Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 38: God of Gamblers


After the old fairy drank the wine, he just sat on his own and stopped talking.

"Old man, what's going on here?" Wang Zheng was holding the wine, and he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave. After holding back for a while, he couldn't help asking.

"Put down the wine glass, you can go." The old fairy said lightly, his eyes with the whites of his eyes were lifeless, showing an extraordinary indifference.

Wang Zheng is an honest man, seeing this look in his eyes is a bit chilling. Coupled with the old fairy talking to himself, he felt that this person was unfathomable.

"I'm just a small mortal. Although I don't really believe in ghosts and gods, I should keep them at a respectful distance." After thinking about it, Wang Zheng put down his wine glass, cupped his hands at the old fairy, and then left.

"Hey." After Wang Zheng left, the old fairy smiled strangely.

After Wang Zheng said goodbye to the old fairy, he always felt that what happened just now was evil, and his spirit was a little trance. Not long after he walked, he stepped on a stone.

"Ah yo."

With a cry, Wang Zhengzheng almost twisted his foot. Zheng Zheng was furious, thinking, "Who threw a stone on the street, isn't that harmful?" But when he looked closely, he was shocked.

I saw that where there was a stone on the ground, it was clearly a big piece of gold, which looked like twelve taels.

Wang Zhengzheng is an honest man, but when he saw the windfall, he became greedy. I looked around and saw no one, so I quickly took the gold and left in a hurry.

After hurriedly walking for a while, Wang Zhengzheng breathed a sigh of relief, weighed the gold in his hand, and felt a sense of doubt in his joy.

"Could it be that I'm really the god of gamblers? Good luck shines?"

Real money. Although Wang Zhengzheng doesn't really believe in ghosts and gods, he has to believe in them. He also knows that gambling is harmful to people, and his family is ruined and killed everywhere, but at this moment, greed also emerges.

"Do you want to try it?"

Another day, Huang Kun, in the kitchen of Wang's house.

The firewood in the stove was still burning, making a crackling sound. On the square table, there are five dishes and one soup, both meat and vegetables. Chen Guhong, Chen Xiuxiu, and Wang Zheng are each on one side, and Yuanyuan is serving on Chen Guhong's side.

Wang Zheng was beaming with joy, it was really weird.

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter with you these days. You are very happy all day long." Chen Guhong was full, put down his chopsticks, looked at Wang Zhengzheng's appearance, and asked in puzzlement.

Chen Xiuxiu also pricked up her ears, showing concern.

"Recently, the business in the grain store is very good. I'm happy." Wang Zhengzheng came back to his senses, and said with a happy expression.

"Oh. I see."

Chen Guhong let out a groan, and didn't think much about it. Now that I had eaten, I got up and went to study. Not long after, Wang Zheng also left. After returning to the room, Wang Zhengzheng undressed and lay on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

After picking up the gold that day, he dubiously took ten taels of silver and went to the casino to gamble, thinking, if it was the God of Gamblers, I would definitely win.

It doesn't matter if you lose, anyway, I picked up ten taels of gold.

With this in mind, he went to play dice. As a result, he won one hundred taels on the spot.

One hundred taels a day is an unimaginable benefit for the grain shop. When he walked out of the gambling house with the silver taels in his arms, Wang Zhengzheng became greedy.

But he was afraid that his wife and Chen Guhong would speak against him and oppose him, so he didn't say much.

Instead, he went to gamble secretly, and the good luck for several days made him win a thousand taels of silver.

"The money is enough for me to buy a hundred acres of good land outside the city and become a small landlord." Wang Zheng, who was lying on the bed, was secretly happy and excited.

"Tomorrow, wait for me to win another five hundred taels tomorrow. Just tell Xiuxiu and Gu Hong that our family will go out to buy land and live a happy life."

Wang Zheng was thinking about exciting things, but couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't until midnight that he fell asleep in a daze. Because I was hiding something, I woke up at dawn the next day.

After eating the breakfast made by Chen Xiuxiu and Yuanyuan in a hurry, they went out on the pretext of opening a shop. But in fact, these days the store is managed by the guys.

He went out the door and turned left, looked around furtively, saw no one he knew, and went to the casino.

"Dayi Casino!"

The signboard hung high, the two curtains in front of the door, each with the word "gambling" written on it, and two tall and burly thugs stood at the door.

"Come, come, big or small?"

"I'm overwhelmed."

"I'm small."

Although it was still morning, the gamblers were already there. Maybe there are also experienced gamblers who fight all night. Regardless of size or capital, this Dayi gambling house is the leading gambling house in the vicinity.

The owner of the gambling shop is a man named Brother Kun. It is said that he was a man who traveled all over the world in his early years, and he only returned home to open this gambling shop in middle age. He is a tyrannical figure in Chengyang City.

"Wang Zhengzheng, you came early in the morning?" The thugs at the door looked helpless at Wang Zhengzheng's expression. These kings are winning every day, and the boss's face is not good. Moldy head, have to be careful.

"I'm a lucky star now, possessed by the God of Gamblers, so I'm naturally more diligent than going to work." Wang Zheng smiled happily, weighed the bank notes in his hand, and walked in.

The items in the casino include dice, Pai Gow, and throwing pots and so on. At this moment, all kinds of shouts sounded, which was very lively. Wang Zheng knows nothing else, he knows how to play dice, betting big and small.

At this moment, gamblers had already gathered at the gaming table, Wang Zheng pushed the crowd aside and walked in.

"Yo, Wang Zheng is here."

"Fu Xing is here."

"God of Gamblers."

The gamblers burst into joy when they saw Wang Zhengzheng, and someone moved a stool for Wang Zhengzheng to sit down. Shouting and embracing, as if welcoming a big shot.

These day kings just won a lot by themselves, and the gamblers played with him and won a lot. When he is the God of Wealth.

Wang Zhengzheng is just a commoner, and he has never received such treatment in his life, so he can't help feeling elated. It's a greeting to all around. Then he looked forward, and the dealer in front of him who was in charge of rolling the dice saw that his face turned green.

At this moment the dice has been rolled, and the dice Gu is stuffy on it.

Satisfied, Wang Zheng took out the bank note in his hand, a full fifty taels of silver, and put it on the boy.

"Press down, down down."

The gamblers followed suit one after another, and the silver fell like snowflakes, and two hundred taels of silver fell in a moment. The dealer's face turned greener, but he still couldn't reveal the dice Gu.

"One, two, five, small."

The gamblers were overjoyed, and the face of the dealer turned greener. Wang Zheng was very happy and proud. Immediately, the dealers lost money one by one.

The gamblers were very happy after taking the money, and expressed their gratitude to the "God of Gamblers" Wang Zhengzheng, and urged Wang Zhengzheng to continue playing. Wang Zheng took out one hundred taels of silver and put it on the boss.

"Big, down big."

The gamblers dropped their money on Dashang one after another, this time it was even more, a total of four or five hundred taels.

"Three five six, big."

The dealer opened the dice Gu, his face was already sweating.


The gamblers and Wang Zhengzheng laughed heartily.