Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 16: Drum and sing


Ruizhuang is built on the mountain, very large. The guest rooms are already more luxurious than the master bedroom of ordinary people, let alone the master bedroom.

Ruan Yu, Chen Yuan and other officials were all arranged in more luxurious rooms by Wu Xiude.

After Wu Xiude had a drink with him and talked about literature and Taoism, he returned to his room. The huge bedroom is separated by a screen made of precious ebony, and the inside is where the master stays.

Outside is the meeting place.

Straw mats were spread on the floor, and three desks were placed in the shape of a character. The owner's seat was leaning against the screen, and the desks exuded a faint fragrance, which was a unique fragrant wood in the West.

There is an incense burner on the main table, which emits white smoke and lingers with fragrance. On both sides are bronze lamp holders, on which are placed ten oil lamps, illuminating the entire room.

Noble and elegant.

At this moment, Wu Xiude was kneeling on the ground, with his hands slightly on his knees, very elegant. Liang Sheng was sitting on the left side. He changed into a white Confucian shirt, the whole body was pure white, and the black jade pendant hung around his waist, making him look like a fairy in the sky.

"Nephew, don't worry, those people who embarrass nephew during the day, I have sent them down to demolish the house, let them suffer a little bit, so as to relieve the discomfort in nephew's heart."

Wu Xiude smiled very kindly.

"Those people are just clowns, uncle don't need to take it too seriously." Liang Sheng shook his head lightly and said, in fact, he was quite happy in his heart.

Thinking about Chen Guhong's aggressive posture during the day, he felt as if he had eaten honey.

"It's just that if you don't report it, the time has not yet come. You, a little boy, provoked me, so you will suffer retribution, right?"

"Naturally, you don't need to pay too much attention to these little boys. They're just to relieve your anger." Wu Xiude also laughed, and then he left the little boys behind and turned to serious matters, asking: "Xian Nephew, are you sure about this poetry meeting?"

"I am sure to win this poetry meeting." Talking about this matter, Liang Sheng was in high spirits, and his handsome face became more vivid and radiant. He laughed again: "Besides, this time, uncle, you revealed the theme of the poetry meeting to me in advance, and I will definitely beat the crowd."

"That's right, as long as your nephew can win the top prize at this poetry meeting, and you have Shi Miaomiao as your nephew's embellishment, the reputation of your nephew will go even further. It is no longer limited to talents in Xuanzhou, but He is a hero in the world. When the next imperial examination is held, he will definitely gain some favor from the chief examiner, so it is not impossible for him to be a high school Jinshi, or even a first-class Jinshi." Wu Xiude said with a smile on his face.

"No. 1 scholar, second place in the list, and Tanhua. These three are Jinshi and the first. I wait for tens of thousands of scholars, but I can only select three every three years. Although I am a little confident, my nephew is unlikely to get it."

Liang Sheng said modestly, but there was a bit of reserve on his handsome face, with a feeling that he was sure of winning.

"As long as the reputation is great, this Jinshi and the degree will definitely have a place for a good nephew." Wu Xiude laughed.

"Then thank you uncle for your kind words." Liang Sheng was still a little bit weak in self-cultivation, and couldn't help but say the same after being promoted.


Wu Xiude couldn't stop laughing. Really happy, Wu Xiude ordered the beautiful maidservant to serve wine and dishes, and drank with Liang Sheng.

The family is a luxurious mansion, served by beautiful maids, with delicious food and wine. The three of Chen Guhong were blowing cold wind and smelling the stench, they didn't even have a place to sit on the ground.

When I came to the firewood room, I couldn't believe it for a while. But soon Chen Guhong came to his senses, and shouted at the slave who brought them with fire in his eyes, "What does this mean?"

"Let us live in a firewood house?"

Wang Song and Zheng Chong couldn't help but clenched their fists, their faces flushed and they felt extremely humiliated.

"The guest room is really full, so I can only wrong three of you." The headed slave in black sneered and said unmoved.

"You bastard."

Wang Song cursed, rolled up his sleeves, and planned to do something. It was because he was so angry that he couldn't control anything.

"Hey." The black-clothed slave smiled, and at the same time, the other slaves also stood forward, forming a formation with the black-clothed slaves, trapping the three of them in the woodshed, and showing their displeasure. With good intentions.

