Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 40: Debt collection


At this moment, the atmosphere in the casino lobby is very strange. In front of the dice table, Wang Zheng's face was livid, his eyes were bloodshot, his hands were firmly grasping the corner of the table, his bones were protruding, and his veins were bulging.

Sweat broke out from all over his body and wet his clothes.

At this moment, the gaming table was already quite loose, and the old gamblers felt that the atmosphere was not right, so they all retreated. They all looked at Wang Zhengzheng with pity.

They have seen this situation many times. People with small family backgrounds have been ruined and sold their wives and children. But it turned out that the truth of this guy's gambling luck these days turned out to be this.

They also thought of the scene of Chen Xiuxiu being sold to a brothel for laughing.

"That woman is pretty good looking, I'll visit her if I have a chance in the future." The gamblers were all dirty, and after a moment of pity, they thought of other places.

The old gamblers have all retreated, and there are five or six gamblers left at the gaming table. Many people are still shouting, but they can be seen at a glance. Only Wang Zhengzheng was still immersed in fantasy.

"Da da da."

Just then, footsteps sounded. Wang Zheng's eyes lit up, he looked up quickly, and saw the familiar gambler coming down, he said loudly: "Dog, where is the money? Did you borrow the money?"

But it turns out that this gambler is called a dog.

Gou'er smiled, shook his head and staggered away, revealing the figure of Brother Kun behind him, and said, "You should tell me directly."

It was only then that Wang Zhengzheng discovered that a group of people came back this time, besides Brother Kun, there was also a group of shirtless and thick thugs. Before Wang Zhengzheng could react, he said to Brother Kun: "Brother Kun, lend me some money. Lend me ten thousand taels, and I will return it to you after I make the money."

Brother Kun smiled, and said: "Is there any borrowing money, let's pay back the debt first." Then, Brother Kun took out the written IOU from his cuff, and handed it back to the younger brother.

The younger brother took the IOU knowingly and put it on Wang Zhengzheng's gambling table.

In black and white, thirty thousand taels.

Gambling is a kind of addiction. When you lose, even your parents forget about it, and only remember to turn over the book. You won't wake up until you lose everything.

At this moment, Wang Zhengzheng came to his senses, looking at the note, he was stunned.

"I lost thirty thousand taels of silver? I lost thirty thousand taels of silver?"

Just when Wang Zhengzheng was in a daze, Brother Kun winked at the younger brothers around him. The younger brother understood and drove away all the guests in the casino, leaving only his own people.

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Zhengzheng came to his senses. He looked at the surrounding environment, and then at the few gamblers who had turned into thugs, with a half-smile.

Seeing the dog saddling the horse in front of Brother Kun, a burst of fire burst out of his chest, he glared at Brother Kun and said, "You lied to me!" After saying that, Wang Zhengzheng ran out.


A strong man on the left gave Wang Zhengzheng a fist, and then kicked Wang Zhengzheng in the stomach. "Ah." Wang Zheng screamed, clutching his stomach like a cooked prawn, and fell to the ground with his body arched.

"Want to run? Beat him to death first."

Brother Kun said grimly.

"Yes." The thugs responded loudly, and then they all stepped forward to punch and kick.

"Ah." Facing the attack of the violent storm, Wang Zheng could only protect his vital parts, bear it, and screamed. Physical pain is self-evident, but far less than physical pain.

"I owe 30,000 taels, I'm confused, I'm confused. Xiuxiu, Guhong, I'm sorry for you." Wang Zhengheng cried out in his heart with tears of regret.

He was terrified, really terrified. The grain shop is gone, and the house is gone is a trivial matter. What about his wife Xiuxiu and his brother-in-law Guhong

What should I do

Wang Zheng could hardly imagine what would happen in the future.

"Ah woo woo!" Wang Zheng was crying, but the dignified man was crying. Crying heartbreakingly, crying heartbroken.

"Hmph. What a fool." Brother Kun snorted coldly and winked at the little brother. The younger brother understood, put the note on the ground, half-kneeled on the ground, and forcibly pulled Wang Zhengzheng's hand. At this moment, Wang Zhengzheng's mouth was bleeding from the beating. He cruelly wiped Wang Zhengzheng's hand on the blood on his mouth, and then pressed On the IOU.

