Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 101: ghost town


The infinite ghost energy was accumulated by the awakening of the ghost fetus, and now with the death of the brothers and sisters, it dissipated with the wind, and the yang gradually filled up again. It seems to be a sealed environment, the sun is poisonous, and it is very stuffy.

Suddenly the door was opened, and a cool breeze blew in from the north, and the whole person couldn't help but relax, wanting to sleep comfortably.

"Touch!" Chen Guhong lost his balance and fell to the ground. Landing on his back, he roared. He stared blankly at the starry sky and the bright moon, feeling very complicated.

It turns out that the truth of the Zheng family is like this. I think that after he came here, he also gave Zheng Yuan and Zheng Yu his true feelings and fatherly love.

In the end, they were buried with light hands, and according to Zheng Yu's last words, the two were not completely evil, but just went crazy after being cast as ghosts.

Idiot men and women meet and throw themselves into the river. After becoming a ghost, they are nostalgic for the world of mortals, wanting to continue their relationship. There is nothing wrong with it, the one who was wronged was cast a ghost, and it caused Zheng Chong to end up like this.

"Alas!" Chen Guhong sighed in disappointment, feeling his chest was blocked by something, and he was extremely stuffy. He also blamed himself for being ignorant of what happened, but in fact, this matter had already begun.

The unknown ghost aura of the Zheng family that Gao Zhuang noticed was one of them.

When the little brother and sister came, they cried out that they were hungry, and they were hungry every day. He just thought of it as a child who gets hungry easily and didn't think much about it. This is the second.

There is also Mrs. Zheng, who sent him to meet the Taoist priest Kaiyang. And according to what the Taoist priest Kaiyang said, when Mrs. Zheng was young, she was obsessed with the suaveness of Taoist priest Kaiyang. She didn't know that he was a monkey monster, and thought that he was a master of Taoism.

And if Zheng Chong was really scared to death by Mrs. Zheng's concubine, how could she let Chen Guhong find a master of Taoism to expose her old background

With such a calculation, even Mrs. Zheng also suspected the cause of her son's death.

Funny how he didn't think of that. I just thought that since Zheng Chong was killed by Mrs. Zheng, I didn't plan to get into the details.

Ridiculous, ridiculous.

If only I had realized all this sooner. Then Mrs. Zheng will be fine. And now that the main house has collapsed, Mrs. Zheng may not be spared. The entire Zheng family is actually dead.

Chen Guhong was bitter, feeling sorry for Zheng Chong who had entered the underworld.

"It's me who is incompetent!"

Chen Guhong sighed, the corners of his eyes were slightly wet, and he was on the verge of tears.

"Puff puff!"

At this moment, a white fox came towards the wind. Lying obediently and gracefully on Chen Guhong's chest, he stretched out his small tongue to lick the corners of Chen Guhong's eyes, his watery fox eyes seemed to say, don't cry.

The green snake also came to Chen Guhong's side, and circled around without making any noise.

The two demons were sober from beginning to end, watching and listening to the situation, they knew the cause and effect, and they were actually very sad in their hearts. But what if things have come to this

Feeling the warm body temperature and gentle comfort of the white fox, Chen Guhong's cold heart also slightly warmed up. He stretched out his hand and gently hugged the white fox. I thought with relief in my heart.

"Zheng Chong is the only descendant, but the white fox and the green snake were born from Zheng Chong's pen, which can be regarded as another kind of continuation. I will definitely take good care of them."

The relieved mood gave him some strength. He struggled to get up from the ground. The white fox jumped up and stood obediently at Chen Guhong's feet.

Chen Guhong raised his head and looked around, and saw that the Zheng family's old house was in disarray. Even the guest room guarded by the two demons was crumbling.

If Wang Song, Yuanyuan and others were not drowned by Yin Qi, but died in the collapse, it would be wronged. Thinking about it, Chen Guhong mustered up some strength, and moved out Wang Song, Yuanyuan, and Wang Song's maid one by one from the guest room.

The rest of the house slaves are in the inn in the town.

Facts proved that Chen Guhong's worries were not unfounded. Not long after, with a bang, the Zheng family's old house completely collapsed and became a broken wall.

Chen Guhong breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, doubts arose.

Just now he fought the two ghosts, and now the house is collapsing, and there is a loud noise, which can be heard far and near. But no one came to check, what is going on

At this moment, Gao Zhuang in his mind was silent for a while, and said: "My lord, within a radius of ten miles, I can't feel the breath of strangers except for you."

"What did you say?!"

Chen Guhong was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

A radius of ten miles? Thousands of lives, did they all die because of this ghost energy

That's too scary, it's not a number, it's a living life. Chen Guhong recalled the scenes since he came to Ju Town, the jealous townspeople, the Sun family of the gentry family.

There are also those lively people, the laughter of children like silver bells. Thinking of this, Chen Guhong felt cold, very cold, what kind of world is this

It was just a pair of ghosts causing trouble, but thousands of people were buried with them.

This world, this world.

Immediately, Chen Guhong frantically searched around, checking from house to house, but what made him cold was that what he saw were indeed those corpses.

Beautiful and glamorous women, handsome and suave men, petite and lovely children, and white-haired old men all seemed to have died in an instant, without any pain on their faces.

Not only people, but even the chickens, dogs, cattle, sheep, and insects were killed, and the quiet needle drop could be heard all around.

In the center of Orange Town, Chen Guhong fell heavily to the ground, staring blankly at the sky. Feeling very cold, icy cold. If he hadn't been full of pride, he might have ended up like this.

The life of a mortal is so fragile, so fragile.

Just at this moment, a crying voice sounded. "Master!" It was Tie Zhu's voice, Chen Guhong's heart beat suddenly, he sat up suddenly, and looked at Tie Zhu in disbelief.

This servant he had just selected recently was a tall, strong, simple and honest farmer. At this moment, he was rushing towards him with snot and tears.

"Sanggong, Xianggong, Lao Yang is dead, and Lao Zheng is also dead. All the people in the inn are dead, and the people around are also dead. The chickens and ducks have no sound. It's terrible, it's terrible. I thought I am the only one in this world, it is great to see you, Mr. Xiang, great."

Even if the Wu family was ruined and he was betrayed, this farmer never cried, but now he cried fiercely, he was really scared. After rushing towards Chen Guhong, he hugged Chen Guhong and cried loudly. The names of the people he spoke of were several of Wang Song's domestic slaves.

Chen Guhong didn't look down on him at all, because he wasn't much better either. Holding this living person, Chen Guhong felt relieved and warmed a lot.

"It's okay, it's okay. When the sun rises tomorrow, everything will be over." Chen Guhong hugged the strong man, patted him on the back, and comforted him.

"Wow wow!" Tie Zhu was still crying, his face was pale and his lips were blue.