Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 28: Plowing in the fields, outing on the riverside


It's not just children, walking on the street, many people recognize Chen Guhong. They all saluted and called Chen Xianggong. No one regarded Chen Guhong as a little boy anymore.

In this atmosphere, Chen Guhong entered the county government office under the leadership of the government officials.

Chen Yuan cared very much about the talents from this county. Shortly after Chen Guhong came back from the Huangshan Poetry Club, Chen Yuan went to find him, gave him some words of encouragement, and gave him some silver taels and some meat.

And said that this is the concern of the elders, but a personal gift.

Afterwards, Chen Guhong went in and out of the county government several times, and wrote chapters in front of Chen Yuan, which won Chen Yuan's love. This time he came here skillfully, and soon came to Houya Nei.

In the courtyard, Chen Yuan stood tall and dressed in a Confucian shirt. He was in his thirties, and he was very elegant and suave. Standing beside her was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and snow-white skin, looking very supple.

Chen Yuan was an official in another place, and his wife was weak and sick, so she didn't bring it with her. The one beside me is the concubine's room.

Everyone in the Yamen called Mrs. Teng.

"The student has met the teacher."

Chen Guhong went up to pay respects to Dao, and then said to Mrs. Teng: "Mrs. Teng." Mrs. Teng smiled slightly, returned the salute, and called "Zi Yu."

"I'm going to make tea." Immediately Madam Teng said to Chen Yuan.

"Okay." Chen Yuan nodded to Chen Guhong with a smile, and then said to Mrs. Teng. At this time, there are several seats in the courtyard. Chen Yuan said to Chen Guhong: "Sit."

"Thank you for sitting down."

Chen Guhong responded and knelt down.

"Do you know what the old man is looking for you today?" After sitting down, Chen Yuan asked with a serious face.

"I don't know." Chen Guhong shook his head honestly.

"I heard that you recently opened up your door to communicate with scholars from all over the world?" Chen Yuan asked.

"Exactly." Chen Guhong still nodded honestly.

"Then do you know that the county examination will be in March?" Chen Yuan's tone became a little harsh.

Chen Guhong was stunned, but it turned out that he was worried that the county exam was approaching, and my frequent exchanges and meetings with scholars would affect my studies. Can't help feeling a little warm, "This county magistrate is really loving and caring towards me." Thinking of this, Chen Guhong respectfully said: "Teacher, just now the student posted a sticker on the door. A piece of paper with the words "preparing for the county examination, thank you behind closed doors."

"Children can be taught." Chen Yuan's face softened when he heard this, and he praised.


At this time Madam Teng turned back, followed by a beautiful maid, holding two cups of good tea. Mrs. Teng took tea one after another and put them on the table in front of Chen Yuan and Chen Guhong.

"Thank you Madam." Chen Guhong said.

"You're welcome." Mrs. Teng smiled, and then retreated behind Chen Yuan.

After taking a sip of tea, Chen Yuan's face showed a sense of relief. After thinking about it, he asked, "How is the writing?"

"Reporting to Teacher, it went smoothly." Chen Guhong replied.

"That's good." Chen Yuan showed a satisfied look, and then praised: "Your chapters and sentences are definitely good, even in the general examination and palace examination, you are outstanding. As long as you don't neglect it, you can add it to the county examination. The chief examiner is an old man, you can definitely pass. But because of this, your goal should not be on the little scholar, but should be on the Juren, or even Jinshi."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yuan sighed and said: "This old man was only 28 years old when he passed the Jinshi examination, and his ranking is relatively low. This year, he is 32 years old and has been a county magistrate in two places. Although he has obtained an official status, he will not achieve much in the future Yes. You have talent, the sooner you pass the Jinshi exam, the future will be limitless."


Chen Guhong didn't care about any official status at all, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of the county magistrate, so he respectfully responded. Afterwards, Chen Yuan encouraged and nagged a few more words, and Chen Guhong listened to them.

Finally, Chen Yuan ordered his servants to prepare some food and sent Chen Guhong away.

After leaving the yamen, Chen Guhong kept two catties of pork and a basket of eggs, showing a leisurely look.

"I have the county magistrate as my backer, and I have done a good job in chapters and sentences. Isn't it easy to get a scholar?" With a laugh, Chen Guhong wandered back home while walking.

The brain produces the primordial spirit, mysterious and intelligent. Really confident, after returning home, Chen Guhong couldn't bear to write a sentence, looked around, had nothing to do, and saw that there was still a small open space in his own courtyard.

As soon as his brain opened, he took a hoe to reclaim the field.

"My lord, why did you pick up the hoe?" Seeing Chen Guhong farming, Yuanyuan covered her mouth in surprise.

"Don't you know it's an elegant thing to study hard?" Chen Guhong dissatisfied, but in fact he was just passing the time.

"Never heard of it." Yuanyuan shook her head and said.

"Short-sighted." Chen Guhong snorted, then concentrated on farming, ordered Yuanyuan to buy seeds, carried water herself, buried the rapeseeds in the soil, and scooped up water, spoon by spoon to water the ground.

In one afternoon, the open space in the house turned into a small vegetable garden. Chen Guhong looked very satisfied.

"Thinking of Zhuge Kongming's plowing in Nanyang, hugging his knees and screaming in the mountains and forests, it is really fun. On the contrary, after he became an official of Liu Bei, he worked hard and died. It is really not worth it for him."

Today, my sister and brother-in-law are not at home and will come back in the evening. Seeing the fields in the house was also a big surprise, especially my sister scolded Chen Guhong for being troublesome.

It's just short of adding the words dog and mouse.

He scolded Chen Guhong very innocently, so he used elegant things to prevaricate, so he got away with it. Keep this job of working hard at home.

Just like that, there was a sign on Chen Guhong's door that he was preparing for the county examination and thanking guests behind closed doors. But he doesn't study, he just enjoys farming. As time goes by, the vegetables on the field are growing well.

Luscious green, very robust, looking delicious and mouth watering.

When the vegetables were grown, Chen Guhong personally pulled out a few plants, ordered Yuanyuan to cook, and after eating a few mouthfuls, he praised the refreshing taste. It's another happy event.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. There are still fifty or sixty days before the county test. Chen Guhong's family can't finish the vegetables, and many of them are sent to neighbors by his sister.

Chen Guhong couldn't grow any more, so he couldn't stay at home anymore. The sun was shining brightly today, but not too hot. The transition of spring and summer is a good time for outings.

Chen Guhong couldn't bear his temper, so he put on a thin Confucian shirt, cloth shoes, and a napkin, called the naughty Yuanyuan, took an umbrella, and went out for an outing with some dry food.

When you go outing in the green, you look at the grass and smell the fragrance. This city is a vulgar place for philistines, which has nothing to do with outings. Therefore, Chen Guhong's goal is the south of the city.

About twenty miles south of Chengyangcheng County, there is a big river. The great river flows east into the sea and is called the Hongjiang River.

You can fish by the river, float boats on the river, and there are hills nearby, which is really a good place for spring.