Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 145: The princess is suspicious


Wu Guangyao only said this word of thanks, as for who exactly is Chen Guhong, and what is that white beam of light on his body.

He wisely didn't say anything.

Not long after, Xue Che woke up. He screamed first, and then calmed down under Wu Guangyao's comfort. Knowing that it was Chen Guhong who protected them, he was also very grateful, bowing to express his gratitude.

The relationship between everyone has warmed up a lot.

"I don't know what happened to Renmei?" Not long after, Xue Che thought of Wang Renmei, showing a complicated look, both desperate and hopeful.

"I don't know, but we won't be able to find him tonight. Let's take a look tomorrow when the sun is strong at noon." Chen Guhong said.

Now they listen to Chen Guhong's suggestions, because the fate of those who don't listen is still uncertain. Therefore, everyone had no meaning, and couldn't fall asleep after such a big thing happened, so they sat around and waited for dawn.

At this moment, Zhang Han and Zhong Xiaoqiu turned into two dark winds, faster than the wind, they left the pass in an instant and came to a deep mountain.

"In the past ten generations, such a man of unrivaled arrogance may not have been born, but we have met him. I am glad that there was no big fight."

Zhong Xiaoqiu's face became gloomy, and he said with some fear.

"That's right. Even if we can win the war, we will have to pay a huge price for our comeback, and even lose our souls." Zhang Han also exhaled, with the shock still remaining on his face.

But after a while, Zhang Han showed a little smile on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhong Xiaoqiu asked strangely.

"Do you still remember that our princess ordered to find someone?" Zhang Han turned his head and smiled.

"I know, it is said that there will be a lot of rewards after finding it. But there are so many people, and it is inconvenient for us to go out, so I didn't take it to heart, let alone see the portrait of that person." Zhong Xiaoqiu nodded, and then realized , showing ecstasy and said: "Could it be him?"

"Let's go. Let's report to the princess. If we win the favor of the princess, then our status will rise greatly." Zhang Han laughed, and then turned into a cloudy wind, and rushed towards the deeper mountains and forests in the east.

There is the entrance to the world of stone tablets.

"Is it really him? That's a profit." Zhong Xiaoqiu was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. A figure appeared in her mind, that is a woman of peerless elegance and beauty.

Not to mention her beauty and power.

She is an extremely noble, extremely beautiful, and extremely terrifying woman.

"Quack quack!" Zhong Xiaoqiu was really refreshing. Quack smiled and turned into a dark wind and chased after him.

It was dawn soon, but Chen Guhong and others waited until the 10th of the midnight to get out of the pass and look for Wang Renmei. In fact, today is also a cloudy day, and there is no sun in the sky.

But I could indeed feel a yang energy, and everyone who experienced the strong ghost energy last night felt very warm and at ease. They searched everywhere, and finally found Wang Renmei's body in a deep mountain three miles away.

What Wang Renmei saw that night was a somewhat dilapidated, but still intact courtyard. What Chen Guhong and the others saw was a dilapidated yard overgrown with weeds. In front of the yard is not a vegetable field, but a tomb.

It looked extremely eerie.

And Wang Renmei's body was drained of essence and blood, not to mention her appearance. The two friends Wu Guangyao and Xue Che did not dare to recognize each other for a while, but after careful identification. Then wept bitterly.

Only at a certain time will you know whether a friend is a friend or not. Although Wang Renmei had bad conduct, but this Wu Guangyao and Xue Che showed their true feelings. Crying sadly.

The two of them personally collected Wang Renmei's body and loaded it into the carriage. They charged Chen Guhong and said they would send their friend back to their hometown. Can't travel together.

Chen Guhong naturally had a very bad impression of Wang Renmei, but seeing how affectionate and righteous the two are, he also had a good impression. He gave them a ride.

Of the fifth scholar in this pass, only the second scholar remained. Including their attendants and maidservants, there are only two carriages and six people.

Chen Guhong felt that Zhuo Jiezhao, who was disguised as a man, was too handsome, but of course that was all. Although he is not a god, he was born with a heart close to that of a fairy.

Appearance is just appearance, not judging by appearance. Naturally, there will be no feelings of jealousy. Therefore, she just has no impression of Zhuo Jiezhao.

Neither good nor bad.

However, Chen Guhong was a person who could even endure the chatter of Wan Zhenglong, and he was absolutely slick when he went out, and he couldn't fault anyone in his style of conversation and manner.

Therefore, getting along with Zhuo Jiezhao is very natural.

After getting along for a few days on the road, Chen Guhong felt that Zhuo Jiezhao had nothing wrong with him other than being a bit of a bookworm, and his three sentences were not far from moral articles, and his impression increased.

A few days later, the group arrived at the prefectural city of Hangshan Prefecture.

Chengyang County is just a county, and it is already too big. Not to mention this prefectural city, speaking of a bumpkin, Chen Guhong has never seen such a big city, such a prosperous city since he grew up.

Today seems to be a market, and when one enters the city, there will be a sea of people, a rush of mortal hustle and bustle.

Chen Guhong thought of his little niece and that greedy Yuanyuan. He spent a few copper coins and bought two candied haws for the two of them to eat, so he bought them off, happily.

Along the way, Zhuo Jiezhao learned the identities of the two people beside Chen Guhong, the daughters of friends, and the maidservants close to him. Zhuo Jiezhao found it very interesting watching Chen Guhong buy candied haws for them to eat.

Then he imitated Chen Guhong and bought a bunch for Xiaodie to eat, but Xiaodie refused to eat it, shaking his head and saying, "You have sour teeth."

"Then I'll eat it myself." Zhuo Jiezhao felt a little discouraged, looked at the rosy candied haws again, and opened his mouth to eat it by himself.

"It's delicious." She thought to herself.

Leaving aside Xianxin for the time being, the two rushed to that school soon after. Chen Guhong has a letter of recommendation from that county to study politics, is talented, has an amazing reputation in Liangzhou, and is number one in the county examination.

Then he entered the prefectural school smoothly, was assigned a status, called a board student, and arranged for accommodation. Zhuo Jiezhao's eldest brother, Zhuo Boya, had passed the examination for a scholar several years ago. Although there was a household registration plate to testify, the relevant officials did not doubt Zhuo Jiezhao's identity, but admission required an examination.

Even after entering school, he is also a second-class Zengguang student.

Zhuo Jiezhao had a good impression of Chen Guhong in the past, and when he talked about knowledge with Chen Guhong along the way, he felt even more enthralled. She also knew that this school needs accommodation, and two people live together.

I feel that if I live with Chen Guhong, he will find out my identity as a woman, but because I am a gentleman, there will be no troubles, and I will be a little worried if I change to someone else.

After thinking about it along the way, he lived with Chen Guhong. And now that Chen Guhong has been arranged for accommodation, she still has to take the exam, although she thinks she can pass, but if she delays, someone might snatch her place in Chen Guhong's room.

Thinking of living with others, Zhuo Jiezhao felt a little sad.