Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 118: Very polite


But after Quan Feixia was able to die peacefully in the water, she still had such a big reputation in the Shui family. Naturally, she is not a narrow-minded woman. Although she is not that interested in the identity of the other party's scholar, she is a guest from afar, and she is also a guest under such circumstances, let alone.

Thinking of this, Quan Feixia waved her hand and said, "Please enter the hall."

"Yes." The swordsman replied and went down. Then Quan Feixia ordered the maid to make tea.

Outside the door, Chen Guhong was still standing. He was a laid-back person, with a gentle personality and neither arrogance nor rashness. Even though he was waiting outside the door, he was not irritable or angry.

Moreover, the outside of Shuiping's gate was not cold, and there were many swordsmen walking outside the gate with swords. The flavor of the rivers and lakes coming to the face is very vivid, making Chen Guhong look at it with great relish.

Seeing Chen Guhong so calm and relaxed, Yuanyuan and Tie Zhu were also very honest, and they were happy to see so many swordsmen walking around.

It didn't take long for the swordsman to turn back and invite a group of people to go in. Chen Guhong happily walked in. After the entrance, Yuanyuan and Tie Zhu were arranged as entourages. They had to follow the swordsman Chen Guhong into the hall and saw Quan Feixia.

"Chen Guhong in Chengyang County has met my sister-in-law!" Chen Guhong glanced at Quan Feiblin slightly, bowed and saluted.

He didn't have to be twitchy, but he had a gentle and elegant air. Seeing this, Quan Feixia couldn't help secretly applauding, "What a scholarly temperament."

"You're welcome." Quan Feixia clenched her fist with her left hand, put her right hand on the fist, and returned the salute cheerfully with the etiquette of the Jianghu people. At this time, a maid came to serve tea, Quan Feixia smiled and said: "This is a unique camellia in Dongyang County, brother, try it."

"It's disrespectful." Chen Guhong smiled and took a sip of the tea. The taste is both sweet and fragrant, different from ordinary tea which is first bitter and then sweet. Chen Guhong was slightly surprised, and immediately praised: "Good tea."

Quan Feixia smiled slightly, and then asked curiously: "My husband has a strong martial spirit by nature. He makes friends with high-ranking gangsters, and some traffickers, but I don't know why I met my big brother?"

When Chen Guhong heard the words, he told about how he met Zhu Fei and Shui Ping on the bank of the Hong River that day.

"The Song of Peach Blossom Temple is really a good song. I don't think it was written by you, big brother." Quan Feixia praised after hearing the words, Chen Guhong's talent has already become famous all over the world. But in Jianghu, his Peach Blossom Nunnery song is quite famous.

"It's just a wild work, my sister-in-law praised it." Chen Guhong said modestly.

"It's a good thing to be wild." Quan Feixia laughed.

The two chatted like this, Quan Feixia was very refreshed, and her words were very polite. Just treat Chen Guhong as a guest from afar. Not at all dismissive.

After talking for a while, Chen Guhong thought about the Kunwu sword, he brought the Kunwu sword with him, wrapped it in a cloth cover and put it on the coffee table.

Chen Guhong picked up the Kunwu Sword when he thought about it, and raised his hands to speak.

However, Quan Feixia had noticed this thing a long time ago. Judging from the shape, she guessed that it was a sword, and it was just a gift. Not to mention that Chen Guhong was a guest who came at this moment of life and death, he was a guest who came in normal times. She won't take gifts either.

Quan Feixia didn't wait for Chen Guhong to open his mouth, and said first: "Big brother is already a big brother who can come, and I will never accept this gift."

Chen Guhong knew it was a misunderstanding when he heard the words, so he wanted to tell the truth. Seeing Chen Guhong, Quan Feixia spoke again. He only said that he was being polite, with a slightly reproachful expression on his face, and said: "If the eldest brother speaks again, he will look down on me, sister-in-law."

"How could this happen?" Chen Guhong didn't expect it at all. Returning the Kunwu sword, unexpectedly encountered such a bridge. I can't help complaining in my heart.

"This is something from your family, not a gift. You are welcome."

However, he saw that Quan Feixia's face was slightly serious. Very solemn. So he could only nah-na put the Kunwu sword he had picked up on the coffee table.

"This is my husband's friend, brother." Seeing Chen Guhong put down the gift, Quan Feixia smiled. At this time, a swordsman came in and invited Quan Feixia to discuss things.

Quan Feixia showed an apologetic expression, and said: "I should have called my daughter to visit my eldest brother, but the situation is very urgent now, and I really cannot do without me. It will only be next time."

After a pause, Quan Feixia said again: "Brother Yi Bo Yuntian is here, so I will not persuade you to go back. I will stay here with peace of mind. As long as my sister-in-law is alive, I will not allow others to hurt you." Big brother, you are a hair of a hair."

"Yes, although she was very polite to me, but she missed the point. She only thought of me as a weak scholar with a sense of loyalty, who came to live and die with the Shui family at this critical moment, not to help. "

When Chen Guhong heard this, he knew it clearly.

But Chen Guhong wasn't angry at all, she didn't do it on purpose, who made me look like a scholar inside and out. It's just that this sister-in-law is very strong and says what she says.

Since you regard me as a frail scholar, it is difficult to ask for help.

That's not right with the script I thought.

I originally wanted to ask this sister-in-law to find the leaders of the Shui family's enemy forces, and then show a tyrannical heroism to deter the enemies.

Then he met the niece and returned the sword to Kunwu. If you stay for a few more days, it's all a trip.

but now.

Chen Guhong didn't know what to do for a while, he didn't know how to speak.

Quan Feixia is a strong and forthright person, Chen Guhong was embarrassed and didn't speak up for a while, but it doesn't make any sense for her to treat Chen Guhong. So he called a house slave and led Chen Guhong to the guest room to rest.

Chen Guhong's eyes and ears are sharp, and he also heard her tell the slave in private, "The guest is loyal, we can't be stingy. The usual food and beverage supply is the same as mine."

"Yes! I jumped into the Yellow River and I can't clean it up. I just came to help." Chen Guhong could only smile wryly. Soon after, Chen Guhong was arranged to live in the guest room by the slave.

The rooms are nice, and the futons are very expensive.

The servant who led the way bowed and saluted before leaving, and said: "The young one is working in the front yard, if the guests need anything, just look for the young one."

Chen Guhong thought about it, he was afraid that Yuanyuan and Tie Zhu would be placed in another room, and then he saw that the house was quite big. Then he said, "Bring my maidservant and attendants here."


The house slave responded and went down.

Not long after, Yuanyuan and Tie Zhu arrived. When asked, the two were indeed arranged to live in the place where the servants lived, and they were very happy to be able to live with Chen Guhong.

Immediately, Yuanyuan went to make the bed and fold the quilt, she only regarded herself as Chen Guhong's person, and she was not timid inside and out. At night, they slept together with Chen Guhong, while Tie Zhu was arranged in the outside room.

Soon after, the room was tidied up. Chen Guhong is a person who can adapt, so he feels that it is similar to his family. The question is, how can I open my mouth to mention Kunwu Sword, and what else can I do to help

Chen Guhong sat on the bed and meditated.