Immortal Mortal

Chapter 27: Forced into the thunder fog forest


Mo Wuji frowned a little, "Bu Er, is it possible that there is a reason why Thunderfog Forest cannot be entered? I don't even know this?"

Ding Buer sighed and said, "I know a little bit about it. I heard that there are very powerful monsters deep in the thunder fog forest. You know about monsters, right? Those are existences that can be compared with the immortal master. We from Chengyu Country Even if the Protector of the Kingdom entered the depths of the Thunder Fog Forest, it is hard to say that he would definitely be able to save his life. Our young lady said before that the Eleventh Prince Situ Yue entered the Thunder Fog Forest and did not come out."

Speaking of this, Ding Buer even lowered his voice, "Prince Yue was originally a genius spiritual root user of our Chengyu Kingdom. After he disappeared in the Thunder Fog Forest, the monarch also asked the Dharma King to search for him. Later, the Dharma King was seriously injured. After escaping from the Thunder Fog Forest, Prince Yue was not rescued."

Mo Wuji remained silent. Even a strong man like the Protector of the Country would be in danger if he entered the Thunder Fog Forest. He couldn't even defeat Hu Fei. Once he entered the Thunder Fog Forest, not even the bones and scum would be left.

Seeing that Mo Wuji fell silent, Ding Buer said again, "In addition to those powerful monsters, there are also lightnings all over the thunder fog forest. These lightnings are full of flashes of lightning. Once you fall into them, you will only be struck to death by lightning. share.”

After saying that, Ding Buer patted Mo Wuji and said, "Go to bed early and we will reach the outskirts of the Thunder Fog Forest tomorrow afternoon."

I don't know if he thinks Mo Wuji has no ability, or if he thinks Mo Wuji is the one named by the lady. At the end of the night, Mo Wuji had no duties on duty.

Early the next morning, when it was getting dark, Mo Wuji was pulled up by Ding Buer, washed briefly, and continued on his way.

Ding Buer was indeed right. After traveling for most of the day, he arrived at the outskirts of the Thunder Fog Forest the next afternoon.

When we arrived at this place, even if no one told Mo Wuji, Mo Wuji could guess that this was the outskirts of the Thunder Fog Forest.

Although the front looked foggy, Mo Wuji could still vaguely see a few flashes of lightning occasionally flashing in the foggy place. Some unknown beast roaring sounds give people a feeling of panic.

The place where everyone was was filled with low bushes, and some trodden dirt roads could be vaguely seen between the bushes. From time to time, some venomous snakes and huge rats scurried past everyone's eyes, making a sound of rustling grass.

"Peng Shouhu, find someone to look after the horses here. At the same time, clear out an open space here and build a temporary resting place. The rest of the people will go deeper with me to look for the double-leaf flame grass." Han Ning motioned for everyone to dismount. Finally, he said to Peng Maohua very simply.

After hearing Han Ning's words, Peng Maohua said in shock, "Miss, that double-leaf flame grass is a spiritual grass..."

Han Ning said softly, "If it weren't for the spiritual grass, would I need to come to Thunderfog Forest in person?"

"But, but..." Peng Maohua hesitated a little. There were indeed some spiritual herbs on the outskirts of the Thunder Fog Forest, but they had been searched over and over by others countless times. If you want to find spiritual grass outside the Thunder Fog Forest, and it is a rare spiritual grass like double-leaf flame grass, it may be difficult to reach the sky.

What the lady meant by this was that she was definitely going to enter the thunder fog forest. He really wanted to follow the young lady to the imperial capital to experience the Yuexianmen Conference. If this opportunity could only be obtained by entering the Thunder Fog Forest, he would rather not do it.

"What? What do you think?" Han Ning's tone became a little cold.

Peng Maohua took a breath and said respectfully, "Miss, even if the Dharma King who protects the country entered the thunder fog forest, he almost didn't exit completely. Let's go in..."

The worry was palpable.

