Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 14: Compete against each other


"Wang Song stole Liang Sheng's jade pendant?" Wu Xiude couldn't help but ask after hearing the situation on the way.

"I don't know." Hao Nu shook his head and said, he didn't dare to make a statement.

In Wu Xiude's heart, he believed that Wang Song had stolen it, so how could Liang Sheng, a talented scholar from Xuanzhou, lie? Thinking of this, Wu Xiude was furious.

Leaving aside that Liang Sheng was specially invited by the old man, let's say that the Liang family behind Liang Sheng is a huge force in the court today.

The old man has also heard of the jade pendant in his house, but it is hard to find.

If you don't let him make the decision, I'm afraid that the old man's Wu family will also suffer resentment.

After thinking about it, Wu Xiude quickened his pace.

The group soon arrived at the place where scholars gathered, which was outside Liang Sheng's guest room.

"Great master."

"Magistrate Chen."

"Mr. Wu."

The scholars were all from the neighborhood, and many of them recognized the three, so they saluted one after another, and staggered their bodies to form a road. Ruan Yu, Chen Yuan, and Wu Xiude nodded to the scholars around and walked in.

"Nephew." After entering the crowd, Wu Xiude called out to Liang Sheng.

"Uncle Wu." Liang Sheng raised his mouth slightly, forming a small arc, and saluted. Then he bowed to Ruan Yu and Chen Yuan, "I have seen the Great Master, County Magistrate Chen."

"Nephew." County Magistrate Chen said with a smile.

"Xian nephew." Ruan Yu said with a slight smile.

"It's bad, it's bad. One of these two sons is called Xian nephew and the other is called Xian nephew and grand nephew. No wonder they said they are going to report to the official. This official is opened by his family."

Wang Song was stunned, his body stiffened, and his heart felt cold.

"There is a lot of turmoil in the officialdom, but I didn't expect that the Liang family was far away in Xuanzhou, but they also knew Chengyang county magistrate, Master Ruan." Zheng Chong frowned, feeling that there was more danger than good luck.

Only Chen Guhong was extremely calm.

Wu Zhengchun was the one who acted first. Seeing that the situation was not right, he stepped forward and said, "I have seen Uncle Wu, County Magistrate Chen, and Uncle Ruan."

"So it's Wu's nephew." Ruan Yu's eyes lit up, and he said happily.

"Nephew Wu?" County magistrate Chen asked in surprise, not knowing Wu Zhengchun.

"His grandfather is Wu Ming, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, who became an official last year, and he is from the same family as me." Ruan Yu stroked his white beard under his chin, showing a friendly expression.

"It turned out to be the Wu family of Datong." County magistrate Chen was surprised, then looked Wu Zhengchun up and down, and said with a smile: "It really is a romantic family with a handsome appearance."

"Magistrate Chen is absurd." Wu Zhengchun said modestly.

"Is nephew Wu Xian related to this matter?" At this time, Wu Xiude asked.

"Reporting to Uncle, this brother Wang Xian and I are friends." Wu Zhengchun stepped on his right foot, bowed and bowed, and said very seriously.

"Friend?" Wu Xiude frowned. He thought he was just a child, and he could get it done in three or two strokes. But the matter involved Wu Zhengchun.

"Wow, my life is saved for the time being." Wang Songzheng cheered in his heart when he saw this in despair.

"Hmph." Seeing Wu Zhengchun's actions, Liang Sheng knew Wu Zhengchun's protection. Today has already happened twice or twice, and I suddenly felt displeased, and I snorted coldly in my heart. Taking a step forward, he bowed to Chen Yuan and said, "Report to the county magistrate, I have lost the jade pendant, and the suspect is in front of me, please ask the magistrate to make the decision for me, strip his clothes and find the jade pendant."

Chen Yuan frowned slightly, and said, "Of course it's nothing to deal with suspects, but here we are all scholars."

"This is just a child, without fame, he can't be considered a scholar." Liang Sheng said.

"Damn, despise me again." Wang Song's face was flushed and hot, his hands were clenched tightly, and his eyes were spitting fire.

