getting such a result in one day, Mo Wuji was a little distracted. Even when a thin young man passed by him and bumped into him, he didn't notice it.

"You want to leave after stealing something?" A cold shout woke up Mo Wuji. Mo Wuji subconsciously raised his head and saw a thin boy being grabbed by the wrist by a young man. This young man was carrying a large package, his face was as sharp as a knife, and he had a sharp aura about him.

"You Hu, let go quickly..." the thin boy shouted, and Mo Wuji quickly touched his pocket, and the money bag containing gold coins had disappeared.

At this moment, Mo Wuji didn't know that this thin young man had just stolen his wallet. He rushed forward without hesitation, grabbed the young man's other hand, and stretched his hand directly into the young man's chest.

This boy had no pockets. If someone stole his wallet, it would be on his chest.

A soft steamed bun bag was touched by Mo Wuji, and he immediately grabbed his wallet from the edge.

The young man's face turned red and he did not dare to struggle any more.

"Thank you to this friend for helping me. If it weren't for my friend, I might not even have the money to eat." Mo Wuji put away his wallet and thanked the young man who caught the thief with his fists in his hands.

When the young man saw that Mo Wuji had found his wallet, he nodded and let go of the thin thief. He was slightly startled after being released, and after a few seconds, he disappeared into the crowd like a loach.

This process happened very quickly, and many people around didn't even understand what was happening.

The young man did not respond to Mo Wuji's thanks, but looked at Mo Wuji, and then asked, "Why let the thief go?"

He just let go of the thief. As long as Mo Wuji had the idea to keep the thief, he could continue to catch the thief.

Mo Wuji smiled and said, "This girl has a sallow complexion and is obviously very hungry. What can I do if I catch her but give her a beating?"

The thin thief was a girl, and she was very hungry. Mo Wuji himself had just struggled to survive the food and clothing crisis. He saw the shadow of Yan'er in the girl and felt some sympathy for the girl. It's just that he naturally hates stealing. No matter how sympathetic he is, he will never give money to a thief for no reason. Even if he was asked to teach this thin girl a lesson, he wouldn't do it.

"My friend, if you don't mind, why don't you go to a nearby pub as my host?" Mo Wuji said casually and then changed the subject.

The young man said calmly, "It's just a simple task, let's just say goodbye."

Mo Wuji said again, "I am an alchemist. Does my friend have any medicinal materials for sale? If so, I just need to use them."

As a biologist who has been dealing with various plant and medicinal materials all year round, Mo Wuji had already smelled the medicinal smell on the young man's body.

"How do you know?" The young man looked at Mo Wuji doubtfully.

Mo Wuji smiled slightly and said, "I smell the smell of medicinal materials on you, and the medicinal materials are still very fresh."

The young man said, "The Raojiangxian Hotel in front is good, let's go there."

The Raojiangxian Hotel was really good. Mo Wuji could smell the refreshing aroma of the wine the waiter brought before he drank it.

"My name is Mo Wuji. I haven't asked my friend how to call me?" Mo Wuji picked up the wine glass and asked.

"Lan Yu." The young man didn't say much. He just said his name and drank all the wine in the glass.

"I am the alchemist of Danhan Refining Medicine. If Brother Lan has any medicinal materials in the future, he can send them directly to our Danhan Refining Medicine. If you find the special medicinal materials I need, the price will be... "

Mo Wuji suddenly paused here. He hadn't found a suitable product for Danhan's medicine refining yet. Where could he have the money to buy the medicinal materials he needed

Seeing that Mo Wuji did not continue, Lan Yu thought that Mo Wuji meant the price increase, and then said, "Of course, but I will leave Raozhou soon. Chengyu Kingdom and Changyan Lord Kingdom have started war again. If you need healing medicine urgently, I will go somewhere close to the battlefield."

war? Healing herbs? Mo Wuji's mind suddenly became clear as if it was struck by lightning.

He did see many healing medicines in major alchemy rooms and drug stores, but no matter how good the trauma medicines are, where can I get penicillin

In fact, Lu Jiujun had already taken the healing medicine. He was so confident before that he didn't care. Now that he couldn't find the product, he heard about war and healing medicines, and penicillin immediately popped up.

Penicillin played a huge role in turning the tide of World War II around. This saved tens of millions of lives during World War II.

Mo Wuji clapped his hands, "Penicillin is yours."

(Thanks to Yilou, Honghao and Yu\\\\kai for adding three more alliance leaders to Immortal Mortals, and thanks to friends such as Kengkengkeng, Mengzixuanxuanxuan, Jiu. Shangkou and others for their rewards for Immortal Mortals. Today’s third Here’s more, we’re still one step away from reaching the top of the list, so keep asking for recommendation votes.)

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