Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 142: The arrogant scholar committed suicide


Chen Guhong thinks he is not a good person, this is really modest. You must know that his sense of justice is definitely above the level, but because he is forced to do bad things, he thinks he is not a good person.

All in all, the group of people in front of him would save him if they could, and they still tried their best. But the problem is that these people have to cooperate, if they don't listen to him, and go too far and get caught by some kind of ghost, Chen Guhong will not take the risk to save them.

In order not to fall into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain and harm the people around him.

To be a person is to implement one's own principles. Chen Guhong has a scale in his heart, and he uses this scale to judge his actions. So he did what he said.

As Chen Guhong's personal attendant, Tie Zhu has seen how Chen Guhong behaves, and he respects Chen Guhong very much. After Chen Guhong said that, Tie Zhu also believed in Chen Guhong. Therefore, Wang Renmei's words were very harsh and made him very uncomfortable.

"What did you say?" Tie Zhu's eyes widened, holding an iron rod like an angry bull. Even the pride in his body was about to move, and he wanted to kill Wang Renmei.

Wang Renmei was startled at first, and then looked at the house slaves who came with her, there were six of them. Moreover, Wu Guangyao and Xue Che are his friends, plus their domestic slaves, there are more than a dozen people.

And Tie Zhu has only one person, although he is taller and stronger, he is easy to bully. Then he smiled recklessly and said, "You still want to do something? My lord, I can stretch out my fingers casually, and I can crush you to death."

"Hey, Chen Guhong, you have to control your dog and don't bark, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Wang Renmei turned her head and yelled at Chen Guhong again.

"You bastard, you're a beast in clothes!" Tie Zhu's lungs were about to explode when he heard that, the light in his eyes was piercing, and the bright yellow arrogance was about to burst out at the sight.

"Tie Zhu, he called you a dog, so you are a dog now? Don't be so unnecessary angry when you are away from home. Just leave him alone." Chen Guhong stretched out his hand to comfort Tie Zhu and said.

"You called me a beast in clothes?" Wang Renmei refused to let her go. His eyes widened with murderous intent. Seeing this, Wu Guangyao and Xue Che quickly comforted Wang Renmei.

"My dear brother, don't be angry with your slaves."

"not worth it."

Under the consolation of the two of them, Wang Renmei temporarily endured the anger in her heart. However, he still had a prejudice against Chen Guhong, and he shouted: "Bewitching words to confuse the public, coupled with sensationalists, sooner or later you will win or lose your reputation."

Then Wang Renmei rolled up the quilt and continued to sleep angrily. Everyone who is sensible is not like a bird, they see that Chen Guhong is still skeptical about the ghost qi.

But it is better to believe that there is something than not to believe that there is nothing.

Not everyone is like Wang Renmei, who has a talented relative who was stepped on by Chen Guhong. So he had a prejudice against Chen Guhong. Coupled with the inability to sleep, everyone chatted around the campfire again.

It was a bit cold at first, but everyone hugged to warm up by the fire, and it became a little warmer unconsciously. In this atmosphere, time passed quietly.

Chen Guhong's expression didn't change, but his heart became more serious. Because the ghost aura gathered outside has become more and more powerful, and it is infinitely close to the ghostly chaos that time.

This time when he went north, Chen Guhong also brought Dabai Xiaoqing, which he hid in his book case, and he quietly let the two demons unleash their demonic aura. Form a gas shield to protect everyone.

At this moment, Wang Renmei woke up, not naturally, but because of the desire to urinate. In addition to urination, there is also some spring feeling, just now he fell asleep with his arms around the maidservant's body. Not to mention how attractive that warm body is.

So at this moment, Wang Renmei's crotch is a pillar of support.

Unavoidably showing an ugly face, Wang Renmei hid in the quilt for a while, and after calming down the spring restlessness in her heart, she lifted the quilt and got up.

"Really cold."

Compared with the temperature inside the bedding. It was freezing cold outside, Wang Renmei couldn't help embracing her arms together and shivering.

Then Wang Renmei walked out. Wu Guangyao caught a glimpse and asked, "My dear brother, what are you doing?"

"Go to the toilet." Wang Renmei said unhappily.

"Don't go too far." Wu Guangyao reminded.

"Hey. Do you really believe what he said? You are so stupid." Wang Renmei said with a sneer. Wu Guangyao was a little angry when he heard that, but he was a friend from the same county after all, so he had to bear with it and said, "It's better to believe it, you are not bad if you are vigilant."

"I know, I know."

Wang Renmei was only targeting Chen Guhong, she said that Wu Guangyao was a little stupid, and then she regretted it. Hearing the words at this moment, he didn't say any more, and waved his hand.

"Oh, this man."

Wu Guangyao and Xue Che looked at Wang Renmei's back, and Qi Qi smiled wryly.

Chen Guhong glanced at it indifferently, without saying a word. At this moment, Wang Renmei who was outside the door began to unbutton her pants and prepare to relax. Although he didn't believe Chen Guhong's words, he subconsciously chose to solve the problem nearby.

But I still laughed at Chen Guhong in my heart, looked at the sky and said: "Isn't it just a little darker and colder? What kind of ghostly aura? And even if there is a ghostly aura, you, a scholar, think that you are a strange person with a sword. Seeing a ghost? It's ridiculous. I wouldn't believe it even to death."

Soon Wang Renmei finished her hand, and when she held the words, she felt a little unconsciously.

"The feeling just now hasn't passed yet." Wang Renmei thought to herself, she was impulsive but helpless, after all, she couldn't be here to have fun with her maid, right

At this moment, Wang Renmei felt that someone was peeping at the corner ahead, but when she saw it, the person disappeared. But the glimpse of that face was deeply imprinted in his mind.

He felt that he had never seen such a beautiful person in his life. The arrangement and appearance of the facial features were really hard to pick.

"Who is it?" Wang Renmei was startled at first, then lost her mind. Thinking: "Could it be that there is a deep boudoir who is sheltering from the rain here? It's just because there are so many people in the room, it's not easy to come in and hide?"

Wang Renmei didn't know that there was already a ghostly aura at the moment, affecting the minds of ordinary people. And he didn't believe in Chen Guhong's tricks, so the more he thought about it, the more he was right and he became distracted, so he threw his heart out.

"Death under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic, go and have a look first."

After thinking about it, Wang Renmei stepped forward and chased after the place where the figure disappeared. Unknowingly, he was already far away from the room where Chen Guhong was, chasing after him farther and farther, out of the closed door, and into the deep mountains.

And that figure appeared from time to time, looking back, it was really the most beautiful figure in the world. Hooking his soul away, he couldn't help calling out: "Miss, don't go, I'm not a bad person."

I didn't think the other party would answer, but saw that the other party stopped suddenly, looked at Wang Renmei sideways, and said, "Aren't you a bad guy, why are you chasing me?"

If you look closely, you can see that she is all in white, fluttering like a fairy. With a slender figure, graceful and graceful, with hair reaching to her waist, flowing in the wind, she is really more beautiful than a fairy.

Wang Renmei couldn't help being attracted, looked at it lewdly for a while, and then pretended to be a good person and said: "I see that you are alone, and I am afraid that you will have an accident, so I kindly invite you to rest in the room."

At this moment, he is polite and has the bearing of a scholar.