Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 139: Five scholars on the road


Going north to Hangshan Mansion is actually not far away, only about a thousand miles away. Compared with going far away from Jiangzuo to Shuijia in Dongyang County, it is a trivial matter.

However, there is a section of the left side of the river that is by water, while the road to Hangshan Mansion is all land. There are also many mountain roads, but the bumps along the way make people's butt hurt from sitting.

Chen Guhong's body was tempered with qi, not only was his strength astonishingly great, but his whole body was also rough and thick, even the tip of a needle couldn't penetrate it. Shui Jianhan Jianghu's sons and daughters are also okay, but Yuanyuan's face is wrinkled into a ball, and she keeps rubbing her peach-like buttocks.

The day is sunny.

They walked on the mountain path, surrounded by big trees sprouting buds, green grass growing in the mountains, full of spring. Yuanyuan couldn't sit still anymore, so she begged Chen Guhong, "My lord, I'm really sore, please go down and walk."

Chen Guhong felt sorry for this little maid, so he smiled and said: "Okay, let's go down and do some activities."

"Sister Yuanyuan, you are too delicate." Shui Jianhan teased that she and Yuanyuan were very familiar with each other during these days.

Yuanyuan rolled her eyes when she heard the words, pouted and said, "My butt is tender, what's wrong?"

Chen Guhong almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "This girl is too out of shape."

Shui Jianhan's face was also a little red, he looked at his uncle, then at Tie Zhu, but didn't say anything. Although she is still young, she is a little ignorant about the relationship between men and women.

Yuanyuan didn't feel that what she said was inappropriate, anyway, she considered herself a son. After resting and doing activities in the mountains for a while, Chen Guhong ordered to continue on his way.

However, the situation changed that day, and it began to rain heavily in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, boom!"

The sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, as if the dragon was rolling, the bean-sized rain poured down, it hurt people's faces.

Chen Guhong looked at the sky strangely, "It's spring, not summer. How could there be such a heavy thunderstorm?"

"Hurry up and find a place that can shelter from the rain." Chen Guhong urged Tie Zhu.

"Hey." Tie Zhu responded, raised his whip, and slapped the horse's buttocks, causing the horse to hurt and run faster.

But after walking for a while, it is difficult to find shelter from the rain in this barren mountain. The carriage was not protected from the wind and rain, so Chen Guhong and the others in the carriage were also drenched.

Frozen, round, Shui Jianhan's small body. Just a little shivering. Chen Guhong frowned, feeling a little pained. But time changed, and a group of people came to a dilapidated building complex not long after.

This seems to be the remains of an ancient fortress pass, with collapsed city walls on the outside, a dilapidated mansion on the inside, and open spaces around it.

The mansion should be the Guanling mansion, and the open space should be the place to camp.

"Although I was born in Hangshan Mansion, I seldom go out. I didn't know there was an ancient pass here." Chen Guhong looked around. I didn't think about anything, now I can find a place to shelter from the rain is Amitabha.

Soon after, the carriage drove into the dilapidated pass and entered the Guanling Mansion. The Guanling Mansion was dilapidated, with only one house able to provide shelter from the rain.

Chen Guhong led the crowd to this room. Order Tiezhu to light a fire. Let Yuanyuan and Shui Jianhan take off their coats and change into clean clothes.

He and Tie Zhu had the arrogance to quench their bodies, but they were neither cold nor cold.

The four of them had just settled down when they heard the sound of wheels rolling. Immediately afterwards. Then there was a young man's voice.

"Master here, can you take shelter from the rain together?"

Listen to the tone, or a scholar.

Chen Guhong is not a stingy person. Besides, in Borderlands, anyone can come. He opened his mouth and said: "You just come in, you don't have to be polite."

"Thank you."

Hearing a thank you from the scholar outside the door, he walked in. Not one person, but a group of people. Chen Guhong took a look, there were three scholars among them, a group of house slaves and servants.

The three scholars were very young, their clothes were made of ordinary materials, they wore sachets around their waists, and they wore jade pendants, and they were dressed in a very dignified manner.

One of them was holding a folding fan and seemed to be the head of the three.

One person has a square face and looks a bit weird.

A man of delicate appearance, with a pale complexion and sloppy footsteps, seems to be overly drunk.

When the leader saw Chen Guhong, his eyes lit up and he said: "I see you are dressed up, but are you going to go to school?"

"Exactly." Chen Guhong nodded with a smile and guessed that they were too.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence, we are too." The scholar laughed. Then they got to know each other, the scholar's name was Wu Guangyao, the square-faced one was Xue Che, and the delicate and drunken one was Wang Renmei.

All three of them were from gentry families, and they were friends from the same county.

Soon they also learned of Chen Guhong's name, but the faces of the three were a little weird. That Wang Renmei was quite friendly at first, but after hearing this, her face turned cold and she let out a cold snort.


The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Chen Guhong was a little strange, I had never met him before, why did he put on such a dirty face for me? Is this person naturally arrogant, squinting at people

Embarrassed for a moment, Wu Guangyao bowed to Chen Guhong with a wry smile, and explained, "Don't blame my brother Guhong, Renmei has some relationship with the Liang family in Xuanzhou, and you, my brother."

The next words were not spoken, but Chen Guhong understood.

But it turned out that I met Liang Sheng's relatives who were hostile to me.

Although this Wang Renmei's attitude towards Chen Guhong is not very good, but Chen Guhong is not a fool who wants to kill his whole family just by looking at you.

Fortunately, Wu Guangyao and Xue Che had a good temper, and their conversation was smooth. They were considered normal people, and it was no problem to communicate with them. So the atmosphere is not too awkward.

Coincidentally, it rained suddenly, and many people took shelter from the rain. While the three were talking, another voice sounded.

"It's really windy and windy outside, can the master take in one or two here?" The voice is a little delicate, but it is still neutral, and the tone seems to be a scholar, and according to the itinerary, he is probably a student.

"What a coincidence." Chen Guhong and the three looked at each other, and then Chen Guhong said: "Just come in."

The words fell, and the footsteps sounded. Two people came in from the outside, a son and a maid. That young master was so suave and romantic, with a great bearing.

The four people were a little dazzled when they saw it, even Chen Guhong had to say, "What a handsome young man."

The young man seemed unaware that there were so many people in the room, so he was taken aback. But soon he corrected his posture, bowed his hands to the four of Chen Guhong and said, "I am a student from Fan County, surnamed Zhuo and named Boya. May I ask who you are?"

"Guess right." Chen Guhong and the three looked at each other again, and then the four of them introduced themselves.