Han Ning smiled slightly and said, "Peng Shouhu, you are overthinking. How can I enter the depths of the Thunderfog Forest? I can go within two feet of the Thunderfog Forest at most. If I can't find it, I won't go in to look for it again. You "My life is precious, and my life is not worthless."

Hearing Han Ning's words, Peng Maohua breathed a sigh of relief. The lady was right, she couldn't possibly put herself in danger. If you only get within two feet, you'll generally be fine.

Thinking of this, Peng Maohua said to a slightly thin young man, "Chai Jiu, you stay here to look after the horses and clean up the surroundings at the same time."

Seeing that Peng Maohua had no objection, Han Ning nodded, "The rest of you can go in with me."

Peng Maohua led Mo Wuji and eight other guards to clear the way, while Han Ning and her personal maid Shao Lan followed closely behind.

Two hours later, Mo Wuji felt that the trees in front of him were getting taller and taller. The man-made path has long been invisible, but the grass here is also much sparser, so there is no need to use a knife to cut a path.

"Miss, there are still more than ten feet left, and we are about to enter the thunder fog forest." Peng Maohua's voice was a little nervous.

Han Ning snorted, "It's getting dark today. We won't go in, so we'll search along the dozens of feet outside. Everyone forms a human wall. Everyone, please note that even though the double-leaf flame grass is a spiritual grass, it is very rare. , but not many people need this kind of thing. This kind of grass is best found in the evening, because at this time, you can see a faint red glow at the core of the grass."

"Yes." Peng Maohua responded, and Mo Wuji could clearly feel that he seemed relieved.

Mo Wuji knew about the double-leaf flame grass. He had read about it in books when he was refining medicine in Danhan. This kind of grass is divided into two blades at the root. There is a short grass core between the two blades. The color of the grass core is reddish and somewhat like a flame.

"Ah..." Peng Maohua had just told everyone to disperse when a scream broke the balance of the surrounding sounds.

"Chang Hongcai, what are you doing?" Peng Maohua said in a harsh tone.

"I was bitten by the Cruciatus..." Chang Hongcai's voice was trembling, obviously he couldn't bear the pain.

Han Ning grabbed a pill and handed it to Chang Hongcai, "Swallow it quickly. The bite of this kind of snake is very painful. As long as the poison is not detoxified, you will soon die from the poison."

"Thank you..." Chang Hong just said the word "thank you" when Mo Wuji heard Ding Buer's scream, "So many, so many..."

Not only Ding Buer, but also everyone saw what was going on with the "chacha..." swimming sound.

There were at least hundreds of heart-wrenching snakes coming quickly from behind Chang Hongcai, and there seemed to be a scurrying sound in the distance. It was obvious that there were more heart-wrenching snakes following these hundreds of heart-wrenching snakes.

"Everyone, run away..." Han Ning said, pulling the maid beside her and retreating quickly.

Everyone fled, and Mo Wuji naturally ran away without hesitation.

Before he could swallow the antidote pills, Chang Hongcai let out several more screams. Mo Wuji turned around subconsciously and found that Chang Hongcai was wrapped up by dozens of crucian snakes. It was obvious that he could not be saved.

Mo Wuji felt his scalp numb, so he sped up and ran away, while at the same time pulling out the ruler-long sharp knife stuck in his leggings. This kind of snake is too scary. Once surrounded, it is estimated that the end will not be much better than that of Chang Hongcai.

After running for more than ten meters, Mo Wuji felt something was wrong. If he ran further, he would enter the thunder fog forest. He wanted to see where the others were running, and saw a black line flying over. Without thinking, Mo Wuji struck the black line with the sharp knife in his hand.

A burst of bloody blood almost made him vomit. Mo Wuji instantly understood what was going on. This snake could actually leap up.

There were also rushing sounds from both sides. At this time, where could he still have air traffic control? Was there a thunder fog forest in front of him? Even if you stay for one step, you are one step closer to death. Speeding up his feet, Mo Wuji rushed into the thunder fog forest without hesitation.

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