Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 70: There was no sound


Outside the yamen, the crowd was excited.

Wang Song gradually felt that it was difficult to deal with, and said very worriedly: "Although these people are heartless, heartless, and righteous, they are numerous and powerful. If we make trouble with the imperial court, our reputation as a scholar may not be guaranteed."

Chen Guhong shook his head, and said indifferently: "If the essays I wrote are still not admitted as a scholar, then the imperial examinations in Tianyun's country are really dark and boundless."

"That's right, Gu Hong's article is absolutely amazing. Even I can't do it." Ma Zhong nodded heavily and said.

"Really so good?" Wang Song couldn't believe it. He saw Chen Guhong's poems with his own eyes, but they were still at the same level in writing last year.

"If it's not strong, I'm afraid I'll be terrified when I face such a situation. You must know that Tongsheng will besiege the county government. Not only will I not be able to protect myself, I'm afraid I will be imprisoned."

Ma Zhong looked at the many children on the opposite side and sneered.

"In that case, let's publish Gu Hong's article to the public. This disaster will be quelled," Wang Song said.

"Facing a group of bulls whose eyes are blinded by red, and I am what they call a dog officer, can they listen to me?" Ma Zhong asked back.

"Then what to do?"

Wang Song touched his head and said, after thinking about it, he felt that Ma Zhong's words were reasonable.

"I have already invited Chen Shanya, the county academic and political officer, to come to uphold justice. He is the teacher of a scholar, and Tong Sheng is intimidated when he sees it. His words have weight. After the end, I will remember all these faces." Ma Zhong sneered.

"All right."

Seeing Ma Zhong's sneer, Wang Song felt a chill all over, but a little excited. It's best to treat Shang Yizhi's group of uneducated children, as well as those ruthless classmates.

After Ma Zhong finished speaking, he proposed: "Wang Song, order your slaves to stand outside the door together with the yamen servants. Let's go to the county yamen to eat and drink, and wait for Chen Shanya to come."


Wang Song suddenly agreed. And since Chen Guhong lost his friendship with this group of classmates, he had no objection, and the three of them went to the county government office to eat and drink together.

Seeing the three retreating into the county office, Zhu Tongsheng thought that the offensive was fierce, so his morale was even higher.

Someone shouted: "The dog officer and the scum have been defeated like a mountain, and they have fallen into the city."

Someone also laughed and said: "We have a lot of people waiting for us, and our morale is like a rainbow."

In a burst of excitement, the children's blood gushed out, imagining the future. Talk to those around you. Someone asked: "If all the students refuse to accept the exam, even the county magistrate will not be able to bear it. If the matter becomes serious, the imperial court will send envoys to investigate the case soon. What will happen to Wusha, the dog official?"

"As long as the facts are true, the dog official's black hair will definitely not be kept. Chen Guhong and Wang Song's scholar's uniforms will also be stripped off, and their reputation will be ruined. And our more than 170 eyes have seen with our own eyes that Chen Guhong has been treated. Preferential treatment, can you still fake it?"

Someone laughed.

Having said that, the two had fun again. Then the person who asked asked again: "Since this is the case, then the county test should be retaken this time, right?"

"Definitely retake the exam." The person who answered said emphatically.

This is the key point, everyone in the world is benefiting, as the saying goes, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is full of prosperity. Jealousy and disobedience are only on the surface, and the motive is to overthrow the results of the county test this time.

Telling each other, Zhu Tongsheng thought that the county examination could be expected, so there was another round of cheers, and the morale became even higher. Not long after, someone suggested: "In order for things to continue to ferment, we will sit here all day today. If we are hungry, each family will prepare a food box by ourselves. For three consecutive days and three nights, the court will have news."

"it is good."

All the children suddenly responded, and sat on the ground one after another, as stable as Mount Tai.

But it was difficult for them to sit for three days and three nights, because Chen Shanya had already entered from the west city. It was also bad luck, Chen Shanya went out to visit today, and the visitor was fifty miles outside the city.

Although the yamen servant hurried to look for it, it still took time. Chen Shanya also met, so he gave up the civil servant's sedan chair and came in a carriage. The bumps along the way were painful in his buttocks, and his bones seemed to be falling apart.

Chen Shanya was not happy with his child's troubles for no reason at all, and he was even more upset at this time. Thinking, "The old man saw Chen Guhong's essays with his own eyes, and both the old man and the county magistrate feel ashamed. Even if Chen Guhong got the exam questions in advance, there are still Jinshi with a higher level than us who are willing to write articles for him. How can Chen Guhong, He De, An Neng invite such people?"

Inside the carriage, Chen Shanya's face was dark and unhappy. Not long after, the carriage arrived outside the county government office. A follower outside the carriage shouted: "Master Xuezheng is here, make way."

Xuezheng is a scholar's teacher, and he is naturally close to scholars. Zhu Tongsheng thought it was the arrival of the new force, and was overjoyed. "I didn't expect Xuezheng to be alarmed. Just in time, we can pass the news to the court today."

Thinking about it, the students spontaneously led the crowd out of the way and led the Xuezheng carriage in. When the Xuezheng carriage arrived at the gate of the county government office, several leading Tongsheng arranged their clothes, bowed to the carriage, and bowed respectfully.

What I didn't want to see was Chen Shanya's dark and annoyed face, and he yelled: "After Tongsheng failed the exam, you didn't go home and concentrate on learning, but came here to make trouble, but you will lose the face of the scholar."

Zhu Tongsheng was stunned by the scolding, and was greatly surprised, "This Xuezheng lord is here, isn't he here to help us get justice?"

They couldn't scold Xuezheng, and they didn't dare to scold. But now the arrow is on the string, and it has to be launched. You Tongsheng bit the bullet and said: "Reporting to Xuezheng, the county exam is a bit unfair this time."

"It's not fair, you mean Chen Guhong?" Chen Shanya sneered.

"Yes." Seeing Xuezheng's attitude, the students felt more and more strange, but they still said bravely.

"I tell you, old man, I have reason to suspect that everyone is cheating, but I have no reason to suspect that he is cheating." Chen Shanya sneered, and then asked: "Do you know why?"

"Students don't know." The children's faces turned pale, and they felt even more strange, and flinched.

"Let me tell you, I can't write the article he wrote. It's really amazing. I read it silently several times, and I have already remembered it, so I will read it to you." Chen Shanya sneered. One, and then opened his mouth to read aloud.

Chen Shanya is not a local, and his accent is wrong. But Tianyun Kingdom has its own official language, which can be understood by most scholars. What Chen Shanya spoke was official Chinese, which was very charming and pleasant to listen to.

Chen Guhong's articles are not earth-shattering, but they are also amazing and talented. After hearing one sentence, Tong Sheng's face turned pale, after listening to ten sentences, his face turned ashen, and after listening to it, his face turned dark.

At the scene, Tong Sheng's lips were purple, his hands were tightly grasped, and his body trembled slightly.

Seeing the reactions of the children, although their family members did not understand, they also felt that something was wrong and dared not make a sound. There was no sound at the scene, only Chen Shanya's dark cheek.