"No!" With a heart-piercing scream, Wang Zhengzheng passed out as soon as he opened his eyes. Although he passed out, his tears still remained, mixing with blood and water, causing the scarlet liquid to flow The farther, shocking.

"Hahaha." Brother Kun laughed loudly, and said to the dog, "Go, take the IOU to the Wang family. Let them hand in the deed, and then bring his wife and sell it to the brothel."

"Yes." Gou'er took the IOU with a smile, called ten brothers, and rushed to Wang's house.

Inside the king's house.

After Wang Zheng went out early, Chen Xiuxiu ordered his younger brother to buy some spices, and he killed the old hen at home by himself.

"Hen, hen. You have worked hard laying eggs for my family these years. It's just that my younger brother is going to take the county test recently, so I have to kill you to make up for him."

While slaughtering the chicken, Chen Xiuxiu was talking about it. After taking out the internal organs, throw the chicken into the prepared soup and prepare for plucking.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Yuanyuan go and open the door." Chen Xiuxiu shouted. But there was no movement for a long time, and the knocking on the door became more intense. Only then did Chen Xiuxiu remember that Yuanyuan also went out with Chen Guhong, she had no choice but to wipe her hands and went to open the door by herself.

"Who is it, here it is, here it is. Don't be in such a hurry, don't knock on the door of my house." Chen Xiuxiu murmured, walking faster.

When he came to the door, Chen Xiuxiu opened it. The battle outside startled her, and she saw a dozen strong men standing outside, looking murderous.

Chen Xiuxiu has also lived for more than twenty years, and she knows something is wrong. But at present there is no man in the family, so I have to bite the bullet and say: "Dare to ask me what's the matter?"

The leading dog first took a closer look at Chen Xiuxiu's appearance, thinking that although she was a bit old, she was pretty good-looking, and she could be worth some money if she sold it to a brothel.

Chen Xiuxiu felt a little apprehensive, and couldn't help taking a step back. Showed a look of vigilance.

"Debt collector." Gou'er smiled, and took out the IOU from his chest, which was written in black and white, and Wang Zhengzheng's handprint.

"A debt collector?" Chen Xiuxiu was taken aback, and hurried up to check the IOU. She was also literate, and it clearly stated that Wang Zhengzheng owed 30,000 taels of silver to Brother Kun, the owner of Dayi Gambling Shop.

At that moment, Chen Xiuxiu felt dizzy and almost passed out. Thirty thousand taels, thirty thousand taels. But she was more sober than Wang Zheng, and immediately said with a livid face: "You guys are blackmailing."

"Black and white writing, and fingerprints. Not to mention witnesses, as many as you want. Blackmail?" Gou'er sneered, and said fiercely: "Hurry up and hand over the deed, silver taels. You sign again and sell it to a brothel."


Chen Xiuxiu gritted her teeth and grabbed the door to close it.

"Touch!" The door was kicked open by the dog, and it slapped Chen Xiuxiu's face.

"Ah!" Chen Xiuxiu screamed and fell to the ground. The red palm print on the right cheek was visibly swollen.

"You, you." Chen Xiuxiu tremblingly looked at the dog.

"Damn it, I slapped you in the face by mistake. Don't spend it, it's worthless." Gou'er cursed secretly, feeling a little regretful. Then he said to the younger brother behind him: "Quickly go and collect the house deed, valuable silver taels."

"Yes." The younger brothers responded loudly and rushed in like robbers.

Chen Xiuxiu came to her senses and yelled miserably, "It's a robbery, it's a robbery."

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" When the neighbors heard the movement, someone came out immediately. There were also quite a few men who, upon seeing this situation, stepped forward to question him.

"What are you doing?"

"Touch!" A man was overthrown to the ground by the dog. The dog smiled and said, "Dayi Gambling is chasing you, you mind your own business."


When the people around heard the words "Dayi Gambling Square", they took a deep breath and dared not go forward again.

"You guys, don't move."

"My deed."

"My little brother's book, he is going to test his merits. You can sell me, don't delay my little brother's future. Woohoo, don't move it."

Chen Xiuxiu fell to the ground and cried alone. Seeing that her younger brother's books had also been removed, she couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged a thug's leg, crying not to move it.

"Touch!" The thug was cruel and kicked her over.


Chen Xiuxiu hit her head on the stone and bled.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Chen Xiuxiu was confused for a while, shed tears, and stared blankly at the sky.

The sky is blood red now.