Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 49: Difficult


"I wanted to kill him with a single sword and flee to the end of the world. But I didn't expect this kind of result." After leaving the manor, Chen Guhong looked back at the vermilion gate, revealing a sneer.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone.

The literati and poets of all ages were indignant at the darkness of this wealthy family, and I don't want to encounter it today.

Although the night is deep, there are stars to guide the way, and the bright moon adds color to me. Chen Guhong threw himself into the night without turning his head, his pride also arose, and he sang.

"Don't listen to Chuanlin beating leaves, why not scream and walk slowly."

"Bamboo sticks and straw sandals lightly beat horses, who is afraid? A cloud of mist and rain Ren Ping."

"It's expected that the spring breeze blows and wakes up, it's slightly cold, but the mountain top is slanting to welcome you."

"Looking back at the place that has always been bleak, when we go back, there will be neither wind nor rain."

When Chen Guhong plunged into the city and returned home. In the east, the belly of the fish has turned white, and the cock crows one after another, telling the world that it is another day. The women in every household got up, cooking stoves, and the smoke was everywhere.

Chen Guhong first went to the room and put down the Kunwu sword, changed his clothes, wiped his hair, and felt refreshed. Then I went to the kitchen to cook a good pot of porridge and put some salted shallots.

I took a bowl and went to my sister and brother-in-law's room. The room was still filled with the smell of medicine. Sister and brother-in-law are still drowsy, while Yuanyuan sits on the edge of the bed, dozing off.

"Yuanyuan." Chen Guhong called softly.

"Ah!" Yuanyuan was meeting Duke Zhou, and she almost bumped her head on the bed after hearing a call out of nowhere. After waking up, seeing Chen Guhong holding the rice porridge, he said in surprise, "My lord, you are a scholar and your hands are full of writing and ink. Why are you cooking the porridge? Why don't you call your servant."

"I'm not as delicate as you think." Chen Guhong smiled slightly, and nodded his little round head. Seeing the bloodshot eyes in her eyes, she said with a little affection: "There is still porridge in the kitchen, go eat and sleep."

Look at Chen Guhong's appearance, listen to Chen Guhong's tone. Yuanyuan was a little upset, "If you let the master do everything, why do you need me as a maid?" But seeing Chen Guhong's love and affection, she felt a little happy again.

Just think about it, and feel tired. Then she smiled and said: "Okay." After speaking, she got up and left, maybe she was too tired, her steps were weak, and she almost fell down when she walked to the door.

"Ah yo." With a cry of surprise, he held onto the door frame to stabilize himself. Feeling embarrassing, he stuck his tongue out at Chen Guhong, and then walked out.

"This girl." Chen Guhong smiled, and then sat on the edge of the bed.

"elder sister!"

Chen Guhong called softly.

"Gu Hong?" Chen Xiuxiu listened to the little brother calling in a daze, opened his eyes and saw the little brother's smiling face, loosened the tip of his nose, and smelled a scent of rice porridge, his stomach grunted unhappily, and his face Suddenly red.

Chen Guhong didn't make fun of his sister, and put the rice porridge on the small stool next to him. Then he stretched out his hand and hugged my sister's neck, and raised the pillow so that my sister could lean on it comfortably.

"Drink the porridge." Then picked up the bowl, scooped up the rice porridge with the spoon, put it on his mouth and blew it, and gently handed it to my sister's lips.

Looking at the younger brother's smiling face, feeling the younger brother's tenderness. Chen Xiuxiu felt a little uncomfortable and ashamed, turned her head away and muttered: "I used to take care of you."

"I'm older now." Chen Guhong said with a smile.

"Hmm." Chen Xiuxiu thought about it for a while, but she didn't feel ashamed anymore. He opened his mouth obediently and swallowed the rice porridge. One mouthful after another, the younger brother took care of the older sister.

Soon the bowl of rice porridge was finished, Chen Xiuxiu's stomach was full and her body was warm. She felt that other than dizziness, there was nothing serious. Turning to look at Wang Zhengzheng next to him, he was a little worried and said, "How is your brother-in-law?"

"It's a bit serious, let brother-in-law sleep first. I'll feed him medicine when he wakes up." Chen Guhong replied, and then asked: "Do you still want to drink?"

"No." Chen Xiuxiu shook her head, then looked at Chen Guhong tenderly and said, "The county examination is about to start, you should go and do your own things first. There is something called Yuanyuan."

"Hey, I know." Chen Guhong smiled. Then seeing that my sister was a little sleepy, I gently took off the pillow, hugged my sister and lay down. It wasn't until Chen Xiuxiu closed his eyes and fell asleep that he smiled and covered his sister with a quilt.

But his gratitude grew stronger in his heart.

"Hey, sister, you have suffered for nothing." Chen Guhong sighed, his guilt was palpable. Because of this, he put aside his revenge on his enemies for the time being, and took care of his sister and brother-in-law for the next three days.

Three days after her sister was slightly injured, she was fine, and she couldn't stay idle, so she started helping Yuanyuan with the housework. But brother-in-law Wang Zhengzheng was very depressed.

One of the things that caused trouble for the family was being cheated.

The arm is broken, and the strength has been reduced by 30%.

But since it happened, there is no other way but to accept it. What's more, the family is also spacious now, and if there is less strength, there will be less.

Under the relief of Chen Guhong and Chen Xiuxiu, Wang Zhengzheng gradually became optimistic.

After finishing the family affairs, Chen Guhong remembered his own affairs and the confrontation with Wu Xiude.

"I must come back from the examination for a scholar. Not only must I be a scholar, but I must also be selected as a Jinshi." Chen Guhong told himself in his heart, and on this day, his friend Wang Song came to the door.

At the critical moment, I still rely on my friends. Wang Song didn't get any news when he went out on the first day because of something. But when he got the news the next day, he came. While comforting his friend, he helped take care of him, and even sent his servants over.

Very well done inside and out.

After learning about the entanglement between Chen Guhong and Wu Xiude, and Wu Xiude's bullying. He swears again and helps to swear. And get ready for things.

Today he hosted a banquet at Yuelai Restaurant and invited a group of classmates, Tongsheng, to eat and drink together. According to his words, this man-eating mouth is short, and his hands are short.

Although they may be afraid of the power of the Wu family, but under the friendship of Jiu Cai and their classmates for many years, this group of people is also embarrassed not to make friends with Chen Guhong.

Chen Guhong thought about it for a while, after all, they have been classmates for so many years and have a deep friendship, so this group of people will not be so cold and cold. Feeling much relieved, Wu Xiude's three problems were concentrated on Gu Baoxiucai and the new county magistrate.

With a relaxed mood, Chen Guhong and Wang Song went out together and came to Yuelai Restaurant.

The classmates get together very well, and Yuelai Restaurant is a frequent visitor. The elegant seats upstairs are full of guests, big fish and big meat, good wine and good people. When you are interested, you will order wine, which is very lively.

When the wine was full, Wang Song hit the iron while it was hot, and said with a smile: "This year's county examination is approaching again. This year's mutual tie, it's time to write it down and send it to the county government for record."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere froze for a while.