Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 64: Mr. Chen in the examination room


Tongsheng is just a scholar, and he doesn't worship officials when he sees them. No practical privileges, low social status. Scholars can be exempted from corvee, and it is also a prerequisite for future imperial examinations. The so-called smooth progress will begin from then on.

Those who come today to send it off are parents, brothers and sisters.


As soon as the vermilion door was closed, the people who were seeing off outside the door became noisy.

"All the gods bless you, my youngest son must win that scholar to become a husband." An old woman with white hair sincerely kowtowed to Dongfang.

"Amitabha, bless my younger brother to be a scholar." A middle-aged woman put her hands together and paid homage to the Buddha.

Dear En Jiayan.

"That Amitabha Buddha, that one is full of gods, it doesn't matter if you hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, please give my young master a scholar, and turn around and give Yuanyuan your favorite pine flower cake to eat."

Infected by the atmosphere, Yuanyuan is also a ghostly chant of visits.

After the scholars entered the examination room, the first thing they saw was not the examination room, but a group of vicious government servants, and several pairs of shackles beside them.

I saw the first yamen servant pointing at the shackles and shouting: "Have you seen the shackles? Anyone who dares to cheat will be served by the shackles and thrown into prison."

"Line up one by one, go forward and search."

Examination body search, cheating has serious consequences, and everyone in the family knows it. No one would do such a stupid thing, so the expressions of the more than 180 scholars present could be regarded as calm.

Line up one by one and go forward to search.

Body searches are strict and clothing must be single layered. The double layer is about to be torn and thrown inside. Bring pastry that is to be broken from it.

Hair is to be untied and shoes are to be taken off.

It goes without saying that a scholarly man who reads well is handed over by a group of high-ranking and rough-looking government servants.

"Although I've known this for years. But every time I feel terrified." Chen Guhong lined up with five people, Wang Song's complexion was bitter, and his legs trembled a little.

Chen Guhong nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable. But people are swordsmen, I am fish, and I went to see the emperor for that fame, there is no way.

On the contrary, Ma Zhengde, Ma Nong, and Ma Geng looked as usual and didn't feel anything.

Soon it was Wang Song's turn, and he was harassed by the yamen servants. He untied his hairband, took off his boots and clothes, with a sad expression on his face. Fortunately, it passed quickly, Wang Song heaved a sigh of relief, picked up the test basket and stood aside, waiting for Chen Guhong.

Chen Guhong handed the test basket to the yamen servant, untied his headband, and took the initiative to search the body. But the yamen servant smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "But Mr. Chen Guhong?"

"En." Chen Guhong was taken aback, then nodded.

"Hehe." The yamen servant chuckled, and his expression became much more amiable. Then symbolically, with a gesture that was a hundred times gentler than Wang Song, he searched for Chen Guhong, and then respectfully sent it away.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of being poor together, but be afraid of being poor and rich. The current plan is that all the scholars go to the examination room, all of them are polite and sweep the floor, but Chen Guhong can maintain his dignity.

The people present looked sideways.

And Chen Guhong is very famous, almost everyone knows him. And almost everyone refuted Chen Guhong's face, and did not form a relationship with Chen Guhong.

Looking at this appearance, everyone knew that Chen Guhong was probably having some trouble with the county magistrate, and wondered why the Wu family was so powerful, and the county magistrate did not help the Wu family, but instead helped Chen Guhong

And with the support of the county magistrate, the passing rate of the county examination is 90%, and the scholar who is in harmony with Chen Guhong is afraid that he will be favored by the county magistrate, and he may barely pass.

Immediately, all the scholars were in distress. If they knew today, why did they turn against Chen Guhong at that time? A group of Chen Guhong's classmates even turned green with regret. Some of them eagerly wanted to come up to make friends, but because of the seriousness of the examination room, they dared not go forward, not to mention the pain.

Even Wang Song was surprised. When Chen Guhong stood beside him, Wang Song asked in a low voice: "Guhong, didn't the county magistrate make things difficult for you? Why are you taking care of him now?"

That day, Chen Guhong was involved in a lawsuit, and Wang Song was not at home because of something. But when he came back, he invited Chen Guhong to the Yuelai Hotel for dinner, but he didn't know that Chen Guhong was in a dream.

Then there is this question.

"Secret." Chen Guhong said with a slight smile.

"You bastard." Wang Song rolled his eyes, but he was also happy for his friend in his heart. Not long after the body search was completed, all the scholars turned left under the leadership of the yamen servants and formally entered the examination room.

In the examination room, the county magistrate and officials sat on the north side. The scholars lined up and bowed to the officials.

Chen Guhong saw Ma Zhong, and Ma Zhong also saw Chen Guhong. If it weren't for the seriousness of the scene, Ma Zhong would have knelt down long ago.

Barely resisting this urge, Ma Zhong still secretly showed a flattering smile towards Chen Guhong.

Chen Guhong could only shake his head, two Ma Zhong. One is a scholar and hermit, and the other is an official in official robes, but they represent the two sides of a scholar.

A spine, a cartilage.

Gossip aside, after saluting, a group of scholars were issued a number plate, and then led into the corresponding small house according to the number plate.

Needless to say, the house has air leaks on three sides. There is a wooden table and a wooden bed in the room. Candidates sit on the wooden bed, lie down on the desk to compose, and can rest when they are tired.

There is a toilet at the bottom of the wall on the left, which is very simple.

In previous years, Chen Guhong always felt that such a toilet was smelly and unpleasant. But this year it is refreshing and clean, and there is a small incense burner near the toilet.

Chen Guhong could only smile, "Don't care if this loyal horse is weak or not, but he does things properly."

Chen Guhong sat down very happily, and soon after, a clerk handed out blank papers with exam questions. Bringing tea again, everyone has plain water, only Chen Guhong has a cup of tea.

The scribe also whispered something. "If Mr. Chen is thirsty, call the little one."

The aroma of tea leaves attracted the eyes of the nearby scholars. Chen Guhong also felt a lot of jealous eyes, and he smiled wryly.

"This special treatment is good, but I'm afraid it will arouse the jealousy of others. It's better not to have any future troubles."

But Ma Zhong did what he did, and Chen Guhong couldn't help it at this time. I had no choice but to unfold the blank paper and concentrate on the questions. Chen Guhong's soul is mysterious and extremely intelligent.

Naturally, this question is not worth mentioning. After a little thought, it will be completed.

With just a cup of tea, Chen Guhong finished the article. The county examination is divided into two sessions, each lasting three hours. Chen Guhong had nothing to do, so he ate a few eggs prepared by his sister, drank tea, and lay down on the wooden bed to rest.

Chen Guhong himself didn't feel anything, but in the eyes of the candidates present, he was a maverick. Then there was another burst of sideways glances.

"This kid, could it be that he got the exam questions in advance?" Even his good friend Wang Song couldn't help thinking in his heart, if he didn't believe that his brother was loyal enough, he would definitely share the exam questions and wouldn't eat alone, Wang Song I have scolded my mother for a long time.