Wang Song was startled when he saw it, and shrank his neck, a little timidly.

"Are you staying or not? If not, then go down the mountain." Seeing this, the slave in black became even more arrogant and laughed.

Zheng Chong and Wang Song's faces turned even redder.

Chen Guhong's face was also very ugly, but he quickly returned to normal. Zifu Gaozhuang said in his mind: "My lord, this man is too arrogant. I will go up on him and make him die ugly."

"This is the master's intention to humiliate us. Although the house slave is hateful, there is no joy in dealing with him." Chen Guhong said lightly.

"What does the lord mean?" Gao Zhuang was a little puzzled.

"Since they want to play with me, then I will play with them to the end. I will fight them in the way of a scholar. Isn't it just a poetry meeting? Let's see that I dominate and trample the so-called talents under my feet .”

Chen Guhong smiled coldly.

What he saw and heard today has already made him choked up. What Liang Sheng, what Wu Xiude, they all want them to look good.

"But my lord, although you seem to be good at writing articles, you don't seem to be very good at poetry and poetry." Gao Zhuang was taken aback and said tactfully.

"What do you know, I have countless poems in my mind." Chen Guhong said proudly. He has a primordial spirit in his brain, his past life memories are clearly visible, and he doesn't know how many poems he has in his mind.

The unrestrained Li Bai and the changeable Su Shi.

Huaxia has been romantic through the ages, and he doesn't believe that he can't beat a little Liang Sheng.

After thinking about it in his heart, Chen Guhong calmly said to the black-clothed slave: "We live here, you guys go now."

"You're smart." Thinking that Chen Guhong was subdued, the black-clothed slaves showed disdain, smiled contemptuously, and led several slaves to leave together.

"Hey. We are really low-status children with no background." Wang Song sighed, his spine softened a little, and he lost a lot of vigor.


Zheng Chong also looked blank, sighing endlessly.

"Hahaha." Chen Guhong laughed suddenly, laughing like crazy.

"Guhong, what's the matter with you?" Wang Song turned pale with shock, and hurriedly stepped forward to check, and said, "Guhong, are you mad with anger? Don't be crazy, you must know that you will gain wisdom from a pitfall, and we will never lose your temper in the future." It would be nice to meet these dignitaries."


Chen Guhong just laughed, turned his head and looked around, saw a wooden basin in the firewood room, he sat on the floor, spread his legs apart, put the wooden basin under his crotch, beat the wooden basin, and sang loudly.

"Haike talks about Yingzhou, but Yantao is so weak that it's hard to find a letter."

"The more people speak Tianmao, the clouds can be seen or faded."

"Tianmu is facing the sky, and pulls out the five mountains to cover Chicheng."

"The roof is 18,000 feet long, and it is about to fall to the southeast."

"I want to fly to the mirror lake moon overnight because of my dream Wu Yue."

"The lake moon shines on my shadow and sends me to Shanxi."

"Xie Gong's residence is still there today, and the Lushui is rippling and the apes are singing."

"Wear Xie Gong's clogs and climb the Qingyun Ladder."

"You can see the sun on the half wall, but you can hear the chicken in the sky."

"Thousands of rocks turn around and the road is uncertain, and the lost flowers lean on the stone and suddenly it is dark."

"Bears roar and dragons chant Yin Yanquan, deep chestnuts and forests startle the top of the layer."

"The clouds are green and green, like rain, and the water is dull, and there is smoke."

"Lieque thunderbolt, hills collapse."

"The stone door in the cave opened suddenly."

"The mighty Qingming knows no bottom, and the sun and moon shine on Jinyintai."

"Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the king of clouds is coming and going."

"The tiger drums and the luan return to the carriage, and the immortals line up like hemp."

"Suddenly the soul palpitates with the soul, suddenly startled and sighed."

"I only feel the pillow mat of time, and lose the haze of coming."

"The same is true for the world's pleasures. Since ancient times, everything has flowed eastward."

"When will you return? Let the white deer sit among the green cliffs, and ride to visit famous mountains as soon as you have to go."

"An Neng smashes his brows and bends his waist to serve the rich and powerful, which makes me unhappy!"