Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 76: arctic fox


Mrs. Zheng was happy and angry, and her expression didn't change when she came back. She blessed Chen Guhong and the two and started eating cakes.

She ate small bites, definitely not because of the embarrassment of a shy woman, but very elegant.

Chen Guhong and Wang Song were surprised again, but they didn't speak.

Nothing to do in the afternoon, in the evening Chen Guhong called Yuanyuan and Tie Zhu to go shopping, after a meal, it was evening. And Mrs. Zheng still didn't show up. Sleeping at night, Zheng Chong's house does have a guest room, but it is small and crude.

And there are only two.

It was inconvenient for women to live in the inn, so Chen Guhong and the two called the slaves to live in the inn, and the maidservants to live in another room. Chen Guhong and Wang Song fell asleep together.

It's not easy to speak in front of people in the daytime. At night, the two brothers went to sleep on their feet, and they had something to talk about.

Wang Song rested his head on an old pillow, and said: "The old lady Zheng is really weird. The young lady Zheng looks like she has seen the world, and her etiquette is very thoughtful and elegant, not like a girl from a small family. Brother Zheng is just a husband-in-law. , from a poor family, it is logically impossible to marry such a woman."

"Old Madam Zheng is really weird, but it's hard to speculate about Sister-in-law Zheng. Maybe they were the relatives given by their fathers?" Chen Guhong said.

"But Mrs. Zheng clearly said that Mrs. Xiao is a coquettish fox." Wang Song said.

"This is rather strange." Chen Guhong nodded, his eyes flashed a little deep, and said: "And have you noticed that Brother Zheng's death is a bit unusual. His face is full of horror, his hands are clenched, it seems to be Scared?"

"What can scare people to death?" Wang Song asked.

"I don't know." Chen Guhong shook his head, and then said: "But this family is very strange, and we are guests, so it's not easy to ask. We will go to a nearby family to find out tomorrow."

"Okay." Wang Song responded, then turned over and turned sideways to the wall. After a while, Chen Guhong heard a slight snore.

Chen Guhong tossed and turned, and couldn't sleep. After two hours like this, the urge to urinate welled up. Sitting up from the bed, he put on his coat and went to the hut to relieve himself.

Needless to say, there was a burst of refreshment. After returning, Chen Guhong heard a little movement.

"Who is it?!" Chen Guhong's eyes flashed brightly, and then he jumped up and stood on the courtyard wall. Looking north, a white light flashed.

Without hesitation, Chen Guhong ran after him. This chase lasted for twenty miles, during which time he almost lost track in several places. Fortunately, with the help of the little ghost Gao Zhuang, it was not lost.

"That's a white fox!" Gao Zhuang said.

"White Fox?!" Chen Guhong frowned, and asked, "It's impossible for an ordinary white fox to be so fast. Is it a fox demon?"

"Full of monster spirit!" Gao Zhuang replied.

"Could it be that this fox demon harmed Brother Zheng?" Chen Guhong thought of the strangeness of the Zheng family, so he was a little suspicious. The revenge of killing a friend has to be avenged.

Chen Guhong's heart became more and more grateful, his heroic spirit gushed out, his feet were covered with dust, the faster he chased. After chasing for another twenty miles, Chen Guhong came to a mountain.

The night is deep, there are no stars or moon in the sky, there are occasional night owls screaming in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are even a group of graves nearby.

And what was chasing after was a white fox demon, even Chen Guhong felt a chill all over because of his boldness.

"Monsters come out of a filthy and evil place. This place is not like a good place. Monsters generally don't live alone, and the yin is heavy at night. My lord, don't chase too deep. Anyway, the place has been found, and I will explore it when there is more yang during the day. Good deal."

Gao Zhuang is a ghost, he is extremely sensitive and feels something is wrong, so he reminded him.

The little ghost explored the way and had to listen. What's more, he didn't even bring the Kunwu sword for the rush out tonight, so Chen Guhong stopped. Now his eyesight is amazing, and when he looked forward, he saw a white fox standing on an old tree hundreds of meters ahead.

The old tree has been around for some years, half of it is bare with dead branches, and the other half is green with bright leaves. It looks like a god and a devil with two sides, very weird.

Standing on the bare tree trunk, the white fox also looked at him.

This white fox is about three feet long, and its whole body is snow-white without any stray hairs. Foxes are livestock, but this white fox is unusual, not only the eyes are smart, but also an outstanding spirituality.

It lay on the tree trunk, crossed back and forth, yawned slightly, and its tail swung slightly, showing an unusual sense of elegance.

"Sure enough, if things go wrong, there must be a monster." Chen Guhong felt that this monster was the thing that killed Zheng Chong, so he clenched his fists tightly, and said: "I'll find it to make trouble in the future."

After finishing speaking, Chen Guhong turned around and left.

Seeing Chen Guhong turn around and leave, Baihu stared at him for a moment, then frowned slightly, as if he was thinking. It is even more elegant and diffuse, as if a boudoir lady frowned slightly.

Immediately, the white fox stood up, turned into a cloud of black smoke and rode away in the wind.

It's a hundred miles to go back and forth, not to mention the various intricate terrains on the road. Even if Chen Guhong is faster than a horse, he can travel thousands of miles a day.

But it was still delayed for about an hour and a half, plus two hours of inability to sleep, and it was almost dawn when I came back. Seeing Wang Song's deeper snoring, Chen Guhong was a little envious.

"Sure enough, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. If I were a mortal, how could I hear the movement of the white fox. I even chased it for forty or fifty miles overnight."

Chen Guhong shook his head, although he couldn't sleep, he still lay down and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Soon after, the rooster crowed Ming. Chen Guhong and Wang Song got up together, washed up under the service of their maidservants. For breakfast, the two also sent their servants and maidservants to help with the grocery shopping.

Today is the first seven, the legendary Day of Resurrection.

As friends, Chen Guhong and Chen Guhong naturally had to keep vigil at night. There was nothing to do in the daytime, as soon as the two discussed it, Chen Guhong stayed behind as a cover, while Wang Song went to investigate.

Around noon, Wang Song came back. He secretly took Chen Guhong to the pond outside the yard, and then said: "I have inquired, and it was said that he died suddenly in the middle of the night, and the cause of death is unknown. The origin of Mrs. Zheng is also unknown. It was Zheng Chong who brought her from outside a few years ago. She came back. Although she was married in a serious manner with a banquet, I have never seen her come back to guard against relatives, nor have I seen any relatives in her family. The origin is very mysterious."

"Many strange things show that Zheng Chong's death was wronged." Wang Song rubbed his chin in thought. Although he had never watched TV, his movements and expressions were strikingly similar to the big detective in the TV series.

Chen Guhong smiled wryly.

Zheng Chong, whose cause of death is unknown, has not met the weird Mrs. Zheng yet. Mrs. Zheng Xiao, who has a mysterious origin, is a member of the small Zheng family of five.

It looked that only the two children were normal, two were abnormal, and one was dead.

And Chen Guhong was more troubled than Wang Song, because he also met a white fox last night.

What a mess.