"This." County magistrate Chen hesitated.

Wu Xiude weighed it in his mind, should he help Liang Sheng, or worry about Wu Zhengchun. After pondering for a moment, he also said: "It's just a child born, and there is suspicion of Liang Shangjun. You should strip your clothes and check."


Chen Yuan hesitated, and turned to look at Ruan Yu. All of them were scholars, and the grand master was more qualified than him to be an academic officer.

"Uncle, my friend is definitely not that villain on the beam." Wu Zhengchun said repeatedly.

Ruan Yu also felt that Liang Sheng was overbearing, but if Chun helped Wu Zhengchun, it would be suspected of favoritism, and he cherished Yu Yu very much.

At this moment, Chen Guhong took a step forward, saluted Chen Yuan and said, "My lord, the jade pendant has disappeared. Although Wang Song is suspected, it should be searched. But it may not be because Mr. Liang is lost or lost." You might as well search Mr. Liang's bedroom or the villa now, and search Wang Song later, it won't be too late to strip him."

"Yeah, if I haven't found the jade pendant at that time, I'll take off my clothes to prove my innocence." Wang Song's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly.

Liang Sheng sneered and said, "Lost, lost? Are you saying that I lost the jade pendant by myself, but I must wrong him?"

Liang Qi was aggressive, his eyes were as sharp as a sword.

"It wasn't intentional, but maybe it was unintentional?" Chen Guhong frowned slightly.

"Impossible. Even when I take a bath, I will put the jade pendant away carefully. How could it be lost?" Liang Sheng shook his head and said decisively.

"One hundred secrets and one sparse." Chen Guhong said with his head held high without backing down.

"It's impossible to be careless." Liang Sheng confronted each other.

"Who are you?" Wu Xiude asked, of course he helped Liang Sheng, and Chen Guhong was a little-known person, and he was a master, so it's okay to be condescending.

"Reporting to Wu Xiaolian, I am a Tongsheng of this county, Chen Guhong and Wang Song are friends." Chen Guhong said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Tongsheng again? You're not at home studying hard, but why come here to join in the fun?" Wu Xiude frowned and said bluntly.

Even Chen Yuan and Ruan Yu frowned slightly, thinking that Wu Xiude was right to drink.

"Reporting to Wu Xiaolian, students think that the way to read is to relax. Studying hard for ten days may not necessarily bring you a spring of thinking in one day. The county exam is coming soon. Come to the poetry meeting and make friends through literature. It doesn't hurt. .”

Facing Juren Xiaolian, Chen Guhong is not weak, neither humble nor overbearing.

The scholars around were sweating for Chen Guhong, it was nothing more than a simple raise. This is the Wu family with a big family and a big business. If you stretch out your fingers, you can be crushed to death.

You are still contradicting.

Zheng Chong and Wang Song also opened their mouths wide, especially Wang Song, who was tearful, good brothers, showing loyalty.

A bit of admiration surged in Wu Zhengchun's heart, and he thought, "The four friends of Suihan have their own characteristics, but this virtuous brother is brave and courageous."

"Hmph." Seeing Chen Guhong contradicting him again and again, Wu Xiude felt even more disgusted, and let out a cold snort, his expression suddenly turned cold.

Chen Yuan and Ruan Yu also felt that Chen Guhong was a bit arrogant, "If your theory is so good, how come you are in your twenties and haven't passed the exam for that scholar? After all, aren't you a person with high eyesight and low abilities?"

However, the two of them did not favor Liang Sheng, and Wang Song could be regarded as a scholar no matter what. After pondering for a while, Ruan Yu said to Chen Yuan: "Magistrate Chen, ordered to search Liang Sheng's room first, and then talk about the villa."

"it is good."

Chen Yuan nodded and sent someone to search the guest room.

"Hmph, how could I be lost in the guest room?" Liang Sheng looked at him coldly, feeling very calm in his heart.

"Bless God, I must find it." Wang Song, Zheng Chong, Wu Zhengchun and others prayed in their hearts.

Only Chen Guhong remained calm.