Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 103: Iron Pillar Mystery


It is not a lie to say that time heals everything. Even though Chen Guhong and Zheng Chong were even close friends, he still felt that the Zheng family was lost and their friends were miserable.

But the dead are gone, and those who survived must continue to live.

Because this is life, there are laughter and joy, and there are sorrows and tears. It doesn't matter if you fall down, just pack up and move on.

Contacting with sister and brother-in-law, joking with Yuanyuan, Chen Guhong's mood improved. After recovering, Chen Guhong remembered a strange thing and wanted to solve it.

Thanks to Brother Kun, the owner of the casino at the time, Chen Guhong had thousands of acres of fertile land outside the city. This fertile land is currently being taken care of by brother-in-law Wang Zheng, but the actual farmer is the Chen family's slave.

Among these people is Tie Zhu's family, he has parents and three younger siblings, he is the eldest son in the family. His parents are old, and his siblings are still young. Because they are the slaves of the Chen family, farming is inevitable. And without him as a good farmer in their family, the labor force is a little nervous.

Because Chen Guhong basically didn't go out during this period of time, his personal attendant had nothing to do, so he asked Chen Guhong for a leave of absence and came to the house to help his parents with work.

Tie Zhu's parents are both authentic peasants. Tie's father is only forty years old, but he looks to be sixty years old, with gray hair, a big smoker, and often holds a pipe in his mouth.

Iron Mother is similar, with silver hair full of traces of the vicissitudes of time.

Tie Zhu was so busy that day that he didn't come back until very late, while his parents and younger siblings came back first. When he got home, he had delicious rice to eat. Tie Zhu was well-behaved and loyal. When he came to the dining table, he said his parents first, and then sat down to eat.

After dinner, Tie Zhu planned to take a bath and go to sleep. But he was called to him by his father, and father Tie felt the smoke from hitting the bar. He swallowed the clouds for a while, and then asked, "Tie Zhu. You are working with Mr. Xianggong, but you are at home all day long. Why don't you pay attention?" Isn't it a little too lazy to not go on the saddle?"

"Msanggong said he called me if he had something to do, and he can play by himself." Tie Zhu said honestly.

"This gentleman is kind and gentle, and he is much better than the elders of the Wu family. After the Wu family was ruined, we are lucky to be able to follow him." Father Tie nodded with emotion, and then said: "But because of this, we can't let us down." Besides, you are working by your side, and the money you get from him is generous. When you have saved enough money, it will be a matter of course for you to have a wife, so you should stop farming at home and go back to give it to me. It's fair to go on a business trip."

"That's right, don't lose this job that has a lot of money and is decent." At this time, Tie Mu also interjected beside her.

This leisure is one thing, decency is another. In the eyes of the house slaves, being able to support the head of the family is definitely a decent and glorious thing. Especially since the Chen family has just gotten rich, Chen Guhong can be said to be the founder of the mountain.

If he hit the nail on the head and became the chief servant of the Chen family, even the descendants would follow suit. iron father. Mother Tie herself was a domestic slave since she was a child, and her ambitions were small, so she felt that keeping this job was the best thing to do.

Tie Zhu himself has no foresight, and besides, he also thinks that his husband has a really good temper. He doesn't beat him or scold him, but he is also willing to follow the husband.

So Tie Zhu also took care of it. He nodded and said, "Father and mother, I understand. Tomorrow, I will go to my husband's side as an errand."

Seeing that the son listened to it, Father Tie and Mother Tie laughed too, and sent the son to sleep. Only after a good night's sleep can we rest on our backs. Early the next morning, Tie Zhu carried the package and went back to the Chen family mansion in Chengyang County.

Before Tie Zhu entered the door, he saw a familiar servant of the Chen family walking towards him from a distance, his eyes lit up when he saw him, and he said with a smile: "It's because I have a good understanding, so my husband sent me away." I went to look for you, but you came by yourself."

"My husband is looking for me?" Tie Zhu asked in surprise.

"You are the chief follower by Xianggong's side, a big celebrity, what's so strange about Xianggong looking for you?" The servant laughed.

"Help me carry the package to my room, and I'll go see my husband right away." Tie Zhu said with a simple smile, patted his head and handed the package to the slave.

"Okay." The house slave responded, and Tie Zhu went to see Chen Guhong empty-handed.

When he came to the backyard, Tie Zhu saw Chen Guhong sitting cross-legged against a big pine tree from a distance, with a piece of cloth under his buttocks, his head slightly lowered, his right hand touching his chin, with a pensive look on his face.

Tie Zhu stepped forward and bowed, "My husband is looking for me?"

"It's just in time." Chen Guhong was stunned for a moment, then said happily, and then looked up and down Tie Zhu, Tie Zhu was a little scalp numb, so he lowered his head, thinking nervously.

"Why is Xianggong looking at me like that?" He wondered if he had done something wrong during this period of time.

Of course Tie Zhu did nothing wrong, it was just that Chen Guhong was curious. This so-called aggression happened on Tie Zhu. At that time, thousands of people in Ju Town were killed by the ghostly aura, including Chen Guhong's coachman and some of Wang Song's house slaves.

Only a handful of them survived.

Needless to say, he is still alive, Wang Song and Yuanyuan are blessed by the two demons. But this Tie Zhu also survived, and he was still alive and kicking, his complexion was better than Wang Song and Yuan Yuan.

There is a monster in this abnormality, so it goes without saying that Tie Zhu is extremely talented. But Chen Guhong didn't know where the talent was.

Tie Zhu is strong, like a cow, Chen Guhong knows it, but the problem is that even the cows in Ju Town are dead, let alone something that looks like a cow.

This extraordinary talent should have nothing to do with his body, could it be his soul

Chen Guhong's brain was born with primordial spirit, mysterious and intelligent, and his heroic level is rare in the world. At the beginning, Shui Ping once said that the heroic spirit is the strength of the heart.

But Chen Guhong also gradually realized that maybe this arrogance is indeed as strong as the heart, but it may still have something to do with the soul.

Since the talent of this iron pillar is not based on the body, it is related to the soul. After Chen Guhong looked Tie Zhu up and down for a moment, he fixed his eyes on Tie Zhu's brow.

The purple mansion hidden between the eyebrows is where the Taoist tomb is located, the foundation of everything.

"You might as well try to see if you can arouse his arrogance." After Chen Guhong looked at it for a while, he made up his mind, imitating how he used to be mediocre in the past, with arrogance permeating his palm, he patted Tie Zhu's forehead.

Tie Zhu really didn't understand what his husband was trying to do, but seeing the soft palm, which seemed to have no power, he obediently bowed his head and took it.

But this palm is a new world for him.


In Tie Zhu's mind, the Purple Mansion made a sound, rolling like a dragon, and the purple air filled the air.